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India's scam-driven economy laid bare.

Criminals that what they are in their heads....
That's because indian IT specialists, scientists, engineers etc are nowhere near as intelligent, knowledgeable skilled or innovative as those from Europe, the Far East, South America etc. The whole world now knows this and doesn't listen to indian BS and propaganda.

There are about 3.5-4 million Indians sweating it out in WIPRO, INFOSYS, TCS, Tech Mahindra, HCL...hundreds more and they are into mostly low skilled coding, BPO(business process outsourcing), called code coolies, call centers(the OP post) and some other low tech work...and there are many body shops like WIPRO and INFOSYS who shifts these IT indians to US and earn billions of USD's...and this actually shows as Indian IT exports, the salary millions of Indian origin people in US getting.
Have written it elsewhere...re-posting.

The rise of Indians in corporate world, doesn't have much to do with their engineering or science skills. Indians bring conservative, lean and mean style of working to the table, along with hard-work and down-to-earth-ness, and that is very much in demand across the global corporate world, in these turbulent financial times.

Its funny that, Indians are a huge percentage of IT industry, but their contribution to research and new ideas, is ZERO, Zilch. India, never devised any new programming language, or any operating system, new architectural paradigms or algorithms. Indian IT industry is all about low-skilled service sector, back offices and a large pool of internet coolies.
Yawn. The Indian education system produced the guy who revolutionized email and brought it to the world through Hotmail. The same education system produced Vinod Dham known as the "Father of the Pentium". Khosla is one of the founders of Sun Microsystems known amongst other things for the Solaris OS. So yes, India produced a lot of cheap IT labor but to say that's all it produced is inaccurate.
Yawn. The Indian education system produced the guy who revolutionized email and brought it to the world through Hotmail. The same education system produced Vinod Dham known as the "Father of the Pentium". Khosla is one of the founders of Sun Microsystems known amongst other things for the Solaris OS. So yes, India produced a lot of cheap IT labor but to say that's all it produced is inaccurate.

I accept that there are some intellectuals, IT savvy people who are lonely at the top...but on and on what I have written is generally true.

You didn't quoted the Indian origin CEO's at Google, Microsoft and some other MNC's....:-)
Yawn. The Indian education system produced the guy who revolutionized email and brought it to the world through Hotmail. The same education system produced Vinod Dham known as the "Father of the Pentium". Khosla is one of the founders of Sun Microsystems known amongst other things for the Solaris OS. So yes, India produced a lot of cheap IT labor but to say that's all it produced is inaccurate.
Be that as it may, instead of spewing *uninformed* venom, what's stopping Pakistan from becoming an IT services export hub???? Oh yes, people want $$ to magically come to them, lekin mehnat nahi karni

I accept that there are some intellectuals, IT savvy people who are lonely at the top...but on and on what I have written is generally true.

You didn't quoted the Indian origin CEO's at Google, Microsoft and some other MNC's....:-)

Why do that, it's a fact and the world knows it.
Why do that, it's a fact and the world knows it.

China has BAIDU in place of Google, WEIBO and WeChat as FB and Whatsapp and every other US IT platform is localized and hence neutralized as well, the reason US has almost no presence there.

That left India with a population of 1.35 billion to be make the most of it, rather the US conglomerates like Google, MS and as you have mentioned Twitter and Facebook have huge presence in India. FB and Twitter has lots of Indians and hence the refusal of Pak request on blocking content/sites.

It is all marketing strategy as these companies consider India a final frontier with huge market, many of it is untapped and looking for expansions, and picking the Indian origin CEO's is a huge marketing strategy to get the foothold in India and to get Indians across the board, the empathy factor, loyalty all counts here...

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Have written it elsewhere...re-posting.

The rise of Indians in corporate world, doesn't have much to do with their engineering or science skills. Indians bring conservative, lean and mean style of working to the table, along with hard-work and down-to-earth-ness, and that is very much in demand across the global corporate world, in these turbulent financial times.

Its funny that, Indians are a huge percentage of IT industry, but their contribution to research and new ideas, is ZERO, Zilch. India, never devised any new programming language, or any operating system, new architectural paradigms or algorithms. Indian IT industry is all about low-skilled service sector, back offices and a large pool of internet coolies.

I think that's a myth too. From personal experience, indians are not hard workers or good at their jobs. However they are very cunning, cut-throat, manipulative and suck up to anyone who is higher up than them. I think nowadays, other minorities are moving up the corporate ladder too. Black people, South Americans, Eastern Europeans, Muslims etc.
Looks like the scam call centre owner has been arrested now.
Indian government should direct the police agencies to work with Jim browning and pay him for the services.
I accept that there are some intellectuals, IT savvy people who are lonely at the top...but on and on what I have written is generally true.

You didn't quoted the Indian origin CEO's at Google, Microsoft and some other MNC's....:-)
Yes, but those aren't innovators.
This is just a phase of development. With huge population it's tough to regulate and watch over what individual companies do. I receive a lots of such calls in Canada from Indians and blacks.

Chinese filled the internet and stores with fake stuffs and there is a huge market for that even now. it takes place with blessing of Chinese govt too. But it has to provide a livelihood for all its citizens and it believes such part scamming is one way to go bout it.
However they are very cunning, cut-throat, manipulative and suck up to anyone who is higher up than them.

Cut throat and leg pullers are called as 'can take tough decisions' and are go-getter, hence the success in corporate world.

suck up to anyone who is higher up than them.

This is again considered as humbleness, sycophancy has its success in corporate world, also considered as a team player...many a times sucking up to seniors(entails gossip and back biting) is considered as good, trustworthy.
Cut throat and leg pullers are called as 'can take tough decisions' and are go-getter, hence the success in corporate world.

This is again considered as humbleness, sycophancy has its success in corporate world, also considered as a team player...many a times sucking up to seniors(entails gossip and back biting) is considered as good, trustworthy.

Such traits are hard-wired in to the indian DNA. No wonder I always hated the corporate world..........:lol:...........love my new job though which is very relaxed and calm.....8-)
Call center scammers must be exposed and stopped - this is a good step in the right direction. All countries have scammers that exploit the gullible but in India the wide spread corruption makes it even more difficult to bring to justice even those that are caught.

equally unfortunate is the dumb attitude of some people here that instead of celebrating and emulating the highly successful business leaders of Indian origin, just take it as another opportunity to knock India and Indians. Such inferiority complex is a key reason for their own inability to rise above their abject failure in almost all spheres.
Let's not forget - the local law enforcement chaps are not even 1/10th as tech savvy as these kids.

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