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Indonesia Economy Forum

I'm always a bit worried when Indonesia get's its palm-exporting restrictions overturned.

Yeah, it'll mean more demand, but I can't help but fear that it would also mean more burned forests and more haze. Jokowi has done many things - defending forests and peatland isn't one of them.
defending forests and peatland isn't one of them.

Badan Restorasi Gambut

Badan Restorasi Gambut Republik Indonesia (BRG) adalah lembaga nonstruktural yang berada di bawah dan bertanggung jawab kepada Presiden. BRG dibentuk pada 6 Januari 2016, melalui Peraturan Presiden Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 tentang Badan Restorasi Gambut.

BRG bekerja secara khusus, sistematis, terarah, terpadu dan menyeluruh untuk mempercepat pemulihan dan pengembalian fungsi hidrologis gambut yang rusak terutama akibat kebakaran dan pengeringan.


PBB Puji Aksi Nyata Pemerintahan Jokowi Kelola Lahan Gambut
Jumat, 23 Maret 2018 17:26 WIB
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, Kongo - Dunia internasional memberi perhatian pada Indonesia karena menjadi salah satu negara dengan lahan gambut terluas di dunia, dengan luas lebih dari 15 juta Ha.

Pasca kebakaran hutan dan lahan (Karhutla) hebat tahun 2015, terutama kebakaran gambut yang sangat sulit dipadamkan, pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo secara efektif menjadikan kebijakan perbaikan tata kelola gambut sebagai prioritas nasional, melalui penerbitan peraturan perundangan maupun langkah-langkah aksi nyata implementasi di lapangan untuk upaya pencegahan terulangnya kembali kebakaran gambut.

Direktur eksekutif Program Lingkungan PBB (UNEP), Erik Solheim, memuji langkah-langkah yang dilakukan Indonesia dalam upaya pemulihan ekosistem gambut.

Hal ini disampaikan dalam pertemuan tingkat tinggi sebagai rangkaian pertemuan Mitra Kerja Global Peatland Initiative (GPI) di Brazzaville, Republik Kongo, Kamis (22/3) waktu setempat.

"Rusaknya lahan gambut di seluruh dunia akan menjadi pukulan besar terhadap Perjanjian Paris dan bagi generasi mendatang,'' tegas Solheim, dalam rilis yang dikeluarkan KLHK, Jumat (23/3/2018).

Solheim juga meminta Republik Kongo dan Republik Demokratik Kongo untuk belajar dari pengalaman Indonesia dalam upaya pemulihanekosistem gambut."Republik Kongo dan Republik Demokratik Kongo harus belajar dari Indonesia."

Pada pertemuan ini Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Indonesia, Dr Siti Nurbaya Bakar, hadir sebagai pembicara kunci.

Turut hadir Perdana Menteri Republik Kongo, Clement Mouamba, Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Republik Demokratik Kongo, Amy Ambatobe Nyongolo, dan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Republik Kongo Arlette Soudan-Nonau.

Pada paparannya, Menteri Siti Nurbaya menjelaskan bahwa Karhutla hebat pada tahun 2015 lalu, terutama kebakaran gambut, menjadi pelajaran amat berharga bagi pemerintah Indonesia, sehingga pemerintah merespon melalui kebijakan-kebijakan untuk melakukan perbaikan tata kelola gambut secara ketat dan menyeluruh, terutama dalam rangka pencegahan terulangnya kebakaran gambut.

''Hasilnya pada periode 2016-2017, Indonesia berhasil menurunkan titik api sebanyak 93,6 persen. Keberhasilan ini merupakan bukti keseriusan Presiden Joko Widodo, menjadikan pencegahan Karhutla yang mayoritas terjadi di lahan gambut sebagai prioritas nasional, dan berhasil mewujudkan kebijakan-kebijakan dalam aksi yang efektif di lapangan,'' tegas Menteri Siti.

Menteri Siti menekankan salah satu kunci keberhasilan Indonesia adalah kemampuan untuk melibatkan semua pihak secara efektif dalam kerja besar ini, mulai dari organisasi kemasyarakatan, termasuk mendorong pemenuhan kewajiban legal sektor swasta yang terkait pengelolaan lahan gambut di konsesi mereka.

Akan Belajar Gambut ala Jokowi

Upaya nyata pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo menata lahan gambut, terbukti menyelamatkan jutaan rakyat Indonesia dari bencana kebakaran hutan dan lahan (Karhutla) pada periode 2016-2017, setelah biasanya rutin terjadi selama hampir dua dekade.

Tata kelola gambut secara ketat dan menyeluruh yang dilakukan pemerintah Indonesia, oleh United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) atau program Lingkungan PBB, menjadi contoh terbaik bagi seluruh negara di dunia yang memiliki persoalan serupa.

Capaian ini dikatakan Menteri LHK Siti Nurbaya, sejalan dengan arahan Presiden Joko Widodo dan Wapres Jusuf Kalla pada November 2015, agar tata kelola gambut Indonesia harus scientific diakui internasional.

''Karena masalah Karhutla yang mayoritas terjadi di lahan gambut ini berlaku universal,'' kata Menteri LHK Siti Nurbaya, Jumat (23/3) waktu setempat dalam kunjungan kerjanya mengikuti pertemuan Mitra Kerja Global Peatland Initiative (GPI) ke 3 di Brazzaville, Republik Kongo.

Dalam waktu dekat dua negara yang memiliki luas gambut terbesar di dunia, yakni Republik Congo dan Republik Demokratik Congo, akan segera belajar ke Indonesia."Indonesia akan memimpin south-south cooperation (kerjasama selatan-selatan) menangani gambut Congo Basin untuk dunia," kata Menteri Siti.

Congo basin atau lembah Kongo meliputi tiga negara yang memiliki lahan gambut terluas kedua di dunia. Tiga negara dimaksud adalah Republik Congo, Republik Demokratik Congo dan Gabon. Selain Indonesia dan duo Congo, negara dengan luas gambut terbesar lainnya di dunia adalah Peru.

Menteri Siti menjadi pembicara kunci pada pertemuan tingkat tinggi GPI. Pada pertemuan tersebut, telah ditandatangani hasil konferensi Global Peatland Innitiatives ke 3, bersama dengan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Republik Demokratik Kongo, Amy Ambatobe Nyongolo, dan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Republik Kongo Arlette Soudan-Nonau.

Turut hadir menyaksikan Direktur eksekutif Program Lingkungan PBB (UNEP), Erik Solheim.

''Jika dulu gambut Indonesia dikenal karena rawan terbakar, sekarang sebaliknya, menjadi referensi untuk melindungi gambut Congo Basin,'' jelas Menteri Siti.

''Dua menteri dari negara Congo juga akan ke Indonesia, sekitar bulan Juni mendatang,'' katanya.


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Presiden Joko Widodo mengingatkan lagi soal target restorasi lahan gambut di Indonesia sampai 2020, yakni 2 juta hektar. "Sejalan dengan pembentukan Badan Restorasi Gambut di awal 2016, kami telah menargetkan target restorasi lahan gambut sampai 2020 seluas 2 juta hektar di tujuh provinsi," ujar Jokowi saat membuka rapat terbatas di Kantor Presiden, Jakarta, Rabu (11/1/2017). Pada 2016, pemerintah melalui Badan Restorasi Gambut (BRG) berhasil merestorasi 400 hektar lahan di tujuh provinsi, yakni Riau, Jambi, Sumatera Selatan, Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Selatan dan Papua. Pada 2017, BRG juga menargetkan merestorasi 400 hektar lahan gambut. "Dari peta indikatif, terlihat jelas restorasi lahan gambut baru dilakukan di kawasan yang telah ditetapkan sebagai kawasan budidaya," kata Jokowi. "Mulai dari hutan produksi sampai areal pengguna lain. Sisanya dilakukan di hutan lindung atau kawasan konservasi, yaitu seluas 685 ribu hektar," ujar dia. Khusus untuk restorasi lahan gambut di kawasan budidaya, Jokowi meminta BRG untuk mengedepankan empat prinsip. Pertama, BRG harus menggencarkan sosialisasi dan edukasi terkait lahan gambut kepada warga agar lahan tersebut tidak rusak. Kedua, peran swasta (pemegang konsesi lahan) hingga BUMN harus dilibatkan lebih jauh untuk restorasi lahan. Ketiga, penegakan hukum lingkungan hidup harus tegas, termasuk evaluasi kepada pemegang izin konsesi yang terbukti membakar atau melakukan alih fungsi kawasan yang ditetapkan sebagai kawasan lindung lahan gambut. Keempat, Jokowi juga meminta kebijakan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan serta Kementerian Pertanian betul-betul memperhatikan fungsi hidrologis gambut. "Dan juga memperhatikan kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitar," ujar Jokowi

2,000,000 ha peatlands restoration by 2020.

... wow, he really does tend to do things silently does he?

Thanks for sharing. I'll see how this year pans out, last two years don't really count since we were overproducing palm-oil due to EU anti-dumping laws, so there was no demand to expand the plantations. Hopefully the programs survive the pressure test.
Eni approves development plan for Merakes discovery, offshore Indonesia

MILAN -- Eni announces the approval of a development plan for the Merakes field, offshore East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The energy minister granted approval just three months after the submission of the plan and less than 11 months after Eni started production from its deepwater Jangkrik asset in Muara Bakau, Indonesia.

The Merakes field is estimated to hold about 2 Tcf of natural gas, is in 1,500 m water depth, 35 km southwest of the Jangkrik floating production unit (FPU). The field was discovered by the Merakes 1 well in 2014 which encountered lean gas in high-quality reservoir sands of Pliocene age. In January 2017, Eni successfully drilled and tested the Merakes 2 appraisal well, recording excellent gas deliverability.

The proximity of Merakes discovery to the Jangkrik FPU will allow Eni to maximize synergies with existing nearby infrastructures as well as reduce costs and start-up time of this second deepwater development in Indonesia.

The approved plan foresees the drilling and completion of six subsea wells and the construction and installation of subsea systems and pipelines which will be connected to the Jangkrik FPU. The gas will be shipped through the existing pipelines from the Jangkrik FPU to the Bontang LNG processing facility in East Kalimantan.

Merakes production, combined with Jangkrik, will contribute to the life extension of the Bontang LNG facilities, which supplies LNG to domestic and export markets.

The approval of the Merakes development plan is a fundamental step to progress towards the final investment decision of the project. Merakes is another outcome of the Eni “near field” exploration and appraisal strategy. “We are proud of Eni’s partnership with Indonesia, a key country in the company’s global strategies,” said Eni’s CEO, Claudio Descalzi.

Eni is the operator of East Sepinggan PSC through its subsidiary Eni East Sepinggan Limited which holds 85% participating interest, while Pertamina Hulu Energy holds the remaining 15%.

Jangkrik bos

Indonesia is on path to joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership, finance minister says
  • Indonesia will apply to join the TPP in future, Sri Mulyani Indrawat said.
  • She said the country's economy has bigger priorities for now.
  • Global trade tariffs will not hurt Indonesia as yet but could in future, she said.
Indonesian Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati has said her country wants to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), but is not yet ready to do so.

The former World Bank managing director spoke Wednesday to CNBC's Joumanna Bercetche at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank Group Spring Meetings in Washington. The meetings bring together central bankers, lawmakers and company directors.

Indrawati said Indonesian President Joko Widodo has always wanted to join the TPP but does not see it as an immediate priority for the economy.

"The direction is towards that (TPP), but we have to address a lot of structural issues. That is why the Indonesian government is paying attention to connectivity, human capital and reform to the ease of doing business," she said.

After the United States abandoned plans to join the TPP trade agreement, 11 other countries decided to revive it and signed a revised version in March.

The countries now participating are Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam.

Indrawati said Indonesia's trade focus in future would not solely focus on TPP nations.

"I think we are going to make sure that Indonesia focuses on non-traditional markets. We are going to look at central Asia as well as India and Africa," she said.

Indrawati was appointed finance minister in 2016 having previously served in the same post between 2005 and 2010.


... wow, he really does tend to do things silently does he?
Not really, he made high profile visit to the burned peatlands together with The Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces in the past CMIIW , and he said about new institution to handle peatlands.
There are tons of news related to this, but it is not really interesting to ppl, they prefer news about pelakor, lucinta luna etc.
I'm sure it has been posted there but burried by new post.
Been two year already no news about forest fire
. .
Indonesia Plan to Export 150 Locomotive to Thailand

INKA Pasok 150 Lokomotif untuk Perusahaan Kereta Thailand

Koran SINDO, Jurnalis · Jum'at 23 Maret 2018 12:28 WIB

  • JAKARTA - PT INKA (Persero) bekerja sama dengan State Railway of Thailand (SRT) dalam pengembangan sektor perkeretaapian di Thailand. Perusahaan Thailand itu mengharapkan dukungan dari PT INKA dalam pengadaan lokomotif, transfer teknologi, maupun peningkatan kapasitas dalam industri perkeretaapian.

    Rencana kerja sama tersebut diketahui saat Kepala Staf Kepresidenan Moeldoko menerima Perwakilan Khusus Pemerintah Thailand yang dipimpin Jenderal Chamlong Kunsong di Bina Graha, Jakarta, kemarin.

    Baca Juga: Menteri Rini Tunjuk Budi Noviantoro Jadi "Masinis" INKA

    Chamlong datang ke Indonesia bersama sejumlah delegasi untuk menandatangani perjanjian kerja sama antara PT INKA dengan SRT dan perusahaan Thanakorn Company Limited terkait peningkatan kerja sama perkeretaapian.

    ”Kerja sama ini akan menjadi tonggak baru yang lebih kokoh untuk meningkatkan kerja sama lain antara kedua negara dalam bidang politik, ekonomi, sosial, dan kebudayaan,” kata Moeldoko dalam keterangan tertulisnya kemarin.

    Pemerintah Thailand, kata dia, memiliki visi dan gagasan besar sehingga itu akan menguatkan hubungan Indonesia dan Thailand.

    Baca Juga: Pembangunan Pabrik Inka di Banyuwangi Dalam Tahap Pembebasan Lahan

    Direktur Utama PT INKA Budi Noviantoro mengatakan, saat ini sedang dilakukan kerja sama antara SRT dengan PT INKA dalam bentuk penyediaan 150 lokomotif yang diawali dengan kontrak 50 lokomotif pada 2018.

    Kerja sama tersebut ditandai dengan penandatanganan MoU antara PT INKA dan Thanakorn di Jakarta tadi malam. Selanjutnya perwakilan Pemerintah Thailand juga mengundang Pemerintah Indonesia dan PT INKA untuk hadir dalam pameran terkait industri kereta api di Bangkok serta bertemu dengan Perdana Menteri Thailand.

    Baca Juga: Inka Incar Peluang Ekspor Kereta ke Afrika

    Perwakilan Khusus Pemerintah Thailand Jenderal Chamlong Kunsong mengatakan kerja sama tersebut akan memungkinkan adanya terjadi transfer teknologi dalam bidang perkeretaapian dengan Indonesia.

    ”Thailand sekarang sedang membangun industri perkeretaapian,” kata Chamlong.

    (yanto kusdiantono)
LRT trainset made by INKA Indonesia



. .
Indonesia to use Japan loans and private capital for $4.5bn railway

TOKYO -- Indonesia will seek funding from the Japanese government and private sector for a $4.5 billion railway project stretching across the island of Java.

Basuki Hadimuljono, Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, told Nikkei on Friday that the project involved upgrading 750km of existing track on the Jakarta-Surabaya line and building around 300 flyovers at an estimated cost of 62 trillion rupiah ($4.46 billion), which will be financed by Japanese loans.

Elements such as the construction of station buildings and surrounding facilities, on the other hand, will be developed through public-private partnership schemes.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo confirmed that the railway would be built jointly with Japan in an interview with Nikkei in December last year, but Hadimuljono's comments mark the first time a minister has mentioned private sector involvement. The deal is still being finalized, he added, and the terms may change before the planned groundbreaking by the end of the year.


If completed, the trans-Java railway upgrade would halve the travel time between Jakarta and the country's second largest city to about five and half hours.

Embarking on the project will help improve ties between the two countries, which were strained when Tokyo lost out to a Chinese bid for the Jakarta-Bandung railway project in 2015.

At the time, Jakarta claimed China had won the deal because its proposal would not burden the government budget.

Involving the private sector in the Jakarta-Surabaya project represents way of catering to Indonesia's strict limits on its budget deficit -- which by law needs to be kept below 3% of GDP -- as well as concerns over an increase in foreign debt.

Hadimuljono said Indonesia would also seek to partner with Japan on a 40km access road in West Java connecting Patimban port, which is being financed by Japanese government loans, and a 90km toll road on the island of Sumatra. The access road to Patimban will cost around four trillion rupiah.

The minister was speaking on the sidelines of a symposium held by Nikkei Inc. in Tokyo to mark the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Japan and Indonesia.


Bambang Brodjonegoro, Minister of National Development Planning, had said in his opening remarks that infrastructure development is key to "promoting sustainable economic growth" and "avoiding the middle-income trap."

Faced with a considerable shortage of public funds, attracting private-sector companies has become key to realizing Widodo's pledge to boost growth through infrastructure development.

The Indonesian president has called for around 70% of the plans to be financed by the private sector, but little noticeable progress has been made in securing investment.

Other projects that have been earmarked for private investment include the construction of a new airport near Yogyakarta and the expansion of Kertajati International Airport, which is being built near Bandung, the capital of West Java Province, along with the development of surrounding urban areas.

The power generation industry has successfully made use of private capital to develop infrastructure without burdening state coffers. A number of investors now sell electricity to the state-owned electric power company to recover their outlay and earn revenue.

On the flip side, there are projects that are unlikely to generate much cash but require significant investment, and the risks involved deter many would-be investors.

The Jakarta-Bandung line, Indonesia's first high-speed railway project, is a case in point. State-owned Indonesian and Chinese companies are tasked with construction and management, but the project has ground to a halt two years on from the groundbreaking in January 2016.

Acquiring the necessary land has been problematical, hampering the project's ability to raise the estimated $5.6 billion required.

To facilitate investment, Jakarta has started relaxing regulations such as limits on foreign capital, and simplified procedures for collective processing by the central government.

Japan, for its part, has its own challenges. "Japanese companies are so [segmented. They] don't have enough experience in transit-oriented development in the public-private partnership model," said Tadashi Maeda, chief executive of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation. "The issue is how can we share the burden between host countries and the private sector."

New maneuver after lost to China

Malaysia Belajar Perkeretaapian ke Indonesia

Jakarta - PT KAI menerima kunjungan Keretaapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) yang merupakan operator utama perkeretaapian di Malaysia. Kunjungan berlangsung selama empat hari ke beberapa fasilitas yang dimiliki oleh PT KAI.

"PT KAI sebagai operator perkeretaapian di Indonesia sudah melakukan transformasi dan terus berinovasi. Hal ini yang menjadi daya tarik bagi negara lain untuk melakukan benchmarking di PT KAI," ujar Direktur Utama PT KAI, Edi Sukmoro, dalam keterangan tertulis, Jumat (20/4/2018).

Kunjungan dilakukan ke daerah operasi (DAOP) 1 Jakarta, DAOP 2 Bandung, dan DAOP 6 Yogyakarta selama empat hari mulai dari Senin (16/4/2018) hingga Kamis (19/4/2018). Di Bandung, rombongan mengunjungi Balai Diklat Sinyal, Telekomunikasi, dan Listrik (Sintelis), Balai Pelatihan Operasi dan Pemasaran (BP Opsar), dan Pusat Pengendalian (Pusdal).

Sementara di Yogyakarta mereka ke Balai Yasa Yogyakarta (BY YK), Balai Pendidikan Teknik Traksi (BPTT) Darman Prasetyo, dan Balai Pelatihan Teknik Perkeretaapian (BPTP) Sofyan Hadi di Bekasi serta Balai Yasa Manggarai di Jakarta.

Di kesempatan itu pihak KAI menjelaskan berbagai macam pelatihan yang dilakukan di Pusdiklat Ir. H. Djuanda tentang manajerial. Di BP Sintelis, KTMB melihat lab dan simulator persinyalan. Di BP Opsar, KTMB melihat proses belajar-mengajar yang dilakukan PT KAI kepada siswa-siswa diklatnya. Selanjutnya, di Pusdal Stasiun Bandung, PT KAI menjelaskan mengenai sistem operasional perjalanan kereta api.

PT KAI juga memaparkan pendidikan dan pelatihan yang diberikan di BPTT Darman Prasetyo, serta menunjukkan secara langsung ruang belajar dan ruang praktik. Sementara di Balai Yasa Yogyakarta merkea mendapatkan inforasi tentang profil dan inovasi seperti pembuatan Rail Clinic, Rail Library, dan KA Inspeksi serta mengajak rombongan untuk melihat proses perawatan lokomotif.

Perwakilan dari KTMB yakni Wahid Othman selaku Head of Department ASEAN Railway Center of Excellence (HOD ARCOE) KTMB Malaysia mengucapkan terima kasih atas sambutan dan pengetahuan yang didapatkan. Ia berharap kedua instansi bisa saling berkolaborasi dalam meningkatkan perkeretaapian.


Malaysian rail operator visit PT KAI
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Who makes the engine for these locomotives?

I don’t think these trains are 100% Indonesian made

I'm not sure which engine it uses, but so far all domestically produced locomotives in Indonesia use either Caterpillar or General Electric. Main reason why it's gaining traction really, the engine itself is still a reliable American one, but prices are way low since production costs in Indonesia are much lower.
Who makes the engine for these locomotives?

I don’t think these trains are 100% Indonesian made

The electric motors probably come from Bombardier as INKA is collaborating with them for the LRT project. For heavy duty locomotives used for freights, GE and Catepillar diesel engines are used.
. .
The trains are indonesian made, some components are not. INKA use up to 65% local components in their train products.


The electric motors probably come from Bombardier as INKA is collaborating with them for the LRT project. For heavy duty locomotives used for freights, GE and Catepillar diesel engines are used.

Thank you for the responses.

Btw, I heard about Indonesian parliament thinking about revamping its dutch era criminal code---and a vote was expected in April..is there any update in that regard? I know it might be a bit off topic but I just wanted to know the situation on the ground. One of my friend from New Zealand told me about this. He has some property investments in Indonesia...I wonder what's the update on the whole criminal code revamp situation.
Thank you for the responses.

Btw, I heard about Indonesian parliament thinking about revamping its dutch era criminal code---and a vote was expected in April..is there any update in that regard? I know it might be a bit off topic but I just wanted to know the situation on the ground. One of my friend from New Zealand told me about this. He has some property investments in Indonesia...I wonder what's the update on the whole criminal code revamp situation.

Not sure if we're on the same page but there was a criminal code update that passed parliament 2 months ago. The update... is honestly a mess. Didn't touch foreign investment rights at all. The law was choke-full of political interests that honestly made the law worse. It's since been bought up to the constitutional court to be either repealed or edited. Either way, the law concerned itself with lawmaker rights, sexuality, and moralism for the most part, it'll probably never be bought up in this forum.

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