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Battered Indonesian Rupiah, Malaysia Ringgit Stage Strong Rallyi
Asia’s worst performing currencies, the Indonesian rupiah and Malaysian ringgit, rallied strongly to multi-week highs on Wednesday, helped by the previous day’s intervention by Indonesian authorities, robust Malaysian data and a heavy liquidation of positions.

By close of Asian trading, the ringgit had risen nearly 5 percent against the dollar to levels around 4.16 per dollar. The rupiah had risen 7 percent over two days to 13,700 per dollar. On Sept. 29, both currencies had fallen to more than 17 years lows, striking levels unseen since the Asian financial crisis.

“Rupiah and ringgit rebounded the most because they are more oversold than other currencies in the region,” said Heng Koon How, senior currency strategist at Credit Suisse Private Bank and Wealth Management in Singapore. a Singapore-based senior currency strategist at Credit Suisse.

Heng said there were two reasons for the broad recovery in emerging Asian currencies, namely the rebound in oil prices and market expectations for the first U.S. interest rate rise in years being pushed out after last week’s weak jobs data.

Malaysia’s stock market too was among top gainers in the region on Wednesday as a jump in oil prices propped up refiners and mining stocks. U.S. crude oil rose more than $1 to $49.64 per barrel.

Besides the hope this rally in crude oil will push up prices for Malaysia’s exports of liquified natural gas, the ringgit also enjoyed a reprieve from the past weeks of relentless selling pressure after data showed a big jump in the August trade surplus.

Even after Wednesday’s rally, the ringgit is down 16 percent this year.

While Malaysia’s economic outlook looks better on the back of the oil price recovery, improved exports and the Trans-Pacific trade deal, Prime Minister Najib Razak’s political prospects remained mired in the scandal over allegations of graft and mismanagement at indebted state fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

“More such sizable trade surpluses could help investors conclude that the FX weakness was beginning to have a salutary impact on trade, suggesting perhaps that the currency weakness was overdone,” Siddharth Mathur, head of emerging Asia strategy at Citi, said.

Mathur however said investors would still be looking to sell the ringgit on rallies until the political situation improved and thin trading volumes in the spot market meant there could be volatility and large moves in either direction.

Malaysia’s royal rulers weighed in on the controversy on Tuesday, with a strongly worded statement.

The sultans of nine states and governors of the remaining four said the government’s failure to give convincing answers on 1MDB may have resulted in a “crisis of confidence” and asked for the government to quickly conclude investigations and take appropriate action against those implicated, the Bernama news agency reported.

Reserves Running Down

Indonesia’s rupiah has mainly been ground down by worries foreigners who hold more than a third of its high-yielding government bonds will pull their money out as the Federal Reserve starts raising rates.

The central bank, Bank Indonesia, has announced measures to contain the weakness in the currency, which at its weakest levels earlier this month was at lows last seen during the Asian financial crisis.

Traders suspected those measures, particularly its plan to supply dollars in the forward markets, were behind the rupiah’s recovery this week. Bank Indonesia’s deputy governor Mirza Adityaswara said on Tuesday that intervention would have helped improve the supply of dollars but he denied intervening on Wednesday.

Both central banks in Malaysia and Indonesia have been conscious of their precarious currency reserves positions and spot market dollar-selling interventions have been rare.

Data on Wednesday showed Indonesia’s reserves were down to $101.7 billion at the end of September, having shed nearly $14 billion since they peaked in February. Malaysia’s reserves were down to $93.3 billion at the end of September, falling $2 billion in the second half of the month, and $34 billion less than they were a year earlier.
Battered Indonesian Rupiah, Malaysia Ringgit Stage Strong Rally | Jakarta Globe
RI`s forex reserves down US$3.6 billion
Rabu, 7 Oktober 2015 21:30 WIB | 562 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesias foreign exchange reserves fell US$3.6 billion to US$101.7 billion at the end of September from US$105.3 billion at the end of August, according to Bank Indonesia (BI).

The decline resulted from the use of foreign exchange reserves to repay the governments foreign debts and to stabilize the rupiahs exchange rate against foreign currencies, Executive Director of BIs Communication Department Tirta Segara stated here on Wednesday.

"The move is in line with BIs commitment to stay in the market to stabilize the rupiahs exchange rate according to its fundamentals to support the stability of macro economy and financial system," he affirmed.

He said the foreign exchange reserves for the year at the end of September 2015 were still adequate to finance imports for seven months or imports and government debt repayments for 6.8 months. The foreign exchange reserves were still above the international adequacy standard to finance imports for three months.

"BI is of the view that the foreign exchange reserves are still able to support the resilience of the external sector and maintain continued growth in the countrys economy in future," he remarked.

The foreign exchange reserves also declined US$2.3 billion to US$105.3 billion at the end of August from US$107.6 billion at the end of July this year. (*)

RI`s forex reserves down US$3.6 billion - ANTARA News
Presiden Joko Widodo meninjau peternakan sapi di Balai Pembibitan Peternakan Sapi Padang Mengatas, Kecamatan Luwak, Kabupaten Limapuluh Kota, Sumatera Barat, Kamis (8/10/2015).

Indonesian property sector still attracting foreign investors
Rabu, 7 Oktober 2015 21:47 WIB | 688 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Foreign investors have shown keen interest in the Indonesian property sector, according to the international property consultant Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL).

"Amid the gloomy property market now, foreign investors are still showing high interest in making investment in the Indonesian property sector," JLL Indonesias Country Head Todd Lauchlan noted on Wednesday.

He affirmed that several foreign investors are seeking opportunities to invest in the Indonesian property sector through cooperation or direct purchase.

The Indonesian Property Watch (IPW) had earlier reminded the government on the importance of focusing on the development of middle and luxury class housing complexes.

"Housing for the middle and lower income segments can serve as the savior to withstand the conditions in the housing market, so that it would not fall further," IPW Executive Director Ali Tranghanda pointed out.

Therefore, the government is accelerating the development of houses for the people in the lower income group.

The housing development program could be accelerated by increasing funding sources.

He added that the Housing Financing Liquidity Facility funds, amounting to Rp5.1 trillion, to finance the construction of 68 thousand houses had been utilized as of July 2015.(*)

Indonesian property sector still attracting foreign investors - ANTARA News

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KAMPAR -- President Joko Widodo said that next year Indonesia plans to buy a special aircraft for fire disaster management (water bombing aircraft). He explained that the budget needed to be discussed with the Parliament.

"At least three aircraft which has a large capacity and can bring 12 tons of waters," he said after reviewing the former location of fires in Rimbo Panjang village, Tambang district, Kampar, Riau, Friday (9/10).

The President also stated that helps from several countries will be concentrated to extinguish land and forest fires in South Sumatra. He revealed some countries are able to provide assistance, namely Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, Russia, Australia, and China

"It will be concentrated in South Sumatra because mostly fires are still in South Sumatra. Singapura has come to give assistance," Jokowi explained.

He said foreign aid was in the form of aircraft that can carry water to "waterbombing" above 10 tons of waters.

Three water bombing aircrafts available next year | Republika Online

"At least three aircraft which has a large capacity and can bring 12 tons of waters," he said after reviewing the former location of fires in Rimbo Panjang village, Tambang district, Kampar, Riau, Friday

We got assistance from russia right? how many ton Antonov can bring? Is it the same or bigger?
Siemens sets sights on
govt’s mega power plant

PT Siemens Indonesia, the local unit of German engineering conglomerate Siemens AG, wants to strengthen its presence in Indonesia by aiming to participate in a major share of the government’s ambitious 35,000-megawatt (MW) power plant project through 2019.

The company, which has invested over ¤200 million (US$227 million) in the country in the last two decades, will supply cutting-edge technology for the ambitious project as well as other energy or transportation projects, a top executive has said.

“We have a strategy that we constantly want to increase our local footprints [including in Indonesia]. We’ve invested in the last 20 years and we want to continue all of that,” said Siemens Indonesia CEO Josef Winter.

With its established technology in power plant and energy distribution, Siemens was willing to participate with a major share in the 35,000-MW project, Winter said in a press briefing during the 40th anniversary of the firm’s plant in Pulomas, Jakarta, on Thursday.

Manufacturing products ranging from energy transmitters to smart grid solutions and services, Siemens Indonesia has exported worldwide many of its products made at the Pulomas factory, particularly across Asia.

The company currently operates two factories in the country, namely the Cilegon plant that produces steam and gas turbines and the Pulomas plant that makes switchgears and control panels.

Roland Busch, a member of the managing board of Siemens AG, said that his firm would be committed to participating not only to provide technology for the government’s power plant projects, but also for high voltage energy transmission.

In Indonesia alone, Siemens has generated around 11 percent of the country’s power with its technology.

It has also turned Indonesia into one of its production hubs for the Asian market, serving Southeast Asia and part of its Australian market.

Busch said Indonesia would remain pivotal for his company as it was not only the largest economy in the Southeast Asian region, but was forecast to still have a young, productive population by 2030, providing a huge local workforce for Siemens’ operations in the country in the years to come.

Industry Minister Saleh Husin said the government lauded Siemens’ active improvement of local content in their products and urged any private companies willing to take part in the mega power plant project to boost their local content.

He estimated that Siemens would participate in the development of power plants providing around 16,000 to 20,000 MW of the total targeted 35,000 MW.

Busch added that Siemens would continuously invest in the Asian region as it was projected to contribute around 40 percent of global domestic product growth in the next five years.

“We’re also currently regarding our market share in the region as still underrepresented. Our target will be to get our market share in Asia [the] same as we have in Europe,” he said, without detailing the firm’s market share in Europe.

Globally, Siemens earned 71.9 billion euro in revenue last year, with 26 percent coming from America, 9 percent from China, 11 percent from Asia and Australia and 54 percent from Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

- See more at: Siemens sets sights on govt’s mega power plant project | The Jakarta Post
Khoirul Amin, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Business | Sat, October 10 2015, 5:33 PM
- See more at: Siemens sets sights on govt’s mega power plant project | The Jakarta Post
Rupiah continues to strengthen
Jumat, 9 Oktober 2015 19:38 WIB | 788 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesias currency continued to appreciate on Friday, up 439 points to Rp13,448 against the US dollar from the previous close of Rp13,887.

"The rupiah appreciated below Rp13.5 thousand per US dollar. The shift in the markets projection on the Feds plan to raise its interest rate in 2016 has been used by market players to reinvest in risky currencies, including the rupiah," money market observer from Bank Himpunan Saudara Rully Nova stated.

He noted that during the Federal Open Market Committee meeting held last night, the United States central bank officials hinted that they would continue to hold the rate at a low level as economic growth in the United States is still in a risky phase.

"The signal lends a negative sentiment to the US dollar," he pointed out.

Before the Fed would raise its interest rate, market players have reinvested in assets in developing countries due to their yields, which are more attractive than that in the United States.

In the domestic market, players have pinned high hopes on the governments economic policy packages issued recently, thereby increasing positive sentiment that led to the rupiahs appreciation, he noted.

"The domestic sentiment also contributes to the rupiah appreciation," he pointed out.

Chief researcher of Korindo Securitieis Indonesia Reza Priyambodo stated that the economic policies produced by the government and Bank Indonesia had boosted the US dollar supply in the country.

"The third package of economic policies have been considered to be more concrete to boost the domestic economy in the short term, and this policy has helped make the rupiah move into the positive territory," he remarked.

The middle rate of the rupiah at Bank Indonesia was up to Rp13,521 from the previous value of Rp14,809.(*)
Indonesia`s Free-Visa Policy Lures Egyptian Investors | Economy & Business | Tempo.Co :: Indonesian News Portal


Indonesia`s Free-Visa Policy Lures Egyptian Investors
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TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The government policy to provide free visas for 75 friendly countries, including Egypt, was the main topic discussed in the Business Gathering & Dinner held in Cairo on Friday night, October 9, 2015.

Former Egyptian Industry Minister Ibrahim Fawzy in his speech said that Indonesia’s free-visa policy for Egyptians was an opportunity that must be seized by business owners.

“The free-visa policy for 75 countries, including Egypt, is a good opportunity to run business, as well as cultural and tourism programs,” Mr. Fawzy said.

Mr. Fawzy hopes that Egypt would issue free-visa policy for Indonesians in a bid to gain more foreign exchange from business travel, tourism and investment in Egypt.

Earlier in September, the Indonesia and Egypt signed an agreement to provide free visa for those who hold diplomatic and official passports. The agreement is set forth in the Memorandum of Understanding signed by Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi and Egyptian Foreign Minister Shameh Shukri on the sidelines of Egyptian President Abdel Fatah Al Sisi’s visit to Jakarta on September 4, 2015.

The business meeting themed “Doing Business With Indonesia” held by the Indonesian Embassy in Cairo was aimed at gathering Egyptian business owners and investors to attend two business events in Indonesia: the “Indonesia-Middle East Update” in Aceh to be held in Aceh on October 17-19, 2015, and the “2015 Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI)” to be held in Jakarta on October 21-25, 2015. A total of 80 Egyptian business owners have confirmed their attendance at the 2015 TEI, Indonesian Embassy’s attaché in Cairo Burman Rahman said.

Indonesian Ambassador to Egypt Nurfaizi Suwandi said that Indonesian Investors were very enthusiastic with business opportunities offered by Egypt. Nurfaizi said that Indonesia had three important investments worth US$91 million in Egypt. Nurfaizi emphasized that the Indonesian government would prioritize investment policies that promote ease, swiftness and transparency.


BKPM: South Korea Invests Big In Indonesia's Minerals, Palm Oil Industry

BKPM: South Korea Invests Big In Indonesia's Minerals, Palm Oil Industry | Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. South Korean businesses are set to invest $600 million in to a number of key Indonesian industries, the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board, or BKPM, said in a statement on Friday.

Half of the overall investment will be aimed at the ferro-nickel industry, with the biomass industry gaining a $100 million investment. The remainder will be divided up among crude palm oil refineries, palm derivative products, fruits and livestock feed, the statement said.

“The CPO refinery business has searched for an opportunity to set up an investment in Sei Mangke [North Sumatera]. Livestock feed industry wanted to set up in East Java and the ferro-nickel industry in Central Sulawesi,” Franky Sibarani, BKPM chief, said in the statement.

When the flow of funds will begin and which companies are involved have not yet been revealed.

According to data from BKPM, the value of principal permits — the first step for investors in doing business in Indonesia — from South Korean investors jumped 39 percent in the first half of this year to $1.48 billion, from the same period last year.

Meanwhile, investment realization from South Korea in the first half of this year stood at $787.83 million, up 20.3 percent from the same period last year.


ADB to Establish Clean Energy Research Center in Indonesia | Jakarta Globe

ADB to Establish Clean Energy Research Center in Indonesia

The Asian Development Bank has agreed to help Indonesia with the establishment of a research center on clean energy for both the public and private sectors, it said in a statement Thursday.

Indonesia's Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Sudirman Said signed a memorandum of understanding with the ADB on Thursday, inviting the Manila-based lender to bring its technical assistance to support and develop a "Center of Excellence on Clean Energy," to be built in Bali.

The center aims to increase knowledge, facilitate investment and provide technical solutions.

“ADB is pleased to support the government of Indonesia in reaching our shared vision of a clean and sustainable energy sector in Indonesia, and welcomes this significant collaboration with the government and our partners,” said Steven Tabor, the country director at the ADB’s Indonesia mission.

The ADB said the center is expected to play “a key role in accelerating Indonesia’s goal to source a significant amount of its total energy requirements from renewable energy by 2025.”

“It will also support the government’s goals of strengthening energy efficiency, the gas sector, clean fuel, thereby bolstering the overall sustainability of the energy sector,” the statement said.

Minister Sudirman explained that the center would support Indonesia’s goals to strengthen energy efficiency and increase the use of gas and clean fuel to boost energy sustainability.

The center will temporarily operate through an online virtual portal until its physical office is ready.

Representatives from relevant government agencies and the private sector can use the online platform to share knowledge and research as well as facilitate investment for the project.

The ADB is owned by 67 member countries, including 48 from the Asian region, including Indonesia. Last year, ADB assistance in Indonesia totaled $22.9 billion.


ABB Inaugurates Tangerang Plant, Part of $20m Investment | Jakarta Globe

ABB Inaugurates Tangerang Plant, Part of $20m Investment

Jakarta. Zurich-based power and automation technology company ABB Group on Wednesday inaugurated a low-voltage insulated switchgear factory in Tangerang, Banten, that is part of its $20 million investment plan in Indonesia.

Groundbreaking for the factory was done in July 2013.

The Tangerang plant will add to ABB Group’s capacity, as a similar factory was inaugurated last year.

ABB Indonesia managing director Richard Ledgard said in a statement on Wednesday that apart from meeting domestic supply, the new factories will also supply other countries in the region.

The company said in the statement that its products have been used in more than 100 countries, in a wide variety of sectors, including in dockyards, transport vessels, mining, oil and gas, electricity and manufacturing.


US Marketing Expert Kotler to Help Boost Indonesia's Brand | Jakarta Globe

US Marketing Expert Kotler to Help Boost Indonesia's Brand

Jakarta. The Tourism Ministry has recruited US marketing expert Philip Kotler to help boost the nation's brand as Wonderful Indonesia ambassador.

The appointment of Kotler, an 84-year-old professor at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management, was announced by Tourism Minister Arief Yahya at the Ritz-Carlton hotel at Jakarta's Pacific Place mall on Friday.

Kotler has previously been involved in campaigns to stimulate tourism to Flores in East Nusa Tenggara, from where people can visit the world-famous Komodo island, and in the initiative to set up the Museum of Marketing 3.0 Ubud, Bali.

Arief said at the Ritz-Carlton that Indonesia would be moving much of its tourism marketing campaign online, citing growing numbers people who can be reached digitally as opposed to via print products.

"I use online media more than offline media, to get the message across," the minister said. "I'm focusing more intensively on M2M [machine to machine], smartphone to smartphone and MacBook to MacBook, to make the H2H [human to human] connection."

Kotler, who holds a PhD in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was born in Chicago in 1931. He has published dozens of books on marketing strategy.
Rupiah, shares record big gains again

The rupiah and stocks both booked big gains again on Friday as price rallies in global financial markets sparked an increase in purchases in the local market.

The rupiah jumped 3.4 percent to 13,412 per US dollar in Jakarta, raising its appreciation this week to 9.1 percent, while the Jakarta Composite Index (JCI), the main price gauge of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), rose by another 2 percent to end the day at 4,589.

readmore: Rupiah, shares record big gains again | The Jakarta Post
Malaysia and Indonesia to set up CPOP to strengthen industry cooperation | New Straits Times | Malaysia General Business Sports and Lifestyle News


JAKARTA: Malaysia and Indonesia have formally agreed to spearhead the setting up of the Council of Palm Oil Producing Countries (CPOP), to strengthen industry cooperation between the world's top producers. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said the council would allow Malaysia and Indonesia to cooperate closely as industry leaders, with both countries responsible for 85 per cent of the world's palm oil production. The council, he said, would also set global standards and allow the two countries to cooperate on determining the volume of palm oil stockpiles. "This cooperation will bring many benefits, especially to smallholders, and the industry as a whole," he told reporters after meeting with Indonesian president Joko Widodo here to formalise CPOP's establishment. Najib said the setting up of the council was historically significant as plans to establish a permanent structure for the industry had been underway since a verbal agreement was first reached in 2006. "This plan has been mentioned many times, but we haven't been able to carry it out until now. So today is a meaningful beginning for the future of the palm oil industry," he said. He said the council would be headquartered in Jakarta, with Indonesia represented by its former coordinating minister for economic affairs Rizal Ramli and Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister Datuk Douglas Uggah Embas. Najib said the two countries had also agreed to establish a green economic zone to develop the downstream palm oil sector, with the zone to be determined by Indonesia. The arrangement, he said, would also allow the countries to work together against the threat to the industry posed by the international anti-palm oil lobby.

Japan interested in auto component factory in Indonesia - ANTARA News

Minggu, 11 Oktober 2015 06:21 WIB | 1.129 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - A company in Japans Okayama Prefecture is interested in the automotive component business in Indonesia, Okaya Prefecture Governor Ryuta Ibaragi said.

During his visit to the Indonesian Capital Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) here on Friday, Governor Ibaragi said the automotive component company, which has supplied components for Mitsubishi cars, was interested in developing an auto component factory in Indonesia.

"There are 422 companies from Okoyama Prefecture that have made investments outside Japan. In Indonesia, we have a number of large companies which made investments," he said, in a written statement made available in Jakarta on Saturday.

Meanwhile, Okayama Prefecture's governor said there is considerable interest among Japanese businessmen to conduct business in Indonesia. However, there are a number of concerns about the investment climate in Indonesia from investors from the Prefecture Okoyama, he said, including the problem of the country's unpredictable wage system.

Ibaragi said that during his visit in Indonesia he found Indonesians to be quite open to Japanese companies.

"Regarding the MRT project, we thank the Indonesian government for its trust in a Japanese company. Of course, we will not ignore it and will maintain that trust," he said.

BKPM Chief Franky Sibarani said Japanese companies were given priorities regarding assistance from investment facilities.

Japanese investment is the main component of the economic growth driver in Indonesia, he said.

"We are ready to assist investment from Japan. The Marketing Office for the Japan area and the BKPM representative office in Tokyo could be used by investors and companies in Okoyama to plan business activities in Indonesia," he said.

He noted that his office was planning to conduct an investment promotion in Yokoyama early next year to win over interest by Japanese investors.

"One of the major investors is Sumitomo. We will invite a number of companies which have made investments in Indonesia to share their successful experiences with their colleagues in Japan," Sibarani said.

In the first half of this year, Japan was ranked third in foreign investments, amounting to US$1.6 billion after Malaysia (US$2.6 billion) and Singapore (US$2.3 billion).

Coming next were South Korea (US$0.8 billion) and the United States (US$0.6 billion).(*)

Medco Takes Over Oil and Gas Assets of Swedish Lundin in Indonesia | Jakarta Globe


Jakarta. Indonesia's Medco Energi Internasional has signed a $22 million sale and purchase agreement with Sweden's Lundin SEA to acquire the Indonesian oil and gas assets of the Swedish company, both companies announced in separate statements last week.

Lundin said in a statement published on its website dated Oct. 9 that the assets being sold include the non-operational interest in the producing Singa gas field in Central Sumatra and the operational interests in the South Sokang, in the Natuna Sea, and Cendrawasih VII Blocks, offshore of Papua.

Lundin SEA Holdings is an affiliate of Lundin Petroleum, a Swedish oil and gas company with assets mainly in Europe and Southeast Asia.

Medco is a conglomerate controlled by the Panigoro brothers and is the largest oil and gas company in Indonesia.

"We are pleased with the sale of our assets in Indonesia, with net reserves of 0.9 million barrels of oil equivalents," said Alex Schneiter, president and chief executive of Lundin Petroleum.

"We remain committed to our growth strategy in Southeast Asia where Malaysia continues to be one of Lundin Petroleum’s core areas."

In a separate statement, Medco's president director and chief executive Lukman Mahfoedz said the acquisition is "in line" with the Company's goal to maximize production of Singa gas field in Lematang block and it is expected to contribute to Medco Energi's total gas production by 42 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) in 2015.

“We are expecting the government endorsement for this transaction would be given within a short time since MedcoEnergi is the operator of this block. We will continue to supply gas to the state-owned electricity company [PLN] with a decent price,” the statement said.

Both Medco and Lundin said completion of this transaction is conditional upon approval from Indonesia's authorities.

Indonesia`s Construction Market Largest in ASEAN | Economy & Business | Tempo.Co :: Indonesian News Portal


, Banjarmasin - Yusid Toyib, the director general of constructions at the Public Works Ministry and Public Housing, called on domestic construction companies to improve their competitiveness and participate in the national construction business market. According to Toyib, the market share of construction business in Indonesia has reached 67 percent of the total market share in South East Asia.

In the period of 2010-2014, Toyib recorded that there were a 50 percent increase percent in the number of foreign construction companies in Indonesia. In 2010, the ministry recorded 195 foreign construction companies and increased to 295 in 2014. Toyib revealed that national construction companies had faced a number of issues, including funding, human resources, equipment and minimum incentive provided by the government.

“I have asked the National Construction Development Agency (LPJK) to set the standards for companies and workers. We encourage construction domestic construction companies to participate in international projects,” Toyib said.

According to Toyib, the construction market in Indonesia ranks fourth after China, Japan, and India. The construction capacity in Indonesia has increased annually from Rp 411.53 trillion (US$29.3 billion) in 2012 to Rp 521.7 trillion (US$37.3 billion) in 2014.

“Our infrastructure competitiveness ranks 72 after Malaysia. But we’re still above Vietnam, Philippine and Thailand. This year, the target is to improve the position,” Toyib said.

In relation to the infrastructure project this year, Toyib expressed optimism that the ministry would be able to absorb 93 percent of the total budget of Rp 118.5 billion (US$8.4 million).

“The projects were commenced in May, so it’s not surprising that the budget absorption has just progressed to 45 percent,” Toyib added.

Energy Minister Upbeat Freeport will Bring Positive Impacts | Economy & Business | Tempo.Co :: Indonesian News Portal


, Jakarta - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sudirman Said said that the agreement of investment plan between mining giant PT Freeport Indonesia (PT-FI) and the government would bring positive impacts, not only to economic growth in Papua but also in all over Indonesia.

“The US$18 billion investment is huge and the benefits will be very big,” he said on Saturday (10/10).

According to Sudirman, the underground mining facilities that have been built and are being developed by Freeport since several years ago would be the biggest underground mining in the world.

As of now, there has been a 500-kilometer road along the tunnel with the depth of 2,000 meters.

“Supporting business operating in Papua will also gain benefits from the long term operation and investment of PT Freeport Indonesia,” Sudirman said.
Govt Signs MoU with IMF, World Bank for 2018 Meeting in Bali

The Indonesian government has sealed an agreement with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to host the 2018 annual meetings in Nusa Dua, Bali, in another move that will place Southeast Asia's largest economy on a global platform.

Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro and Bank Indonesia governor Agus Martowardojo signed a memorandum of understanding with IMF managing director Christine Lagarde and Jim Yong Kim, president of the World Bank, during the 2015 annual meetings in Lima, Peru, on Saturday.

"The 2015 annual meetings in Lima had over 12,000 registered guests, but it could be more than that by 2018. We must be prepared to handle that many guests [as] this could be the biggest event Indonesia will ever host," Bambang told reporters after the signing ceremony.

He added that Bank Indonesia and the Finance Ministry will join forces in preparing for the event through an organizing committee that's slated to be formed by year-end. The Finance Minister did not specify how much the event would cost, but noted that the estimated expenses will likely be included in the 2017 state budget.

"Fortuitously, we don't have to build anything. The existing buildings and convention halls [in Nusa Dua] are sufficient," he said, adding that the estimated expenses would pertain to the event's operations, such as transportation, building costs and security.

Agus added that the government also seeks to "engage [Indonesia's] neighboring countries to shape a path to Bali."

IMF and the World Bank meetings are generally held for two consecutive years in Washington, DC, and every third year in a member country.

The annual meetings — typically held in October — gather central bank governors, finance ministers, business executives, civil society representatives, media and academics to discuss global issues, such as the world economic outlook to global development goals.

Peru hosted the 2015 annual meeting from Friday through Sunday, welcoming more than 12,000 guests from all around the world.

"I would like to congratulate the Indonesian people and Indonesia at large for being selected by the membership of the IMF and the World Bank Group to host the 2018 Annual Meeting," said Lagarde, who visited Indonesia last month. "This will be a great opportunity to showcase Indonesia, to showcase your culture, the beauty of your country and your economic and social achievements."

With the addition of the IMF and World Bank annual meeting, Indonesia — where the government is currently pushing an ambitious infrastructure development agenda amid its weakest growth rates in six years — will also play host to the Asian Games in September 2018.

Govt Signs MoU with IMF, World Bank for 2018 Meeting in Bali | Jakarta Globe
So Indonesia total market construction is more than half of ASEAN total number (more than 60 per-cent), that's quite staggering remembering our economics value it just little over of 40 per-cent of total ASEAN economics. Expecting Indonesia will rebound back in near future with more higher economics growth.
Japan interested in auto component factory in Indonesia
Minggu, 11 Oktober 2015 06:21 WIB | 1.427 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - A company in Japans Okayama Prefecture is interested in the automotive component business in Indonesia, Okaya Prefecture Governor Ryuta Ibaragi said.

During his visit to the Indonesian Capital Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) here on Friday, Governor Ibaragi said the automotive component company, which has supplied components for Mitsubishi cars, was interested in developing an auto component factory in Indonesia.

"There are 422 companies from Okoyama Prefecture that have made investments outside Japan. In Indonesia, we have a number of large companies which made investments," he said, in a written statement made available in Jakarta on Saturday.

Meanwhile, Okayama Prefecture's governor said there is considerable interest among Japanese businessmen to conduct business in Indonesia. However, there are a number of concerns about the investment climate in Indonesia from investors from the Prefecture Okoyama, he said, including the problem of the country's unpredictable wage system.

Ibaragi said that during his visit in Indonesia he found Indonesians to be quite open to Japanese companies.

"Regarding the MRT project, we thank the Indonesian government for its trust in a Japanese company. Of course, we will not ignore it and will maintain that trust," he said.

BKPM Chief Franky Sibarani said Japanese companies were given priorities regarding assistance from investment facilities.

Japanese investment is the main component of the economic growth driver in Indonesia, he said.

"We are ready to assist investment from Japan. The Marketing Office for the Japan area and the BKPM representative office in Tokyo could be used by investors and companies in Okoyama to plan business activities in Indonesia," he said.

He noted that his office was planning to conduct an investment promotion in Yokoyama early next year to win over interest by Japanese investors.

"One of the major investors is Sumitomo. We will invite a number of companies which have made investments in Indonesia to share their successful experiences with their colleagues in Japan," Sibarani said.

In the first half of this year, Japan was ranked third in foreign investments, amounting to US$1.6 billion after Malaysia (US$2.6 billion) and Singapore (US$2.3 billion).

Coming next were South Korea (US$0.8 billion) and the United States (US$0.6 billion).(*)

Japan interested in auto component factory in Indonesia - ANTARA News

Govt to build four gas-fired power plants in SE Sulawesi
Minggu, 11 Oktober 2015 06:06 WIB | 824 Views

Kendari, SE Sulawesi (ANTARA News) - The government is planning to build four gas-fired power plants (PLTMG) with a combined capacity of 95 MW in Southeast Sulawesi province as part of the ongoing efforts to address power shortage in Indonesia.

"The PLTMG will be built in four different places or districts/municipalities in Southeast Sulawesi," spokesman for the Southeast Sulawesi provincial energy and mineral resources office Andi Azis said here on Saturday.

The power plants will be built in Kendari municipality, Baubau municipality, Bombana district and Kolaka Utara district, he said.

The PLTGM in Kendari will have a capacity of 50 MW, that in Baubau 30 MW, Bombana 10 MW and Kolaka Utara 5 MW, he said.

The construction of PLTGM in Bombana will be started this year and in the three other places in 2016, he said.

"The PLTGM will also supply electrical power to neighboring districts," he said.(*)

Indonesia, Malaysia agree to intensify economic cooperation
Senin, 12 Oktober 2015 17:57 WIB | 342 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia and Malaysia have agreed to intensify economic cooperation, particularly in a bid to achieve the increased target of bilateral trade set at US$30 billion for 2015.

"Malaysia is the closest neighboring country of Indonesia. We have several similarities in our culture and history as well as interests and future," Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi noted in a press release received here on Monday.

Retno met her Malaysian counterpart Datuk Anifah Aman during a meeting of the Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation (JCBC) on last Saturday in Kuala Lumpur that was held to discuss bilateral cooperation.

The meeting is also aimed to make preparations for a consultation meeting between Indonesian President Joko Widodo and Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak in 2016.

Both foreign ministers agreed to intensify cooperation in the palm oil industry, including efforts to dismiss the negative campaign about Indonesian palm oil in the markets in Europe and the United States.

"Malaysia has positively welcomed the Indonesian proposal to establish a Council of Palm Oil Producer Countries (CPOPCs) to improve cooperation between palm oil producing countries, including on production and promotion efforts," Retno affirmed.

Retno and Anifah also discussed about Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia. They agreed to prioritize the safety, welfare, and basic rights of migrant workers employed in Malaysia.

Both countries also shared a similar viewpoint that migrant workers should understand the regulation and mechanism being implemented in Malaysia, including the voluntary deportation issue.

During the meeting, Minister Retno also discussed the importance of education rights for the children of migrant workers in Malaysia.

She hoped the agreement signed between President Widodo and the Malaysian prime minister in February 2015 on providing education to the children of migrant workers would be followed up. The minister was also optimistic that Malaysia would grant an establishment permit for setting up a Community Learning Center (CLC) for Indonesian children.

"We will also accomplish several issues at the technical level for the development of a CLC and teaching permits for Indonesian teachers at the center," Retno revealed.

Both ministers also discussed several matters relating to the political and regional security sectors, such as border issues, legal and consular cooperation, and education, as well as in the fields of meteorology and agriculture.

Additionally, the next JCBC meeting will be held in Indonesia in the second semester of 2017.(*)

Indonesia, Malaysia agree to intensify economic cooperation - ANTARA News

doesn't know but i thing Malaysia finally had become Indonesian lackey nowadays

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