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Five percent growth not substantial to boost people`s welfare: BI
Kamis, 25 Mei 2017 00:59 WIB - 0 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - An annual economic growth rate of five percent is not adequate for the country to boost its peoples welfare, Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Agus Martowardojo stated.

"We know that the five percent growth is not sufficient to promote the peoples welfare, and that the economy must grow above five percent. To achieve it, we need structural reforms, both in the fiscal and monetary sectors as well as the financial sector," he noted during the launch of a book titled "Study of Financial Stability" here on Wednesday.

The governor said the efforts to achieve an economic growth of over seven percent must be accompanied by steps to maintain macroeconomic stability and the financial system in a way that the economy grows at a higher pace.

"If we want the economy to grow, we must ensure that it is strong, sound, and sustainable. Sound economic growth cannot be achieved if there is no macroprudential and financial system stability," he emphasized.

He pointed out that the Indonesian economy remains stable, but the country needs to stay alert for global challenges and uncertainties, which will still cast a shadow on the Indonesian economy.

The BI has anticipated global economic pressure by strengthening the macroprudential policy and adopting several strategies, including intensifying supervision.

Other strategies adopted by BI are strengthening crisis management and expanding communication and coordination with the Committee for Financial System Stability and consulting with the House of Representatives on a mix policy.(*)
Editor: Heru

To support economy growth, efficiency, and people connectivity the indonesia govt spend a billion of money to build more infrastructure in indonesia.

Skytrain Soekarno Hatta International Airport

Raillink for Soekarno Hatta international airport

Trans Java Railway : Double Track



Trans Sumatera : Batang Kuis Station /North Sumatera





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OUTFRONT Media Inc., announced its expanded partnership with the official Indonesian Ministry of Tourism, Wonderful Indonesia, deploying the organization's first-ever U.S. out-of-home campaign in the heart of NYC's advertising hub, Times Square.


The highly-visual advertisements depict the country's beautiful landscapes and cultural elements in larger than life format, highlighting the various experiences and attractions available to tourists visiting the country. Three billboards went live on May 1st and 29th respectively, and will be on display throughout the month of June, coinciding with the high summer travel season. This particular deployment is set in three key locations: 7th Avenue & 48th Street, 5 Times Square & 41st Street and 727 Seventh Avenue between 48th & 49th Street.

‘Wonderful Indonesia’ on Display in S. Korea's Two Biggest Cities

The Ministry of Tourism's international marketing campaign "Wonderful Indonesia" has now reached Seoul and Busan, South Korea, to draw Korean tourists to holiday destinations across the archipelago.

wonderful indonesia.jpg

Tourism Ministry advertisements first appeared on subway cars and above boarding gates in the Seoul Metro on May 14 and will remain in place until July 15, in an attempt to catch the gaze of busy commuters looking for a break from their daily grinds.

"Our Wonderful Indonesia campaign will become the center of attention for South Koreans in Seoul and Busan looking for a new holiday getaway. We believe our design is easy on the eyes and displays a clear, captivating message," the ministry's deputy for foreign marketing I Gde Pitana said in Jakarta on Tuesday (30/05).

The ads, covered with glossy and awe-inspiring photos of Indonesia's rich cultural traditions and natural beauty, are expected to significantly increase South Korean tourism to the Southeast Asian country.

"Once the opportunity presented itself, we were aggressive in capitalizing on it. We believe Seoul residents will love it here," said Elizabeth Hutagaol, the Tourism Ministry's foreign marketing spokeswoman.

A large billboard and other smaller window advertisements have been put up throughout the port city of Busan this month.

Many of the Wonderful Indonesia ads around the world feature renowned Indonesian sites, such as Borobudur Temple near Malang, Central Java, Prambanan Temple in Yogyakarta, Sumbawa in West Nusa Tenggara and Lake Toba, in North Sumatra.

"Our marketing campaign in Busan is scheduled to run from May to October, with a heavy focus on drawing greater interest in the Busan Indonesia Center there," Elizabeth said.

According to Tourism Ministry data, nearly 400,000 South Korean tourists visited the archipelago last year, up from 340,000 in 2015. Tourism Minister Arief Yahya expects to draw as many as 515,000 South Koreans this year.

"Bali and Yogyakarta have become favorite destinations for South Korean tourists," Arief said.

MoU signed between Indonesia and Germany

More investment and technology in maritime will come to Indonesia


FPB 57 is ToT from Germany

RI dan Jerman Jalin Kerja Sama Strategis di Sektor Maritim

Jakarta - Kementerian Koordinator bidang Kemaritiman Republik Indonesia melakukan kerja sama bilateral dengan Jerman guna membangun poros kemaritiman di kedua negara tersebut.

Kerja sama tersebut tertuang dalam penandatanganan nota kesepahaman (MoU) antara Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan dengan Deputi Perdana Menteri Jerman Sigmar Gabriel, di kantor Kementerian Luar Negeri Jerman, Berlin, pada Rabu (31/5/2017).

Turut pula hadir mendampingi Deputi Bidang Koordinasi Kedaulatan Maritim Kemenko Kemaritiman Arif Havas Oegroseno, Deputi Bidang Koordinasi SDM, Iptek dan Budaya Maritim Kemenko Kemaritiman Safri Burhanuddin, Dubes RI untuk Jerman Fauzi Bowo serta beberapa staf khusus Menko Maritim.

Kerja sama antar kedua negara tersebut merupakan implementasi dari deklarasi bersama antara Indonesia dengan Jerman dalam kerjasama komprehensif yang sempat dilakukan di Jakarta pada 12 Juli 2012.

Adapun yang tertuang dalam kerja sama tersebut antara lain kerja sama strategis maritim, keamanan dan keselamatan laut, investasi infrastuktur maritim, investasi galangan kapal, kerjasama riset dan teknologi serta pelatihan.

Lebih lanjut, dalam kesempatan tersebut Luhut juga terlibat dalam dialog dengan Deputi Perdana Menteri Sigmar Gabriel. Melalui keterangan Deputi Havas diketahui kedua belah pihak mendiskusikan beberapa topik hangat terkait geopolitik di kedua kawasan. Termasuk mengenai keamanan laut, dan potensi kerjasama strategis yang dijalin Indonesia-Jerman ke depan.

"Kedua pihak membahas geopolitik di kawasan, keamanan laut, counter terrorism, dan kerja sama strategis Indonesia-Jerman," ujarnya seperti dikutip dari keterangan pers Kemenko Maritim, Kamis (01/06/2017).

Selanjutnya diakui Havas, pertemuan tersebut rencananya akan ditindak-lanjuti dengan dua kunjungan balasan Deputi Perdana Menteri Jerman Sigmar Gabriel dan kunjungan Menteri Transportasi dan Infrastruktur Digital Jerman Alexander Dobrindt.

"Deputi PM Jerman akan datang ke Indonesia setelah Pemilu Jerman sekitar akhir September atau awal Oktober, sedangkan untuk kerja sama di bidang Konektifitas Maritim, menteri transportasi Jerman akan datang ke Indonesia sekitar Bulan Juli," ungkapnya.


BI predicts surplus of balance of payment in 2017
Selasa, 30 Mei 2017 04:18 WIB - 2.342 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesias balance of payment will still enjoy a surplus this year but it will decline to US$3-4 billion from US$12 billion last year, Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo has predicted.

The drop will be the result of declining capital and financial account, along with the conclusion of the tax amnesty program on March 31, 2017, reducing the inflow of repatriation fund to the financial market, he said here on Monday night.

"Last year we saw the boost came from the tax amnesty program which has an impact on capital account," he said.

The projected surplus of the balance of payment at the end of this year will remain the same as the surplus of the balance of payment in the January-March 2017 period which was mostly fueled by capital and financial account at US$7.9 billion, he said.

The balance of payment reflects transactions between the Indonesian population and foreign nationals. The balance of payment includes current account (including goods, services and income) and capital and financial account.

Agus said the declining surplus of the balance of payment is also caused by a deficit of the countrys current account which is projected to reach 1.8-1.9 percent of the national gross domestic product (GDP). The figure is the same as the deficit of the current account in 2016.

Despite the deficit, the current account is still under control. The improving export performance this year is expected to help improve the current account, he said.

In the first quarter of 2017, the current account saw a deficit of US$2.4 billion, accounting for 1 percent of the GDP. The rising deficit of the current account was mostly fueled by the rising deficit of trade balance from oil and gas which reached US$2.1 billion and primary income which saw a deficit of US$7.4 billion. (*)
Editor: Heru

Advancements in Indonesia`s nuclear technology showcased in Vienna


Minister Moh. Nasir (front right) on the sidelines of an international conference held by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) took a visit to the IAEA's laboratory in Seibersdof, Austria (May 29, 2017). (Repro: BATAN)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesian Research, Technology, and Higher Education Minister Mohamad Nasir participated in the International Conference on the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Technical Cooperation Program: Sixty Years and Beyond held in Vienna on May 30, 2017.

Nasir was among around 1,500 participants from 168 IAEA member states that include heads of state/government, ministers, and a large number of other high-ranking officials.

During the conference in Vienna, the Indonesian minister for research, technology, and higher education presented various national achievements in the utilization of nuclear technology and energy for peaceful purposes to improve the peoples welfare, mainly in the agriculture/food, health, and environment sectors.

During his presentation, Minister Nasir stressed on the importance of IAEA member states providing support and enhancing contributions to the IAEAs Technical Cooperation (TC) program.

The objective of the TC program is to promote a tangible socio-economic impact in areas where the peaceful application of nuclear technology holds a comparative advantage, including in human health, food and agriculture, water and the environment, industrial applications and energy.

The TC program is tailored to meet the specific needs of member states, including those of least developed nations and responds to the evolving needs and priorities of member states through capacity building, transfer of nuclear technology, and the sharing of knowledge among member countries.

The program contributes directly in a cost-effective manner to realize major sustainable development priorities of each country.

The TC program seeks to promote sustainability and self-reliance and has an important strategic role to play in addressing multi-sectoral and interrelated developmental needs of member states through the application of nuclear science and technology.

Minister Nasir explained that since participating in the IAEA technical cooperation program in 1959, Indonesia has enjoyed various benefits in the fields of plant breeding by developing superior varieties of rice, soybean, and sorghum and the application of nuclear science and technology for health.

In addition, Indonesia has provided modernization assistance to the IAEAs nuclear applications laboratory in Seibersdorf in an effort to strengthen cooperation in research, development, and capacity building.

"Being an IAEA member, Indonesia benefits from the TC program in promoting the contribution of nuclear energy for peace, health, and well-being," Nasir remarked at the International Conference on the IAEA Technical Cooperation Program.

The conference serves as a platform for member states and other partners to collectively explore innovative means to further develop partnerships with other UN systems and regional organizations, financial institutions, non-traditional donors, and the private sector in order to enhance delivery of the TC program.

According to Nasir, Indonesia contributes to the implementation of the TC program by providing experts to assist other developing countries in the utilization of nuclear technology.

Nasir pointed out that Indonesia has a sufficient number of nuclear experts to develop the technology, as the country has several universities offering study programs in nuclear science and engineering.

"The Bandung Institute of Technology has an engineering and physics program, and the Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta has a nuclear physics program. Hence, we have several human resources adept in nuclear engineering," Nasir explained.

However, Nasir noted that Indonesian human resources in the field of nuclear technology have not been working in the country, as there is yet no nuclear technology development program in Indonesia.

As a result, they are working in other countries where nuclear technology is well developed.

Several Indonesian human resources are working in Japan and Russia and are also highly likely to work in Malaysia.

In addition to human resources, the minister said, Indonesia has abundant deposits of nuclear elements in nature, such as uranium, that have not been explored for nuclear power plants.

Indonesia is promoting a sustainable technical cooperation strategy developed by the IAEA to apply nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

Moreover, it supports efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

The minister asserted that Indonesia was entirely capable of providing technical assistance to other IAEA members.

Such assistance can be in the form of training and fellowship programs in agriculture, especially in the areas of mutation breeding, irradiation of food for preservation for disaster areas, and industrial applications.

Minister Nasir also highlighted Indonesias initiatives in strengthening and developing nuclear research and technology for peace in the Asia-Pacific region through a cooperation platform of Regional Capacity Building Initiative (RCBI).

The RCBI was launched at the end of 2015 and was made operational in 2016.

This program is facilitated by the Indonesian National Nuclear Agency, which has been assigned as the IAEA collaborating center, and the Indonesian Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency for capacity building in radiation safety infrastructure in the region.

Indonesia has developed nuclear technology for a long time, and the people have enjoyed its benefits in the health and agriculture sector.

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well done .. good trik

Indomie Place the World Eight Sequence, Frequently Used Foods

Friday, 02 June 2017 - 23:00 WIB

Jpnn.com , JAKARTA - Kantar Worldpanel released Brand Footprint 2017. As a result, Indomie was named the most popular brand of Indonesian consumers in large urban areas.

At least almost all Indonesians have bought Indomie brands, on average 3-4 times a month during 2016.

According to New Business Development Director Kantar Worldpanel Indonesia Fanny Murhayati, Indomie's strengths make the brand managed to maintain the top position in Brand Footprint survey since last year.

"Even Indomie is also able to obtain the position of the eight most chosen brands around the world," said Fanny in Jakarta, Friday (2/6).

In Nigeria, Indomie said Fanny, also managed to win the Brand Footprint ranking and was in number one position.

Broad international sales, is one of the supporting factors of performance from Indomie .

"In addition to Indonesia and Nigeria, Indomie also has market share in Ghana, Malaysia, Middle East, Turkey, and the United States," he said.

Fanny said that besides Indomie , other brands that most selected by Indonesian consumers are Royco, Mie Sedap, Frisian Flag, So Klin, Ship Fire, Indofood, Masako, Lifebuoy and Rinso.



Indonesian President Joko Widodo a.k.a. Jokowi greeted Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during his state visit. The welcoming event was done at Bogor State Palace on Sunday, January 15, 2017. Image: ANTARA/Rosa Panggabean

Indonesia, Japan Committed to Accelerating Railway Project
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TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Indonesia and Japan are committed to accelerating the development of medium-speed railway facilities for the Jakarta-Surabaya route, according to Japanese Ambassador to Indonesia Masafumi Ishii.

"With support from Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla, big projects can run well. I will try again to make big projects benefit both countries, Indonesia and Japan," Ishii said at the Vice Presidents office on Friday, June 2.

In the meantime, Chairman of the Vice Presidential Expert Team Sofyan Wanandi said the commitment was supported by the implementation of work schedules, which were drawn up by the Ministry of Public Works led-Indonesian team and the Japanese team for conducting a feasibility study.

"They are making a joint feasibility study to accelerate the railway construction and establish the necessary investment. The joint study has been discussed well and everything is going according to plan," Sofyan said, adding that the implementation of the medium-speed train project for Jakarta-Surabaya route could run well.

Furthermore, to accelerate the development of Japanese investment projects in Indonesia, including the medium-speed train for Jakarta-Surabaya route and Patimban Port in Subang, West Java province, Kalla will meet Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Tokyo on June 5.

"More commitments will be discussed during the meeting of Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Monday," he said.


Government to establish electronic toll collection consortium
Kamis, 1 Juni 2017 05:18 WIB - 2.774 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Public Works and Public Housing Ministry (PUPR), in cooperation with Bank Indonesia, will establish an electronic toll collection (ETC) consortium to set up a non-cash payment system on toll roads, which is targeted to operate thoroughly in Oct 2017.

The shareholders of the consortium will consist of various stakeholders from bank companies, toll road enterprises, and switching companies.

The consortiums role is to manage electronic payment facilities and infrastructure on toll roads, such as system and procurement of "reader," data synchronization, and proportional profit sharing.

"It will also play a major role in the integration of the toll road segments as well as in improving the business model and technical aspects of electronics," BI Governor Agus Martowardojo told the press here on Wednesday.

The establishment of the consortium is in line with governments target to change every payment in the toll roads using non-cash or electronic mechanism.

BI has set a target to manage non-cash payment system in 35 toll roads in Oct 2017. Currently, only 25 percent of total payments in 35 toll roads in Indonesia are using non-cash payment.

"Hence, this consortium is one of the required institutional aspects to be established," Martowardojo noted.

In addition to the institutionalization, electronicfication of all toll roads will also change the business model of various participating companies on the highways.

Among some changes is the business commission that the bank must pay to the operator for the non-cash payment application of 0.3 percent, which will be replaced by a merchant discount rate (MDR) system. MDR will be implemented after the ETC consortium is officially established.

To add incentives for banks to integrate, BI will also allow banks to charge additional commissions to customers when charging an electronic money balance used to pay for toll services. Such fee will be regulated in the revision of Bank Indonesia regulation concerning electronic money.

Technically, BI and the PUPR Ministry divide the four stages of non-cash electronication including the electronification stage of the entire toll road in October 2017, the integration of the toll road system, the integration of toll roads and the establishment of the Electronic Toll Collection Consortium (ETC) as well as the implementation of Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF), as a process of payment of tolls which not require the drivers to take a long stop.(*)
Editor: Heru

Government`s development plan running on right track

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - In a bid to advance the country, the government is laying down its development programs on a Medium-Term National Development Plan (RPJMN) and long-term initiative called "Indonesia 2045 Vision."

The development carried out since the government of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) came to power in late 2014 is believed to be running on the right track, National Development Planning Minister/Head of the National Development Planning Board (Bappenas) Bambang Brodjonegoro had stated in Jakarta on Tuesday, May 30.

The Bappenas minister said most of the programs in the RPJMN are on the right track. He made the statement after a meeting to discuss the implementation of the RPJMN 2015-2019 and to deliberate on the draft of the "Indonesia 2045 Vision" Long-Term Development Plan.

President Jokowi held a limited cabinet meeting to discuss the draft of the Indonesia 2045 Vision and to evaluate the implementation of the RPJMN 2015-2019 at his Presidential office late last month.

Three stages of national development will be needed to realize the Indonesia 2045 Vision. The implementation of the three stages of development will be carried out in three 10-year periods that will cover the development of infrastructure, processing industry to increase added value, and the service industry, including the tourism sector.

Hence, the president met his cabinet ministers to discuss the draft of the Indonesia 2045 Vision while evaluating the ongoing national development based on the RPJMN 2015-2019.

Jokowi chaired the limited cabinet ministers meeting to discuss two topics, notably the 2017 Revised State Budget and the Indonesia 2045 vision.

On the previous day, President Jokowi had held a plenary cabinet meeting at the Presidential Palace in Bogor, West Java, to discuss preparations in the face of the Muslim post-fasting Eid ul-Fitr or Lebaran festivities.

Regarding the evaluation of the RPJMN 2015-2019, Minister Brodjonegoro said the development programs have been carried out based on plans.

"We divided the results of the evaluation into three parts. One part likely is very difficult to achieve, and the other part still needs additional efforts to realize it. However, most of the programs are already on the right course. The one that is difficult to achieve is only small, yet we need additional efforts to achieve it," Brodjonegoro noted.

Moreover, there are programs that have been realized but are showing indications of being wrongly prepared since the start, both in terms of target and definition. Yet, in general, the national development programs have been carried out on the right track. The government, however, has to work hard, so that the national development programs for the 2015-2019 period would be carried out holistically and smoothly.

"Programs are on track means that targets are about to be achieved or have been exceeded," Minister Brojonegoro stated, adding that based on data, the number of programs that had been on the right track is the largest one.

However, some data of the programs that have been achieved would be eliminated, as since the start, their planning has been viewed to have been wrongly made. The minister cited the tax ratio as an example.

"The 16 percent tax ratio is difficult to achieve since now, the realization of the tax ratio is only 11 percent. The poverty indicator is still in the yellow mark, so we need to put in extra efforts to achieve the target by 2019," he noted.

The additional efforts to be made by the government are included in the Government Work Plan for 2018 and 2019. Programs considered to have been on the right track included those related to infrastructure development and efforts to control inflation.

Infrastructure development is one of the programs that can be realized and is being given priority by the government. It is included in the first three 10-year periods of the Indonesia 2024 Vision.

Infrastructure development, to serve as the foundation for other developmental stages, will be carried out in the first 10 years.

For more : Antaranews

really glad to hear that the development on the right track, i can feel it btw. so many infras project across indonesia. new airport from sabang to merauke, toll road in sumatera, java, kalimantan, bali and sulawesi, sea port, railway, lrt, mrt, electricity, highway in papua, kalimantan, sumatera, and 65 new dam and one of them is the biggest dam in indonesia build in aceh, the govertment build it across indonesia ofcourse its long term investment, Palapa ring road broadband program across indonesia, and also "Dana Desa Program" to support our village development. i think its okey for me to say that Jokowi might lead 2019 Election for 2 period of his presidency.
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Government`s development plan running on right track

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - In a bid to advance the country, the government is laying down its development programs on a Medium-Term National Development Plan (RPJMN) and long-term initiative called "Indonesia 2045 Vision."

The development carried out since the government of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) came to power in late 2014 is believed to be running on the right track, National Development Planning Minister/Head of the National Development Planning Board (Bappenas) Bambang Brodjonegoro had stated in Jakarta on Tuesday, May 30.

The Bappenas minister said most of the programs in the RPJMN are on the right track. He made the statement after a meeting to discuss the implementation of the RPJMN 2015-2019 and to deliberate on the draft of the "Indonesia 2045 Vision" Long-Term Development Plan.

President Jokowi held a limited cabinet meeting to discuss the draft of the Indonesia 2045 Vision and to evaluate the implementation of the RPJMN 2015-2019 at his Presidential office late last month.

Three stages of national development will be needed to realize the Indonesia 2045 Vision. The implementation of the three stages of development will be carried out in three 10-year periods that will cover the development of infrastructure, processing industry to increase added value, and the service industry, including the tourism sector.

Hence, the president met his cabinet ministers to discuss the draft of the Indonesia 2045 Vision while evaluating the ongoing national development based on the RPJMN 2015-2019.

Jokowi chaired the limited cabinet ministers meeting to discuss two topics, notably the 2017 Revised State Budget and the Indonesia 2045 vision.

On the previous day, President Jokowi had held a plenary cabinet meeting at the Presidential Palace in Bogor, West Java, to discuss preparations in the face of the Muslim post-fasting Eid ul-Fitr or Lebaran festivities.

Regarding the evaluation of the RPJMN 2015-2019, Minister Brodjonegoro said the development programs have been carried out based on plans.

"We divided the results of the evaluation into three parts. One part likely is very difficult to achieve, and the other part still needs additional efforts to realize it. However, most of the programs are already on the right course. The one that is difficult to achieve is only small, yet we need additional efforts to achieve it," Brodjonegoro noted.

Moreover, there are programs that have been realized but are showing indications of being wrongly prepared since the start, both in terms of target and definition. Yet, in general, the national development programs have been carried out on the right track. The government, however, has to work hard, so that the national development programs for the 2015-2019 period would be carried out holistically and smoothly.

"Programs are on track means that targets are about to be achieved or have been exceeded," Minister Brojonegoro stated, adding that based on data, the number of programs that had been on the right track is the largest one.

However, some data of the programs that have been achieved would be eliminated, as since the start, their planning has been viewed to have been wrongly made. The minister cited the tax ratio as an example.

"The 16 percent tax ratio is difficult to achieve since now, the realization of the tax ratio is only 11 percent. The poverty indicator is still in the yellow mark, so we need to put in extra efforts to achieve the target by 2019," he noted.

The additional efforts to be made by the government are included in the Government Work Plan for 2018 and 2019. Programs considered to have been on the right track included those related to infrastructure development and efforts to control inflation.

Infrastructure development is one of the programs that can be realized and is being given priority by the government. It is included in the first three 10-year periods of the Indonesia 2024 Vision.

Infrastructure development, to serve as the foundation for other developmental stages, will be carried out in the first 10 years.

For more : Antaranews

really glad to hear that the development on the right track, i can feel it btw. so many infras project across indonesia. new airport from sabang to merauke, toll road in sumatera, java, kalimantan, bali and sulawesi, sea port, railway, lrt, mrt, electricity, highway in papua, kalimantan, sumatera, and 65 new dam and one of them is the biggest dam in indonesia build in aceh, the govertment build it across indonesia ofcourse its long term investment, Palapa ring road broadband program across indonesia, and also "Dana Desa Program" to support our village development. i think its okey for me to say that Jokowi might lead 2019 Election for 2 period of his presidency.

I just hope that current political situation will not throw this great progress and plan into dissaray. Those social justice warriors and the towelheads they are brawling with contribute almost nothing to such progress.

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