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Indonesia gains highest investment in ASEAN

Reashot Xigwin

Oct 20, 2012
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thejakartapost.com, Jakarta | Business | Mon, August 31 2015, 6:46 PM


Business News
Indonesia gained 31 percent or the highest in total foreign investment in ASEAN in the first semester of 2015, Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) chief Franky Sibarani said on Monday.

Franky said investment flow to Indonesia in the first semester of 2015 amounted to US$13.66 billion. “[The achievement] describes that even when the global economy is slowing down, Indonesia remains the main investment destination in ASEAN,” he said as quoted by tempo.co.

The foreign investment figure was higher than figures listed in Vietnam with $7.53 billion (17 percent) and Malaysia with $7.01 billion (16 percent).

Franky also said the fall of the rupiah to US dollar as well as the slowing of the Indonesian economy did not affect foreign investment in the country.

He added that globally, investment flow in the first semester of 2015 reached $311 billion, a 15.8 percent decrease from the $369.5 billion registered in the same period of last year.

The Asia-Pacific region was the only zone that still booked investment growth of 9.2 percent or $137.3 billion, from $125.8 billion last year, he noted.

- See more at: Indonesia gains highest investment in ASEAN | The Jakarta Post
Taiwan Mulls the Relocation of its' Industrial Base to Indonesia

Representatives from Taiwan's trade delegations have stated that they are mulling the option of relocating four of its' industries into Indonesia - namely their shipyard, steel, electronics, and oil refineries.
Taiwan Mulls the Relocation of its' Industrial Base to Indonesia  | Economy & Business | Tempo.Co :: Indonesian News Portal

Sounds good...

Boosting Indonesia’s Economic Growth: Tax Incentives Awarded to 4 Companies

The revised regulation states that institutional taxpayers that provide new investment in pioneering industries (petrochemicals, machinery, agricultural, maritime transport and upstream oil and gas industries), with a minimum investment of IDR 1 trillion (approx. USD $71 million), are eligible for an income tax reduction facility (between 10-100 percent) for a period of between five and 15 years. An exclusion is made for telecommunication firms. These companies can apply for the tax holiday with a minimum investment of IDR 500 billion (USD $35.7 million).
Boosting Indonesia’s Economic Growth: Tax Incentives Awarded to 4 Companies | Indonesia Investments

Good time to invest in Indonesia... Pour the money in...
Indonesia is the largest country with highest population in ASEAN。

It is only right that it attracts the largest amount of foreign investment。
Good job. Indonesian over Yuon Viets is how I like it.

Monday, 31 August, 2015 | 14:00 WIB
BI: Good Investment Climate Encourages Rupiah Strengthening


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Bank Indonesia’s (BI) North Sulawesi Representative head Peter Jacobs said good investment climate will strengthen rupiah.

“The government must create better investment climate in Indonesia so that the weakening rupiah will improve again,” said Peter in Manado on Monday.

Peter said if investment climate in Indonesia is good, foreign investors will not hesitate to invest in regions. “Investors will come to a region if it has good investment climate that will make them stay,” he said.

Indonesia will have to improve the licensing process for investors so that they want to invest in Indonesia. The current weakening rupiah exchange rate that has reached Rp14,000 per US dollar still has its fluctuation maintained so that people need not to be panic.

Peter said rupiah’s condition is not too worrying as rupiah is not the only currency that is depreciating and gaining pressure from dollar.

“If we see it that way, we don’t need to worry. We should focus on reducing import. That's why, businessmen are asked to see which imported products that can be made here,” he said.

BI: Good Investment Climate Encourages Rupiah Strengthening | Economy & Business | Tempo.Co :: Indonesian News Portal
Indonesian leader vows 'massive deregulation' to win investment

* Widodo tries to lift negative investor sentiment
* Indonesia is 'racing against time' - president
* 110 regulations identified as hurting investment
* Some laws will be amended to improve climate (Adds president quotes)

JAKARTA, Sept 2 (Reuters) - Indonesia's president on Wednesday promised quick and "massive deregulation" to attract much needed investment in Southeast Asia's largest economy.

read more: UPDATE 1-Indonesian leader vows 'massive deregulation' to win investment| Reuters
52 US Companies Eye Role in Indonesia's 35GW Power Scheme

Up to 52 US companies are gunning for a slice of the Indonesian government’s program to ramp up electricity production and add 35,000 megawatts to the national grid over the next five years. The companies are part of the US Power Working Group for Indonesia, which also includes 11 US government agencies and departments.

read more: 52 US Companies Eye Role in Indonesia's 35GW Power Scheme | Jakarta Globe

But, but, but.... Indonesia is a non TPP country... US have no love for non TPP countries... (said some mad TPP believer here) :haha:
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Surge in gold jewellery from Indonesia alarms India

A sharp rise in gold jewellery imports from Indonesia in the quarter ended June has authorities worried. Measures are being considered. While imports from Indonesia, a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean), accounted for about half the overall unstudded gold jewellery imports in 2014-15, the June quarter of this financial year saw 92 per cent of those imports from Indonesia.


read more: Surge in gold jewellery from Indonesia alarms India | Business Standard News
South Korean firms to invest in power generation

South Korean companies are looking to invest in the electricity sector in Indonesia. According to head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Franky Sibarani, a South Korean state-owned electricity company revealed its interest in joining the tender for power generation projects in Banten and West Java during a private meeting with Vice President Jusuf Kalla in Seoul, South Korea.

Each of the power plants will have a capacity of 2,000 megawatts with total planned investment to reach Rp 80 trillion (US$5.67 billion).

South Korean firms to invest in power generation | The Jakarta Post
Indonesia’s Growth to Recover as Public Investment Increases
Tuesday, 22 September 2015 07:13 Written by Newseditor Published in Business Read 109 times
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The FINANCIAL -- Indonesia’s economic growth is expected to pick up next year, buoyed by rising public investment and continued economic reforms, says a new report by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) released on September 22.A key driver of the expected growth is stronger public spending, which has been delayed largely by slow fund disbursement. The government has taken measures to improve budget execution, which include efforts to simplify land acquisition procedures, and advancing to 2015 the tendering process for procurement of most public projects under the 2016 budget to expedite implementation.

Policy reforms are expected to stimulate private investment. Reforms include a new one-stop service for investment licensing and encouraging private investment in selected infrastructure projects through public-private partnership. Earlier this month, the government unveiled a package to revive investment that further simplifies or removes regulations that hinder business, expand tax incentives, accelerates strategic projects, and allows foreign ownership of high-end properties.

Meanwhile, household consumption is expected to remain fairly robust. A pay rise for civil servants and tax breaks for low-income earners will foster consumer spending. Weakened consumer confidence earlier this year—due to cuts to fuel subsidies and a depreciation of the currency—has since stabilized. Another factor cited by the ADB report is the expected easing of inflation towards the end of the year.

“There is a risk to this growth prospect coming from global financial market turbulence, but the country’s resilience against market volatility has improved, partly due to a more flexible exchange rate and market-driven adjustment to bond yields,” said Edimon Ginting, ADB Deputy Country Director for Indonesia. He said the government was well placed to manage risks including delays in infrastructure investment, slow progress on structural reforms, and potentially severe impact of El Niño weather conditions.

ADB, based in Manila, is dedicated to reducing poverty in Asia and the Pacific through inclusive economic growth, environmentally sustainable growth, and regional integration. Established in 1966, it is owned by 67 members – 48 from the region, including Indonesia. In 2014, ADB assistance totaled $22.9 billion, which includes cofinancing of $9.2 billion.

FINCHANNEL.com - Indonesia’s Growth to Recover as Public Investment Increases
FINCHANNEL.com - Indonesia’s Growth to Recover as Public Investment Increases
December 10, 2014

Pertamina Signs $25bn Refinery Upgrade Deal With Aramco, Sinopec and JX Nippon

Jakarta. Indonesia’s state-owned energy company Pertamina on Wednesday signed strategic partnership deals with three global oil refiners — JX Nippon Oil and Energy of Japan, Saudi Aramco, and China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation, better known as Sinopec — for projects involving $25 billion in investments.

The deals were inked through four memoranda of understanding, in terms of which the three global refiners agreed to participate in the state-owned energy firm’s Refining Development Master Plan (RDMP).

The projects involve the upgrading of five of Pertamina’s six refineries. The work is estimated to be completed within a decade.

“The MoU for a strategic partnership in the RDMP is the end of a long search for partners, which has taken about a year. Pertamina has undertaken road shows in search for strategic partners, based on their financial capacity, operational expertise and evaluations on the prospects of doing business together,” Pertamina said in a statement on Wednesday.

“The strategic partners will get access to Indonesia’s fast-growing [fuel] market,” the company said, adding that around 400 companies had been considered during the selection process.

According to global energy information provider Platts’ report on Wednesday, Indonesia, Southeast Asia’s largest consumer of oil, typically imports 9 million to 10 million barrels of gasoline per month.

With an average oil demand growth of about 6 percent, Indonesia has proven itself as a huge and attractive market for energy companies around the world.

The new administration of President Joko Widodo has initiated reforms in the sector, including cutting fuel subsidy spending, restructuring the management board at Pertamina as well as reviewing its refining capacity.

“The chemical products output from the refineries will also increase significantly. This include products like polyethylene, propylene, polypropylene, and paraxylene,” Pertamina said in the statement.

The state energy firm, through its six refineries, has a total production capacity of 1.04 million barrels per day (bpd). But the refineries are never utilized to maximum capacity as regular maintenance and other technical issues keep the output typically at 820,000 bpd.

Under the RDMP, Pertamina aims to raise its crude oil processing capacity to 1.68 million bpd from 1.04 million bpd, the statement said.

Saudi Aramco was appointed to help Pertamina develop the existing refineries in Dumai (Riau), Cilacap (Central Java) and Balongan (West Java). JX Nippon will help to upgrade the Balikpapan refinery in East Kalimantan, while Sinopec will handle the refinery in Plaju, South Sumatra.

After the MoU signing, Pertamina and the partners will establish teams to evaluate the feasibility of projects and establish the finance and marketing aspects.

Pertamina and partners plan completion of the front-end engineering design for the various refinery upgrade projects in 2015 or 2016, and the entire project by 2025.

Pertamina Signs $25bn Refinery Upgrade Deal With Aramco, Sinopec and JX Nippon | Jakarta Globe

Saudi Aramco Said to Eye $10b Investment in Indonesian Oil Refineries

Jakarta. Saudi Aramco, the world’s biggest oil company, is reportedly planning to build a new refinery in Indonesia and help state-owned Pertamina upgrade three of its existing facilities.

The new refinery, in Tuban, East Java, will reportedly have a production capacity of 300,000 barrels a day, or a third of Indonesia’s total current capacity, according to Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Sudirman Said.

He also claimed that Saudi Aramco would be involved in upgrades to Pertamina’s refineries in Dumai, in Riau province; Balongan in West Java; and Cilacap in Central Java.

“The initial investment will be about $10 billion,” Sudirman said.

Representatives from Saudi Aramco could not immediately be reached for confirmation.

Sudirman claimed the company had requested a tax holiday in light of its investment, and that the Finance Ministry was amenable to providing a tax holiday of up to 20 years.

Finance Ministry officials could not immediately be reached for confirmation.

Sudirman also claimed that Saudi Aramco would be a partner rather than a rival to Pertamina.

“We will sit down with them and with Pertamina soon to find out what are the gaps [in the negotiations],” he said.

Pertamina president director Dwi Soetjipto said there were other potential investors besides Saudi Aramco interested in developing refineries in Indonesia.

“We will evaluate. Most important is how to get it done,” he said.

Indonesia’s six refineries, owned by Pertamina, have a combined capacity of just 649,000 barrels per day, against domestic consumption of 1.26 million barrels per day.

Officials say the country needs at least two new refineries to fill in the gap.

Saudi Aramco Said to Eye $10b Investment in Indonesian Oil Refineries | Jakarta Globe
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Indonesian FDI Highest Among ASEAN Members in First Half of 2015
Posted on September 15, 2015 by ASEAN Briefing
By Maxfield Brown

With growing uncertainty over China’s economic stability, recent FDI statistics released by the Financial Times come as a reassurance that investors are taking a more pragmatic, nuanced approach towards risk mitigation in Asia. First half inward investment figures illustrate investor confidence that profits can be made in areas less exposed to Chinese imports. Overall strong economic growth throughout ASEAN and India points to the fact that despite the Chinese slowdown, growth potential in Asia still exists.


Among ASEAN members, those capturing the largest share of inward investment thus far this year are those least exposed to the stagnation of Chinese demand. Countries like Vietnam and Malaysia – whose large trade volumes with China promise to be offset by inclusion in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) -elucidate this point. However, with upcoming elections in the USA and Canada, two large TPP members, concerns regarding further delays in TPP’s conclusion have cast a shadow over Vietnam and Malaysia’s growth prospects over the next few years.

Instead, Indonesia (absent from TPP negotiations) has managed to top the list, attracting 31% of FDI in ASEAN in the first half of 2015. With trade between Indonesia and China amounting to merely 7.5% of Indonesia’s GDP, compared to 18.8% and 16.2% for Malaysia and Vietnam, Indonesia promises investors opportunities to mitigate exposure to potential risks in China. As grounds for investment in Indonesia are much less speculative than its neighbors, a closer examination of current investment opportunities seems warranted.

Despite the fact the fact that Indonesia enjoys the largest share of inward direct investment in ASEAN, the characteristics of its industries vary greatly. Top exports in Indonesia include coal, petroleum, palm oil, and rubber. While all industries have seen increased demand in the past years, the markets that these products are exported to, projected volatility in pricing, and the reception of these industries by Indonesian regulators play a significant role in their viability as investment destinations.


Looking first to demand for varying goods, the chart above explores imports of Indonesia’s top exports in China, India, and ASEAN. Large Chinese demand for goods such as rubber leave profitability contingent upon Chinese economic stability. Furthermore, the lack of demand for Indonesian exports in ASEAN and India prevents many Indonesian industries from taking advantage of the reduced trade barriers of the ASEAN Economic Community or providing a counterweight to a downturn in Chinese demand.

However, with high levels of demand from China, India, as well as ASEAN, palm oil shines through as an industry that is capable of simultaneously mitigating the risks of a Chinese slowdown and thriving in an increasingly profitable ASEAN marketplace. With Indian demand exceeding that of China, there is ample opportunity for exporters to shift gears in the event of lagging sales to the Chinese markets. Additionally, as the industry with the second highest level of demand among ASEAN member states, sales of palm oil should become more profitable as many of the non-tariff barriers within the region are removed with the implementation of the AEC.


In addition to shielding investors from risks in China, the general price stability of palm oil allows a greater degree of certainty with regard to projected returns on investment. Historical pricing data, coupled with projections for varying commodities in the next five years, paint a picture of stability for palm oil production. Given these low levels of volatility and limited exposure to China’s slowdown, palm oil is better positioned than most Indonesian exports to weather risks in Asian markets. Thus, in the coming years palm oil is projected to remain among the most stable of Indonesia’s top exports.


While geographically diverse demand and low levels of price volatility reduce risk for palm oil producers worldwide, the importance of Indonesian production cannot be overstated. Servicing 50% of global demand in 2014, and increasing exports by 30% since 2010, Indonesia’s business climate offers perfect conditions for investment. The labor intensive nature of palm oil production in particular allows Indonesian producers to leverage their relatively cheaper workforce against the more capital intensive nature of their competitor’s economies.

This is particularly true of Malaysia – Indonesia’s main competitor and a member of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). Although Malaysia currently has a competitive advantage in the more capital intensive downstream production of refined palm oil, the reduction of duties among AEC member states threatens to reduce margins associated with this line of production and erode its superior position visa vi Indonesia. The costs of these changes are already being realized – palm oil exports fell 3% in Malaysia between 2010 and 2014 – and can be expected to continue as the AEC is fully implemented in December of 2015. With reduced profit margins in its main competitor market, Indonesian production is perfectly positioned to capitalize upon its highly competitive workforce to service demand for palm oil in the ASEAN marketplace.

RELATED: Pre-Investment Services from Dezan Shira & Associates
Government Regulations

A final consideration, and one of the utmost importance for any investment project, is the position of the host country towards FDI. Indonesia is no exception to this rule, with recent restrictions on foreign ownership in key industries highlighting the necessity of a strong understanding of the legal and regulatory environment within the country.

With regard to palm oil, there are several areas that should be of concern. First is the distinction between upstream Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and downstream refined products. Efforts to incentivize higher value added exports have resulted in a number of regulations and tax incentives that favor downstream production and stand to impact all investors in palm oil production. Additionally, certain locations within Indonesia have been prioritized by the Indonesian government for development and are subject to more favorable treatment by regulators.

Indeed, Indonesia, and the palm oil industry in particular, can offer investors a unique growth opportunity in ASEAN and a safe harbor from China’s slowdown and rising wages. However, given the imposition of past regulatory hurdles, it is important for investors to consult with a professional services firm in order to formulate how to best take advantage of this growth sector.

- See more at: Indonesian FDI Highest Among ASEAN Members in First Half of 2015 - ASEAN Business News
Indonesia launches three-hour investment permit issuance service
Jumat, 2 Oktober 2015 19:43 WIB | 1.248 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia's Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) here on Friday made public a regulation to assure issuance of investment principle permits within three hours.

Head of BKPM Franky Sibarani said in a written statement that the regulation was the first step in the implementation of the new service, as part of the second deregulation package issued by the government recently.

"After the issuance of the regulation, BKPM will recruit a notary public and make other technical preparations. We hope within two weeks investors would be able to fully enjoy the service," he said.

Franky added that with the three-hour investment service, BKPM would now have two kinds of investment permit services, the other being an online service.

He said, based on the three-hour service, that investors could obtain an investment permit, company certificate and taxpayer number within three hours.

In view of that, investors who wish to use the service must personally come to the one-stop service center at BKPM, as their signatures would be needed in their company certificates.

"Under the current regular system, investors obtain a principle permit within three days. The company certificates and taxpayer number (NPWP) are processed separately, unlike in the new three-hour service, which is carried out in one location at the one-stop service center," he said.

He noted that the three-hour service is aimed at projects worth minimally Rp100 billion or projects that employ a minimum of 1,000 workers.

He said BKPM is committed to assure that investments in Indonesia would benefit employment in the country.

"Elasticity of our manpower has declined from 450,000 workers per one percent growth in 2004 to only 160,000 in 2014. The hope is that through this breakthrough, investors interests will rise in creating large investment projects that absorb much employment in the country," he said.

BKPM's deputy for investment service, Lestari Indah, said investors who have investment permits could directly carry out construction if the locations of their projects are within industrial zones that have been determined by BKPM.

Investors in the zone need not wait for construction permits, as their process is parallel with the construction process itself.

The long process of permit issuance has been one of the issues investors have often complained of. In stages, BKPM has improved the process by, among other ideas, implementing a one-stop service and simplifying procedures.

Indonesia launches three-hour investment permit issuance service - ANTARA News
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