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Indonesia’s Mass Killings of 1965 Were Crimes Against Humanity, International Judges Say

Who are ALWAYS the Master Minds behind
Barbaric Crimes against Humanity ??

Firstly, let me Bow and Deeply Apologize to the Indonesian members side and the Chinese members side.
This is Not my attack against ( Indonesia nor China ).
And, this is Not a Personal attack against ( Indonesian members nor Chinese members ).
My purpose for posting my Thinking and Logic in this thread is to
-- highlight Many Critical and Valuable Lessons from this Mass Murders,
thus, this kind of INJUSTICES and CRIMES against Humanity ( not just against Indonesians )
( such as 1965 Mass Murders against the Innocents )
are not happening again and again ... ...

:agree: :agree:

I am very worried, and sad, and frankly feel very embarrassed by the National attacks and Personal attacks... ...coming from both sides of the fence.
I am sure all of you agree that 99+% Western medias from ( America, England, France, Australia, ... ... and many other Whitey ANGLO SAXONS countries ) are the #1 World Champions and the #1 Masters who have been continually publishing and broadcasting stories that are ... ...

:taz: :taz:

Western medias from ( America, England, France, Australia, ... ... and many other Whitey ANGLO SAXONS countries ) are so Superb in hiding the Truth
-- immediately when -- these western Anglo Saxons Crimes happened or were happening.
And ONLY then after certain timing, ... ... usually many, many years later ... ...
they release the partial truths by using SPINS and DISHONESTY
-- to project and pretend to show that western media are FAIR and JUST

I am aware that almost all of you are quite well read and quite well informed.
( Although, I am Not Sure -- if it is from the Truly FAIR and JUST sources ).
If you are not sure, then please cross check and read other multiple news sources from many other nations.

:eek: :o: :eek:

After ( 32 + All those Deleted Posts ) and many pages of exchanges from both sides, ... ...

#1) I wonder ~ how come All our Confrontational Members in this thread -
- they have Failed to Examine and they
are not Paying Attention at the ( ROOT CAUSE of -- this 1965 Mass Murders ) ??
Answer is ... ...

... international panel of judges has declared that ... ... committed crimes against humanity
during the 1965–66 mass killings and that the

U.S., the U.K. and Australia
Master Minds behind the crimes
. ... ...

Source: http://time.com/4414438/indonesia-crimes-against-humanity-1965/

:eek: :o: :frown:

#2) Google and Search the Keywords ( CIA and Suharto )
Answers are ... ...

This news below was published in ... ... ( 12 JULY 1990 )

... Robert J. Martens, who from 1963 to 1966 was a political officer at the
United States Embassy in Jakarta, as saying that he had
headed an embassy group of State Department and
Central Intelligence Agency officers who ...
... killed six senior military officials
... ... The 1965–66 bloodbath was triggered by the murders of six generals and other officers on the night of Sept. 30, 1965 and in the early hours of Oct. 1.
Suharto, a CIA installed General
... ...

Source_1: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/1999/07/indo1-j19.html


This article is from Pacific Affairs, 58, Summer 1985, pages 239-264. Peter Dale Scott

:eek: :o: :eek:

#3) Google and Search the Keywords ( CIA and Suharto )

... This enthusiasm in the Western embassies for the bloodbath reflected deep strategic and political interests.

From the mid-1950s, US CIA began training and equipping Indonesian officers and troops, in preparation for a move to topple or sideline Sukarno. The first coup attempt came in November 1956 when Indonesian army Deputy Chief of Staff Colonel Zulkifli Lubis sought to take control of Jakarta and overthrow the government.

:angry: :angry:

Regional military takeovers followed the next month in Central and North Sumatra. Throughout 1957 and 1958 the CIA inspired a series of secessionist and right-wing revolts in the oil-rich regions of Sumatra and Sulawesi, where Caltex and other US oil firms had large investments.


A huge amount was at stake for the US and its allies. Indonesia had immense natural resources, including some of the largest oil and rubber operations in the world, a teeming population and its 3,000 islands sat astride the sea routes from Asia to Europe. The US and the other capitalist powers regarded the archipelago as an absolutely crucial prize in the war against the anti-imperialist struggles that erupted across Asia after World War II.


:agree: :agree:

#3) Have you stop yourself and ponder -- why a Cover Up by CIA that has been known since 1985 ( 31 years ago ).

-- and Whitey ANGLO SAXONS medias released the Cover Up news again in 1990, ... ...
-- and Whitey ANGLO SAXONS medias released the Cover Up news again in 1999, ... ...
-- and Whitey ANGLO SAXONS medias released the Cover Up news again in 2001, ... ...
-- and Whitey ANGLO SAXONS medias released the Cover Up news again in 2016.


Have you been pondering ... ... ?

Why such an impeccable timings ??
What are these Whitey ANGLO SAXONS -- Master Minds purposes ??
Are they the ROOT Causes of all these Chaos and Murders ??



America ~ Whitey ANGLO SAXONS

Australia ~ Whitey ANGLO SAXONS

England ~ Whitey ANGLO SAXONS

France ~ Whitey ANGLO SAXONS
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... international panel of judges has declared that ... ... committed crimes against humanity
during the 1965–66 mass killings and that the
U.S., the U.K. and Australia
were Master Minds behind the crimes
. ... ...

Source: http://time.com/4414438/indonesia-crimes-against-humanity-1965/

You know all about lies, spins, and dishonesty. You just intentionally misquoted the link you supplied.

Source: http://time.com/4414438/indonesia-crimes-against-humanity-1965/
"An international panel of judges has declared that Indonesia committed crimes against humanity during the 1965–66 mass killings and that the U.S., the U.K. and Australia were complicit in the crimes."

I don't see any "Master Minds behind the crimes" in the link. You left out Indonesia too.

I'd check the rest of your post for lies, spin, and dishonesty too but I don't have the time.
Root Causes
Whitey Americans Barbaric CRIMES against HUMANITY

... ...You left out Indonesia too.

Everybody know that you are from United Satan of America ~ the Homeland of DAJJAL.
The List of Americans Barbaric CRIMES against HUMANITY -- ( done inside USA by your whitey Anglo Saxons Police + KKK + Donald Ducky Trump and done all around the Globe by CIA and its Lackeys ) -- is so Long you can stretch it all around the Earth Diameter at minimum 4 times.

:coffee: :taz:

Here is just some tiny, tiny Proofs of
Whitey Americans Barbaric CRIMES against HUMANITY


Western Anglo Saxon Americans -- Torture Center against Innocent Muslims
-- Whitey Americans Barbaric CRIMES against HUMANITY

us Dajjal--prison--Camp Buccca Iraq--1.jpg

Abu Ghraib -- Whitey Torture Center against Innocent Muslims
-- Whitey Americans Barbaric CRIMES against HUMANITY


:taz: :taz:

KKK White Power -- Americans Barbaric CRIMES against HUMANITY


#4) Whitey Anglo Saxon Americans Police -- Killing Black People Brutally
-- Whitey Americans Barbaric CRIMES against HUMANITY


#5) Whitey Anglo Saxon Americans Police -- Killing Black People Brutally
Whitey Americans Barbaric -- Intentional Killing to revenge against
black president Obama

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