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Indonesian space institute under siege by FLAT EARTH BELIEVERS

so if the earth is round and moving if i stay in a helicopter in the same place for 12 hours i would end up in america??? pls answer these questions so we will believe you

You don't reach USA in a hovering helicopter because atmosphere rotates with earth.

Try watching a video on navel railgun and learn why is it effective at 200 miles at most? It has something to do with the roundness of the earth.
eventho they do that, they still got answers right? They will be educated, directly or indirectly. And as madokafc has said, this movement is just people seeking for attention and it is not that accute actually. It is a real problem yes but not as real as what media such as straittimes told you.

Anyway, "lack of sciences" could you please ellaborate more on your statement? because to me, such statement is biased. Lack in terms of what? quantity? variety? anything lacks something seen from certain perspective. @madokafc

Again, another Close minded view

It is not biased or something like that, but Indonesian Education Standard lacks of Sciences is based on Data & Facts.
According to PISA RESULTS 2015, Science in Indonesia Education is on the Low Level section, especially when you compare that to other countries. :coffee:

This is what I mean, Indonesia NOT in Top 10, NOT in Top 20, NOT in Top 30, and even NOT in Top 40 or 50 also :tsk:

PISA Results 2015 4.png

Searching "Indonesia" word in that Results, you can see by yourself.
Where is Indonesia position?
Even Vietnam (The country that most Indonesian see Poorer than us) have much much much Better results in Sciences education than Indonesia.

So, It's not the problem Poorer or Richer, but It's all about Education Standard :-)


@GS Zhou @TaiShang @nufix @AViet
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Its better to leave that thing alone
@nufix don't get thing wrong

What I mean in here..
With our Very Low results in PISA 2015 Education Standard, not only in Sciences.
But in all others important category of education standard, like Math and Reading also.

It's such a Despise to see Indonesia (The so called Leader of South of East Asia) but have very Low Standard for all Important aspect of General education in this country (According PISA Standard Results Data 2015) :coffee:

But the Positive thing is..
That's mean we still have very Huge potential to grow up until we reach the Top.
To compete with Human Resource from countries like Singapore, China, Japan, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan), South Korea, Vietnam, and many others in the Top.

It's the same case in here, last year Guizhou (China's Poorest Province) only have 3 Times Indian GDP Nominal Per capita, but that's mean they still have Big Potential to grow faster for their Economic. To reach 5 times or 10 times Indian GDP in a couple of next year

My teacher always said to me when I am still in College many years ago,
"People need to see their own weakness, to grow and become a better person" :-)

That's the main point we discuss in here, I really want to see Indonesia become Better and reach the Top of course.
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@nufix don't get thing wrong

What I mean in here..
With our Very Low results in PISA 2015 Education Standard, not only in Sciences.
But in all others important category of education standard, like Math and Reading also.

It's such a Despise to see Indonesia (The so called Leader of South of East Asia) but have very Low Standard for all Important aspect of General education in this country (According PISA Standard Results Data 2015) :coffee:

But the Positive thing is..
That's mean we still have very Huge potential to grow up until we reach the Top.
To compete with Human Resource from countries like Singapore, China, Japan, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan), South Korea, Vietnam, and many others in the Top.

It's the same case in here, last year Guizhou (China's Poorest Province) only have 3 Times Indian GDP Nominal Per capita, but that's mean they still have Big Potential to grow faster for their Economic. To reach 5 times or 10 times Indian GDP in a couple of next year

My teacher always said to me when I am still in College many years ago,
"People need to see their own weakness, to grow and become a better person" :-)

That's the main point we discuss in here, I really want to see Indonesia become Better and reach the Top of course.

Indonesia need to abandoned education based on religion.
Kids need to developed critical thinking..
They are your future generations for fc k sake.
I have seen tons of Indonesian younger generation lack of critical thinking.
You don't reach USA in a hovering helicopter because atmosphere rotates with earth.

Try watching a video on navel railgun and learn why is it effective at 200 miles at most? It has something to do with the roundness of the earth.
so we can launch a rocket horizontally?
eventho they do that, they still got answers right? They will be educated, directly or indirectly. And as madokafc has said, this movement is just people seeking for attention and it is not that accute actually. It is a real problem yes but not as real as what media such as straittimes told you.

Anyway, "lack of sciences" could you please ellaborate more on your statement? because to me, such statement is biased. Lack in terms of what? quantity? variety? anything lacks something seen from certain perspective. @madokafc

They are just bored politicians who want to turn science into politic with religion as the basis. You know politicians. Even if it's wrong, it will be right, according to them, just because they want it to be right. They don't care about science, they care only on their political objective. That's why it's hard for our country to move forward. Because there's full of politician who turn everything to politic just for sake to win something. (semuanya dipolitisasi bro. Makanya jadi kacau).
so we can launch a rocket horizontally?
i have doubt about roundness of earth after your questions... it like i was told we evolved from apes and somebody said why we still got monkeys... my mind was blown.. :)
. .
like i was told we evolved from apes and somebody said why we still got monkeys... my mind was blown
lets come back to science now here you said humans developed from apes which is scientifically wrong, no where Darwin in his theory says that humans developed from apes what he did say though was that humans and apes had a common ancestor.

hope this time you will not go off topic and blabber like a lunatic.
. .
Even if Earth is flat how does that prevent one from exploring space?
Hi Flattie,
Its very simple. Show us the edges of flat Earth and I will believe you.
what do you think happened MH370??? wherever it fell off is the edge of the earth and we are not allowed to go
This thread is a great entertainment. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
so if the earth is round and moving if i stay in a helicopter in the same place for 12 hours i would end up in america??? pls answer these questions so we will believe you

Have you noticed a fly inside a bus or train?
If yes, they why it dosent get thrown away to rear because bus is moving
Because when bus moves the air inside it moves at the same speed and fly is part of air / atmosphere

In the same way, helicopter is part of the atmosphere which is moving with earth, however moon/ stars which are away from revolving atmosphere or away from gravitational field stay and same place and after 12 hrs they face US from Sri lanka

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