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Indo-Tibetan meet proposes boycott of Chinese

if a Chinese toy costs 10 India Rupees and same Indian product costs 40 Rupees ,but the chinese product lasts only 2 days and the Indian product a month. now people from villages dont understand it costs much more in the long run if you keep buys chinese product all he is looking at the time of buying the product is to make his kid happy he dsnt think beyond that.its just not in India it happens in Pakistan, Bangladesh and where ever you find poor people.

That is not the problem. The problem is that India do not have the supply chain to make a simple toy. All the components have to be imported. So that is why things are much more expensive in India.
They are not stupid, they are just prideful and hoped to sneak one by you when you are not looking. So they are actually very cunning. But they are doing it in a stupid way.

But not all Indians are like that. There are some that moved out of India and yet cheering for their homeland on this forum. These are the smart Indians. If they are smart, they wouldn't stay back in India. They will find a way to get out.

But India economy is base on "service" economy. They are skipping manufacturing so they will be the first country become rich without making anything. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

So Indirectly you want yourself to be called smart ,,, :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That is not the problem. The problem is that India do not have the supply chain to make a simple toy. All the components have to be imported. So that is why things are much more expensive in India.

IT costs to make a quality product .
Expensive is better than giving money to an enemy. India can, and will impose counterveiling duties to make Chinese products uncompetitive. Most of the Chinese import to India is non essential consumer items, and not high tech products or strategic goods. Indians are fully capable of producing all consumer goods.

Actually, we can't. Firstly, our infrastructure is not there to sustain a manufacturing base - you need 24x7 electric and water supply.
I think we should Draw a Fine line
How much we can agree with Tibetan Parliament & don't Ruin our relations with the Chinese
Keep the Tibetans on board but not turn Hostile Towards the Chinese
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