Sulman Badshah
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Indonesian Naval Special Warfare KOPASKA and Pakistan SSG N conducting 10 days joint exercise starting 18 August 2016 in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Jakarta, August 18, 2016, - Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) held a joint exercise between the Unit KOPASKA (Satkopaska) Navy with Pakistan Navy opened SSG Operations Assistant Chief of Naval Staff (Asops Kasal) Rear Admiral TNI ingn Ary Atmaja, SE, represented Waasops Kasal First Admiral TNI Mintoro Yulianto, S. Sos., M.Sc., at the Command Headquarters Satkopaska RI Fleet Command West Region (Koarmabar), Pondok Paddle, North Jakarta, Thursday (18/8) . in his speech Asops Kasal Admiral TNI ingn Ary Atmaja, SE, read Waasops Kasal, among others, said that the development of the strategic environment has put the relationship between the state increasingly complex, in addition to always consider the national interests of each, relations between countries are also characterized by work together increasingly closely with the foundation of mutual interests. One form of cooperation that is built is the implementation of a joint military exercise between Kopaska Navy with SSG Pakistan Navy. To maintain the sovereignty and integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia from any form of interference, obstacles and threats of potential and factually, it is necessary the presence of Army Indonesia's strong national and professional and got both moral and material support of all components of the nation. In order to realize such a military posture, one of the leaders of the Navy policy is to increase the professionalism of soldiers. This is achieved by increasing knowledge / knowledge, expertise / skills and attitude / attitude that is based on the fighting spirit of morality and identity as a soldier. Yardstick professional soldier is a soldier that individuals and groups have the ability and skills to the standard required, so it can complete its duties and responsibilities in accordance job description is good, true and correct. More Asops Kasal said that, in line with developments and changes in the global world as well as the challenging tasks ahead increasingly heavy and complex, Satkopaska Navy who have a special duty to implement special warfare or special sea warfare, demanded continuously improve the ability and professionalism by practicing constantly. To add a wider horizon, it is necessary exercises that not only carried out in the scope of their own country, but also to do with the exercises international scale. According Asops Kasal, training material this time is focused on the material VBSS ie the Visit Board Search and Seizure and Frogman Frogman operation or in special sea warfare. From this exercise is expected an increase in a variety of ways, be it a matter of practice, togetherness, familiarity and cooperation between Kopaska Navy with SSG Pakistan Navy. For soldiers Satkopaska, of course, this exercise is expected to improve in terms of technique, tactics of individuals and teams, especially in combating terrorism at sea. Ending his address Asops Kasal say a few words to serve as guidelines and will be carried out in order to carry out this exercise very seriously and responsibly with motivation, dedication and high morale and increase cooperation and togetherness among trainees. During the execution of the exercise in order to keep attention to the security and safety of both personnel and material. Differences in language, nationality and character so that it becomes a means to know each other and establish cooperation between nations. Also in order to improve cooperation and togetherness well with all participants exercise or with relevant agencies especially with people around the exercise area so that the exercise can be run safely and smoothly with optimum results. Present on the occasion, Asops Pangarmabar Marine Colonel (P) I Gusti Kompiang Aribawa and Athan Pakistan Colonel Shahid S.
Kopaska TNI AL Adu Ilmu dengan SSG Pakistan Navy
August 18, 2016 BERITA, INDONESIA
INDOSEJATI- Satuan Komando Pasukan Katak (Satkopaska) TNI Angkatan Laut menggelar latihan bersama dengan SSG Pakistan Navy. Latihan bersama tersebut dibuka oleh Asisten Operasi Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Asops Kasal) Laksamana Muda TNI I.N.G.N. Ary Atmaja, diwakili Waasops Kasal Laksamana Pertama TNI Mintoro Yulianto di Markas Komando Satkopaska Komando Armada RI Kawasan Barat (Koarmabar), Pondok Dayung, Jakarta Utara.
Laksamana Muda Ary Atmaja, seperti disampaikan oleh Waasops Kasal, mengatakan bahwa latihan bersama itu merupakan bentuk kerjasama antar negara yang dilandasi kepentingan bersama. Menurutnya, perkembangan lingkungan strategis telah menempatkan hubungan antara negara semakin kompleks, di samping senantiasa mempertimbangkan kepentingan nasional masing-masing.
Untuk menjaga kedaulatan serta integritas Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia dari segala bentuk gangguan, hambatan serta ancaman baik yang potensial maupun faktual, sangat diperlukan kehadiran Tentara Nasional Indonesia yang kuat dan profesional serta mendapat dukungan baik moral maupun material dari seluruh komponen bangsa.
Dalam rangka mewujudkan postur TNI yang seperti itu, salah satu kebijakan pemimpin TNI Angkatan Laut adalah meningkatkan profesionalisme prajurit. Hal ini ditempuh dengan meningkatkan pengetahuan, keahlian dan sikap hidup yang dilandasi semangat juang moralitas dan jati diri sebagai seorang prajurit. Tolak ukur prajurit profesional adalah prajurit yang secara individu dan kelompok memiliki kemampuan dan keterampilan sesuai standar yang dipersyaratkan, sehingga dapat menyelesaikan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya sesuai job description secara baik, benar dan tepat.
Menurut Asops Kasal, materi latihan kali ini difokuskan pada materi Visit Board Search And Seizure (VBSS) serta operasi manusia katak (frogman) dalam peperangan laut khusus. Melalui latihan ini diharapkan adanya peningkatan dalam berbagai hal, baik materi latihan, kebersamaan, kekeluargaan serta kerja sama antara Kopaska TNI Angkatan Laut dengan SSG Pakistan Navy. Latihan ini juga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan prajurit Satkopaska dari segi teknik, taktik perorangan maupun tim, khususnya dalam penanggulangan teror di laut.
Satkopaska TNI Angkatan Laut adalah prajurit yang memiliki tugas khusus melaksanakan special warfare atau peperangan laut khusus. Oleh karena itu, pasukan tersebut dituntut terus meningkatkan kemampuan dan profesionalismenya dengan berlatih secara terus menerus. Untuk menambah wawasan yang lebih luas, maka diperlukan pula latihan-latihan berskala internasional.
Jakarta, August 18, 2016, - Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) held a joint exercise between the Unit KOPASKA (Satkopaska) Navy with Pakistan Navy opened SSG Operations Assistant Chief of Naval Staff (Asops Kasal) Rear Admiral TNI ingn Ary Atmaja, SE, represented Waasops Kasal First Admiral TNI Mintoro Yulianto, S. Sos., M.Sc., at the Command Headquarters Satkopaska RI Fleet Command West Region (Koarmabar), Pondok Paddle, North Jakarta, Thursday (18/8) . in his speech Asops Kasal Admiral TNI ingn Ary Atmaja, SE, read Waasops Kasal, among others, said that the development of the strategic environment has put the relationship between the state increasingly complex, in addition to always consider the national interests of each, relations between countries are also characterized by work together increasingly closely with the foundation of mutual interests. One form of cooperation that is built is the implementation of a joint military exercise between Kopaska Navy with SSG Pakistan Navy. To maintain the sovereignty and integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia from any form of interference, obstacles and threats of potential and factually, it is necessary the presence of Army Indonesia's strong national and professional and got both moral and material support of all components of the nation. In order to realize such a military posture, one of the leaders of the Navy policy is to increase the professionalism of soldiers. This is achieved by increasing knowledge / knowledge, expertise / skills and attitude / attitude that is based on the fighting spirit of morality and identity as a soldier. Yardstick professional soldier is a soldier that individuals and groups have the ability and skills to the standard required, so it can complete its duties and responsibilities in accordance job description is good, true and correct. More Asops Kasal said that, in line with developments and changes in the global world as well as the challenging tasks ahead increasingly heavy and complex, Satkopaska Navy who have a special duty to implement special warfare or special sea warfare, demanded continuously improve the ability and professionalism by practicing constantly. To add a wider horizon, it is necessary exercises that not only carried out in the scope of their own country, but also to do with the exercises international scale. According Asops Kasal, training material this time is focused on the material VBSS ie the Visit Board Search and Seizure and Frogman Frogman operation or in special sea warfare. From this exercise is expected an increase in a variety of ways, be it a matter of practice, togetherness, familiarity and cooperation between Kopaska Navy with SSG Pakistan Navy. For soldiers Satkopaska, of course, this exercise is expected to improve in terms of technique, tactics of individuals and teams, especially in combating terrorism at sea. Ending his address Asops Kasal say a few words to serve as guidelines and will be carried out in order to carry out this exercise very seriously and responsibly with motivation, dedication and high morale and increase cooperation and togetherness among trainees. During the execution of the exercise in order to keep attention to the security and safety of both personnel and material. Differences in language, nationality and character so that it becomes a means to know each other and establish cooperation between nations. Also in order to improve cooperation and togetherness well with all participants exercise or with relevant agencies especially with people around the exercise area so that the exercise can be run safely and smoothly with optimum results. Present on the occasion, Asops Pangarmabar Marine Colonel (P) I Gusti Kompiang Aribawa and Athan Pakistan Colonel Shahid S.
Kopaska TNI AL Adu Ilmu dengan SSG Pakistan Navy
August 18, 2016 BERITA, INDONESIA
INDOSEJATI- Satuan Komando Pasukan Katak (Satkopaska) TNI Angkatan Laut menggelar latihan bersama dengan SSG Pakistan Navy. Latihan bersama tersebut dibuka oleh Asisten Operasi Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Asops Kasal) Laksamana Muda TNI I.N.G.N. Ary Atmaja, diwakili Waasops Kasal Laksamana Pertama TNI Mintoro Yulianto di Markas Komando Satkopaska Komando Armada RI Kawasan Barat (Koarmabar), Pondok Dayung, Jakarta Utara.
Laksamana Muda Ary Atmaja, seperti disampaikan oleh Waasops Kasal, mengatakan bahwa latihan bersama itu merupakan bentuk kerjasama antar negara yang dilandasi kepentingan bersama. Menurutnya, perkembangan lingkungan strategis telah menempatkan hubungan antara negara semakin kompleks, di samping senantiasa mempertimbangkan kepentingan nasional masing-masing.
Untuk menjaga kedaulatan serta integritas Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia dari segala bentuk gangguan, hambatan serta ancaman baik yang potensial maupun faktual, sangat diperlukan kehadiran Tentara Nasional Indonesia yang kuat dan profesional serta mendapat dukungan baik moral maupun material dari seluruh komponen bangsa.
Dalam rangka mewujudkan postur TNI yang seperti itu, salah satu kebijakan pemimpin TNI Angkatan Laut adalah meningkatkan profesionalisme prajurit. Hal ini ditempuh dengan meningkatkan pengetahuan, keahlian dan sikap hidup yang dilandasi semangat juang moralitas dan jati diri sebagai seorang prajurit. Tolak ukur prajurit profesional adalah prajurit yang secara individu dan kelompok memiliki kemampuan dan keterampilan sesuai standar yang dipersyaratkan, sehingga dapat menyelesaikan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya sesuai job description secara baik, benar dan tepat.
Menurut Asops Kasal, materi latihan kali ini difokuskan pada materi Visit Board Search And Seizure (VBSS) serta operasi manusia katak (frogman) dalam peperangan laut khusus. Melalui latihan ini diharapkan adanya peningkatan dalam berbagai hal, baik materi latihan, kebersamaan, kekeluargaan serta kerja sama antara Kopaska TNI Angkatan Laut dengan SSG Pakistan Navy. Latihan ini juga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan prajurit Satkopaska dari segi teknik, taktik perorangan maupun tim, khususnya dalam penanggulangan teror di laut.
Satkopaska TNI Angkatan Laut adalah prajurit yang memiliki tugas khusus melaksanakan special warfare atau peperangan laut khusus. Oleh karena itu, pasukan tersebut dituntut terus meningkatkan kemampuan dan profesionalismenya dengan berlatih secara terus menerus. Untuk menambah wawasan yang lebih luas, maka diperlukan pula latihan-latihan berskala internasional.