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Indonesian radicals protest against a new incoming ethnic Chinese Jakarta governor

thanks. but why are they in uniform? should they be disbanded?

they are in uniform because they are paramilitary wing when they are first formed by the Government back in 1965 era's. They have duties to assist the TNI (or ABRI at the time) to located, traced, and arrest suspicious Communist member when the purges against the commies at the height back in 1965-1966 massacres. In the 70 to 80 eras, they are had been used by the government to keep the watch against Islamist movement and another religious movement in Indonesia, in which has been leading to Tanjung Priok massacres and another massacres in East and West Java. Tanjung Priok massacres itself is to call an incident about the killings of about more than three hundreds Muslim prayer in North Jakarta by the TNI in which assisted by some paramilitary wing unit such as Pancasila youth. Thousands of Muslim leader has been death and abducted by the TNI back in 70-80 era's of Soeharto regime.

That's why my self is very agitated when some Chinese-Indonesia trying to playing victims about the misfortune happened to them while in Soeharto era. More peoples from other Indonesian ethnics has been killed during his regime, and we are not talking about a mere hundreds number of victims but in tens thousands or more. Soeharto killing more his own Javanese peoples, Acehnese, Ambonese, Papuans, Sundanese and others than Chinese descent ethics living in Indonesia. Taking the others Indonesian ethnics doesn't have any financial and influence clout as the Chinese, the misfortune happened to them bound to be unheard and tend to be forgotten by most peoples today.

Don't trying to playing blind and deaf, we are all the same victims from his and his elitist craziness.
no it is not religious ..........Indonesian society is very tolerant........ is been 10 year i am living in Indonesia

but because of arrogant nature of chines ,Javanese hate them

chines is very strong in Indonesia.... 90% Chinese hold top business in Indonesia

90%? That's the variance of Suharto's myth to incited hatred against the Chinese, to hide his family corruption. The majority of business in Indonesia is hold by the Government. After that you still have other ethnic tycoon and foreign business investment (Freeport Newmont, Exon, etc). Ignoring everything, Chinese indeed have quite a big slice in economy relative to their population, but more often than not the tycoon are used as a front by army general, politician, or the ruling family.

regarding reli

why they are not hostile to other community ........except chines
For someone who said love Indonesia, you need to do more reading.....
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aww really? so can I tell my family to stop supporting some poor chinese families in Singkawang and Riau?

Don't be rascist if you don't want to get some.

so can I tell my family to stop supporting many poor native Indonesian Orphans in Jakarta?

what you want to show us with that comment !?
are we in the show "how much people from other ethnic you helped"

Don't be Childish, Dude !!

regarding reli

why they are not hostile to other community ........except chines

are you really lived in Indonesia for 10 years?
are you serious with that comment? what should I give you the list, other community in Indonesia who "hate" the Javanese?!
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so can I tell my family to stop supporting many poor native Indonesian Orphans in Jakarta?

what you want to show us with that comment !?
are we in the show "how much people from other ethnic you helped"

Don't be Childish, Dude !!

are you really lived in Indonesia for 10 years?
are you serious with that comment? what should I give you the list, other community in Indonesia who "hate" the Javanese?!

you should reprimand @Phukimak too, he is the one who bringing the racist and bigotry comment here.

And what's wrong with the Javanese? more community in Indonesia is like to cooperate with them including your own people, and the factual reality is even Indonesian-Chinese mostly living and thriving and got much of their wealthy in Java island than other parts in Indonesia.
so can I tell my family to stop supporting many poor native Indonesian Orphans in Jakarta?

what you want to show us with that comment !?
are we in the show "how much people from other ethnic you helped"

Don't be Childish, Dude !!

are you really lived in Indonesia for 10 years?
are you serious with that comment? what should I give you the list, other community in Indonesia who "hate" the Javanese?!

why bother with them?
they not worth it.
most indonesia poster here still young, they haven't experienced what we experienced because at that time they still sucking their mama tits.. lol

about that indian, don't mind him.. he don't know shit..
if javanese people really that good, he should ask bali people... what's their opinion about javanese people.. lol
i got friend doing business in bali, he told me that most of bali people very welcome to indonesia chinese .. because we come to bali to do business and live up the local economy.. while the javanese come as criminal..

True story.. lol
so can I tell my family to stop supporting many poor native Indonesian Orphans in Jakarta?

dude, calm down, look into what Phukimak said before throwing out the blame on everyone that responded him.

And no, we are not in the show "whose ethnic helped whose ethnic", maybe you should ask Phukimak about that, he's the one that brings the show, might as well ask him the theme.
why bother with them?
they not worth it.
most indonesia poster here still young, they haven't experienced what we experienced because at that time they still sucking their mama tits.. lol
about that indian, don't mind him.. he don't know shit..
if javanese people really that good, he should ask bali people... what's their opinion about javanese people.. lol
i got friend doing business in bali, he told me that most of bali people very welcome to indonesia chinese .. because we come to bali to do business and live up the local economy.. while the javanese come as criminal..
True story.. lol

Phukimak, you are old and trembling, you represent everything that is wrong with Indonesia during Soeharto's era..
despicable, bigotry, snobbish, rude, and perhaps corrupt as well...
you blame the young for our inexperience, yet your very own words is full nonsense childish ranting

because at that time they still sucking their mama tits.. lol

what is this? do you think with the tits and lol thing someone will take your words seriously?

if javanese people really that good, he should ask bali people... what's their opinion about javanese people.. lol
i got friend doing business in bali, he told me that most of bali people very welcome to indonesia chinese .. because we come to bali to do business and live up the local economy.. while the javanese come as criminal..

and now you try to bring hatred between balinese and javanese?
seriously? seriously? you better fixed your view and language or bug off
Phukimak, you are old and trembling, you represent everything that is wrong with Indonesia during Soeharto's era..
despicable, bigotry, snobbish, rude, and perhaps corrupt as well...
you blame the young for our inexperience, yet your very own words is full nonsense childish ranting

what is this? do you think with the tits and lol thing someone will take your words seriously?

and now you try to bring hatred between balinese and javanese?
seriously? seriously? you better fixed your view and language or bug off

he is product of old, need some medicine to get his heart to keep working properly.
Why the hell did they vote for him then!!
JAKARTA: Hundreds of Muslim hardliners on Wednesday (Sep 24) protested against the incoming governor of the Indonesian capital, labelling the Christian, ethnic Chinese politician an "infidel" and "the devil".

Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (鍾萬勰) will be Jakarta's first leader from the tiny ethnic Chinese minority of the world's most populous Muslim-majority country, and only the second Christian governor to lead the capital.

Known by his nickname Ahok, the 48-year-old is now deputy governor and is due to automatically become leader when the current governor, Joko Widodo, steps down in the coming weeks to be sworn in as president. Purnama's straight-talking, no-nonsense style and campaign for transparency in the graft-ridden nation has helped him win strong public support.

While many have hailed his rise as a sign of growing tolerance towards a minority that has traditionally faced discrimination in Indonesia, the country's small but vocal hardline fringe has taken issue with his appointment.

On Wednesday some 300 hardliners, mainly from the Islamic Defenders' Front (FPI), demonstrated outside Jakarta's local parliament, singing religious songs, citing verses from the Koran, and calling Purnama an "infidel", "the devil" and a "madman".

"Get out, get out. We will drag you out of Jakarta if you ever become our governor. Never let an infidel be our leader," a protester shouted from among the crowd, who were dressed in white outfits and Muslim skullcaps. Several representatives entered the building to meet local lawmakers and demand they reject the appointment of Purnama.

The incoming governor played down the protest, however, telling reporters: "They are only a small group who have yet to accept me. Everyone else has."

While the demonstration was largely peaceful, a woman motorcyclist who tried to force her way through the crowd was mobbed by some protesters before others helped her to safety.

The FPI has thousands of members and is known for threatening, intimidating and physically attacking Indonesians with almost complete impunity despite repeated calls for the government to ban the organisation. The group has succeeded in getting events it deems "un-Islamic" either cancelled or changed in the past. In 2012, pop sensation Lady Gaga axed a concert in Jakarta after protests led by the FPI.

Indonesian radicals protest against new Jakarta governor - Channel NewsAsia

Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (鍾萬勰), an ethnic Hakka Chinese (born June 29, 1966)
He is also known by his Hakka affectionate nickname, Ahok ( 阿勰).

Indonesia came a long way and I hope this bunch of radicals don't turn the clock back on her.
Nothing wrong in their demands. Its perfectly inline with Islamic sharia. Muslims are not allowed to take orders from kafir in an islamic state. In an islamic state, the only status for a kafir is that of a Dhimmi.
FPI is a tiny minority, only in hundreds.

Most Jakartan support ahok, including me :-)

We like the way he handles jakarta. Actually we pick jokowidodo, he is in one packet before, as jokowi becomes president, ahok position go up automatically....
Nothing wrong in their demands. Its perfectly inline with Islamic sharia. Muslims are not allowed to take orders from kafir in an islamic state. In an islamic state, the only status for a kafir is that of a Dhimmi.

in malaysia perhaps that's a problem, not in indonesia, we have a catholic defence minister, a hindu chief of air force and numerous christian governor..
... some of us still make noise out of it, but generally people accept it
and if you are not close minded enough, you find a scattered historical fact where non-muslim rose to high rank official during some of the islamic dynasty, either a senior general and a governor (Raja Man Singh. Raja Jai Singh) or even such sensitive position, like treasurer during ummayad caliphate, which composed of several Jewish treasurer

we should see person based on his/her allegiance, if he/or she is loyal to their country and capable, then why bother his religion,
if you do so, then you create your own problem
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