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Indonesia Economy Forum

Indonesian-Chinese consortium begins study on $560M coal-to-methanol plant


Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita attends the signing ceremony for an agreement between Powerindo Cipta Energy (PCE) and China National Chemical Engineering Corporation to begin a feasibility study for a $560-million coal-to-methanol plant.(Industry Ministry/Public relation team)

Vincent Fabian Thomas (The Jakarta Post)
Jakarta ● Tue, October 19, 2021

An Indonesian and a Chinese company have inked an agreement to begin a feasibility study for a coal-to-methanol plant worth US$560 million. The announcement comes as the government is pushing for downstream development to get more value out of the country’s rich coal reserves.

The agreement was signed between Indonesia’s Powerindo Cipta Energy (PCE) and China National Chemical Engineering Corporation, which have formed a consortium for the project.

Booster Vaccine is set to be ready in early 2022.

1. Only poor people will get free vaccine booster, while most Indonesian needs to pay the booster vaccine
2. 6 Government Institutions ( 4 state owned universities, 2 gov research agencies) are developing Covid vaccine with different technologies, 2 of them ( Air Langga University (UNAIR) and Eijkman Foundation ) said first semester of 2022 their vaccine is ready to be mass produced, UNAIR is set to do human trial in late October 2021)

TransJakarta Starts to Serve Passengers with Normal Capacity

Thursday, October 21, 2021 | 13:52 WIB
Investor Daily

JAKARTA, investor.id
- PT Transport Jakarta (TransJakarta) has started serving passengers with 100 percent normal capacity during the second level of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in Jakarta.

PT TransJakarta Operations Director Prasetia Budi explained that this policy was a follow-up to the Governor's Decree Number 1245 of 2021 regarding PPKM level two for Corona Virus Disease 2019 and the Decree of the Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency Number 441 of 2021 concerning Technical Guidelines for Limiting Transport Capacity and Operational Time of Transportation Facilities at level two PPKM.

“TransJakarta is back to serving customers fully, especially in terms of customer capacity. This is in line with the recovery in community activities as the PPKM status has been declared to have dropped to level two," said Prasetia Budi in his official statement, in Jakarta, Thursday.

Prasetia emphasized that TransJakarta continues to apply strict health protocol standards, both at bus stops and on buses. .

customers are required to show proof of vaccination has done COVID-19 through application PeduliLindungi, Jaki or use the certificate documents that have been printed or digitally via a mobile phone.

in addition, customers are also required to wear masks, as well as the measurement of body temperature before entering stop.

The TransJakarta bus fleet is also regularly cleaned using disinfectant liquid.

“This is to ensure that customers still feel safe and comfortable. Even though the level is down, we must not be careless," said Prasetia Budi.

Editor : Imam Suhartadi (imam_suhartadi@investor.co.id)

Despite some relaxation in people mobility due to lower infection rate, alhamduliLLAH, air travelling is still having strict measures by obligating the passenger to get PCR test before getting to the plane for domestic travelling. International flight still needs both PCR test and 5 days quarantine obligation.




A woman sits inside Bulungan sports hall in South Jakarta during a mass vaccination program for refugees and asylum seekers on October 7, 2021. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)

Indonesia Reports Lowest Daily Covid-19 Death Toll since May 2020

OCTOBER 17, 2021

Jakarta. The Covid-19 situation in Indonesia has improved significantly with a steady decline in new cases and deaths over the last few weeks.

The country recorded 19 Covid deaths on Sunday -- the lowest single-day death toll since May 25, 2020 -- to take the overall fatality toll to 142,952, government figures show.

The daily death toll has been below the 100 mark since the start of the month with an average of 60 deaths month to date.

A further 747 new cases have been recorded in the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of cases to 4.23 million.

The total number of active cases currently stands at 18,388.

Southeast Asia’s biggest country has largely eased Covid-19 restrictions by allowing schools, malls, cinemas, pubic markets, and restaurants to reopen with a 50 percent capacity limit.

Labor-intensive factories can operate at full capacity as long as they implement multiple shifts at works.

More than 107 million citizens have had one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine since the mass inoculation began in January, representing 52 percent of the target population. Of that figure, 62.8 million are fully vaccinated.



Bahlil: Foxconn Will Invest in Battery - Electric Cars in Indonesia
NEWS - Rahajeng Kusumo Hastuti, CNBC Indonesia

24 October 2021 09:50

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Investment Minister/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia revealed that Indonesia has obtained an electric vehicle (EV) battery investment commitment from a Taiwanese company, Foxconn.

He said Foxconn plans to build a comprehensive electric battery and electric vehicle industry in Indonesia. Electric vehicles that will be developed are four-wheeled and two-wheeled.

This investment commitment was expressed in a meeting with the Chairman of Hon Hai Precision Industry (Foxconn) Young Liu in Taipei, Taiwan, last Friday (22/10/2021).

During the meeting, Bahlil said that the electric vehicle battery industry is a manifestation of the future policy direction of the Indonesian government in building a green economy and a sustainable blue economy.

According to him, Indonesia is the right place for investment in the electric battery ecosystem because it has the advantages of natural resources as raw material for electric batteries, more equitable infrastructure development, the growth of the middle class community, and the demographic bonus that has the potential to become a productive workforce as well as a promising market. .

"In accordance with the direction of Mr. President Joko Widodo, we look forward to Foxconn's cooperation in Indonesia because it is in line with the big vision in carrying out economic transformation to create added value. The development of the battery industry from upstream to downstream is the right approach," Bahlil said in a press release, Sunday. (24/10/2021).

He emphasized that the government is very committed, and will ensure all permits and incentives through one door, namely the Ministry of Investment.

Furthermore, Bahlil reminded about collaboration with SOEs, national private entrepreneurs, and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the entire supply chain of Foxconn and Gogoro.

"Of course the Indonesian government views collaboration as one of the main keys in building and developing the battery industry. This needs to be done so that there is equity in a mutually beneficial context," Bahlil added.

In response to this, Foxconn Chairman Young Liu explained that Foxconn plans to build a comprehensive electric battery and electric vehicle industry in Indonesia.

He said, Indonesia is a country with tremendous potential, and in the future electricity will be made in Indonesia with designs according to the interests of the Indonesian people.

"We will immediately follow up today's meeting with discussions and technical surveys," Liu said.

He also expressed his commitment to involving local companies and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Foxconn investments. This is in line with the Build, Operate, Localize (BOL) business model currently being implemented by Foxconn.

"We will not only assemble, but we want to build a whole industry for Indonesia in Indonesia," said Liu.

Specifically for cooperation regarding two-wheeled electric scooters, Foxconn collaborated with Gogoro, who has experience in developing electric scooters. Gogoro CEO Horace Luke believes that mobility using electric vehicles is something that is inevitable and will happen in this decade.

Gogoro, as a pioneer in providing battery exchange system infrastructure in Taiwan and electric two-wheeled vehicles, will also cooperate in completing Foxconn's investment plan.

"We started in Taiwan and saw that Indonesia was the right place for us to develop electric scooters. Charging energy for our electric scooters is not using charging technology, but battery swaps. We think this is very appropriate for use in Indonesia," said Horace.

Investment from Taiwan grew 91% compared to the same period in 2020. The distribution of investment locations from Taiwan was also not only concentrated in Java Island (47%), but also balanced outside Java Island (53%) for the same period.

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Recent people mobility in Jakarta


Greater Jakarta Commuter Train

Rush Hour

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Recent people mobility, South Jakarta.

Ragunan Zoo is open again since last Saturday, during weekend there were 18.000 visitors.

IMF is somehow always wanting to understate Indonesia economic growth projection


Sri Mulyani: RI's Economy Grows 4.3% in Q3, 4% Throughout 2021
NEWS - Lidya Julita Sembiring-Kembaren , CNBC Indonesia

25 October 2021 11:26

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - The Ministry of Finance announced the projected economic growth for the third quarter of 2021 and throughout this year. In the third quarter of 2021, economic growth is estimated to slow down.

"The outlook for economic growth in the third quarter of 2021 is 4.3%, down compared to the second quarter of 2021 because we experienced a very high delta variant which caused a correction to the economic recovery," said Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Minister of Finance, at a press conference in the State Budget for the period October 2021, Monday (25/10/2021).

For the record, economic growth in the second quarter of 2021 reached 7.07%. This is the highest on record since 2004.

Meanwhile, throughout 2021, Sri Mulyani continued, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is estimated to grow by 4%. Better than 2020 which contracted (negative growth) 2.07%, the lowest since 1998.

"Performance for the fourth quarter of 2021 has the potential to rebound to become more normal," said Sri Mulyani.

From Sri Mulyani, Indonesia Finance Minister

APBN Hard Work is getting real, the national economic recovery is getting even more!

The performance of APBN continues to improve to support the national economic recovery. State income is recorded already reached Rp1. 354,8 trillion or grow by 16,8 %. For the growth of tax acceptance until September has reached 13,2 %, where this achievement is getting closer to APBN 2021 target which is 14,7 %.

Admission of capabilities and excise capable of growing 29 % and the realization of PNBP which until September 2021 has reached 107,6 % of APBN 2021. target.

State shopping growth until September 2021 has reached Rp1. 806,8 trillion or grown minus 1,9 %. This is due to acceleration of shopping needs in the previous period.

Budget financing also undergoes a decrease i.e. just reaching Rp621, 9 T or down 20,7 % compared to last year which reached Rp784, 6 T in the same period. This describes the continuation of fiscal consolidation has started to go as we expected.

After a surge in covid-19 cases in June-August, economic performance improved. PMI Manufacturing Indonesia returns to expansion, even among ASEAN-5 Indonesia is able to achieve the highest Manufacturing PMI which is 52,2.

The economic growth of Q3- 2021 is expected to be at 4,5 percent range as sustained by the consumption of strong communities, investment activity improved, strong export performance driven continues commodity price trends, as well as evenly recovery across many regions.

Although global and domestic economies continue to show improvement, but we still need to be vigilant and vaccination acceleration should continue to be done in various areas.

From APBN KiTa Press Conference

Jakarta, October 25, 2021
Telkom’s Mitratel eyes $1.8 billion in biggest Indonesian IPO


Norman Harsono (The Jakarta Post)
Wed, October 27, 2021

State-owned telecommunications tower operator PT Dayamitra Telekomunikasi (Mitratel) plans to raise up to Rp 24.9 trillion (US$1.76 billion) through its initial public offering (IPO), which would give it the biggest IPO in Indonesian history.

Mitratel, a subsidiary of Telkom, Indonesia’s largest telecommunications company, plans to sell 24.54 billion shares at Rp 775 to Rp 975 apiece through the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), according to its IPO prospectus published on Tuesday. The shares amount to a 29.85 percent stake in the company.


Currently biggest Indonesian IPO is 2021 Bukalapak (technology company) IPO which get 1.5 billion USD fresh money to the company
Sri Mulyani criticizes IMF


Calling OECD and IMF Projections Too Small, Sri Mulyani Believes Economic Growth in 2021 to Reach 4 Percent


Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani gave a virtual speech during the Bisnis Indonesia Award event in Jakarta, Monday (14/12/2020). Business - Abdurachman

The government believes that economic growth in 2021 can reach 4 percent, with a high record in the third and fourth quarters.

Bisnis.com , JAKARTA - The government considers that the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development or the OECD and the International Monetary Fund or the IMF project that Indonesia's economic growth will be too low this year.

The government believes that economic growth in 2021 can reach 4 percent, with a high record in the third and fourth quarters. This was conveyed by the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati in an online press conference of the Financial Sector Stability Committee (KSSK) on Wednesday (27/10/2021).

She said that the OECD and the IMF revised the global economic growth projections due to the dynamics of global supply and the mutation of the latest variant of Covid-19.

In addition, he also explained that the OECD estimates Indonesia's economic growth in 2021 at 3.7 percent and 2022 at 4.9 percent. On the other hand, the IMF projects that Indonesia's economic growth in 2021 will only be 3.2 percent and in 2022 it will be higher at 5.9 percent.

"The predictions of 3.2 percent [from the IMF] and 3.7 percent [from the OECD] in our opinion are too low, because we saw in the third quarter of 2021 even though we were hit by the delta variant, and it turns out that with the government's steps we can control it quite quickly and efficiently. effectively causing the outlook for the third quarter of 2021 economic growth to be better," Sri Mulyani said on Wednesday (27/10/2021).

The government also estimates that economic growth in the third quarter of 2021 can reach 4.5 percent, then in the fourth quarter of 2021 the projection is higher, reaching 5.4 percent. This makes the government's economic growth projections higher than those of the two international institutions.

"So overall, the government estimates that this year's economic projection is at 4 percent, higher than the IMF's 3.2 percent and the OECD's 3.7 percent", she said.

World Bank has better projection

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