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Indo-Tibetan Border Police Destroys Maosit Camp in Chhattisgarh

Jamahir, your comments show that you don't have any first hand knowledge of this problem. You only have read the communist literature and propaganda on social media.

You are correct that I don't have first hand knowledge but I can judge using common sense.

2.Suppose an armed group start rebellion in a communist regime, will you suggest that government to start dialogue with rebels ??
Any example of communists being in power and making dialogue with rebels ??

It happens.

Let us take Syria for example. It is governed by a socialist system. After the international war began there in 2011, the government opened doors of negotiations to real Syrians who had taken up arms.

How you decide that a certain issue is a military or political one ???
Any board, panel, parliament, assembly declare it or ordinance is issued ???
Whether any laid down classification table is issued for putting the issue on it to decide ???
Any guidelines issued by UN in this regard ???

As I said above, the Supreme Court should begin negotiations with the Maoists.

As little as I know about this, the central government agencies had opened talks with the Northeastern militants.

bhai tu wohi republic TV wala to nhi ?:lol:

What @Republic had said in his intro was that he is a former member of the Indian security forces.
no body claimed they finished here . :lol: like balakot we killed 300 terrorists or surgical stike we killed 204 :rofl:
Why would we need to go through the trouble of killing terrorists on Pak soil when you guys were forced to shut down your terror camps to comply with FATF guidelines?
Yes, the Indian Constitution generally is Socialist even if the background society is not.

All that matters is for the Legislature to be socialist,
Indian people by and large are socialist, not the extreme kind mine you but do want to see poor people taken care off. It's in our very nature as Indians to be socialist for millennia, has not changed one bit.

Do you know of cases where the Maoists have blown up schools, hospitals and bridges ??

Yes, I do agree that they don't seem to have a proper plan of action about how long they intend to fight or why are they fighting at all ??

Literally thousands in the last decade. Google it & you will be surprised.
Even though this is not a infra target, this happened yesterday.

As far as I know there have been marriages among the male and female Naxals. Quite a few of them.
Not talking about marriages,
They probably live similar lives like the Yezdi women, often blackmailed into sex slavery by holding children hostage.
As I said above, the Supreme Court should have talks with the Maoists.

People that take violent course of action forfeit their right to have talks.

Every single one of these "Maoists" will be wiped out now from face of the Earth. They made their bed, they can sleep in it.

They have also set up precedent for larger aegis of Marxists to be thoroughly investigated and monitored...and bad apples with proclivity to violence will be nipped in the bud.

Prevention is always better than the cure.
The Maoist issue is political and not military.
Maoists are far left terrorists who don't believe in democracy. Away from politics, they are a military issue.
In the South American country of Columbia, the Leftist FARC guerrillas had been fighting the American-backed government for decades. Some years ago, the government opened discussions with FARC and the FARC fighters stopped militancy. There was a ceasefire. The president got a Nobel Peace Prize for his contribution.
That was utter stupidity.
In India, the Supreme Court should have talks with the Maoists.
What to talk? We know what Maoists want and we won't give them that.
I think in your list the targets of the Maoists have been politicians and the police. Maybe some businessmen.
They are cold blooded murderers who see society disagreeing with them as enemy.
Yes, the Indian Constitution generally is Socialist even if the background society is not.
Indian laws don't leave it a socialist country anymore. It's a capitalist socialist who generates revenue to help its poor. As India qualifies for certain standards, rest of socialism will be wiped out too and Indian economy will work on eco system rather than mercy of government.
Do you know of cases where the Maoists have blown up schools, hospitals and bridges ??
No, they have blown people making infrastructures.
Yes, I do agree that they don't seem to have a proper plan of action about how long they intend to fight or why are they fighting at all ??
They are crazy people like revolutionists of Russia and China's revolutions. They don't understand anything, why this & that happened, believe government to be sole reason of their plight.
History tells us, all communist regimes have failed.
no body claimed they finished here . :lol: like balakot we killed 300 terrorists or surgical stike we killed 204 :rofl:
We never gave numbers of balakote. Media did.
Sorry mate. I have to disagree with you here.
Don't need to say sorry while lashing commies.
While there is nothing wrong with believing in communism,
It's a heinous crime.
these people have taken up arms against the Gov. of India with the aim of taking it over. In addition, they have engaged in acts of political terrorism against civillians as well as military targets. They should be treated no differently than any other terrorist/rebel group.
This is how communists did in rest of world, I find it no different.
It happens.
We don't need to. We simply don't need to compromise with them.
Indian people by and large are socialist, not the extreme kind mine you but do want to see poor people taken care off.
This socialism is the reason why our per capita GDP is just $2,000.

Socialism doesn't help you to help poors. You need a regular source of revenue to generate money for them. Planned capitalism is the solution to India's all problems. Government has been towards same stealthily.

Just a meme.
FB_IMG_1548506356682 (1).jpg
How you decide that a certain issue is a military or political one ???
Any board, panel, parliament, assembly declare it or ordinance is issued ???
Whether any laid down classification table is issued for putting the issue on it to decide ???
Any guidelines issued by UN in this regard ???
now shri amit shah will decide which issue is political and which is military . for more conformations , need to wait and watch . bye for now . :toast_sign:
Indian people by and large are socialist, not the extreme kind mine you but do want to see poor people taken care off.

India is largely a Capitalist and regressive society, which is why we see here crimes like honor killings, student suicides and farmer suicides ( yes, suicide is a social crime ).

Why do you think that Bangalore IT companies, that employ lakhs of "educated" youth, does not have a single employee union in that industry ??

It's in our very nature as Indians to be socialist for millennia, has not changed one bit.

Sorry to say but what has been happening in India for millennia is Brahminical opression of the lower castes.

And in the rural areas generally, there is the concept of "Hukka paani bandh" which basically is social boycotting of an individual or family who have done something that went against some regressive action of the panchayat.

And didn't the Buddha come to India and find wrong things in the society here ??

It's a heinous crime.

It is no crime.

Bright global youth icons like Malala Yousafzai believe in Socialism. The Occupy movement in the Anglo countries since 2011 wants Socialism.

Socialism doesn't help you to help poors. You need a regular source of revenue to generate money for them.

Take pre-2011 Libya for example. The profit from oil sales were used to create a welfare state locally and also to aid Socialists and Socialist movements around the world.
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What to talk? We know what Maoists want and we won't give them that.

People that take violent course of action forfeit their right to have talks.

Why should the Judiciary negotiate with those who break the law ?

The Maoists believe that they are fighting for justice for tribals who inhabit forests where commercial mining operations can be done to extract ore and that such operations will uproot the tribals from their homes.

A compromise solution can be reached wherein :

1. The tribals are brought into the mainstream, which is the right of any Indian citizen.

2. The forests, while being mined for resources, be protected from extreme exploitation and deforestation.

3. The organisational capability and ideological basis of the Maoists be lesson for the Indian bureaucracy. Give and take.
The Maoists believe that they are fighting for justice for tribals who inhabit forests where commercial mining operations can be done to extract ore and that such operations will uproot the tribals from their homes.

A compromise solution can be reached wherein :

1. The tribals are brought into the mainstream, which is the right of any Indian citizen.

2. The forests, while being mined for resources, be protected from extreme exploitation and deforestation.

3. The organisational capability and ideological basis of the Maoists be lesson for the Indian bureaucracy. Give and take.
Once again , why should the judiciary ‘ negotiate’ with those who break the law of the land ?!
Once again , why should the judiciary ‘ negotiate’ with those who break the law of the land ?!

If I was a Supreme Court judge I would have punished those high earning computer industry employees of Bangalore who don't utilise the Right in the Constitution that allows the citizens to form employee unions. These type of employees are breaking a valuable law and right.

I would also punish those MBA types and private money lenders who are forcing farmers to commit suicide.
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India is largely a Capitalist and regressive society
Every society is by nature. As soon as you liberalize economy, flow of money increases in system itself.
which is why we see here crimes like honor killings, student suicides and farmer suicides ( yes, suicide is a social crime
That's nothing to do with capitalism. Problems are a result of socio economic issues, issues which socialism has brutally failed to solve in India as well as rest of world.
Sorry to say but what has been happening in India for millennia is Brahminical opression of the lower castes.
His context was different. Apartheid exists in every society in different forms.
He's talking about India's ruling and planning class.
It is no crime.
It's very much. Communists are nothing better than a bunch of psycho killers.
Bright global youth icons like Malala Yousafzai believe in Socialism. The Occupy movement in the Anglo countries since 2011 wants Socialism.
  1. Who wants socialism doesn't matter. What results it bears does. Government's money is also expendable. There should be rather an eco system in society where society sustains not only itself but entire nation's security needs also (privatization).
  2. Malala Yosoufzai isn't an icon. She just exposed her hypocrisy in a recent event.

Take pre-2011 Libya for example. The profit from oil sales were used to create a welfare state locally and also to aid Socialists and Socialist movements around the world.
Libya again has oils only. Rest of world isn't that lucky. Nor Libya itself would be once oil losses importance. Most oil producing countries have no technological base and need foreign companies even for drilling their oil. Countries like Canada, US and Norway who produce oil are light years ahead of these because they are eco system based countries.
The Maoists believe that they are fighting for justice for tribals
Maoists are a Chinese proxy against India.
The tribals are brought into the mainstream, which is the right of any Indian citizen.
Government has been trying for it. These are tribals who chose to stay there for their beliefs.
The forests, while being mined for resources, be protected from extreme exploitation and deforestation.
Depends upon situation.
The organisational capability and ideological basis of the Maoists be lesson for the Indian bureaucracy. Give and take.
Commies from Maoists to Marxists have given us enough examples throughout the history with their great famines about HOW NOT TO RUN A NATION. Their agent Nehru adapted their central planning and delayed India's dreams.

Their ideological base always is, we have a problem, government is responsible, we will do a revolution and will take over.
They don't have anything to do with logics, assessments or long term solutions.

1989's slap doesn't seem to be enough for them in 21st century either.

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