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IndoPak Nuclear War Would Kill 2 Billion People, End Civilization with famine | Study

There will never be nuclear war between Indian and Pakistan.... Here is why:
Good. you called it "artificial peace". That was my point. And no Pakistan and India went to many wars after

India exploded bombs back in 70s.

Please do not be so ignorant about your own history.

See my dear.

you don't read before posting.

I just asked you a simple set of questions, but you could not respond.

1. who pressed the nukkie bumb button not once but twice with no provocation from Pakistan.
-----------luckily both times the nukki bumbs were underground.
2. Guess what they chose the site of these dumb bumbs right next to our border.

So this "no first use theory" is hocus pocus.

I thought you know the difference between 'test' and 'use'.

And the bombs were carefully underground, not luckly. Again, I thought you would know.

Those sites were choosen because they are desert areas, not because of Pakistan.

We have a NFU in place, it is Pakistan that needs to control its nuke-mongering.

In short, you can sleep tight without worrying about our nukes as long as your nukes safely stays in silos.
Actually yes. Think about it,

With India, 30% of the poor is instantly gone as well as a relief on the Earth's resources. With the elimination of Pakistan, you have one of the world's biggest creators of Islamic terrorism gone and literacy and rationality will shoot up.

But as an Indian I don't want to see this happen.
Kind of hit the nail on the head. Perhaps you all can make your countries places that would be dearly missed.
While admire you sentiments.

It is time

Indians realize that nukki bombs are much more lethal in our region than any other region in the world.

your examples are based on suppositions and no history.


the view opposite from yours is ground strongly in history of the region.

I hope you understand and do not try to push the issue under the Sari.

Again wrong. Present realities are far more important than history. History says US bombed Japan not Iran, present realities are opposite. Israel-Iran situation is much more dangerous than Indo-Pak, even though they didn't fight so many wars lile us.
Kind of hit the nail on the head. Perhaps you all can make your countries places that would be dearly missed.

Thank you @Juice for giving me a hearty laugh.

For that to happen, the society has to shift to a rationalist tone. Tribalism confronted and Individuality nurtured and cherished.

We have to see education not only as a tool, but as a liberator, emancipator to free thought.

We have to give equal status to Women in all spheres.

I can't see that happening.

I mean, India had a leader who talked about Atheism, rationalism replacing the false gods. About contraception liberating Women, Women being encouraged to take up profession, choosing their own partners.

But he is more well known for being a Linguistic Chauvinist.

In my opinion, two of the major religions, Hinduism and Islam needs to tackled and pushed to the background.

Half of our population lives in darkness metaphorically and literally.

What a monumental task it will be to illuminate their lives by rational thought and science.

@Juice believe it or not, I still immensely love my country. Instead of an inferiority laden abhorrence a lot of indians develop, I have developed anger.
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But Indians will never dare attacking China with nukes.

Their dumb bumbs will be used against little raja aka Pakistan.

They can't even dare to do an underground nukie bumb next to Chinese border

the way did it next Pakistani border when in fact Pakistan had not provoked indians in any way.

Afaik China also has a NFU in place just like India. Nukes are not used just to prove size of ones' balls, such false bravado exists in comic books and in the minds of certain "Martial races". Both China & India are responsible countries and we will act responsibly to sort out our differences through dialogue.

And our China border areas are not suitable for nuke tests, those are fragile ecologies and our water sources. Please apply logic, not jingoism.

But Indians will never dare attacking China with nukes.

Their dumb bumbs will be used against little raja aka Pakistan.

They can't even dare to do an underground nukie bumb next to Chinese border

the way did it next Pakistani border when in fact Pakistan had not provoked indians in any way.
Why so much hate Sir, Indian Nukes are just for strategic and defensive purpose, not to bomb any one. Have you ever heard any Indian saying that we want to nuke pakistan. Infact India is a only country which has said to destroy nuke of all nation. Thar is a desert, where do you want to test our fission,fusion devices, in cities.
Why so much hate Sir, Indian Nukes are just for strategic and defensive purpose, not to bomb any one. Have you ever heard any Indian saying that we want to nuke pakistan. Infact India is a only country which has said to destroy nuke of all nation. Thar is a desert, where do you want to test our fission,fusion devices, in cities.

Look my bro

If an Indian on PDF says this and that. it doesn't really matter if the Indian government is ready to press the red button for nukie bomb planted next to Pakistani border.

I hope you understand that both in 70's and in 90s Pakistan did not do anything to provoke Indian politicians and generals.

But Indian politicians and generals exploded the bombs anyways.

India could have easily done that far out in Indian ocean on some small island. But they didn't.

They wanted to shake up Pakistan.

So now if an ordinary India, and well meaning Indian, a kind hearted Indian wants to believe in the BS of NFU, what can I say.

People believe in Santa Clause too.

But Indians will never dare attacking China with nukes.

Their dumb bumbs will be used against little raja aka Pakistan.

They can't even dare to do an underground nukie bumb next to Chinese border

the way did it next Pakistani border when in fact Pakistan had not provoked indians in any way.
Fauji bhai, your posts are getting dumber by the day. What's happened to you? I thought you were one of the balanced posters out here who spoke sense.

But unfortunately, you've started trolling like some of the newbies out here. From sense to nonsense!

I being one of the biggest and brightest trolls on PDF, please don't follow my footsteps! :close_tema::lol:
God forbid if this scenario happens. God forbid

Indians will then try to get immigrant visa to BDesh

Pakistanis will line up at Khyber begging Afghanistanis to let them in

BDeshis will open these Indian camps on the border, complaining to the UN that they can't feed all these Indians.
--- These Damn Indians are eating all their rice


Interesting subject though....the only losers in the end would be none other than India and Pakistan. And it'd be a very quiet place for a very long time. Nature will take its course.
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I don't know about India but here in Pakistan we have no preparation to save people. Common people even don't know the first reaction to save them from after effects. In 1960s ,70s government of Britain and U.S.A gave their nation training, exercises , hide guidance, documentaries to save their people in nuclear conflict. In nuclear war scenario, we have NO rescue program. Shame on our governments...
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really to be sure, subcontinent is the most dangerous place to live, two nucleur armed countries hostille to each other, two other nucleur armed countries playing their intrest here(U.S), China and a fcking unsovable problem (Kashmir).
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