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Indonesia-Japan Agree to cooperate in Citarum river conservation
Rabu, 8 Agustus 2018 12:13 WIB - 1 Views

Reporter: Antara


Citarum River (ANTARA FOTO/Raisan Al Farisi)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Governments of Indonesia and Japan have agreed to cooperate in the conservation of the Citarum river in West Java to improve quality of the water of the river.

The largest river in West Java has been rate the most polluted river in the world.

The agreement was reached at a meeting between the Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya and Japanese Parliamentary Vice-Minister of the Environment Arata Takebe here on Tuesday.

A joint press statement issued by the Japanese embassy here on Wednesday said the cooperation agreement would be followed up with a series of activities including Partnership in Water Environment in Asia for waste treatment, transfer of technology to support introduction and dissemination of appropriate technology for industrial waste processing.

In addition, intercity cooperation is created to improve administration capacity in water quality management such as legal compliance and to increase activities joint committee among regional administrations in Indonesia.

The Indonesian government said it appreciated cooperation in the mercury treatment with Japan and agree to strengthen the capacity in mercury research and observation, early implementation of the project of mercury waste management and to promote follow up activities in Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) training.

Indonesia and Japan also agree to collaborate in reducing sea plastic waste ahead of the meetings of ASEAN+3 and G20.

In addition, the two sides have expressed satisfaction with the promotion of regional cooperation in research and observation of mercury in Asia Pacific.

Both sides exchanges information and agreed to push for collaboration in the management of media waste and acknowledged the importance of acceleration installation of technology to process waste into energy.

Technical guidelines of waste processing into energy would be developed this year.

"Indonesia and Japan are aware that proper processing of waste including waste processing into energy would contribute to improving the quality of the Citarum river water," the joint statement said.

Japan agrees to share information and exchange views in the bilateral workshop in the 17th World Lake Conference.

The two sides also discuss possible cooperation related to utilization of National Park and the Indonesian joining the Asia Protected Areas Partnership (APAP).

The next policy dialog would be held held in Japan next year.

The Citarum river, the longest and largest in West Java, has been rated the most polluted river the world. Over the years, successive governments have vowed to clean the Citarum river, but they mainly failed because such efforts were only partially done.

However, in February, after visiting the location, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) issued a seven-year Citarum cleansing program with a final goal of making the river water drinkable by 2025.

The program will also be supported by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Asian Development Bank (ADB), which in 2009 had already committed to provide $500 million to fund the Citarum?s rehabilitation.

The Indonesian army is involved in carrying out the program to clear garbage and to grow trees in the critical lands in the riversides. The riverside areas have been heavily affected by the rapid industrialization in the region since the 1980s.

Reporting by Yashinta Difa
Editing by A Saragih, Otniel T
Editor: Fardah Assegaf

Indonesia`s manufacturing industry expected to grow faster in H2
Rabu, 8 Agustus 2018 09:51 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: Antara


PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia in Kerawang, West Java. (TMMIN) (HO/TMMIN)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Industry Minister Airlangga Hartarto was optimistic that the national manufacturing industry will grow at a faster pace in the second half of this year compared to the previous semester.

"We believe that there will be an increase in the performance of industries in the mining sector in the following semester, coupled with an increase in commodity prices," he said in a statement released on Tuesday.

Hence, the government will always try to create a conducive business climate, which will enable companies to expand their businesses in order to meet the demand from the domestic and export markets, he noted.

Moreover, the government is focusing on gearing up for the fourth industrial revolution in accordance with a roadmap "Making Indonesia 4.0, he stated.

"The current industrial revolution is highly influenced by technological development, so that it encourages innovations," he added.

Based on a UNIDO report, Indonesia is ranked fourth among 15 countries whose manufacturing industries significantly contribute to their national gross domestic product (GDP).

Indonesia`s manufacturing industries currently contribute 22 percent of its GDP, trailing behind South Korea with 29 percent, China with 27 percent, and Germany with 23 percent.

In fact, Indonesia is the largest economy in Southeast Asia belonging to the Trillion dollar club, an unofficial classification of the world`s major economies, with a nominal GDP of more than US$1 trillion per year.

"What has also made us move faster is demographic bonus until 2030," he pointed out.


Reported by Sella Panduarsa Gareta

Indonesia`s Telkom satellite launched from Florida
Rabu, 8 Agustus 2018 01:25 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: antara


The Falcon 9 rocket carries the Red and White Satellite (Merah Putih Satellite) at launch at Cape Canaveral, Florida, United States, Monday (08/06/2018). The Satellite owned by PT. Telkom Tbk successfully airs and will occupy its orbit around the next 11 days or on August 18, 2018. (ANTARA /Saptono)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia`s Red-and-White Satellite, owned by state-owned telecommunication firm PT Telkom, was successfully launched on Tuesday from Cape Canaveral, Florida, the United States.

The success of the launch marked 42 years of Telkom`s work in the business and operation of telecommunications satellites for Indonesia and coincided with the 73rd Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia`s Independence.

"The existence of the Red-and-White Satellite is expected to encourage the development of the Indonesian digital community and strengthen Telkom`s role as an enabler in the progress of the national digital economy," Telkom Managing Director Alex J. Sinaga said in a written statement received in Jakarta on Tuesday, shortly after the satellite launched from SLC 40 Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.

Satelit Merah Putih (the Red-and-White) satellite has a capacity of 60 active transponders, consisting of 24 Standard C-Bands and 12 Extended C-Bands that reach Southeast Asia and 24 Standard C-bands that reach South Asia.

This satellite will occupy an orbit slot at 108 degrees East Longitude (BT) or above the area around the Karimata Strait. The presence of the Merah Putih Satellite will complement two other Telkom satellites that are still actively operating, namely Telkom 2 and Telkom 3S.

Merah Putih Satellite will increase the number of Telkom`s transponders from 73 to 133 transponders. This will strengthen TelkomGroup`s satellite business.

Merah Putih Satellite is a telecommunications satellite that has a greater capacity and wider range than the previous satellite owned by Telkom. In addition, the Red-and-White Satellite is built using Fiber Optic Gyro technology, and so it has a higher stability.

The Red-and-White Satellite was built by an American commercial satellite and space device manufacturer, Loral Space System (SSL).

The satellite, which was built since the beginning of 2016, was delivered to orbit using the Falcon 9 flight-proven rocket owned by SpaceX, an American launch service company which has a high launch success rate of around 98 percent.

The successful launch of the satellite is expected to meet the needs of national transponders, considering that satellites are complementary infrastructures needed to reach regions with topographic characteristics in archipelagic countries such as Indonesia.

Merah Putih Satellite will play an important role in delivering broadband communication services in areas that cannot be reached by fiber optic technology or other communication systems, especially in the forefront, outermost, and remote regions (3T).

"Red-and-White Satellite reaches all regions of Indonesia, countries in Southeast Asia, and South Asia. Its presence is expected to reduce the digital divide in Indonesia and strengthen TelkomGroup`s international business, enabling TelkomGroup to become Indonesia`s leading digital telecommunications company and a globally competitive firm," Alex pointed out.

Reporting by Mentari Dwi
Edited by Andi Abdussalam
Editor: Heru Purwanto


Hm... 133-73 = 60
60/73 = 0.821

Wow! Assuming all transponders are equal, we're seeing an 80% increase in capacity. Probably more considering this is the one with latest tech.
Hm... 133-73 = 60
60/73 = 0.821

Wow! Assuming all transponders are equal, we're seeing an 80% increase in capacity. Probably more considering this is the one with latest tech.

Doesn't necessary so. Throughput is dependent upon carrier signal frequency band. I haven't check what kind of transponder this particular bird is carrying, however seeing the additional C-band transponder mean it was made mostly for finance / banking sector (ATM machines) which need reliability instead of bandwidth capacity. These days if you need satellite broadband you use either Ku-band or Ka-band (depending on the local weather pattern)
Doesn't necessary so. Throughput is dependent upon carrier signal frequency band. I haven't check what kind of transponder this particular bird is carrying, however seeing the additional C-band transponder mean it was made mostly for finance / banking sector (ATM machines) which need reliability instead of bandwidth capacity. These days if you need satellite broadband you use either Ku-band or Ka-band (depending on the local weather pattern)
... I'll pretend I understand what you're saying. Everything you said past the C-band for ATM only might as well be german.
Indonesia`s Telkom satellite launched from Florida
Rabu, 8 Agustus 2018 01:25 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: antara


The Falcon 9 rocket carries the Red and White Satellite (Merah Putih Satellite) at launch at Cape Canaveral, Florida, United States, Monday (08/06/2018). The Satellite owned by PT. Telkom Tbk successfully airs and will occupy its orbit around the next 11 days or on August 18, 2018. (ANTARA /Saptono)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia`s Red-and-White Satellite, owned by state-owned telecommunication firm PT Telkom, was successfully launched on Tuesday from Cape Canaveral, Florida, the United States.

The success of the launch marked 42 years of Telkom`s work in the business and operation of telecommunications satellites for Indonesia and coincided with the 73rd Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia`s Independence.

"The existence of the Red-and-White Satellite is expected to encourage the development of the Indonesian digital community and strengthen Telkom`s role as an enabler in the progress of the national digital economy," Telkom Managing Director Alex J. Sinaga said in a written statement received in Jakarta on Tuesday, shortly after the satellite launched from SLC 40 Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.

Satelit Merah Putih (the Red-and-White) satellite has a capacity of 60 active transponders, consisting of 24 Standard C-Bands and 12 Extended C-Bands that reach Southeast Asia and 24 Standard C-bands that reach South Asia.

This satellite will occupy an orbit slot at 108 degrees East Longitude (BT) or above the area around the Karimata Strait. The presence of the Merah Putih Satellite will complement two other Telkom satellites that are still actively operating, namely Telkom 2 and Telkom 3S.

Merah Putih Satellite will increase the number of Telkom`s transponders from 73 to 133 transponders. This will strengthen TelkomGroup`s satellite business.

Merah Putih Satellite is a telecommunications satellite that has a greater capacity and wider range than the previous satellite owned by Telkom. In addition, the Red-and-White Satellite is built using Fiber Optic Gyro technology, and so it has a higher stability.

The Red-and-White Satellite was built by an American commercial satellite and space device manufacturer, Loral Space System (SSL).

The satellite, which was built since the beginning of 2016, was delivered to orbit using the Falcon 9 flight-proven rocket owned by SpaceX, an American launch service company which has a high launch success rate of around 98 percent.

The successful launch of the satellite is expected to meet the needs of national transponders, considering that satellites are complementary infrastructures needed to reach regions with topographic characteristics in archipelagic countries such as Indonesia.

Merah Putih Satellite will play an important role in delivering broadband communication services in areas that cannot be reached by fiber optic technology or other communication systems, especially in the forefront, outermost, and remote regions (3T).

"Red-and-White Satellite reaches all regions of Indonesia, countries in Southeast Asia, and South Asia. Its presence is expected to reduce the digital divide in Indonesia and strengthen TelkomGroup`s international business, enabling TelkomGroup to become Indonesia`s leading digital telecommunications company and a globally competitive firm," Alex pointed out.

Reporting by Mentari Dwi
Edited by Andi Abdussalam
Editor: Heru Purwanto


Does Indonesia have domestic satellite manufacturing capability too?
Jakarta`s LRT corridor 1 to open on August 15
Kamis, 9 Agustus 2018 23:10 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: Antara


Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) Executive Director Dwi Wagyu Daryoto (second right) said in a press conference in Jakarta on Thursday, Aug 9, that LRT�s test driving is expected to be launched on Aug 15, 2018. (Antara/Chi Jo-you)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Jakarta administration`s construction company PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) has announced that it plans to conduct a test driving of the city`s Light Rail Transit (LRT) Corridor 1 on Aug 15.

Dwi Wagyu Daryoto, executive director of Jakpro, the main company responsible for the construction project of LRT Jakarta and the Asian Games` stadiums, announced its plan at a press conference here on Thursday.

The date is five days later from a former announcement last month made by Jakpro that the LRT will open on Aug 10.

The route connects Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, to Velodrome, East Jakarta.

The LRT`s minimal daily capacity is expected to reach 11,000 passengers, and it is believed to ease the burden of the already heavy traffic in Jakarta, Jakpro Director Hendra Lesmana stated.

As for the construction of sporting stadium, the construction of Jakarta International Velodrome has been 100 percent completed, while Jakarta International Equestrian Park Pulomas has already started to operate since Aug 2, Daryoto noted.

For LRT Jakarta, 82.06 percent of the infrastructure and 85.57 percent of the facility have been completed, and the operational readiness is 91 percent.

The developer is currently speeding up the construction of additional facilities. But in terms of the certification proceedings, the Indonesian Ministry Transpiration Ministry has not yet issued an Operation Recommendation.

Aside from Jakpro, Indonesian state-owned construction company PT Wijaya Karya Tbk (Wika) is another major contractor of the Asian Games to build infrastructures around Jakarta and Palembang.

Reporting by Chi Jo-you
Editing by Azizah Fitriyanti, Rahmad Nasution
Editor: Rahmad Nasution

Economy of Indonesia: GDP Growth at 5.27% in Q2-2018 Tops Estimates
06 August 2018 |
Although overshadowed by the news of the devastating earthquake in Lombok, Statistics Indonesia (BPS) released the official Q2-2018 gross domestic product (GDP) growth figure of Indonesia earlier today. The economy of Indonesia expanded 5.27 percent year-on-year (y/y) in the second quarter of 2018. This growth pace exceeds our expectations although it is not enough to necessitate a revision to our full-year 2018 GDP growth forecast of 5.2 percent (y/y).

The 5.27 percent (y/y) growth pace of the Indonesian economy in Q2-2018 is a welcome surprise. It is the highest (annual) quarterly growth pace that has been recorded under the Joko Widodo administration so far. However, there are doubts about the sustainability of this growth figure, especially now Bank Indonesia has recently raised the country's interest rates rather aggressively in an effort to defend the rupiah amid heavy external pressures.

Robustly accelerating economic growth in Q2-2018 strengthened investors' confidence in Indonesia. The benchmark Jakarta Composite Index immediately surged around 1.50 percent after the release of Indonesia's GDP data. Over the past couple of months plenty of negative reports surfaced related to the Indonesian economy, ranging from the fragile rupiah (which depreciated nearly 6 percent against the US dollar so far in 2018) to the widening current account deficit. Therefore, the latest upbeat GDP growth pace is a welcome surprise. The rupiah, however, did not appreciate too markedly and is now around IDR 14,480 per US dollar.

The table below shows that the Q2-2018 GDP growth figure is the highest quarterly figure since the fourth quarter of 2013.
Indonesia to contribute to infrastructure projects in Niger
Jumat, 10 Agustus 2018 20:50 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: antara


Republic of Niger President Issoufou Mahamadou (second left) when visiting Indonesia last year, was welcomed by President Joko Widodo (left) at a state ceremony at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta. (ANTARA/Wahyu Putro A)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia expressed its readiness to continue contributing to various infrastructure projects in Niger, following its completing the renovation of the Presidential Palace.

"I expressed my appreciation for Niger`s support, so that Indonesia could be elected as the Non-Permanent Member of the UN Security Council 2019-2020," Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, AM Fachir, said in a statement here on Friday.

The statement was delivered during a meeting with the President of Niger, Mahamadou Issoufou on Thursday.

In the meeting, the Indonesian Vice Foreign Minister was accompanied by the Indonesian Ambassador in Abuja, the Director of Africa and the Operational Director of PT WIKA.

The President of Niger expressed his hope that Indonesia could encourage the United Nations to pay more attention to Niger and other Sahel countries, especially in their efforts to eradicate terrorism in the Sahel region.

Niger also urged Indonesia, as a Non-Permanent Member of the UN Security Council, to continue their contributions in maintaining peace in the Niger region.

At the meeting, President Issoufou expressed Niger`s hope that Indonesia could participate in the development of infrastructure in Niger, including in the energy, telecommunications and railway sectors, in accordance with Niger`s Social and Economic Development Plan.

Also, the Indonesian Vice Foreign Minister spoke of Indonesia`s interest, through PT. WIKA, to participate in the Niger Electric (PLN Niger) development project, as well as the construction of the Niger railway line.

The Indonesian Vice Foreign Minister`s visit follows the directive of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, to follow up on the state visit of the President of Niger to Indonesia in October 2017, and a series of follow-up activities, as discussed at the Indonesia-Africa Forum, held April 10-11, 2018 in Bali.

The President of Niger also expressed his condolences following the recent earthquakes that struck Indonesia. The condolences were also conveyed by the President of Niger through a letter to the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Reported by Azis Kurmala
Edited by Andi Abdussalam
Editor: Heru Purwanto

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