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Indonesia New Capital City in East Kalimantan news and updates


Jul 25, 2013
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This thread will be dedicated to post news and updates about the development of Indonesia new capital city in Kalimantan. The reason of the move is to decrease the burden of Jakarta and taken its present administrative role into Kalimantan island and also to make the economy more balance and not Java island centric any more.

Jakarta will be still maintain as business center of the Republic and this makes Finance Ministry, Central Bank, and Financial Service Authority (OJK) head offices will still be in Jakarta while other Ministries will be moved to Kalimantan. This is more like Jakarta will be New York of Indonesia and our new capital in East Kalimantan will be like Washington for USA.

Many foreign journalist have flaw understanding as if entire Jakarta will be relocated to Kalimantan island. This is why this thread is important to bring clarity and better understanding about the reason of this action. This is also why I think I should put news about the effort of our central and local governments in solving the matter related to problem that is currently exist in our current capital city, Jakarta.

A bird-eye view of sculptor Nyoman Nuarta's design for the state palace in new capital city in East Kalimantan. (Instagram @nyoman_nuarta)

Jokowi Approves Design of State Palace in New Capital

JANUARY 07, 2022

Jakarta. Sculptor Nyoman Nuarta’s majestic design for the state palace in Indonesia’s future capital city in East Kalimantan has gotten President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo's approval.

In a recent Instagram post, Nyoman wrote that “the final design for the new capital city’s state palace was welcomed with joy and has been approved by the president.”

According to Jakarta Globe’s sister publication Beritasatu, the palace complex spans over 55 hectares. At the back of the palace is a structure reminiscent of a garuda —the mythical bird that is Indonesia’s national emblem— spreading its wings.

Beritasatu reported that the garuda-like building will be 170 meters tall, surpassing the 132-meter-high National Monument (Monas). A lush green landscape of forests will also surround the palace.

Indonesia’s independence day falls on August 17. And the government is planning to commemorate the independence day for the year 2024 at the new presidential palace in East Kalimantan. But until now, the new capital city bill is still under discussion at the House of Representatives.

The capital city project is estimated to cost about Rp 510.7 trillion ($35.6 billion). Private investors will primarily fund the megaproject. Only 19 percent of the project funding is to come from the state budget, according to Beritasatu.

According to Finance Minister Sri Mulyani, the project would require careful and meticulous planning of the funding and state finances.

“So we can achieve the goals that the new capital is aiming for, while maintaining the stability and sustainability of the state finances,” Sri Mulyani said on Instagram.

The Instagram post depicted Sri Mulyani’s Thursday visit to the “point zero” in Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan. This point will become the coordinate reference for the palace complex. Also present during the visit was Public Works and Housing Minister Basuki Hadimuljono.

Sri Mulyani said the development of the new capital would be incredibly complex and challenging.

"How we maintain the environment, forests, biodiversity, including the animals, while also still being able to create a future capital city that is modern, cultured, civilized, and reflects Indonesia's core values," Sri Mulyani added.

Jakarta Expands Drinking Water System to Prevent City from Sinking

Tidal flooding at Kali Adem Port, Muara Angke, Jakarta, Wednesday, January 5, 2022. According to the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), there is a new moon phase that coincides with the Perigee period (the closest distance from the moon to the earth) This causes a significant increase in the height of the sea tide reaching its maximum. ANTARA PHOTOS/M Risyal Hidayat

Translator: Ricky Mohammad Nugraha
Editor: Petir Garda Bhwana
5 January 2022 13:46 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has officially established partnership with two State Ministers to establish the city’s drinking water supply system (SPAM), which is a program closely related to preventing the "Jakarta sinking prophecy" caused by groundwater over extraction.

Governor Anies signed an MoU on Monday with Home Affairs Minister Tito Karnavian and Public Works and Housing MInister Basuki Hadimuljono. This event was also attended by the Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs and Investments Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.

In his written statement, Anies said the main reason city residents choose to extract groundwater is due to the fact that Jakarta’s drinking water pipe system has only covered 64 percent of the city.

"As a result, people who do not have access to piped drinking water tend to use groundwater continuously, which causes rapid land subsidence," he wrote on January 5.

With the existing pipe facilities, the amount of water that is able to be supplied to the community only reaches 20,725 liters per second for 908,324 customer connections. This is still far below Jakarta's population of more than 10 million.

The Central Government in collaboration with the Provincial Government of Jakarta has prepared a joint plan that synergizes the Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM) initiative project with details of the program, timeframe and appropriate financing scheme in the MoU.

"By 2030 Jakarta must already achieve 100 percent coverage of piped drinking water services," said Anies Baswedan.

presidential palace? does indonesia has a king?
Wonder if this city will be successful as Islamabad or will it be a dud like Brasilia. Only time will tell.
This thread will be dedicated to post news and updates about the development of Indonesia new capital city in Kalimantan. The reason of the move is to decrease the burden of Jakarta and taken its present administrative role into Kalimantan island and also to make the economy more balance and not Java island centric any more.

Jakarta will be still maintain as business center of the Republic and this makes Finance Ministry, Central Bank, and Financial Service Authority (OJK) head offices will still be in Jakarta while other Ministries will be moved to Kalimantan. This is more like Jakarta will be New York of Indonesia and our new capital in East Kalimantan will be like Washington for USA.

Many foreign journalist have flaw understanding as if entire Jakarta will be relocated to Kalimantan island. This is why this thread is important to bring clarity and better understanding about the reason of this action. This is also why I think I should put news about the effort of our central and local governments in solving the matter related to problem that is currently exist in our current capital city, Jakarta.

I think it has been delayed for far too long, many countries around the world have different political and financial centres, including Pakistan. To run a modern government, you need modern spaces, with the required infrastructure to deliver efficient services to the nation.

Indonesia has areas that require more people, so it is also an opportunity to spread the population, and I think probably better for national unity because people will see that power is not concentrated on one island. I hope it goes well.
I think it has been delayed for far too long, many countries around the world have different political and financial centres, including Pakistan. To run a modern government, you need modern spaces, with the required infrastructure to deliver efficient services to the nation.

Indonesia has areas that require more people, so it is also an opportunity to spread the population, and I think probably better for national unity because people will see that power is not concentrated on one island. I hope it goes well.

Yup, you are true, the idea to move the capital city ( administrative role ) into Kalimantan has already been present since our first President, Soekarno. It is due to the fact that Kalimantan is so less populated and has huge potency to be developed, particularly if we see its hydropower potency with many rivers, big and small, less populated and also its vast land which are all arable land, good for agriculture.

It is because the multiplier effect of building new capital in Kalimantan is much less than developing our 2 most populated islands which are Java and Sumatra, so the delay is inevitable until we reach certain economic level where doing so is economically making sense.

As has been stated by our finance minister, the construction of the new capital city will be adjusted with our current condition. We still need to stimulate the economy after we are being struct with this Pandemic that so far still burdens our economy after the emergence of several new variants like Delta and now Omicron. Our economic activity is still not normal and operating below its potency during this period, just for example the bank will close at 2 PM at this moment while in pre Pandemic level they usually close at 4 -5 PM.

RCEP trade deal

At the same time RCEP trade deal is getting started in the beginning of this year, as what I have been frequently suggested in PDF, Indonesia should still develop Sumatra and Java islands at full force in order to be competitive enough in the first 5 years of RCEP deal, to show to both domestic and foreign investors that our economic backbone islands (Java and Sumatra) still get full support due to their huge economic potency. Just for example, trans Sumatra highway hasnt been finished yet, as well as trans Java highway. Our two most populous islands who produce the highest GDP still have huge potency to be developed further and building infrastructure there have the highest economic multiplier effect than building a city for administrative role in East Kalimantan.

We also have to build up our military present in East Kalimantan to protect the new capital city, this effort will cause our Armed Force to have bigger personnel and more defense equipment will be needed, meaning more money to spend on something that will not give you immediate economic benefit, but rather creating economic cost, although for long term goal it is a good thing to have more military present in that island.

This is why IMO it needs at least a decade to build the capital city in Kalimantan, we have to build it gradually and patiently since at the mean time (2020-2024), we have to put more concentration on something that can create better economic multiplier effect due to upcoming fierce competition within RCEP nations.

Despite all of that, it doesnt mean building a capital city in Kalimantan is not important, it is of course important for the long run and to make economic development more evenly between Java and non Java islands. Having a President living in Kalimantan island also means Kalimantan potency will be more exposed to him/her, thus will prompt more fund being allocated to the island. Kalimantan island has huge economic potency and become very important to secure our food security needs when Java gets more industrialized and farmers there start moving away from agricultural sector into manufacturing and services.

Thank you for your good wish.
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Yup, you are true, the idea to move the capital city ( administrative role ) into Kalimantan has already been present since our first President, Soekarno. It is due to the fact that Kalimantan is so less populated and has huge potency to be developed, particularly if we see its hydropower potency with many rivers, big and small, less populated and also its vast land which are all arable land, good for agriculture.

It is because the multiplier effect of building new capital in Kalimantan is much less than developing our 2 most populated islands which are Java and Sumatra, so the delay is inevitable until we reach certain economic level where doing so is economically making sense.

As has been stated by our finance minister, the construction of the new capital city will be adjusted with our current condition. We still need to stimulate the economy after we are being struct with this Pandemic that so far still burdens our economy after the emergence of several new variants like Delta and now Omicron. Our economic activity is still not normal and operating below its potency during this period, just for example the bank will close at 2 PM at this moment while in pre Pandemic level they usually close at 4 -5 PM.

RCEP trade deal

At the same time RCEP trade deal is getting started in the beginning of this year, as what I have been frequently suggested in PDF, Indonesia should still develop Sumatra and Java islands at full force in order to be competitive enough in the first 5 years of RCEP deal, to show to both domestic and foreign investors that our economic backbone islands (Java and Sumatra) still get full support due to their huge economic potency. Just for example, trans Sumatra highway hasnt been finished yet, as well as trans Java highway. Our two most populous islands who produce the highest GDP still have huge potency to be developed further and building infrastructure there have the highest economic multiplier effect than building a city for administrative role in East Kalimantan.

We also have to build up our military present in East Kalimantan to protect the new capital city, this effort will cause our Armed Force to have bigger personnel and more defense equipment will be needed, meaning more money to spend on something that will not give you immediate economic benefit, but rather creating economic cost, although for long term goal it is a good thing to have more military present in that island.

This is why IMO it needs at least a decade to build the capital city in Kalimantan, we have to build it gradually and patiently since at the mean time (2020-2024), we have to put more concentration on something that can create better economic multiplier effect due to upcoming fierce competition within RCEP nations.

Despite all of that, it doesnt mean building a capital city in Kalimantan is not important, it is of course important for the long run and to make economic development more evenly between Java and non Java islands. Having a President living in Kalimantan island also means Kalimantan potency will be more exposed to him/her, thus will prompt more fund being allocated to the island. Kalimantan island has huge economic potency and become very important to secure our food security needs when Java gets more industrialized and farmers there start moving away from agricultural sector into manufacturing and services.

Thank you for your good wish.

Lot of what you say makes sense, and I keep getting impressed by Indonesia, it is certainly on the road to gaining world power status, inshallah nothing will stop it's rise.

I had a quick look, and initially I thought South or West Kalimantan makes more sense, as closer to Jakarta and perhaps option to have a fast ferry service. Then I looked at the religious composition, East Kalimantan has almost exactly the same ratio as rest of Indonesia, by the looks of it that was also a factor, harmony seems to be central to Indonesian national identity, which is good.

Please keep in mind with more development will come more costs, because there will be more money, but everything will also be more expensive. With Brasilia, there was a grand plan, too much planning but in the end it hasn't delivered as they had hoped.
Pakistan went ahead with development of Islamabad in the 1960's, still a new country but still went ahead. built the core structures and buildings and the rest developed organically. Up till the 1980's it was still a ghost town, but through the 1990's and from 2000 onwards it has developed a soul of it's own, now it is a proper city with a distinct identity. I think it's probably a good idea just to jump ahead, the capital will evolve over time. Either way, the buildings look awesome, I hope they don't go too much over budget.

I couldn't find a name for it, has that not been decided yet?
Lot of what you say makes sense, and I keep getting impressed by Indonesia, it is certainly on the road to gaining world power status, inshallah nothing will stop it's rise.

I had a quick look, and initially I thought South or West Kalimantan makes more sense, as closer to Jakarta and perhaps option to have a fast ferry service. Then I looked at the religious composition, East Kalimantan has almost exactly the same ratio as rest of Indonesia, by the looks of it that was also a factor, harmony seems to be central to Indonesian national identity, which is good.

Please keep in mind with more development will come more costs, because there will be more money, but everything will also be more expensive. With Brasilia, there was a grand plan, too much planning but in the end it hasn't delivered as they had hoped.
Pakistan went ahead with development of Islamabad in the 1960's, still a new country but still went ahead. built the core structures and buildings and the rest developed organically. Up till the 1980's it was still a ghost town, but through the 1990's and from 2000 onwards it has developed a soul of it's own, now it is a proper city with a distinct identity. I think it's probably a good idea just to jump ahead, the capital will evolve over time. Either way, the buildings look awesome, I hope they don't go too much over budget.

I couldn't find a name for it, has that not been decided yet?

Amin, I hope we continue getting the bless of Allah.

Yup, you are right the composition of religion there is similar with Indonesia in general and the ethnicity is also quite varied. I think the reason it is picked because East Kalimantan is located in the center and it is also near the sea as big Indonesian cities with good economic potency are always located near the sea like Jakarta, Medan, Batam, and Surabaya, I think it also happen with cities in other countries as well, making easier for trade to flourish.

East Kalimantan province


Yup, Pakistan is quite ahead in this matter, Islamabad is also a new built city.

About the name of the city, nope it hasnt been decided yet
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I'm envious of the warm climate

Yup the weather is perfect, this is why migration to Indonesia has been going on since ancient time. Ibnu Batutah, famous ancient Arab traveler has said he found Arab village in the cost of West Sumatra and Chinese migrant as farmers when he visited Sumatra island ( near Malacca strait).

Many Dutch leftover remain staying in Indonesia as for example I have Dutch-Indonesian neighbor living in my neighborhood in the past, not from recent Dutch migration but from colonization period, for instant Depok, one of satellite cities in Jakarta has been well known to have many remaining Dutch-Indo people in the past, but since they married natives then the look not like current Western people.

Western people also keep migrating to Indonesia and also Japanese.

Just some of the recent example and maybe it is more because of love. The Indonesian in this example are Muslim, so they need to convert to Islam, only Jordanian men that has already Muslim since the start.

Maudy Koesnadi and her Dutch husband (living in Indonesia)


These Indonesian-Jordanian couple living in Indonesia

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