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Indahnya Jembatan Petuk di NTT Senilai Rp 235 Miliar
Istimewa - detikFinance
Pengerjaan jembatan mulai dilakukan sejak September 2015 hingga Oktober 2017. (Dok Ditjen Bina Marga).

Petuk bridge in East Nusatenggara

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Frost & Sullivan Expect 4.6% Growth in Car Sales in Indonesia
19 January 2018 |

Research institute Frost & Sullivan expects car sales in Indonesia to rise 4.6 percent year-on-year (y/y) in 2018 supported by growing domestic demand for commercial vehicles, stable demand for low-cost green cars (LCGCs), the availability of affordable car prices, and the launch of new car models.

Vivek Vaidya, Senior Vice President of Mobility at Frost & Sullivan, said there are several factors at play in Indonesia; some encourage rising sales in the automotive industry, while others form an obstacle (see table below).

The strengthening economy of Indonesia, reflected by expected accelerated gross domestic product (GDP) growth in 2018, will surely impact positively on car sales in Indonesia. The Indonesian government set its economic growth target at 5.4 percent (y/y) in 2018, up from an estimated 5.1 percent (y/y) in 2017. In line with rising GDP growth, people's purchasing power and consumer confidence should strengthen.

However, regarding Indonesians' recovering consumers' purchasing power, Vaidya remains somewhat skeptical at this moment, and would not be surprised if Indonesians' purchasing power will not recovery markedly in 2018. Another problem is that the government is expected to see another fiscal deficit in 2018. This could make the government less eager to spend heavily on infrastructure projects, implying demand for commercial vehicles is curtailed.


Meanwhile, low inflation, the stable rupiah exchange rate and the relatively low interest rate environment in Indonesia are important factors that should boost car sales this year.

The Indonesian Automotive Industry Association (Gaikindo) set its target for car sales in Indonesia at 1.1 million units in 2018, approximately 1 - 2 percent (y/y) higher than estimated car sales in full-year 2017 (expected to reach 1,070,000 units). As such, Gaikindo set a very cautious target. The institution expects to see the same conditions in 2018 compared to 2017 when car sales also failed to impress.

What Can Impact on Indonesian Car Sales in 2018? Opportunities & Risks

• Purchasing power may remain bleak
• Rising crude oil/fuel prices
• Fiscal deficit
• People prefer to save
However, Fransiscus Soerjopranoto, Executive General Manager at Toyota Astra Motor (TAM), the company which controls around 35 percent of the car sales market, has a much more ambitious forecast for domestic car sales in 2018. He believes that a 4 - 5 percent (y/y) growth range is possible, similar to the forecast of Frost & Sullivan, because of the strengthening Indonesian economy. According to him people have been saving money rather than spending it (hence there occurred an overall decline in consumption across Indonesia). In 2018 people may become more willing to spend, including on cars.

Soerjopranoto added that - in the past - political years would have a significant positive impact on domestic car sales because people were buying cars amid political campaigns. In recent years, however, this impact is not visible anymore. Both 2018 and 2019 are political years as Indonesia will see regional, legislative and presidential elections but Soerjopranoto does not expect to see an impact on car sales.

Is it true that Becak will back to Jakarta? If it is true ... I think Jakarta will be more attractive for foreigners or tourist than Singapore, KL, Bangkok, Manila, Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh city ...:-)

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Cara Kemenperin Naikan Komponen Lokal di Proyek MRT dan LRT
JUMAT, 19 JANUARI 2018 22:43 WIB

Pekerja mengerjakan proyek pembangunan stasiun layang MRT di Jalan Sisingamangaraja, Jakarta, 9 Januari 2018. Target pengoperasian MRT fase I Lebak Bulus-Bundaran HI pada Maret 2019. ANTARA
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Menteri Perindustrian, Airlangga Hartarto mengatakan bahwa industri kereta api nasional terus memacu penggunaan tingkat komponen dalam negeri (TKDN), seperti pada proyek pembuatan kereta ringan LRTJabodebek yang ditargetkan bisa lebih dari 65 persen pada tahun 2019.

Selain menjalin kemitraan antara BUMN dengan pemangku kepentingan terkait seperti pihak swasta, industri penunjang, Airlangga ingin mendorong PT INKA melibatkan industri kecil dan menengah (IKM). Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan pembinaan terhadap IKM agar bisa menghasilkan produk sesuai standar dan mampu mendukung industri perkeretaapian.

“Upaya ini diperlukan mengingat pembinaan industri kecil menengah pada dasarnya merupakan tanggung jawab kita bersama dan seyogyanya juga menjadi komitmen kita untuk maju secara bersama,” kata dia melalui keterangan tertulis, Jumat, 19 Januari 2018.

Simak: LRT Jabodebek Akan Diuji Coba April 2018

Dalam rangka pembinaan IKM, Kemenperin telah memfasilitasi kerja sama dengan para pelaku IKM baja di Tegal dan Ceper, Jawa Tengah. Airlangga berharap langkah ini bisa meningkatkan kemampuan IKM menjadi bagian rantai pasok, seperti dalam proyek pengadaan LRT.

Selain itu, Airlangga melihat proyek LRT Jabodebek, menjadi kesempatan bagi industri kereta api nasional untuk menunjukkan daya saingnya dalam penguasaan teknologi termasuk dalam hal riset dan inovasi pengembangan industri berbasis rel.

“Ini menjadi peluang peningkatan kompetensi SDM melalui program pengembangan SMK dan vokasi yang link and match dengan industri. Langkah ini pun perlu melibatkan lembaga riset dan perguruan tinggi,” ucapnya.

Airlangga menjelaskan bahwa Kemenperin bersama Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) dan PT INKA) telah mendirikan Pusat Desain dan Rekayasa Industri Perkeretaapian Nasional di Kampus ITB. Tujuannya, kata dia, untuk mendukung pelaksanaan kajian-kajian pengembangan perkeretaapian, pelaksanaan program riset dan pengembangan produk, pengembangan SDM, serta menjadi inkubator bisnis dan pengujian-pengujian produk.

Menurut Airlangga, langkah lain yang akan ditempuh untuk mendukung proyek ini adalah menerapkan kebijakan terkait penggunaan produk dalam negeri, pengembangan komponen pendukung, pengembangan desain dan engineering, serta menciptakan regulasi untuk mendukung iklim usaha yang kondusif.

Pembangunan LRT Jabodebek merupakan salah satu proyek strategis pemerintah dalam rangka untuk memberikan kemudahan dan kecepatan transportasi kepada masyarakat. Untuk pengerjaan LRT yang menghubungan Jakarta - Bogor - Depok - Bekasi ini, PT INKA (Persero) sudah mendapat dukungan keuangan sebesar Rp 4,05 Triliun dari 3 sindikasi perbankan yakni dari PT BNI (Persero) Tbk, PT SMI (Persero) dan PT Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia.


Indonesia ministry of industry using LRT and MRT project to increase the competency of local industry
RI-Japan`s 60th anniversary should give impetus to deals: Jokowi
Sabtu, 20 Januari 2018 00:38 WIB - 4 Views

Reporter: antara


President Joko Widodo (left) receives Special Envoy of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Toshihiro Nikai (right) at Bogor Palace, West Java, on Friday (19/1/2018). (ANTARA PHOTO/Puspa Perwitasari) ()

Bogor, W Java (ANTARA News) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) believes the commemoration of the RI-Japan 60th diplomatic anniversary should act as an impetus to implement deals that have been agreed upon by the two countries.

The statement was released by Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi, after President Jokowi met with the Japanese prime minister`s special envoy Toshihiro Nikai at the Presidential Palace in Bogor, West Java, on Friday.

"The president has stressed since the beginning that the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations with Japan should not be just a ceremonial event," she noted.

Marsudi said that during the meeting, Nikai reaffirmed the importance of Indonesia to Japan and the South-East Asian region.

"He also said that Japan lauds Indonesia`s leadership in the region," she stated.

Meanwhile, President Jokowi mentioned some ongoing and future projects, such as the support extended to Indonesia by Japan in organizing the Asian Games 2018 and the various infrastructure projects.

With regard to the Asian Games 2018, the Japanese Ambassador to Indonesia Masafumi Ishii had earlier stated that his government would soon select the company that will provide facial recognition and behavior analysis machines to be installed at the Gelora Bung Karno Stadium in Senayan, Jakarta.

During Friday`s meeting, President Jokowi and Ambassador Nikai also discussed the potential for environmental cooperation to normalize conditions in Citarum River in Bandung, West Java.

Marsudi pointed out that as a result of the discussion, the Japanese deputy minister of environment will soon visit Citarum River to see what can be done to assist Indonesia with the project.

Nikai`s visit to Indonesia, with a delegation of prominent Japanese officials, coincides with the 60th anniversary of RI-Japan diplomatic relations, for which commemoration events will be held at Fatahillah Park in Jakarta on Friday.

The inauguration will be attended by the Japanese special envoy and the Indonesian special envoy to Japan, Rahmat Gobel.

Editor: Heru Purwanto


Merak-Bakauheni Port Development





Government to slash subsidy for railway pioneer routes
source : Link

The government has decided to slash a subsidy for six railway pioneer routes – railway routes in remote areas – in an attempt to optimize the use of this year’s state budget, an official has said.

The routes include Kreung Mane - Bungkah - Kreung Geukeuh in Aceh, Lubuk Alung - Kayu Tanam in West Sumatra and Kertapati - Indralaya in South Sumatra.

"The decision was based on an evaluation of the realization of the pioneering route [subsidy], last year, less than 85 percent of which was dispersed," Transportation Ministry railway director general Zulfikri said on Friday.

The subsidy was cut by 18.92 percent to Rp 79.9 billion (US$6 million) from Rp 98.5 billion, last year.

The routes' fares are set between Rp 3,000 and Rp 4,000 for a single trip.

The pioneer routes transported 1.4 million passengers last year, a 16.6 percent increase from the figure in 2016, said Zulfikri. (bbn)

Aceh DMU
ome / detikFinance / Detail
Minggu 21 Jan 2018, 18:56 WIB

Pabrik Serat Tekstil di Riau Bisa Hemat Devisa RI US$ 500 Juta
Chaidir Anwar Tanjung - detikFinance

Foto: Chaidir Anwar Tanjung
Pekanbaru - Menteri Perindustrian (Menperin), Airlangga Hartarto hari ini mengunjungi pabrik rayon PT Asia Pacific Rayon (APR) di area lokasi PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP) yang akan menghasilkan 350.000 ton rayon per tahun di Riau. Kehadiran pabrik serat untuk bahan baku tekstil ini akan menghemat devisa negara hingga US$ 500 juta per tahun.

"Harapannya dengan industri rayon ini akan menghasilkan sebuah industri menghasilkan 350.000 kapasitas setahun. Hal itu setara dengan US$ 500 juta penghematan devisa," kata Airlangga di lokasi, Pekanbaru, Minggu (21/1/2018).

Dia menyebutkan, sekarang ini Indonesia impor kapas yang begitu banyak. Dengan adanya industri rayon yang akan menghasilkan bahan baku tekstil ini pemerintah akan menghemat devisa hingga US$ 500 juta dan juga menyerap tenaga kerja yang cukup banyak.

"Apa lagi pihak perusahaan menyampaikan bahwa hadirnya industri rayon ini bisa menampung tenaga kerja lebih dari 1.200 orang. Ini sangat luar biasa sekali dalam menampung tenaga kerja," katanya.

Nilai investasi yang mencapai Rp 12 triliun tersebut, kata Airlangga harus didukung oleh pemerintah. Sehingga bisa memperkuat industri tekstil dalam negeri.

"Ini harus didukung pemerintah dari bahan bakunya hingga bahan jadinya. Diharapkan ini akan memperkuat daya saing dari pada industri tekstil," kata Airlangga.

Dengan adanya industri tekstil tersebut, kata Airlangga, tentunya Riau menjadi pusat industri pulp and paper yang biasanya hanya kertas, kini ada rayon yang menghasilkan tekstil.

"Ini merupakan pertama kali kita memiliki pabrik rayon dengan kapasitas yang cukup unggul dalam skala dunia," kata Airlangga.

Pabrik rayon ini berdiri atas nama PT Asia Pacific Rayon (APR) terintegrasi dengan PT RAPP di Pangkalan Kerinci, Kabupaten Pelalawan, Riau.

Menurut Direktur APR, Thomas Handoko, pabrik rayon ini diperkirakan akan beroperasi pada Agustus 2018. Pabrik rayon ini merupakan yang terbesar di Indonesia dapat memberikan dampak positif secara ekonomi.

"Hal yang tak kalah penting adalah seluruh produk tersebut berasal dari 100 persen pasokan tanaman terbarukan serta bersertifikat internasional dan legal," kata Thomas.

"Kehadiran APR ini, akan mendukung rantai nilai produksi tekstil dalam negeri, mengurangi impor bahan baku dan memastikan daya saing kompetitif Indonesia secara global," tutup Thomas. (cha/ara)


Tourism Industry Indonesia: Gov't Seeks $20 Billion of Investment
20 January 2018 |

The Indonesian government is looking for big direct investment - both domestic and domestic direct investment - in Indonesia's tourism industry in its quest to turn the tourism industry into the nation's top foreign exchange earner, hence strengthening this industry's role toward the national economy. Therefore, the government formulated ten priority tourist destinations that are regarded to have great tourism potential.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo targets to welcome a total of 20 million foreign tourists in Indonesia in 2019. This is a very ambitious target considering only 12.7 million foreign visitors arrived in Indonesia in the first 11 months of 2017 (foreign visitor arrivals in December 2017 will most likely disappoint due to the eruption of Mount Agung on Bali). Thus, within the next two years, the government seeks significant growth in foreign tourist arrivals and therefore needs major investment in infrastructure and tourist facilities to be able to attract the 20 million foreign tourists by 2019.

Hiramsyah Thaib, Team Leader of Acceleration for the Development of Priority Tourism Destination at Indonesia's Tourism Ministry, said a combined total of USD $20 billion worth of investment is needed to turn the ten priority destinations (see table below) into great tourist attractions, equipped with updated infrastructure and plenty of facilities such as hotels, restaurants, shops, bars, parks, and more.

It is estimated that about USD $10 billion is needed for infrastructure development - such as roads, ports, airports, and electricity - in the ten priority tourist destinations, while the remaining USD $10 billion is needed to build all tourism facilities that are needed by tourists.


The Indonesian government can, however, only cover 10 to 20 percent of all required funds (the government will only contribute to infrastructure development such as roads and ports; it will not contribute to investment in tourist facilities), hence the private sector is envisaged to contribute most to to investment in the ten priority tourist destinations.

Thaib said a couple of priority destinations have already managed to attract a significant amount of investment. For example, Lake Toba in North Sumatra has welcomed a few investors so far. Currently, several projects are under construction near Lake Toba with a combined value of IDR 1 trillion (approx. USD $75 million).

Mandalika on the island of Lombok even managed to attract IDR 13 trillion (approx. USD $977 million) worth of investment so far. However, Mandalika was declared a Special Economic Zone (for agro industry and ecotourism industry), implying investors enjoy fiscal incentives to invest in this area.

Thaib added that investors from several countries have showed interest in projects related to the ten priority tourist destinations. These countries include China, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, the Middle East, and several European countries.

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Indonesia expects to pass data protection bill in 2018
  • Anton Hermansyah
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta | Sun, January 21, 2018 | 10:03 pm
Communications and Information Minister Rudiantara expects that the personal data protection bill will be discussed and passed into law this year although it is not included in the 2018 National Legislation Program (Prolegnas). (JP/Wienda Parwitasari)
The government aims to deliberate and pass into law the personal data protection bill this year, although it is not listed in the 2018 National Legislation Program (Prolegnas).

The Communications and Information Ministry sent a draft of the bill to the Law and Human Rights Ministry last year.

Communications and Information Minister Rudiantara said on Friday that there was still a possibility the bill would be deliberated if lawmakers completed discussion on other priority bills quickly.

"If the law-making process goes fast, there is still a chance for the personal data protection bill to be included in the Prolegnas. I hope it will happen this year," he said at the Office of the Coordinating Maritime Affairs Minister.

Read also: Personal data protection bill 'priority' for House, ministry claims

Rudiantara underlined the importance of the law for both domestic and international affairs. He cited an example that European countries had obliged their trading partners to have a personal data protection law to carry out digital trade.

"If we want to sell the products of our small and medium enterprises [SMEs] to Europe, we will face difficulties because of the absence of a data protection law," Rudiantara explained.

At present, personal data protection is only guaranteed by Communications and Information Ministerial Decree No. 20/2016. (lnd)

Two toll road sections in Sumatra start operations
  • News Desk
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta | Mon, January 22, 2018 | 11:30 am
President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo (second left), accompanied by State-Owned Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno (second right), Lampung Governor M Ridho Ficardo (left) and Public Works and Housing Minister Basuki Hadimuljono, inspects a toll gate in Bakauheni in Lampung on Jan. 21, after inaugurating two toll road sections in the province. (Antara/Rivan Awal Lingga)
Two sections of the Trans-Sumatra toll road started operation after they were inaugurated by President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo in Lampung on Sunday.

The 8.9-kilometer Section 1 connects the Port to Bakauheni, and the 5.65-km Section 5 connects Lematang and Kotabaru.

The two sections are parts of the 140.9-km Bakauheni-Terbanggi Besar toll road in Lampung, which cost about Rp 16.8 trillion (US$1.18 billion).

“I encourage the developers to complete the toll road from Bakauheni to Palembang before the start of the Asian Games,” President Jokowi said as reported by Antara.

He believed the construction of the toll roads would be completed as scheduled, although there was still a problem with land acquisition.

“People, particularly in Lampung, will benefit from the project,” Jokowi said, adding that the government was currently also developing Waysekapung Dam, ports, electricity plants and an airport in Lampung province.

“The infrastructure will push down the prices of commodities due to the smooth transportation infrastructure,” the President added. (bbn)


PNR is buying trains from Indonesia

The Philippine National Railways (PNR) signed on Monday a P485.3-million purchase agreement for two train sets from Indonesian state-owned PT. Industri Kereta Api (PT INKA). The Department of Transportation (DOTr) said the contract was signed by PNR general manager Junn Magno and PT INKA president and director Budi Noviantro, the department said in a statement.


The Philippines is acquiring two Diesel Electric Multiple Unit (DMU) train sets to be financed under the 2015 DOTr-GAA funds which were downloaded to the PNR.

“It’s been almost 40 years that PNR organically procured its own train sets that is not donated nor part of a loan package,” Magno said.


The new trains are expected to arrive in the Philippines in the third quarter of the year, and will have to undergo testing and commissioning before serving commercial operations.

“I hope this project will grow and blossom into other projects in our desire to expand the country’s railways system from what it is today—77 kilometers,” Transportation Secretary Arthur Tugade said.

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Philippines National Railway Sign Contract for INKA DMU Train


Published January 22, 2018 4:59pm
The Philippine National Railways (PNR) signed on Monday a P485.3-million purchase agreement for two train sets from Indonesian state-owned PT. Industri Kereta Api (PT INKA).

The Department of Transportation (DOTr) said the contract was signed by PNR general manager Junn Magno and PT INKA president and director Budi Noviantro, the department said in a statement.

The Philippines is acquiring two Diesel Electric Multiple Unit (DMU) train sets to be financed under the 2015 DOTr-GAA funds which were downloaded to the PNR.

“It’s been almost 40 years that PNR organically procured its own train sets that is not donated nor part of a loan package,” Magno said.

The new trains are expected to arrive in the Philippines in the third quarter of the year, and will have to undergo testing and commissioning before serving commercial operations.

“I hope this project will grow and blossom into other projects in our desire to expand the country’s railways system from what it is today—77 kilometers,” Transportation Secretary Arthur Tugade said. —Jon Viktor Cabuenas/VDS, GMA News

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