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Indonesia and Pakistan-Historic relations....


Aug 31, 2014
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I was reading this book, came across some information, which, unfortunately not many are aware of. I thought i'd share it, hope you guys enjoy and hope it is informative.
An extract from the book "The first Round", by Air Marshal M Asghar Khan:

‘Having established effective maritime control over the Arabian sea, our Navy was keen to intercept on the high seas the the merchant ships taking supplies to India was stopped from doing so by our Foreign Office for fear of international opinion.

On 10 September 1965 Air Marshal Asghar Khan arrived in Peking and later handed over to Mr Chou En Lai a letter from the President Field Marshal Ayub Khan. After discussion he flew down to Indonesia and was received by the commander-in-chief Indonesian Air force at a military airfield, 100 miles from Djkarta. He was taken by a military plane to Djkarta and on arrival driven to President’s palace. President Sukarno receive him immediately and was given President Ayub Khan’s letter asking Indonesia’s help in our ‘dire’ need. President President Sukarno said, “your dire need? it is our dire need.” Sukarno went on to say that he had a meeting of the War council the previous day and they had decided that Indonesia would give all possible help to Pakistan. He said India’s attack on Pakistan was like an attack on Indonesia and they were duty bound to give us all possible assistance. He asked me to consider Indonesia as my own country and take away from there whatever i found could be useful to Pakistan in this emergency. “But remember,” he added, “ that we also have a problem - our conflict with Malaysia”. He suggested that whilst deciding what i should take away, i should, bearing in mind Indonesia’s needs, decide what should be left behind. These were, he said, his instructions to Subandrio i should discuss details with him and Omar Dhani.

I therefore asked Omar Dhani whether he could give us the four aircraft in reserve. ‘You have heard the president,’ he said, ‘you can have anything you want,’ i then enquired MIG-19 aircraft and Omar Dhani agreed to give all of them to us. He also agreed to give us a few MIG-15s. It was agreed that these should be dismantled and crafted by the Indonesian Air Force and carried in Indonesian Ships. Martadinata, the Indonesian Naval commander-in-Chief, was there and i asked whether he felt happy about taking this equipment to Karachi and whether he feared interference by the Indian Navy. He said that the ships would be escorted and he would ensure that the cargo was delivered safely at Karachi. When we had finished discussing the details of the assistance we could expect from Indonesia, i prepared to leave for Pekings on my way to Pakistan. As i got up to go, Martadinata asked whether this was all i wanted Indonesia to do for Pakistan. ‘What more can you do?’’ i asked. ‘don’t you want us to take over the Andaman Islands? a look at the map will show, he continued, ‘that the Andaman and Nicobar island are extensions of Sumatra and are in any case between East Pakistan and Indonesia. What right have the Indians to be there? I suggested that he should discuss the matter with his President. In the present situation there would certainly be no regrets on the part of Pakistan if Indonesia occupied these Islands. Unfortunately we were not in position to assist them in performing this task. ‘In any case’, he said, ‘the Indonesian Navy will immediately commence patrols of the approaches to these islands and carry out aerial reconnaissance missions to see what the Indians have there’. I thanked him for his support and, along with Omar Dhani, left for the military airfield where our Boeing was waiting.

Martadinata backed his words with substantial material aid for the Pakistan Navy. He ordered immediate transfer of two submarines and four Osa missile boats to Pakistan. In the previous year ships of Pakistan Navy had paid a goodwill visit to Indonesia and cordial understanding had been established between the two navies. Realizing the acute needs of Pakistan and appreciating the imbalance between our Navy and the Indian Navy, Martadinata acted swiftly and sincerely. At that time Indonesia was heading for a confrontation with the great Britain over the straits of Malacca where a sizeable Task Force of British Carriers and other big ships had been stationed. The missile boats were the only deterrent force available to the Indonesians. Moreover the, the submarines and the missile boats had been given to Indonesia by the USSR under a bilateral treaty which forbade their transfer to another country. It was therefore an act of great courage and friendship on the part of Soekarno and his naval Commander-in-chief to transfer these vessels to Pakistan at the time.

On my return to Pakistan, I briefed the Commander-in-Chief of our Navy, Admiral AR Khan, who established a direct link with Martidinata. The submarines and the missile boats arrived in Pakistan waters after the cease-fire due to the distance involved but they stayed with us till such time as the chances of recurrence of hostilities had receded. I was later told that the submarines were in fact ordered to proceed to Pakistan direct from their sea patrols and were not allowed to put into home ports even for a change of clothing's for their personnel.

Some 18 months after my meeting with Soekarno it was announced that he had been dismissed. Whatever his weaknesses, he, more than any other man I know, made a great gesture towards Pakistan that our future generations will always remember, and even if Soekarno is forgotten by his countrymen. Pakistan will remember that when were in ‘dire’ need Indonesia gave Pakistan the key to their arsenal. That the arsenal was not overfull did not make the gesture any the less important. In fact, it enhanced the value of the offer made by a great nation, itself faced with serious problems of only slightly military significance. I have often wondered if Pakistan will ever be able to repay this debt.’
Quite unfortunate not any know about these things...
A little history:

Almost in 16th century, Islam and Muslims were strengthened as consequence of this movement. But a century later the ghost of colonialism devastated many civilizations of the world which resulted into Dutch occupation of Indonesia. In 1942 when Japan occupied Indonesia during the Second World War according to UN (United Nations) report four million Indonesian people were killed. In 1945 Japan surrendered before America and its allies when atom bomb was dropped on Japanese cities. The Indonesian leader Dr. Ahmed Sukarno announced the freedom of Indonesia on August 17, 1945. After the departure of Japan, Dutch government once again tried to establish itself here. However they had to face Indonesian resistance and foreign pressure. After a continuous struggle of Indonesian masses at last Dutch government accepted Indonesia’s right of self government.
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah as President of All Indian Muslim League in 1945, motivated the Muslims to protest against colonial aggression in Indonesia, when the freedom movement was on full swing. He also asked Indian Muslims to extend practical help to their Indonesian Muslim brothers. It was result of his motivations that six hundred Muslims from British Indian Army proved their support for Indonesian brethern with their active participation in freedom struggle there. Five hundred of these soldiers embraced martyrdom, one hundred of them survived. Some of them returned and some continued living there. Quaid-e-Azam ordered the detention of Dutch airplanes on Karachi Airport which were being sent to help Dutch army. This step taken by Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah established strong ties between Indonesia and Pakistan and set an example of Muslim brotherhood. These actions of Quaid-e-Azam also manifested his disapproval of the use of our land against other Muslims. He helped Muslim countries as far as possible. About the Dutch planes advancing towards Indonesia, Pakistan’s first foreign minister Sir Zafarullah Khan said that the advancement of Dutch planes towards Indonesia was tantamount to attack on the soul of Asia. On August 17, 1995 when Indonesia celebrated their golden jubilee, the soldiers who fought with Indonesian freedom fighters for liberty of the Indonesia on order of Quaid-e-Azam, were given highest military awards in reorganization of their sacrifices. In order to recognize Quaid-e-Azam’s love for Indonesian brothers he was presented with “Adipura”, highest civil award.[1]


Group photo of some Soldiers with Indonesian Naval officer in Jakarta August 1995,
who were given highest military awards in reorganization of their sacrifices for Indonesia.

@Indos ,@Horus ,@WebMaster ,@Slav Defence ,@Nihonjin1051 ,@Chinese-Dragon ,@scorpionx ,@New ,@nair ,@Joe Shearer ,@Jungibaaz ,@waz ,@Neutron ,@Daneshmand ,@Arsalan ,@niaz ,@Hyperion ,@Icarus ,@farhan_9909 ,@Oscar .....
Sukarno is his last days was not much more than an autocratic ruler, failing his nation in many ways. His gestures towards Pakistan were friendly, but to no avail.
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These are the submarine, I dont know whether the sailors are Indonesian or Pakistani since it is not easy to ride Submarine though........Maybe you can search more.

submarine for Pakistan.png

I bet you need to make more paragraph and space for easy reading, it is a basic rule for any good writer bro, and of course you do have huge potential to be a very good writer.....

@madokafc @Jakartans@PkDef @pr1v4t33r @anas_nurhafidz

I bet you need to look it up, the story is much clearer than in wiki or any other source we can easily find.
Well, if someone has heard about Operation Karpet Mabur before?

In this operation, Indonesian Armed Forces under direct order of Soeharto, giving much assistance of money, military assistance (including training) and weapons for Afghanistan Islamist movement for the use to fighting against Soviet occupation, most of Indonesian Soviet made arms and munition being transferred to Afghanistan insurgents via Pakistani route.

Usually Indonesia foreign policy is being neutral and never give a hints of her leaning toward religion or ideological movements abroad. But sometime in dire of needs and pleas from other Muslim countries, Indonesia will rush to help in her capacity. Not only in Pakistan and Afghanistan, the deeds happened again in Balkan case, as far as Soeharto is eagerly and readily to order the Indonesian Army to going and made an intensive preparation to fight against the Serbs and will joint hand with the Turks in case the Serbs not to stopping their genocide against Bosnian Muslim.
I w At that time Indonesia was heading for a confrontation with the great Britain over the straits of Malacca where a sizeable Task Force of British Carriers and other big ships had been stationed. The missile boats were the only deterrent force available to the Indonesians. Moreover the, the submarines and the missile boats had been given to Indonesia by the USSR under a bilateral treaty which forbade their transfer to another country. It was therefore an act of great courage and friendship on the part of Soekarno and his naval Commander-in-chief to transfer these vessels to Pakistan at the time.


Actually our Naval and Air Force at that time is one of the largest in Asia

The History of the Indonesian Submarine Squadron
By Rear Adm. Agung Pramono, S.H., M. Hum
Indonesian Navy

Indonesia is the world’s largest archipelagic state, comprising more than 17,000 islands and large areas of water linking them together as one unity and making Indonesia one of the most influential maritime nations. A strong national defense, achieved by reinforcing naval capabilities, is critical to defending Indonesian sovereignty and ensuring the stability of Indonesian territorial seas.

As a military institution that is responsible for defending the country, the Indonesian Navy requires human resources and weapons systems to bolster its function and to accomplish the mission. The Indonesian Navy has more than 140 warships of various types and classes, which are divided into two fleets and one military sealift command. The Eastern and Western Fleets are composed of several squadrons, including one submarine squadron in the Eastern Fleet.


Whiskey-class submarines

The Indonesian Navy has long experience in operating submarines. For a significant period in the 1960s and 1970s, Indonesia operated the most powerful submarine force in the Asia-Pacific region, excepting the Cold War superpowers: 12 Whiskey-class submarines, two torpedo retrievers, and one submarine tender, all purchased from the Soviet Union. By comparison, no other Southeast Asian nation possessed a submarine force of any size, and in 1967 the Royal Australian Navy had only six submarines, of the Oberon class.

The Indonesian Navy received its first submarine, KRI Tjakra (401), from the USSR on 12 September 1959. This first submarine was commanded by Commander O.P. Koesno. Its delivery was a milestone in the creation of the Indonesian Submarine Force, and 12 September was designated as the Indonesian Submarine Squadron Day to commemorate the date that the Indonesian Navy began operating these advanced war machines with both strategic value and deterrent effect.

During the 1960s, in the heyday of the Whiskey class, these superb underwater units were used to regain West Papua from Dutch colonial control. There were three submarine deployments during the military operation—called JAYA WIJAYA 1—against the Dutch forces in the West Papua. KRINagabanda (403), KRI Trisula (402), and KRI Tjandrasa (408) successfully launched an attack on the Dutch forces in the West Papua area; in operation TJAKRA II, Tjandrasa managed to infiltrate the enemy’s area to land a group of Indonesian Special Forces on the island. For the success of that operation, the Indonesian Government awarded Tjandrasa and her crew with the prestigious “Bintang Sakti” medal. To the present day, Tjandrasa is the only naval vessel to have been awarded the medal. In April 1963, in operation VISHNU MUKTI, KRl Nagarangsang (404), KRl Tjundamani (411), and KRIAlugoro (406) again conducted a ‘show of force’ in West Papua waters.

Thanks to those 12 submarines, the Indonesian Navy at that time was considered to be one of the most powerful naval forces in the Asia-Pacific region—making Indonesia a regional power and serving as a source of pride and self confidence for her people.


KRI Nanggala (402) during Passing Exercise with
USS Oklahoma City (SSN 723)

The declining relationship between the Republic of Indonesia and the Soviet Union in 1965—resulting from Indonesian government action against the rebellion of the Indonesian Communist Party—led to a spare parts crisis in the Navy, which affected the submarines. To maintain an operational force, the Indonesian Navy decommissioned several submarines and used their parts to repair the remaining vessels. Since then, the number of the Navy’s submarines declined steadily. The last remainingWhiskey-class submarine, KRI Pasopati (410), was decommissioned on 25 January 1990 and now serves as a submarine museum in downtown Surabaya.

In 1978, prior to the decommissioning of Pasopati, Indonesia procured two Type 209/1300 submarines from West Germany—KRI Cakra (401) and KRI Nanggala (402)—to maintain the security of Indonesian territorial waters. These two German submarines have been overhauled several times in Germany, South Korea, and Indonesia.

As an archipelagic country with vast areas to cover, Indonesia requires a large number of naval vessels, including submarines, to maintain national security and sovereignty in and around its waters. Having learned from its previous experiences, the Indonesian Navy has planned to gradually increase the size of its submarine force in the years to come. To begin, it has ordered three Type 209/1500 submarines from South Korea. The Navy expects to restore the glory of its naval forces, including its submarine squadron.


We also have Destroyer at that moment


KRI Irian - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
@Indos Irian is not destroyer but a light Cruiser

Actually, Indonesia at the times operating the largest Naval fleet in Southern hemisphere much larger fleet than Australian or even Brazilian combined at the same time. Unbeknown to most, our fleet is not only comprises of Soviet made vessels like 12 Whiskey class submarine, a Sverdlov Cruiser (with an option of one more to be delivered), Riga Class frigate (we had seven unit of them), Skorry class destroyer (we had seven unit of them), and Indonesia is also operated a large fleets of western made Destroyer, submarine chasers, corvette and Frigate, especially from Germany, UK and Italy

Being backed by large fleets of Bomber and fighter too, as at the time we had two Squadron of Tu-16, one Squadron of B-17, three squadron of Il-26, one squadron of Gannet torpedo bomber, and large fleet of Mig series beside De Havilland Vampire and other fighter like P-51 Mustang.
I am aware that at the urging of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad & Quaid -e- Azam, about 600 Indian Muslim soldiers volunteered to fight for the Indonesian Army against the Dutch. It is said that only 100 survived.

Despite being allied with Nehru in the non-aligned movement (NAM) which was sponsored by Nehru of India, Nasser of Egypt,Tito of Yugoslavia, Nkrumah of Ghana. ZA Bhutto, Foreign Minister of Pakistan, must be given credit that he could sway Sukarno to Pakistan’s side to the extent that Indonesia was ready to provide military assistance to Pakistan during 1965 war with India.

Even though Sukarno had strong leftist leanings; there was an unsuccessful Coup attempt by the Communists party which killed about 100,000 suspected Communists. Sukarno handed over the power to Gen. Suharto in 1966. Sukarno died in 1970.

Indonesia is inherently a very rich country; blessed with huge resources in timber, palm oil, coal, crude oil, natural gas, rubber, tin, copper, and gold. Indonesian exports are about $200-billion and imports about $180-billion with a trade surplus of about $20-bilion per year and GDP per capita of $3, 480. Unlike Nigeria that has little else but oil, Indonesia exported $3.4-billion worth of motor vehicle parts & $2.6-billion worth of computers in 2013 indicating a sound industrial base.

Regrettably Indonesia also suffers from endemic corruption, nepotism and over population. I am aware that many oil companies made millions doing business with PERTAMINA (Indonesian Nation Oil Company) with the connivance of the ruling class. I visited Jakarta in 1983 attempting to get into the Indonesian Oil business. However it did not work out because the agents who claimed to represent Bambang (son of Gen Suharto) did not know him well enough to get us into the Indonesian oil scene.

Despite all the riches; Indonesian economy collapsed in 1997 following the withdrawal of huge amount of capital estimated to be about $150-billion. This resulted in riots with the killing of about 5000 ethnically Chinese Indonesians. Oil production declined from nearly 1.8-million bbl per day in 1980 to about 800,000 bbl per day in 2014. On the other hand, its population increased from about 90-million in 1960 to more than 250-million in 2014.

Gen Suharto resigned in 1998 and Indonesia become a democracy. Economic situation improved under Megawati, daughter of Sukarno (president 2001 -2004). Indonesia is now just another South East Asian country.
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Historically speaking Indonesia have more relations with people of South India and Kalinga more than anyone else ;)
I did not know why Indonesia (or Sukarno) had a hatred of India for no reason. However its heartening to see that it is no longer the same situation.
I am aware that at the urging of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad & Quaid -e- Azam, about 600 Indian Muslim soldiers volunteered to fight for the Indonesian Army against the Dutch. It is said that only 100 survived.

Despite all the riches; Indonesian economy collapsed in 1997 following the withdrawal of huge amount of capital estimated to be about $150-billion. This resulted in riots with the killing of about 5000 ethnically Chinese Indonesians. Oil production declined from nearly 1.8-million bbl per day in 1980 to about 800,000 bbl per day in 2014. On the other hand, its population increased from about 90-million in 1960 to more than 250-million in 2014.

Gen Suharto resigned in 1998 and Indonesia become a democracy. Economic situation improved under Megawati, daughter of Sukarno (president 2001 -2004). Indonesia is now just another South East Asian country.

Sorry mate, little correction for me,

The Pakistani soldiers that fight with us were fighting both Dutch and British. We were attacked by Dutch and British. And those soldiers are likely former British soldiers that change position during the war and become ones of our heroes.

List of wars involving Indonesia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No killing or raping ever happen to Chinese, despite many died but all are Native according to recorded data. The independent investigation set up after we get our democracy doesnt find any prove for that accusation. No prove. And many site talking about killing using photo about Native ethnic dispute around that year and some of our Native indeed look like Chinese as well. Why dont you search about Sampit and Ambon tragedy/conflict.
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Historically speaking Indonesia have more relations with people of South India and Kalinga more than anyone else ;)
I did not know why Indonesia (or Sukarno) had a hatred of India for no reason. However its heartening to see that it is no longer the same situation.

actually Soekarno had no hatred against India, but the strategical geographic politic at the times must drove away the brotherly relationship between Indonesia and India. At the time, Indonesia conduct limited war against Malaysia and Great Britain along with her commonwealth Nations in a conflict we called Konfrontasi. India itself giving her support towards Malaysia and Commonwealth Nations by providing harbor and logistic supply toward British Warships in which to be deployed near Indonesian water off coast of Sumatra. Soekarno see this acts as hostility actions against Indonesian cause, and chose a way to retaliate against India.

Sorry mate, little correction for me,

The Pakistani soldiers that fight with us were fighting both Dutch and British. We were attacked by Dutch and British. And those soldiers are likely former British soldiers that change position during the war and become ones of our heroes.

List of wars involving Indonesia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No killing or raping ever happen to Chinese, despite many died but all are Native according to recorded data. The independent investigation set up after we get our democracy doesnt find any prove for that accusation. No prove. And many site talking about killing using photo about Native ethnic dispute around that year and some of our Native indeed look like Chinese as well. Why dont you search about Sampit and Ambon tragedy/conflict.

the raping and killing is happened against Chinese in 1998 riots
Indonesia–Pakistan relations
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pakistan-Indonesia relationship are particularly special, founded on common mutual religious outlook. Indonesia is the world largest Muslim country in terms of its population, whereas Pakistan is the world second largest Muslim country. Both countries are members of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and Developing 8 Countries. Pakistan has an embassy in Jakarta,[1] whereas Indonesia has an embassy in Islamabad,[2] and a Consulate General in Karachi. According to a 2015 BBC World Service Poll, 80% of Indonesians view Pakistan's influence positively, with 11% expressing a negative view, making Indonesia the most pro-Pakistani nation in the world.[3]

Indonesia–Pakistan relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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actually Soekarno had no hatred against India, but the strategical geographic politic at the times must drove away the brotherly relationship between Indonesia and India. At the time, Indonesia conduct limited war against Malaysia and Great Britain along with her commonwealth Nations in a conflict we called Konfrontasi. India itself giving her support towards Malaysia and Commonwealth Nations by providing harbor and logistic supply toward British Warships in which to be deployed near Indonesian water off coast of Sumatra. Soekarno see this acts as hostility actions against Indonesian cause, and chose a way to retaliate against India.

the raping and killing is happened against Chinese in 1998 riots

India and Britain didnt see eye to eye immediately after independence. They were disappointed when we didnt sign Baghdad Pact. Infact we had a severe policy of non interference. Logistics to British ships supporting Malaysia in a war is impossible.
India and Britain didnt see eye to eye immediately after independence. They were disappointed when we didnt sign Baghdad Pact. Infact we had a severe policy of non interference. Logistics to British ships supporting Malaysia in a war is impossible.

impossible or not but that's what actually happened bro. Just relax, the relationship between India-Indonesia right now has achieved a new high and it will be so in future.
Sorry mate, little correction for me,

The Pakistani soldiers that fight with us were fighting both Dutch and British. We were attacked by Dutch and British. And those soldiers are likely former British soldiers that change position during the war and become ones of our heroes.

List of wars involving Indonesia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No killing or raping ever happen to Chinese, despite many died but all are Native according to recorded data. The independent investigation set up after we get our democracy doesnt find any prove for that accusation. No prove. And many site talking about killing using photo about Native ethnic dispute around that year and some of our Native indeed look like Chinese as well. Why dont you search about Sampit and Ambon tragedy/conflict.

Havildar Clk Nurul Islam of Comilla, BD had joined the Indonesian resistance after leaving the British India Army. He settled down in Acheh region and is considered the father of the Acheh Islamic movement.
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