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COVID-19: Merah Putih vaccine development reaches 50 percent, govt claims

Nina Loasana

The Jakarta Post Jakarta / Thu, September 10, 2020 / 07:48 am


Researchers works in a research laboratory at PT Bio Farma in Bandung, West Java on Aug. 12. (Antara/Dhemas Reviyanto)

The government claims that the development of a local COVID-19 candidate vaccine has reached 50 percent and will be ready for human clinical trials early next year.

A national consortium led by the Research and Technology Ministry is currently developing the “Merah Putih” vaccine, named after the nation’s iconic red-and-white flag. “We aim to finish the animal testing process by the end of this year,” Research and Technology Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said during an online press briefing on Wednesday.

He added that the Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, which had been appointed to spearhead the vaccine development, sought to hand over the finished vaccine seed to state pharmaceutical holding company PT Bio Farma for clinical trials starting January next year.

“After the clinical trials are finished and the Food and Drug Monitoring Agency [BPOM] declares it safe, PT Bio Farma will start the mass production at the end of 2021,” the minister went on to say.

Experts Bambang said the country would need at least 540 million doses of vaccine for 270 million Indonesian citizens. Initial studies showed that each person would need at least two shots of the vaccine to be immune to the coronavirus. The national consortium has opened opportunities for at least three private pharmaceutical companies to manufacture the vaccine in order to secure supply.

“However, they still need to obtain permits from the BPOM and prepare lines of production specifically designated for the Merah Putih vaccine,” said Bambang. President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo established a national team to accelerate the development of the vaccine as well as to improve the country’s resilience in responding to the outbreak. While Jokowi is set to oversee the team, Coordinating Economic Minister Airlangga Hartarto has been appointed to chair the team's steering committee.

Meanwhile, Bambang was placed in charge of the development of a potential vaccine, with the assistance of Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto and State-Owned Enterprises Minister Erick Thohir.

This article was published in thejakartapost.com with the title "COVID-19: Merah Putih vaccine development reaches 50 percent, govt claims". Click to read: https://www.thejakartapost.com/news...velopment-reaches-50-percent-govt-claims.html.

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LIPI Develops Covid-19 Diagnostic Tool that Works Faster


A researcher tests coronavirus diagnostic kit called Qirani-19 at the Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) laboratory, in Serpong, Banten on August 31, 2020. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)​

Banten. The Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) is developing a detection kit for coronavirus it claims has the accuracy level of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, the most common method to diagnose Covid-19.

The institute said on Monday the diagnostic tool, called “Qirani-19”, can deliver result in less than one hour in a simpler, more sensitive and more efficient method than the PCR test.

It applies the reverse transcription loop‐mediated isothermal amplification (RT‐LAMP) -- a molecular-based detection technique -- to test a throat swab sample and the result is shown by a change in color of the mixture inside the tube.

LIPI is not the first to develop this method. In April, a group of Chinese scientists published an article on the use of RT-LAMP method to diagnose coronavirus with colorimetric and fluorescent readings.

Apart from the coronavirus diagnostic tool, LIPI’s laboratory in Serpong, Banten, is also developing air purification machine to get rid of airborne bacteria and coronavirus in a room.

The air purifier is jointly developed by LIPI's Metallurgy and Materials Research Center, tech company Nanobubble Karya Indonesia and the Jakarta Regional Research Council.

The inventor, Professor Nurul Taufiqu Rochman, said the box-shaped machine is designed to prevent the spread of airborne bacteria and viruses and has the potential to neutralize the novel coronavirus during closed-door gatherings. The technology can be applied in offices, hospital wards and isolation rooms.


A LIPI researcher uses pipette to drop synthetic gen of coronavirus to get reaction of the diagnostic mixture called Qirani-19. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)

LIPI researchers conduct a daily test on the lab at LIPI chemical laboratory, in Serpong, Tangerang, Banten on Monday (31/08). (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)
Two LIPI researchers examine data on a computer screen. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)


A researcher observes the mixture in Qirani-19 tubes, a diagnostic tool for coronavirus being developed by LIPI. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)


Boxes of coronavirus diagnostic kit called Qirani-19 are seen at the LIPI laboratory, in Serpong, Banten. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)


A researcher shows the design of the air purifier machine on his computer screen at LIPI's Metallurgy and Materials Research Center in Serpong, Banten. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)


Nurul Taufiqu Rochman, the inventor of the air purifier machine, poses with his machine at LIPI's Metallurgy and Materials Research Center in Serpong, Banten. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)

Kemenperin lepas ekspor 1.200 ton baja ke Pakistan
Senin, 14 September 2020 19:41 WIB
Kemenperin lepas ekspor 1.200 ton baja ke Pakistan

Kebijakan-kebijakan tersebut dirumuskan dengan maksud memberikan jaminan dan kesempatan bagi industri nasional, khususnya industri baja, agar dapat bersaing di pasar domestik maupun ekspor
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Kementerian Perindustrian melepas ekspor 1.200 ton baja produksi PT Tatametal Lestari ke Pakistan, yang menunjukkan industri baja di Tanah Air tetap bergairah di tengah pandemi COVID-19.

"Kami sangat mengapresiasi PT Tatametal Lestari sebagai salah satu produsen baja nasional yang di tengah pandemi tetap dapat melakukan ekspor," kata Direktur Jenderal Industri Logam, Mesin, Alat Transportasi, dan Elektronika (ILMATE) Kementerian Perindustrian Taufiek Bawazier lewat keterangan resmi diterima di Jakarta, Senin.

Taufiek mengungkapkan pemerintah terus berupaya meningkatkan pertumbuhan industri baja nasional dengan mendorong terciptanya iklim usaha industri yang kondusif dan kompetitif.

Hal tersebut diharapkan dapat meningkatkan utilisasi serta kemampuan inovatif pada sektor tersebut.

Untuk itu, lanjut Taufiek, pemerintah telah mengeluarkan berbagai regulasi, antara lain regulasi impor baja berdasar supply dan demand, fasilitasi harga gas bumi bagi sektor industri sebesar enam dolar AS/MMBTU guna menekan biaya produksi, dan izin operasional mobilitas dan kegiatan industri (IOMKI) yang memberikan jaminan bagi industri untuk dapat tetap beroperasi dengan protokol kesehatan ketat sesuai disarankan pemerintah.

"Kebijakan-kebijakan tersebut dirumuskan dengan maksud memberikan jaminan dan kesempatan bagi industri nasional, khususnya industri baja, agar dapat bersaing di pasar domestik maupun ekspor," tegasnya.

Ia menjelaskan dalam mendongkrak kinerja industri baja, pemerintah juga terus mengupayakan peningkatan demand di pasar domestik, salah satunya dengan mendorong bahan baku baja dalam negeri untuk mendukung proyek strategis nasional atau konstruksi nasional yang sedang digalakkan pemerintah.

Dalam hal ini, pemerintah turut menggandeng Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia (Kadin) dan Gabungan Pelaksana Konstruksi Nasional Indonesia (Gapensi).

"Demand terbesar produk baja adalah dari konstruksi yang menyerap sekitar 51 persen dari produksi dalam negeri, sehingga pabrik-pabrik baja dalam negeri bisa dibangkitkan utilitasnya," papar Taufiek.

Taufiek menambahkan pada triwulan II tahun ini, industri logam dasar tumbuh 2,76 persen dan memberikan kontribusi signifikan bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi Tanah Air.

"Pertumbuhan industri dapat meningkatkan utilitas, dan diharapkan juga bisa memberikan multiplier effect yang bagus buat daerah-daerah. Di sini pemerintah dan semua stakeholder berperan agar industri bisa memberikan produktivitas yang tinggi," terangnya.

Sejak masa pandemi berlangsung, pada Maret hingga April 2020, PT Tata Metal Lestari terus melakukan ekspor secara reguler ke beberapa negara tujuan.

Pada kesempatan kali ini, PT Tata Metal melakukan ekspor ke destinasi baru, yakni Pakistan dan Thailand dengan perkiraan volume sebesar 1.200 ton.

Perusahaan tersebut memproduksi baja lapis zinc aluminium, antara lain dengan merek Nexalume dan baja ringan TASO.

Sebelumnya, perusahaan tersebut telah mengekspor 100 kontainer baja aluminium dengan tujuan ke sejumlah negara, antara lain Australia, Thailand, dan Amerika Latin pada Agustus lalu.

Baca juga: Kemenperin pacu Industri baja untuk dongkrak ekspor
Baca juga: Produsen baja nasional konsisten ekspansi bisnis di tengah pandemi
Baca juga: Pelaku industri baja sambut Kemenperin perbanyak SNI wajib

Pewarta: Sella Panduarsa Gareta
Editor: Kelik Dewanto
Wonder what's wrong with India? You'd think that due to their longer and harsher lockdown they'll have an even more booming growth in e-commerce than us
Many years ago Ive been informed that goods distribution has been a nightmare in some area. Imagine driving truck full of TV from West Java to Central Java and being stopped at the province border for inspection/tax/etc. I dont know how they are doing right now under Moody but looking back I think it might be the logistic and transportation nightmare between province/area.

Ours is flying perhaps due to good ground infrastructure now that we have Pantura tol. I just got my self a new Adidas shoe for a bargain and it only takes abit more then 24 hours from bandung to Jakarta. I bet majority of that online trade came from Java. Anyway that shoe I bought turned out terlalu pas!!!! One thing I hate about buying things online is ga bisa nyoba!! :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Oh one last thing, there was a study years ago that Indonesia middle class will surpass the India in terms numbers/purchasing power. Not sure if its true today, but I remember it because it was part of the information before making business decission back then. Cheers :cheers:
Indonesia begins food estate program in North Sumatra to spur economy

Apriadi Gunawan

The Jakarta Post

Humbang Hasundutan, North Sumatra / Mon, September 14, 2020 / 01:35 pm


Field work: Farmers use tractors to plow rice fields in Belanti village, Central Kalimantan, on Sept. 4. Agriculture is among sectors that has grown during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Antara/Makna Zaezar)

The government is set to develop 30,000 hectares into farmland in Humbang Hasundutan regency, North Sumatra by next month as the Agriculture Ministry commences its food estate program to spur the local economy. The first phase of the program will make use of 1,000 ha for potatoes, shallots and garlic, Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo said. “The food estate program we’re developing is the first of its kind in Indonesia.

However, it will not be limited to North Sumatra. This is the pilot project,” he said during a visit to Ria Ria village in the regency on Friday. If the pilot project succeeds, regions with similar land characteristics will be included in the program, Syahrul said. “We can expect good results if capital intervention also follows. Residents must be empowered through each hectare that is being developed,” he said.

Syahrul also said the agriculture sector had recorded 22 percent growth during the pandemic. He cited that based on ministry records, the export of horticulture products in August had reached Rp 22 trillion (US$ 1.4 billion) and a total of Rp 225 trillion from January to August.

The food estate program in North Sumatra, Syahrul added, aimed to improve the province’s economy through agriculture and enhance the country’s resilience in food security. North Sumatra’s deputy governor, Musa Rajekshah, welcomed the program, saying that the administration supported the program.

“We are grateful to see spacious land used for state and residents’ interests, especially for Humbang Hasundutan regency,” he said during the visit. Humbang Hasundutan Regent Dosmar Banjarnahor expressed the same optimism.

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo previously ordered the Public Works and Housing Ministry to expand the government’s food estate program by developing 165,000 ha in Pulang Pisau regency, Central Kalimantan, into farmland. The program seeks to address the government’s concerns about a looming food crisis as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, heeding an earlier warning from the Food and Agriculture Organization. (trn)

This article was published in thejakartapost.com with the title "Indonesia begins food estate program in North Sumatra to spur economy ". Click to read: https://www.thejakartapost.com/news...program-in-north-sumatra-to-spur-economy.html.

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Anyway that shoe I bought turned out terlalu pas!!!! One thing I hate about buying things online is ga bisa nyoba!! :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

That is the main reason why I do my best to avoid buying anything online, unless there isn't any viable option. My primary concern is mostly on whether or not the item is legit, or IF they are legit whether or not the item is the same as was advertized (this most applicable to electronics)
Adhi Karya secures Rp4.7 trillion in new contracts in August
15th Sep 2020 16:46
Adhi Karya secures Rp4.7 trillion in new contracts in August

Jakarta (ANTARA) - State-owned construction firm PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk booked new contracts worth Rp4.7 trillion, excluding tax, in August, up 18 percent, from Rp4 trillion, not including tax, a month earlier.

The new contracts in August brought the company's order book value to Rp35.2 trillion, excluding tax, Adhi Karya Corporate Secretary Parwanto Noegroho noted in a written statement released on Tuesday.

The new contracts in August 2020 were mostly derived from the Trans Eastern Sumatra Highway project worth Rp439.6 billion, he stated.

As per business lines, 89 percent of the new contracts in August came from construction and energy, 10 percent from property, while the rest from other business lines, he noted.

In accordance with the types of jobs, building projects contributed 38 percent; Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), 33 percent; roads and bridges, five percent; and other infrastructure projects, including dams, airports and engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) projects being 24 percent of the new contracts.

Meanwhile, based on the segmentation of ownership, the realization of new contracts from the government reached 68 percent; state-owned companies, 22 percent; and private sector, 10 percent.

PT Adhi Karya had earlier outlined a target of booking new contracts worth Rp55 trillion for this year. However, it slashed the target owing to the COVID-19 pandemic that also compelled other state-owned construction companies, including PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (WIKA), PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) Tbk (PTPP), and PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk (WSKT), to follow suit.

Related news: Construction of Labuan Bajo logistics terminal to conclude in December
Related news: Construction of roads near Indonesia-Malaysia border to continue: govt
Related news: Jokowi adjudges YIA construction practice as best in Indonesia

Translated by: Ade irma Junida/Suharto
Editor: Sri Haryati
Indonesia's trade balance in August posts US$2.33 billion surplus: BPS

6 hours ago

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Head Suhariyanto.

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) revealed that Indonesia's trade balance in August 2020 experienced a surplus of US$2.33 billion, with an export value of $13.16 billion and imports at $10.74 billion.

"This surplus is still much higher than the trade balance position in August 2019, which during that time was a surplus of US$92.6 million. Hence, we are optimistic that in future, the economy would improve, our surplus would increase, and the economy would recover,” Head of BPS Suhariyanto stated at a press conference broadcast virtually in Jakarta, Tuesday.

Suhariyanto explained that in August 220, Indonesia's trade balance recorded a surplus with several countries, of $1 billion with the United States, with clothing and accessories products, both knitted and non-knitted, as well as machines and electrical equipment.

Moreover, a $451-million trade surplus was recorded with the Philippines in vehicle products and parts as well as processed food products.

Furthermore, Indonesia posted a trade balance surplus of $425 million with India in products of mineral fuels, vegetable animal fats, and organic chemicals.

However, Indonesia is still recording a trade deficit with several countries, including a deficit of $893.6 million with China, $158.4 million deficit with Brazil, and a deficit of $116.7 million with Hong Kong.

Thus, Indonesia’s cumulative trade balance during the January-August 2020 period experienced a surplus of $11.05 billion, much higher than the corresponding period last year, with a deficit of $2.04 billion.

Indonesia earlier posted a trade surplus of $3.26 billion in July 2020, as exports improved to $13.73 billion and imports slowed to $10.47 billion, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS).

"The surplus is higher as compared to that in June 2020 and jumped as compared to July 2019 when we experienced a deficit of $0.28 billion," BPS Head Suhariyanto noted.

Suhariyanto pointed out that Indonesian exports in July 2020 had touched $13.73 billion, or rose 14.33 percent, as compared to June 2020 and dropped 9.90 percent from that in July 2019. Related news: Indonesia posts US$3.26 billion trade surplus for July 2020
Related news: Indonesia records US$1.27 billion trade surplus in June 2020
Related news: Indonesia posts US$2.1 billion trade surplus in May 2020


Reporter: Sella P, Azis Kurmala
Editor: Suharto

Waskita Karya bags contracts for three irrigation projects

3 hours ago

Way Sekampung Dam project in Pringsewu District, Lampung. ANTARA/HO-Waskita

Jakarta (ANTARA) - State-owned construction firm PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk won contracts to build three irrigation infrastructure-oriented projects of the Way Sekampung Dam Package IV in Lampung, Jragung Dam Package I in Demak, Central Java, and Jambi B2 sewerage construction.

In a statement here on Tuesday, Senior Vice President Corporate Secretary of PT Waskita Karya Shastia Hadiarti pegged the value of the three projects at Rp1.08 trillion.

"Contract for construction of the Way Sekampung Dam Package 4 was signed, while it was announced that Waskita had won the contract for construction of the Jragung Dam and Jambi Sewerage," she stated.

With the three projects, the company's new contracts are valued at a total of Rp9.6 trillion, including some major infrastructure projects of the Ciawi-Sukabumi toll road section 3 and 4, Pasuruan-Probolinggo toll road section 4, Rentang irrigation network, Jakarta beach sheathing, and modern rice milling plant (MRMP) in Subang, West Java.

Contract for construction of the Way Sekampung Dam Package IV was inked on September 9, 2020, in Bandar Lampung.

Hadiarti highlighted that the company was working on the Way Sekampung Package II projected for completion by the end of 2020, and as of August, the project had reached 92-percent completion.

In addition to the Way Sekampung Dam, the company has worked on nine other dams across the country: Bener, Jlantah, Karian, Tapin, Rukoh, Leuwikeris, Temef, Marga Tiga, and Tiga Dihaji.

"We ensure that construction of the dams will run on target and adhere to the health protocols," she added. Related news: Waskita Karya bags WSO award on occupational health and safety
Related news: Waskita plans to issue US$210 million in global bonds


Reporter: Royke Sinaga, Sri Haryati
Editor: Suharto

small scale of Bicycle manufacturing had been thriving during Pandemic


Nova Pamungkas merakit sepeda jenis "city bike" di bengkel Swaspeda miliknya di Gondomanan, Yogyakarta, Sabtu (12/9/2020). Sepeda jenis "city bike" bergaya klasik karya Nova Pamungkas tersebut mampu memproduksi frameset sebanyak 10-12 buah per bulannya dengan harga jual Rp3 juta dan antrean pemesanannya hingga Juni 2021. ANTARA FOTO/Hendra Nurdiyansyah/hp.


Nova Pamungkas merakit sepeda jenis "city bikeÓ, di bengkel Swaspeda miliknya di Gondomanan, Yogyakarta, Sabtu (12/9/2020). Sepeda jenis "city bike" bergaya klasik karya Nova Pamungkas tersebut mampu memproduksi frameset sebanyak 10-12 buah per bulannya dengan harga jual Rp.3 juta dan antrean pemesanannya hingga Juni 2021. ANTARA FOTO/Hendra Nurdiyansyah/hp.
and this one is major player in bike manufacturing in Indonesia, Polygon

and this one is major player in bike manufacturing in Indonesia, Polygon

Too bad most of their precission parts were still imported though . We had to acknowledge that precission CNC machination were not yet spread out as it was supposed to be ( relative to our level of manufacturing prowess that is ) . Most of the SME was still " allergic " for it . And yess ,money was also the second reason
nice to see one innovate even for culinary stuff, he should get a patent rights from it

Too bad most of their precission parts were still imported though . We had to acknowledge that precission CNC machination were not yet spread out as it was supposed to be ( relative to our level of manufacturing prowess that is ) . Most of the SME was still " allergic " for it . And yess ,money was also the second reason

i am curious though, in Germany and Japan most of CNC maker and parts maker actually medium enterprises. Indonesia government should emulate policy to promote mechanization in production units among small and medium companies this way we can attract more investment for foreign companies and talents to set up CNC manufacturing units here. This way should be accompanied by forced order for SOE like LEN industry, Barata and Bima Bosma Indra to produce CNC mills and other numerical units machine production tools to be used at least by Government owned Entrepise like PT PAL, PT PINDAD, PT KAI (repairing units), GMF, Pelita Air Service maintenance center, PT INTI, PT INKA and so on.
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