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Indonesia maid 'killed in Saudi Arabia'

Sir Indian Hyderabad is not Pakistan!

Such things dont happen in Pakistan........ thts ur misconception..... And yes i have seen this happen in india and shown by indian media!

Instead women frm bengladesh,myanmar,afghanistan,CARS,india and other countries are being traficked to Pakistan!!

Which is a shame.

U are free to google and search about it...

I take your word for it as you live in Pakistan but these things are not easy to stop even if countries banned females from working in Gulf they will use the blackmarket to get forged documents etc and still work there but this time illegally that will make matters even worse. All because of the high demand for maids it has to be met by a supply from countries like India, Indonesia, Burma etc.
Here comes the apologists :hitwall:


Such crimes are done to labourers especially female ones...... and the saudi or anyother govt arent doing jack to stop it!!

And u cant justify it coz now holy sites have facilities!:hitwall: thts just stupid infact RETARDED...... in 1902 i doubt they even had A/Cs or such modern facilities ur talkin about.............So get down frm ur high horses and talk some sense.

assalam alaikum

u r wrong if somebody doesnot report it , its a different story but when reported steps r taken and who ever is involved is brought to justice. i know that 4 sure, no way crimes cant be stopped.

one of the participants mentioned the otthmans so i mentioned the situation of the holy places at that time.

Allah aap ko lumb umar dain Allah ki ita3at may ameen , may nay bari narm1 say baat ki hay and my writing was not diredted to u no need to be aggrasive

assalam alaikum

u r wrong if somebody doesnot report it , its a different story but when reported steps r taken and who ever is involved is brought to justice. i know that 4 sure, no way crimes cant be stopped.

one of the participants mentioned the otthmans so i mentioned the situation of the holy places at that time.

Allah aap ko lumb umar dain Allah ki ita3at may ameen , may nay bari narm1 say baat ki hay and my writing was not diredted to u no need to be aggrasive


I dont agree to tht brother.
Here is an example:
YouTube - UAE Prince Sheikh Issa bin Zayed tortures Afghan man for just 5000$

This guy was also accused of 25 other attacks also....
Torture-tape Gulf prince accused of 25 other attacks | World news | The Observer

But!! He was cleared of all charges:
Abu Dhabi sheikh cleared of sex assault


assalam alaikum
brother i thought we were talking about saudies. any how it will be stupid to deny the bad treatment of the workers neither i m here to defend them. my point was if somebody get reported he is punished and the percentage of these ppl who r punished is more then in our countries. but since many workers r illegal they dont report it.

some of indain guys mention that bangladeshies and pakistanies r abused and also. i thing pakistani workers r lesser one who r abused in then 3 nations coz pakistanies some time take matters in their own hand lol. and i witnessed many cases like that.

I have my relatives in Saudi, the way they describe things, it seems that immigration laws are not that much in favour of immigrants.
@tariq bin zayad........... not good to lie brother.

assalam alaikum,

i m in my upper 40's was born in a city in saudia grew up playing soccer with kids of my neighborhood which were saudies and non, by the grace of almighty i read write and speak arabic like most of the arab do ( actually before i goto my univercity i was better then them ) til i left for univercity and worked in very high level post after coming back. Alhumdulillah i live better then many many saudies and surely also betterm the pakistianies i dont need to do chaploosie to any one and lieing is a big thing.
i meet many ppl everyday saudies and non. i say wat i see i dont believe wat is said though coz most of the time it is a one sided story. and i never deny the abuse by employers. my point was if they r reported then they r punished very high percentage.

brother would u tell me where did i lie ( coz accusing some one of lieing is not good). if i m wrong i wil oppologize
Sir, with due respect I have to add I have with my own two eyes how manual labourers were treated in the Gulf states such as Qatar. These people were from the subcontinental area however majority I would of the un-skilled labour was from Bangladesh and Pakistan also India.

In my opinion your statement is not justified and at the same time the treatment the Arabs meet out to these people in my opinion is unjustified and to a larger extent even in-human.

PS:Living conditions in Switzerland are fantastic even better than Saudi that however doesn't justify treating people like dirt or badly that is onus of the discussion.

I agree today ...what you see is in middle east is Pakistanis and Bangladeshi doing manual work.
Still it would be wrong to make assumptions that the jobs in middleast are limited to laborer.
Foreigners, incl. from Pakistan and Bangladesh work in all positions... ranging from doctors, engineers, technicians, drivers and shop keepers etc.

Problem with those who suffer is that there own states fail to protect them from those who fraudulently ship them abroad on fake visas.
Eventually, they suffer because they have no regular jobs and they need earning for their survival.

Now at the same time whole middleast cannot be measured with same yard stick.

Where as you fail to point out what is unjustified in my post and what is this P.S. note about?

What are your parameters of comparing Saudi Arabia and Switzerland?
Living conditions are relevant measure and if you have never been to Saudi Arabia you have no parameters to compare.

Since you are moved from India, no wonder Switzerland seems to you beyond heaven.
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I have my relatives in Saudi, the way they describe things, it seems that immigration laws are not that much in favour of immigrants.

Please, ask them which law is not in favor of immigrants.
As i said i have lived in all middleast, incl. Saudi Arabia so i can clearly see your relatives are falsifying.
Crimes are every where and uneducated Saudis are part of society and every Saudi have his own servants and maids.
Potential of trouble is always there but blaming it on law of Saudi Arabia is wrong, unless any reference is stated.

BTW.. what is the business ares of your relatives?
This is not the first time Indonesian maid tortured and killed abroad; Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, etc. Most of them are Muslim too, so why torture and kill your fellow Muslims from other country? It doesn't make sense to me...It was an act of evil...

In Indonesia, there's a lot of vehement pressure to the government to STOP sending more women workers to Saudi (and Malaysia).

But there is also grievances among us here in Indonesia, some of the workers indeed lack of some capabilities; they can't speak native language, they can't work well, even in Malaysia they come there illegally. It's all because of poverty... :frown:

A big homework for the gov...
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^^ Those who do such acts do not pick on Indonesia and neither do they share any values of Muslims.
Those are mostly uneducated and far away from religion and stand responsible for the crime indiscriminately in the eyes of law.
This is not the first time Indonesian maid tortured and killed abroad; Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, etc. Most of them are Muslim too, so why torture and kill your fellow Muslims from other country? It doesn't make sense to me...It was an act of evil...

In Indonesia, there's a lot of vehement pressure to the government to STOP sending more women workers to Saudi (and Malaysia).

But there is also grievances among us here in Indonesia, some of the workers indeed lack of some capabilities; they can't speak native language, they can't work well, even in Malaysia they come there illegally. It's all because of poverty... :frown:

A big homework for the gov...
Even our fellow malaysian, their animal act is more worse than arabs! Many Indonesian maid has been raped and killed higher than arabs! So this is muslim brotherhood?
I agree today ...what you see is in middle east is Pakistanis and Bangladeshi doing manual work.
Still it would be wrong to make assumptions that the jobs in middleast are limited to laborer.
Foreigners, incl. from Pakistan and Bangladesh work in all positions... ranging from doctors, engineers, technicians, drivers and shop keepers etc.

Problem with those who suffer is that there own states fail to protect them from those who fraudulently ship them abroad on fake visas.
Eventually, they suffer because they have no regular jobs and they need earning for their survival.

Now at the same time whole middleast cannot be measured with same yard stick.

Where as you fail to point out what is unjustified in my post and what is this P.S. note about?

What are your parameters of comparing Saudi Arabia and Switzerland?
Living conditions are relevant measure and if you have never been to Saudi Arabia you have no parameters to compare.

Since you are moved from India, no wonder Switzerland seems to you beyond heaven.

Well comparison between Saudi Arabia and Switzerland can be done only many things but I stick to just a few points below.

In Switzerland there is basic freedom, freedom of speech, equal rights for men and women foreigners or locals, women can drive, don't need their husbands or male relatives's permission to leave the country, can walk around wherever and with who so ever they want..etc...... and basically has one of the best quality of life. Saudi is an closed oppressive society...to its own people less said the better about how they treat foreigners.

I cannot go to Saudi and I have no intention of ever going there, however have heard a lot about Saudi society from first hand experiences of people I know.

Lastly I am not Indian if you haven't noticed so far ;) just happen to be there currently for work should be back in a couple of days. Also Switzerland is not the only country that I have lived and worked in FYI..
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Well comparison between Saudi Arabia and Switzerland can be done only many things but I stick to just a few points below.
And yet you didn't missed out on any one. ;)
You seemed quite well informed by your friends.

In Switzerland there is basic freedom, freedom of speech, equal rights for men and women foreigners or locals, women can drive, don't need their husbands or male relatives's permission to leave the country, can walk around wherever and with who so ever they want..etc...... and basically has one of the best quality of life. Saudi is an closed oppressive society...to its own people less said the better about how they treat foreigners.
also in SaudiArabia, there is basic freedom of speech, equal rights for men, women, foreigners, locals and yes women can drive, lay on beach in bikini but only at designated areas.
Yes, their is a law of exit visa but that is just a formality and is applied evenly to both sex evenly.
Idea behind exit visa is to control the criminals escaping after potential crime, but hardly it is applied in its strict form.
Multiple exit-re-entry visa has never been a problem for me and to those known to me.
There is no such law which binds women to take permission from their husbands to leave the house alone.
many female professionals from US come and work in all fields... they work with oil and gas companies, employed in hospitals, education sector etc.
Local women own business... believe it or not once i met a Saudi business women in her factory... where battle tanks were tested.
Saudi is a closed society but it is unique in a sense that foreigners from various nationalities out number locals with 1:100 and most of them come from un-cultured back ground.
There are foreigners who live their till death.

I cannot go to Saudi and I have no intention of ever going there, however have heard a lot about Saudi society from first hand experiences of people I know.

Lastly I am not Indian if you haven't noticed so far ;) just happen to be there currently for work should be back in a couple of days. Also Switzerland is not the only country that I have lived and worked in FYI..

If you can't go to Saudi than they are also not allowed to come to you.
I don't want to comment on your claim of source of information but i wonder why than people go their in millions but you see you were mis-informed.

I can smell Indian from the choice of his words... his interests etc.
As i said in my brief stay at Saudi i have had first hand experience of thousands of Indians.

All the best for your next journey and keep posting once you get back home.
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