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Indigenous Tank Simulator for AL KHALID MBT!Made by HIT

This is similar to coding a video game..These days off the shelf technology can be used for defence simulation..
Good to know that its being done in Pakistan
20 years ago when i was training on a simulator somewhere in Pakistan..The simulator came all the way from Japan,with DOS based computers,and Japanese engineers installed everything..6 month training was given to two electrical engineers for operating the simulator..Then the simulator developed an error and again engineers had to be flown all the way from Japan.
There was no Internet and no online diagnisis was availabe unlike these days.
Software was specially written for the simulator and only the software designers knew how to fix it..same for the hardware..It was specifically designed for that particular simulator..
Government paid some sillyt amount of money for the kit and after sale service...
Now the video gaming graphics cards and redily available software packages can be modified and used as a simulator,and any software/hardware engineer,with some practice can do all the maintainance
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Awsome news and great video glad to see this is being used to train our A H tank crews.
Well the tank crew helmets are a welcome change, provided they have started to give these new helmets to to the crews.
Which graphic engine are they using...Direct x...Its not just coding but also the desighning of the controllers which could enhance the experience of Shocks and rugged terrain ride ... Grt piece of ingenuity
well Alkahlid is true professional tank and in future it will get more orders from the countries around the world
Rhebar IBMS is missing in this simulator....:P
This simulator is made by MVRDE (along with a private company).It is a separate organization from HIT and is headed by an EME Maj Gen.
its a quite old development.
first heared about it way back in 2008!
a remarkable peice of equipment.
here is a relevant article along with link for more details for thouse who are intrested.
Dynamic Integrated Training Simulator D.I.T.S is 6DOF motion based Al-Khalid Tank Simulator developed for pakistan army. Its a complete training system capable of training driver, gunner and commander at same time.
DITS trains tank crew in

All tank operating procedures
Tactical decission making
Battle scenarios
Firing procedures
Driving procedures
Identifying and engaging the enemy targets
Emergency situations
Engaging enemy in different weather conditions
Improve firing efficiency and firing time

This advanced 3D Simulation and Graphics Engine was designed specifically to simulate the features of the Al-Khalid Tank.
The simulator was designed to train the driver, gunner and commander of this tank by providing different scenarios and different war conditions.

The complete 3D Engine is huge, it has many modules and many sub-modules in them. Basically, the entire engine can be categorized into following main parts

Graphics Engine
Physics Engine
Communication Engine

for details visit:
Dynamic Integrated Training Simulator - Absar Ahmed Ansari - Profile

they also have simulators for APC and other stuff.
check the link!

Hi all,

i had the privilege of working on the AKTS, it was developed by a private company in collaboration with MVRDE in Karachi. Initially the Base mechanical platform was acquired from US, but now the company is making its own platforms with complete 6 Degree-of-freedom. The simulator involved a pool of engineers from Electronics, mechanical and software side. A complete directx Graphics engine along with a physics engine was made. Motion cueing algorithm was implemented to simulate the motion of Al-khalid. Most of the software used was not off-the-shelf. HLA framework was used which we had molded for our own use.

The mechanical assembly was completely built in Pakistan giving the user a tank-like environment. Electronics team made their own circuits for interfacing the mechanics with software. Instructor has the option to construct his own environment using different terrains, enemy vehicles, tanks and objects.

I remember we were very fond of destroying arjuns....:no:

We also developed ASTT(Action Speed Tactical Trainer) for Pak Navy which was an achievement of its own kind.
Hi all,

i had the privilege of working on the AKTS, it was developed by a private company in collaboration with MVRDE in Karachi. Initially the Base mechanical platform was acquired from US, but now the company is making its own platforms with complete 6 Degree-of-freedom. The simulator involved a pool of engineers from Electronics, mechanical and software side. A complete directx Graphics engine along with a physics engine was made. Motion cueing algorithm was implemented to simulate the motion of Al-khalid. Most of the software used was not off-the-shelf. HLA framework was used which we had molded for our own use.

The mechanical assembly was completely built in Pakistan giving the user a tank-like environment. Electronics team made their own circuits for interfacing the mechanics with software. Instructor has the option to construct his own environment using different terrains, enemy vehicles, tanks and objects.

I remember we were very fond of destroying arjuns....:no:

We also developed ASTT(Action Speed Tactical Trainer) for Pak Navy which was an achievement of its own kind.

Good to hear from somebody involved in such an important project...I had trained on various simulators for different reasons..In late 80's and early 90s a simulator of any type would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars...Has the cost come down now?
I understand that unlike a video game the visual graphics dont need to be that superb...but the real time interaction between the graphics and instrument simulation is important as it must be accurate...
Do you use off the shelf graphics cads for visuals or you custom build hardware?
@Safiz- The graphics were quite good similar to a commercial game and the synchronization was realtime. The cost was very low as compared to the old simulators. In earlier AKTS simulators, the main cost incurred was on the import of stewart platform from US but now they are also producing it indigenously. Its not more than 10% of the simulator cost which we were paying historically. Normal Graphics card were being used but in order to improve the performance Radeon cards were used which were around Rs. 18K 3 years back.
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