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Indonesia Maritime defence and security issue

Looks like the ships where blown up "as a group" rather than as "individual ships"... though I could be wrong as the pictures in post 598 shows that the ships are placed side by side before being blown up.
Looks like the ships where blown up "as a group" rather than as "individual ships"... though I could be wrong as the pictures in post 598 shows that the ships are placed side by side before being blown up.

True, most of the boats were blown up as groups, we can clearly see that on the last video.
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Indonesian navy captured Nigerian flag vessel named FV Viking, 12.5Nm from Riau islands. This vessel is a target of Norwegian Interpol operation.

Kapal perang milik jajaran Komando Armada RI Kawasan Barat (Koarmabar), KRI Sultan Thaha Saifudin, Kamis (25/02/2016) berhasil menangkap kapal FV Viking berbendera Nigeria yang merupakan target operasi interpol asal Norwegia. Kapal asing tersebut dinahkodai oleh Huan Venesa merupakan warga negara Chili dengan jumlah 11 orang ABK. Berdasarkan Purple Notice Interpol Norway kapal tersebut sudah 13 kali ganti nama, 12 kali ganti bendera dan 8 kali ganti call sign.




TNI AL Berhasil Tangkap Kapal Asing Buruan Interpol di Kepri
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The Arrest of the Viking
The hunt for the last of six known toothfish poaching vessels has ended with the arrest of the Nigerian-flagged Viking in Indonesia. The announcement of the vessel’s arrest was made at a press conference in Jakarta today, held by Indonesian Fisheries Minister, Susi Pudjiastuti, the Commander of the Western Naval Fleet and other high-ranking Indonesian officials.

Officials stated that the Viking has been detained for entering Indonesian waters without permission and for falsifying its name. The ship’s Captain, Huan Venesa of Chile, and its crew of 10 from Indonesia, Chile, Argentina, Myanmar and Peru, have also been detained.

The Viking has been the target of Sea Shepherd’s 12th Southern Ocean Defense Campaign, Operation Icefish 2015-16.

Last week, Sea Shepherd’s campaign leader, Captain Siddharth Chakravarty, notified officials in Indonesia of the suspected entry of the Viking into Indonesian waters. At today’s press conference, Minister Susi revealed that the Viking was located in the waters around the Riau Islands by the Indonesian Navy.


Indonesian officials again reiterated their strong stance against Illegal, Unreported, Unregulated (IUU) fishing, vowing to sink the Viking if the vessel is found to be in breach of international and national laws.

Captain Sid Chakravarty said, “Indonesia has once again demonstrated a strong commitment to ensure that IUU fishing vessels and operators will not be welcome in its waters. Minister Susi has clearly stated that she intends to sink the Viking for crimes related to illegal fishing. Such swift government action is vital in ending the destructive streak of IUU vessels.”

The Viking is one of six toothfish poaching operators known to illegally fish vulnerable populations of Antarctic and Patagonian toothfish in the Southern Ocean.


These six vessels, which Sea Shepherd named the "Bandit 6", had been operating with impunity for more than 10 years, able to avoid detection and arrest by frequently changing name and registry; and by exploiting the remoteness of the Southern Ocean "shadowlands" where monitoring and surveillance is difficult.

In 2013, the Viking, then called Snake, was the first fishing vessel to be issued with an Interpol Purple Notice for fishing-related violations following a petition from authorities in Norway.

The owners and operators of the Viking are suspected of violating national laws and regulations, as well as international conventions by engaging in fraud and fisheries-related crime.


The Viking was last boarded by the Australian Customs Officers in September, 2015 on her way to Antarctica. With the return of the Viking to Indonesian waters and the subsequent arrest, all of the Toothfish poaching vessels have been put out of action.

“The successful chase and the deliberate sinking of the Thunder, followed by the evidence hand-over and the trial in the case of her officers have firmly established Sea Shepherd’s reputation as being steadfast in their role to see the poachers through to the very end. This reputation has directly resulted in return of the Viking back to shore, earlier than ever before. In a short span of 15 months, the entire fleet of the toothfish poachers is in disarray with no poachers fishing in Antarctica for the first time. International cooperation, spearheaded by Sea Shepherd’s at-sea campaigns, has directly resulted in one of the swiftest and biggest successes in marine conservation history.”
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KHF 1959, 64 Gross Ton Malaysian illegal fishing boat with 5 Myanmarese and Thailand crews, seized by water police around Aceh water (26/2/2016).

Sebuah kapal Malaysia yang ditangkap Ditpolair disandarkan di Pelabuhan Kuala Langsa, Langsa, Aceh, Jumat (26/2/2016). Kapal asal Malaysia dengan nomor lambung KHF 1959 GT 64 serta lima awak kapal asal Myanmar dan Thailand berhasil diamankan Ditpolair saat melakukan patroli dengan kapal Lory 3018 pada 40 mil di perairan laut Aceh, sementara barang bukti kapal, dua alat tangkap trawl (pukat harimau) serta ikan sebanyak 800 kg sudah diamankan.



Petugas Ditpolair memperlihatkan lima awak kapal asing di Pelabuhan Kuala Langsa
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Last Known Chilean Sea Bass Poaching Ship Caught in Indonesia
By Samantha Cowan | Takepart.com

Hundreds of days of chasing down illegal fishing ships in the frigid Southern Ocean have paid off for environmental activist group Sea Shepherd. The last of the known poaching ships designed to catch Patagonia toothfish—or Chilean sea bass, as they’re called in markets and restaurants—has been detained in Indonesia.


The ship, known as the Viking, was the final vessel out of a half dozen poaching vessels on the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s list. The ships, referred to as the Bandit 6, had been illegally operating in the region surrounding Antarctica for more than a decade.

Sea Shepherd captain Siddharth Chakravarty, who had been discreetly tracking the pirate ship for several weeks, notified officials when it entered Indonesian waters last week. Members of the Indonesia’s Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries detained the Viking and its 11 crew members for falsifying the ship’s name.

“In a short span of 15 months, the entire fleet of the toothfish poachers is in disarray, with no poachers fishing in Antarctica for the first time,” Chakravarty said in a statement issued Friday. Crews were previously able to operate illegally with few consequences, hidden from authorities in the remote Southern Ocean.

Chakravarty, who previously helped chase down another illegal vessel, called the Kunlun, called the capture of the last of the Bandit 6 one of the “swiftest and biggest successes in marine conservation history.”

Although it’s neither a bass nor is it always caught off Chilean waters, Chilean sea bass fetches a high market price. That makes it a valuable catch for poachers, with the ships able to haul in about $1 million worth of fish. Roughly twice as much Chilean sea bass entering the U.S. market comes from poachers rather than legal fishers, according to estimates from the U.S. Department of Commerce.

While these unlawful crews hurt legal fishers’ businesses, they also threatened the Antarctic ecosystem. Toothfish aren’t listed as an endangered species, but illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing makes tracking the species’ status difficult. As predators, toothfish are an important part of the food chain. The poachers also use illegal gill nets to capture the deepwater fish, which can snatch up and unintentionally kill other species.

The Indonesian navy plans to sink the Viking within the next few days, signaling, at least temporarily, the end of the destructive practice.

Last Known Chilean Sea Bass Poaching Ship Caught in Indonesia - Yahoo News


Edit : bleh.. tyt udah ada beritax diatas yak?!.. ya udah skadar tambahan aja heuheu.
2 Vietnamese illegal fishing vessels seized by Indonesian marine police around West Kalimantan water (1/3/2016)

Direktorat Polisi Perairan (Dit Polair) Mabes Polri menangkap 2 kapal asal negara Vietnam yang melakukan penangkapan ikan secara ilegal di wilayah perairan Indonesia, Selasa (1/3/2016) sekitar pukul 18.00 WIB. Kedua kapal yang ditangkap tersebut yaitu KM Sinar-288/BV3240TS yang dinahkodai Ahung Van An serta membawa 9 ABK dan KM Sinar-533/BV99253TS yang dinahkodai Tran Tien Dat dengan membawa 16 ABK. Kedua kapal tersebut ditangkap Kapal Pinguin 5011 yang dipimpin langsung oleh komandan AKP Rinto Haifan Simbolon, pada titik koordinat 02.34'420 U - 109.14'916" T disekitar Pulau Sumpadi.







Mabes Polri Tangkap 2 Kapal Ikan Vietnam Berbendera Indonesia - Foto.kompas.com
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2 Philippine's illegal fishing boats, MIHTY GEEN & ESTRELA, seized by Indonesian marine police around North Sulawesi waters (2/3/2016)

Dua kapal perikanan asing berbendera Filipina dengan nama MIHTY GEEN jumlah ABK sebanyak 8 Orang WNA Filipina dan ESTRELA dengan jumlah ABK sebanyak 8 orang WNA Filipina di tangkap oleh KP.Baladewa 8002 milik Polair Mabes Polri di perairan sulawesi utara.


KKP Kembali Proses 2 Kapal Filipina Pelaku IUU Fishing | KKP News
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3 Malaysian illegal fishing boats seized by Indonesian Marine & Fishery Patrol around Batam waters, Riau islands (7/3/2016)

Anggota Ditjen Pengawasan Sumber Daya Kelautan dan Perikanan (PSDKP) Batam menjaga tiga kapal nelayan asal Malaysia yang ditangkap bersama 13 awak kapal di Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Senin (7/3). Ketiga kapal tersebut, yaitu KM SLFA 4625, KM KHF1917, dan KM PKFB1512, ditangkap di perairan Selat Malaka dengan menggunakan Kapal Patroli (KP) Hiu 3215 karena mencuri ikan dengan menggunakan pukat harimau.



NEWSVIDEO: Curi Ikan di Indonesia, 3 Kapal Malaysia Ditangkap PSDKP Batam - Tribun Batam
6 Vietnamese illegal fishing boats seized by Indonesian navy around Natuna waters (5/3/2016)

Kapal Perang Republik Indonesia (KRI) Sultan Thaha Syaifuddin-376 kapal perang jajaran Koarmabar dengan Komandan Letkol Laut (P) Komaruddin menangkap enam kapal ikan asing (KIA) asal Vietnam yang diduga melanggar wilayah penangkapan ikan di perairan Kepulauan Riau.


Adapun 6 KIA yang ditangkap itu terdiri dari

1. KM Sinar 285/BV 4889 TS, captain: Ngu Yen Phai with 4 crews,
2. KM Sinar 287/BV 95441, captain: Pham with 6 crews,
3. KM Sinar 606/TG 93666 captain: Nguyen Van Twan with 10 crews.
4. KM Bulan 029/BV 0397 TS captain: Thach with 9 crews.
5. KM Bulan 042/BT h 99121 TS captain: Gan Ngoc Ginh with 9 crews.
6. KM bulan 030/BV 0411 TS captain: Tranye with 3 crews.

TNI AL Tangkap Enam Kapal Ikan Milik Vietnam - Poskota News
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