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Indonesian Companies Invest Abroad

MONDAY, 17 OCTOBER, 2016 | 19:58 WIB
Tanzania Invites Indonesia to Invest in Construction

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - A many as 21 construction contractor companies from Tanzania incorporated in ACCT (Association of Citizen Contractors Tanzania), visited the Public Works and Public Housing Ministry. The Association invited Indonesian contractors to work on construction projects in Tanzania.

Anita Farmati, Secretary General of Public Works and Public Housing Ministry said that the invitation arrived at the perfect moment because Indonesia is currently attempting to tap into new markets in foreign countries. Anita said that Indonesia's construction, consultant, and contractor sector are on equal terms compared to other developed countries.

"This is a great opportunity to build a market in Tanzania, because the country managed to achieve progress in terms of infrastructure constructions," Anita said on Monday, October 17, 2016.

Anita said that Indonesia has been constantly exporting construction materials to Tanzania including, lighting, wires, doors, steel, electricity cables, and marble slabs. Indonesia’s non-oil and gas export to Tanzania had reached US$214 million in 2015, a number 5.66 percent higher compared to 2014.

Indonesian Ambassador to Tanzania Zakaria Anshar, explained that high demand of construction services in Tanzania was mainly due to the transfer of the country’s governmental and businesses hub from Darosalam to Dodoma.

"There are many construction projects such as, airports, ports, bridges, railways, and houses, the demand for housing in 2015 had even reached 200,000 units," Zakaria said.

PT Len Industry Secure 25 Million USD contract for railways system from Bangladesh.

PT Len Garap Persinyalan Kereta Api di Bangladesh Senilai USD25 Juta


Ilustrasi: (Foto: Okezone)
BANDUNG - Sukses menggarap persinyalan kereta api di dalam negeri, kini PT LEN Industri (Persero) mulai merambah bisnisnya di mancanegara. Melalui anak perusahaannya PT LEN Railway Systems (LRS), perseroan menjalin kemitraan dengan Biswas Construction yang siap mengerjakan proyek senilai USD25 juta di Bangladesh.

Direktur Utama LRS Dewayana Agung Nugroho mengatakan, pengerjaan modifikasi sinyal perkeretaapian ini akan dilakukan selama 1,5 tahun di sepanjang jalur Kota Ishurdi hingga Joydebpur, Bangladesh. Pada tahap awal sistem modifikasi yang dikembangkan LEN akan digunakan di jalur kereta yang bersinggungan dengan empat stasiun.

Rusnano and PT Wijaya Infrastruktur Indonesia Signed The Agreement on Creation Of The International Aerospace Private Equity Fund

In the framework of the 11th meeting of the Russian-Indonesian joint Commission on trade-economic and technical cooperation of JSC “RUSNANO” investing in manufacturing based on the latest developments in the field of nanotechnology, and Indonesian infrastructure company with state support PT Wijaya Infrastruktur Indonesia signed the agreement on creation of international aerospace direct investment Fund (IASF). About it reported in a press-service “Rosnano”.

The agreement was signed in the presence of Minister of industry and trade of Russia Denis Manturov and the Minister-coordinator for economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Darmina of Nasution. From the Russian side it was signed by Managing Director for investment activities of UK “RUSNANO” Dmitry Pimkin, with the Indonesian President, CEO PT Wijaya Infrastruktur Indonesia Didi Suwondo.

“Indonesia became the first foreign member of the aerospace Fund RUSNANO. At the initial stage, the size of joint investments will make 100 million dollars, which over 5 years will be invested in the development of navigation systems and satellite systems of communication, production of new materials and components for space satellites in the development and manufacture of aircraft and other related sectors of the economy. The investment period may be extended for two years, and the period of work for the new Fund is 10 years with possibility of extension for another three years,” reads the message.

In the future we plan the expansion of the participants IASF due to the accession of other countries in the Asia-Pacific region interested in developing its space infrastructure that could be used in telecommunications and earth-monitoring. The size of the Fund RUSNANO plans to increase to 500 million dollars.

According to managing Director on investment activity of UK “RUSNANO” Dmitry Pimkin, “actively growing economies of the Asia-Pacific region such as Indonesia forced RUSNANO to pay close attention to this region. And this interest is mutual: new Russian technologies and developments over and over again prove their competitiveness on the world market. And in aerospace areas of expertise Russia and Russian companies are not subject to any doubt. Aerospace created the Foundation for Russia to become one of the tools to promote domestic high-tech production on the world market, and for the partner countries it provides the opportunity to implement the national commercial space programs”.

“One of the first investment projects of the Fund will create their own constellation of satellites that will form the basis of a system of operational detection of fires and gas fire. In General, the portfolio IASF will be projects that will allow to solve various tasks from development and production of control systems for spacecraft to production geosynchronous satellite systems and all necessary ground infrastructure for the development of telecommunication network of the whole country”, – otmechaetsya in the message.

Indonesia's Pertamina seeks new processing agreement for firm's Iraqi crude
Nov 30, 2016 2:28 PM

Indonesia's Pertamina is seeking a new crude processing agreement for its 2017 Iraqi crude allocations as the firm's current processing agreement with Shell expires in December.

The state-controlled oil firm issued a tender for the new processing deal earlier this month and has since closed it. It is expected to announce the results "soon", a Pertamina official said, without disclosing the exact timeline.

Refiners and selected traders were invited to submit proposals for a processing agreement that will see Pertamina supply one to two million barrels of Iraqi crude per month in exchange for similar volumes of oil products, trading sources with knowledge of the tender said.

The processing agreement will last for 12 months starting January 2017, and both Iraqi Basra Light and Heavy crude grades could be supplied by the Indonesian oil firm.

Shell is one of the participants in the tender, said a second Pertamina official, speaking on condition of anonymity because the official was not authorised to speak to the media.

Shell didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.

In June, Pertamina selected Shell to process one million barrels per month of Iraqi crude at a Singapore refinery from July to December this year.

Pertamina's monthly Iraqi oil shipments to the Singapore refinery are likely to consist of 290,000 barrels from a stake in the West Qurna block and a further 700,000 barrels from other Iraqi fields.

The firm has resorted to crude processing agreements with third parties as its domestic refining capacity of around one million barrels per day only meets about two-thirds of Indonesia's daily oil consumption.

Indonesian refineries are also geared to refine low sulphur crude grades from West Africa and the Asia-Pacific and less suited to process high sulphur crude from the Middle East like Iraqi Basra Light and Heavy.



Indonesia: Telkom to acquire stakes in three firms, readies $369m for potential deals

Antonia Timmerman - October 24, 2017

State-owned telco firm Telekomunikasi Indonesia is looking to acquire minority shares in three firms from neighboring Malaysia – one of which is Singapore-listed – according to sources of local media Kontan. The telco company is reportedly preparing $369 million (IDR 5 trillion) for the potential deals.

“The deal is expected to close by the end of this year,” the source said, as quoted by Kontan, adding that the move is part of Telkom’s expansion strategy through M&As.

The total market capitalizations of the three target companies is known to be around IDR 10 trillion ($739 million).

Telkom is also aiming to expand its tower business through unit Dayamitra Telekomunikasi (Mitratel) by merging it with Telekomunikasi Seluler (Telkomsel), another subsidiary. The merger is also expected to be completed by year-end.

Telkom director Harry M Zen said in August that the company was reviewing 10 potential M&As involving fintech, e-commerce, and ICT startups. The company allocates approximately $2 billion for capital expenditure this year.

“We are currently reviewing our business expansion plans for the future. What we can do, we’ll do it ourselves. What we can’t do, we’ll acquire,” he had told reporters in Jakarta then.

Telkom raked in $8.7 billion in revenues last year. The publicly-listed company has repeatedly said that it wants to boost expansion, particularly in the digital space, whether through collaboration or acquisition. It set up a VC firm, MDI Ventures, in 2014 to make this vision a reality.

It has committed $100 million for the VC to invest into global and domestic startups within the span of four years. MDI Ventures’ most recent investment was a pre-Series A round that it led in June into Kofera, a marketing SaaS firm.

November 24, 2017 3:47 pm JST
Indonesia's top telecom acquires Malaysian satellite company
Telekomunikasi eyes regional expansion of enterprise business

ERWIDA MAULIA and WATARU SUZUKI, Nikkei staff writers

JAKARTA -- Telekomunikasi Indonesia, the country's largest telecommunications company, announced on Friday it has agreed to acquire a maximum stake of 70% in Malaysian satellite company TS Global Network for 108.5 million ringgit ($26 million).

TSGN is the largest provider for VSAT -- very small aperture terminal -- services, a satellite communications system for home and business users in Malaysia.

The company's corporate customers are found in the plantation, mining, government and banking sectors. It has affiliates in Brunei and Myanmar, Telekomunikasi, or better known as Telkom, said in a press release.

The agreement was signed by TSGN and Telkom's subsidiary, Telekomunikasi Indonesia International, or Telin. The acquisition is subject to regulatory approval.

State-owned Telkom leads Indonesia's mobile telecommunications market with some 190 million subscribers, and is aiming to become a regional data hub. In 2016, Telin finished a 20,000-sq.-meter data center in Singapore.

Telkom's director for wholesale and international service, Abdus Somad Arief, said the synergy with TSGN is part of Telkom's strategy to expand its satellite business.

Telkom currently has three satellites in orbit and is planning to send a fourth next year. Apart from supporting its own networks, Telkom has been renting transponders on its satellites to corporate customers in Indonesia, including banks and television networks.

"This synergy will further pave the way for Telkom to achieve our aspiration to become a major player in the satellite business, in line with the company's strategic goal to become one of the top three satellite service providers in Asia."

Telin's president, Faizal R. Djoemadi, said that to support the cross-border satellite business, it needs an experienced partner that already has a presence in the regional market, hence the decision to acquire the Malaysian company, with which it has been partnering since 2010.

"The TSGN acquisition is also in line with Telin's vision to become a global digital hub," Djoemadi said. "The corporate action is expected to give added value to Telin in terms of accessing the regional enterprise market, especially in Malaysia, Brunei and Myanmar."

Telkom said in a stock exchange filing on Friday that the acquisition "will increase synergy and empowerment of assets and resources."

"The partnership and alliance is our effort to expand the regional market, as well as realize our vision of becoming a digital telecommunication company," it added.


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