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Indomitable Chinese people during WWII



How about this one?
After all,mighty PLA had totally crushed KMT in 4 years which japs couldn't achieve with millions of jap soldiers.No doubt about that.It's more amazing that when japs have retreat,PLA only have 1.5 million soldiers,only 1/3 of KMT,but still crush them like hell.

I doubt any army would want to thread into China's interior... Japan's Imperial forces, inspite of their massive army and their impressive conquest of China's largest cities, didn't even manage to conquer half of the country at the time, which didn't even include Xinjiang and Tibet, then.
The Japanese, for the remainder of the war, confined themselves to largely the coastal areas where all the food production and economic activities traditionally took place. And I believe, that the limit to which Japan could sustain its conquered areas at the time, especially in Suiyuan, Shanxi and Henan provinces, were already stretched as they were.

This was the conquest of Japan in China.


And this is an elevation map of China


See any similarities in the shape of the conquered areas on both maps? The conquest stops in the areas where the massive treacherous mountain passes of Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hunan and Sichuan begin.

If the Japanese Imperial Army were indeed intending to march further, they would have two options. Either traverse further into the Gobi Desert, or try to overcome the aforementioned mountain passes.

If the Imperial Japanese Army would decide to march beyond the mountains with, lets say an additional million men, they would be bled dry through a combination of overstretched supply lines, treacherous mountain passes that were almost impossible to traverse with anything other than infantry and horse/donkeypack and guerilla warfare by Mao's battle-hardened communist armies who had their homes in Shaanxi province and the surrounding regions.

The other option would be to try to advance further into the Gobi Desert. However, as we all know, the Chinese Gobi is a massive piece of barren desert that was squished between Soviet-occupied Mongolia and Soviet-occupied Xinjiang to its North and West at the time, with whom Japan had a non-agression treaty, while down South you had more... you guessed it! MORE impregnable mountain passes of Shaanxi and Qinghai!

My guess... (L>R) Chinese, Japanese and... Manchukuo? Or are they both Japanese?

we were sucked dry by first europen powers and later ww2(india)and japanese(China).:(
but remember my chinese brothers and sisters just like history of mankind,future also belongs to us.8-)
just wait for 2050s:butcher::devil:

Ohhh... How cryptic! :woot:
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