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Minggu 21 Jan 2018, 18:56 WIB
Pabrik Serat Tekstil di Riau Bisa Hemat Devisa RI US$ 500 Juta
Chaidir Anwar Tanjung - detikFinance
Foto: Chaidir Anwar Tanjung
Pekanbaru - Menteri Perindustrian (Menperin), Airlangga Hartarto hari ini mengunjungi pabrik rayon PT Asia Pacific Rayon (APR) di area lokasi PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP) yang akan menghasilkan 350.000 ton rayon per tahun di Riau. Kehadiran pabrik serat untuk bahan baku tekstil ini akan menghemat devisa negara hingga US$ 500 juta per tahun.
"Harapannya dengan industri rayon ini akan menghasilkan sebuah industri menghasilkan 350.000 kapasitas setahun. Hal itu setara dengan US$ 500 juta penghematan devisa," kata Airlangga di lokasi, Pekanbaru, Minggu (21/1/2018).
Dia menyebutkan, sekarang ini Indonesia impor kapas yang begitu banyak. Dengan adanya industri rayon yang akan menghasilkan bahan baku tekstil ini pemerintah akan menghemat devisa hingga US$ 500 juta dan juga menyerap tenaga kerja yang cukup banyak.
"Apa lagi pihak perusahaan menyampaikan bahwa hadirnya industri rayon ini bisa menampung tenaga kerja lebih dari 1.200 orang. Ini sangat luar biasa sekali dalam menampung tenaga kerja," katanya.
Nilai investasi yang mencapai Rp 12 triliun tersebut, kata Airlangga harus didukung oleh pemerintah. Sehingga bisa memperkuat industri tekstil dalam negeri.
"Ini harus didukung pemerintah dari bahan bakunya hingga bahan jadinya. Diharapkan ini akan memperkuat daya saing dari pada industri tekstil," kata Airlangga.
Dengan adanya industri tekstil tersebut, kata Airlangga, tentunya Riau menjadi pusat industri pulp and paper yang biasanya hanya kertas, kini ada rayon yang menghasilkan tekstil.
"Ini merupakan pertama kali kita memiliki pabrik rayon dengan kapasitas yang cukup unggul dalam skala dunia," kata Airlangga.
Pabrik rayon ini berdiri atas nama PT Asia Pacific Rayon (APR) terintegrasi dengan PT RAPP di Pangkalan Kerinci, Kabupaten Pelalawan, Riau.
Menurut Direktur APR, Thomas Handoko, pabrik rayon ini diperkirakan akan beroperasi pada Agustus 2018. Pabrik rayon ini merupakan yang terbesar di Indonesia dapat memberikan dampak positif secara ekonomi.
"Hal yang tak kalah penting adalah seluruh produk tersebut berasal dari 100 persen pasokan tanaman terbarukan serta bersertifikat internasional dan legal," kata Thomas.
"Kehadiran APR ini, akan mendukung rantai nilai produksi tekstil dalam negeri, mengurangi impor bahan baku dan memastikan daya saing kompetitif Indonesia secara global," tutup Thomas.
Tourism Industry Indonesia: Gov't Seeks $20 Billion of Investment
20 January 2018 |
The Indonesian government is looking for big direct investment - both domestic and domestic direct investment - in Indonesia's tourism industry in its quest to turn the tourism industry into the nation's top foreign exchange earner, hence strengthening this industry's role toward the national economy. Therefore, the government formulated ten priority tourist destinations that are regarded to have great tourism potential.
Indonesian President Joko Widodo targets to welcome a total of 20 million foreign tourists in Indonesia in 2019. This is a very ambitious target considering only 12.7 million foreign visitors arrived in Indonesia in the first 11 months of 2017 (foreign visitor arrivals in December 2017 will most likely disappoint due to the eruption of Mount Agung on Bali). Thus, within the next two years, the government seeks significant growth in foreign tourist arrivals and therefore needs major investment in infrastructure and tourist facilities to be able to attract the 20 million foreign tourists by 2019.
Hiramsyah Thaib, Team Leader of Acceleration for the Development of Priority Tourism Destination at Indonesia's Tourism Ministry, said a combined total of USD $20 billion worth of investment is needed to turn the ten priority destinations (see table below) into great tourist attractions, equipped with updated infrastructure and plenty of facilities such as hotels, restaurants, shops, bars, parks, and more.
It is estimated that about USD $10 billion is needed for infrastructure development - such as roads, ports, airports, and electricity - in the ten priority tourist destinations, while the remaining USD $10 billion is needed to build all tourism facilities that are needed by tourists.
The Indonesian government can, however, only cover 10 to 20 percent of all required funds (the government will only contribute to infrastructure development such as roads and ports; it will not contribute to investment in tourist facilities), hence the private sector is envisaged to contribute most to to investment in the ten priority tourist destinations.
Thaib said a couple of priority destinations have already managed to attract a significant amount of investment. For example, Lake Toba in North Sumatra has welcomed a few investors so far. Currently, several projects are under construction near Lake Toba with a combined value of IDR 1 trillion (approx. USD $75 million).
Mandalika on the island of Lombok even managed to attract IDR 13 trillion (approx. USD $977 million) worth of investment so far. However, Mandalika was declared a Special Economic Zone (for agro industry and ecotourism industry), implying investors enjoy fiscal incentives to invest in this area.
Thaib added that investors from several countries have showed interest in projects related to the ten priority tourist destinations. These countries include China, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, the Middle East, and several European countries.