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India’s road to fascism. Saudi Gazette.

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India’s road to fascism
August 13, 2019


Tariq A. Al-Maeena

What so-called democracy in the world invades a disputed territory that has enjoyed autonomy for decades with tens of thousands of heavily armed troops, arrests local leaders, enforces a complete communication blackout and begins the process of heinously dismantling decades-old international resolutions? It is India today under the BJP government that has done exactly that.

The recent invasion of Kashmir and the abrogation of several charters of the Indian constitution spells danger to a democracy already fraught with creeping fascism, as the Hindutva saffron brigade has been encouraged to set about making the lives of India’s minorities perilous. Reminiscent of Hitler’s Nazi-brigade, these Hindu extremists have gone so far as to murder people by lynching them for the crime of eating beef! In many cases, the lynching had nothing to do with the cow, but with the religion of the victim.

Along those lines, Mike Ghouse, an American-Indian and President for the Center for Pluralism pens the following:

“Violence might please a few souls as it is about getting even, and not seeking justice. We need justice and not the endless revenge cycle.

“We cannot advocate violence; it will hurt everyone. Let me be precise, only Hindus can save India. Hindus and Hinduism is not the problem, never a problem as Islam is never a problem, it’s the ISIS variety among them that is the problem, and they are known as Hindutva forces.

“However, if India and the world doesn’t stop this mayhem, everyone will lose out including the Hindu majority and the United States of America.

“Who does not want India to succeed? All of us want the best for India.

“Unfortunately, the Modi government’s record has been harmful to the nation. He has played with demonetization, Rafale deal, GST, and farmers with disastrous results. Now, he is playing with Kashmir.

“The dangers of the actions by the Modi government in scraping article 370 without the consent of the governed are highlighted below.

“I sincerely hope the freedom to protest, and freedom to speak will not be suspended, and neither will India follow the example of Tiananmen Square?

“Way back in the 1970s India treaded on a similar path when one-person rule destroyed the nation. American businesses were asked to leave, companies like Coke and IBM were gone, and several banks were nationalized. Modi’s government is back at it now.

“These two men, PM Modi, and his home minister Amit Shah don’t believe in dialogue to solve problems. They are appeasing their base at the cost of the long-term security of the nation. Modi’s base erroneously believes in crushing dissent and punishing the Kashmiri people.

“Shamefully, like the German people before the Holocaust, Indians will remain silent and let the genocide of Kashmiris takes place.

“If people are pushed into a corner, giving them no choice, they will resort to terrorism. If India goes on the path of Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq, America’s hands will be tied for two more decades.

“It is incumbent on us to speak up and protect the rights of individuals and America’s long-term interests. Let’s not be an accomplice to the genocide about to happen.

“America stands to lose from these actions. India stood as a bulwark against China’s expansion, and a secure place for American investors, both are at risk now. I pray that the Modi government learns not to play with the people of India and does not turn India into Afghanistan.

“The following summary was put together by a human rights organization.

“Thirty-eight thousand heavily armed military officers with tanks have been brought into Kashmir in the last couple of days. Presently, Kashmir is the most militarized zone in the world: There is one-armed Indian soldier for every 10 Kashmiris.

“Here is a summary of the actions put together by Sound Vision.

· Modi has closed down all media in Kashmir.

· No journalist is allowed by Modi to enter Kashmir.

· Modi has shut down all cell phone and landline services.

· Modi government has evacuated all tourists and Hindus.

· Modi is changing the constitution to allow this annexation of Kashmir, which until this week, had special status.

“Kashmiri leaders are appealing to the world to stop the imminent genocide of Kashmiris. Genocide Watch in Washington, DC has already issued a genocide alert for India, the actions by the Modi government will bring disaster like the other experimentations. Sincerely, Mike Ghouse.”

Indeed, Mike, this is a matter of grave concern. Today, Gaza in Palestine has the dubious honor of being the world’s largest concentration camp with its people forced to live in an inhumane environment. But if India’s current and distorted vision for predominantly Muslim Kashmir is not reversed, I’m afraid it will soon be Kashmir who will have that honor.

The author can be reached at talmaeena@aol.com. Follow him on Twitter @talmaeena



India’s road to fascism
August 13, 2019


Tariq A. Al-Maeena

What so-called democracy in the world invades a disputed territory that has enjoyed autonomy for decades with tens of thousands of heavily armed troops, arrests local leaders, enforces a complete communication blackout and begins the process of heinously dismantling decades-old international resolutions? It is India today under the BJP government that has done exactly that.

The recent invasion of Kashmir and the abrogation of several charters of the Indian constitution spells danger to a democracy already fraught with creeping fascism, as the Hindutva saffron brigade has been encouraged to set about making the lives of India’s minorities perilous. Reminiscent of Hitler’s Nazi-brigade, these Hindu extremists have gone so far as to murder people by lynching them for the crime of eating beef! In many cases, the lynching had nothing to do with the cow, but with the religion of the victim.

Along those lines, Mike Ghouse, an American-Indian and President for the Center for Pluralism pens the following:

“Violence might please a few souls as it is about getting even, and not seeking justice. We need justice and not the endless revenge cycle.

“We cannot advocate violence; it will hurt everyone. Let me be precise, only Hindus can save India. Hindus and Hinduism is not the problem, never a problem as Islam is never a problem, it’s the ISIS variety among them that is the problem, and they are known as Hindutva forces.

“However, if India and the world doesn’t stop this mayhem, everyone will lose out including the Hindu majority and the United States of America.

“Who does not want India to succeed? All of us want the best for India.

“Unfortunately, the Modi government’s record has been harmful to the nation. He has played with demonetization, Rafale deal, GST, and farmers with disastrous results. Now, he is playing with Kashmir.

“The dangers of the actions by the Modi government in scraping article 370 without the consent of the governed are highlighted below.

“I sincerely hope the freedom to protest, and freedom to speak will not be suspended, and neither will India follow the example of Tiananmen Square?

“Way back in the 1970s India treaded on a similar path when one-person rule destroyed the nation. American businesses were asked to leave, companies like Coke and IBM were gone, and several banks were nationalized. Modi’s government is back at it now.

“These two men, PM Modi, and his home minister Amit Shah don’t believe in dialogue to solve problems. They are appeasing their base at the cost of the long-term security of the nation. Modi’s base erroneously believes in crushing dissent and punishing the Kashmiri people.

“Shamefully, like the German people before the Holocaust, Indians will remain silent and let the genocide of Kashmiris takes place.

“If people are pushed into a corner, giving them no choice, they will resort to terrorism. If India goes on the path of Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq, America’s hands will be tied for two more decades.

“It is incumbent on us to speak up and protect the rights of individuals and America’s long-term interests. Let’s not be an accomplice to the genocide about to happen.

“America stands to lose from these actions. India stood as a bulwark against China’s expansion, and a secure place for American investors, both are at risk now. I pray that the Modi government learns not to play with the people of India and does not turn India into Afghanistan.

“The following summary was put together by a human rights organization.

“Thirty-eight thousand heavily armed military officers with tanks have been brought into Kashmir in the last couple of days. Presently, Kashmir is the most militarized zone in the world: There is one-armed Indian soldier for every 10 Kashmiris.

“Here is a summary of the actions put together by Sound Vision.

· Modi has closed down all media in Kashmir.

· No journalist is allowed by Modi to enter Kashmir.

· Modi has shut down all cell phone and landline services.

· Modi government has evacuated all tourists and Hindus.

· Modi is changing the constitution to allow this annexation of Kashmir, which until this week, had special status.

“Kashmiri leaders are appealing to the world to stop the imminent genocide of Kashmiris. Genocide Watch in Washington, DC has already issued a genocide alert for India, the actions by the Modi government will bring disaster like the other experimentations. Sincerely, Mike Ghouse.”

Indeed, Mike, this is a matter of grave concern. Today, Gaza in Palestine has the dubious honor of being the world’s largest concentration camp with its people forced to live in an inhumane environment. But if India’s current and distorted vision for predominantly Muslim Kashmir is not reversed, I’m afraid it will soon be Kashmir who will have that honor.

The author can be reached at talmaeena@aol.com. Follow him on Twitter @talmaeena
Very good.. this is the base we should work on.. the same way India did with us.. now tabel is turned.. next set should be military. Pak should make people’s mind in world stage.. then next step should be full scale military unleash in kashmir with the help of Kashmiris
Very good.. this is the base we should work on.. the same way India did with us.. now tabel is turned.. next set should be military. Pak should make people’s mind in world stage.. then next step should be full scale military unleash in kashmir with the help of Kashmiris

Today's IK speech in AJK assembly was a warning, gloves are off now.

What I would like to see is intellectuals in Muslim world, specially in GCC, start to question their own governments stance. Saudi government not only stays quiet but their actions are telling the real intentions and allegiance , and by investing billions in India right bang in the middle of these extreme hostilities are highly provocative measures against Pakistan. With the same money Saudi invested in India, the next day Mukesh Ambani went on to say that his group will pour the money into Indian occupied Kashmir. Is it the Saudi money used to consolidate the Indian control over disputed territory which Pakistanis consider their own lands?
Today's IK speech in AJK assembly was a warning, gloves are off now.

What I would like to see is intellectuals in Muslim world, specially in GCC, start to question their own governments stance. Saudi government not only stays quiet but their actions are telling the real intentions and allegiance , and by investing billions in India right bang in the middle of these extreme hostilities are highly provocative measures against Pakistan. With the same money Saudi invested in India, the next day Mukesh Ambani went on to say that his group will pour the money into Indian occupied Kashmir. Is it the Saudi money used to consolidate the Indian control over disputed territory which Pakistanis consider their own lands?
Saudis funded Pakistan to cause trouble in Kashmir. So, it is only undoing the past actions. If India should not take drastic action, then such measures of undoing the harm is needed. Saudis are not doing a favour. They are just recusing themselves of some of their past actions to avoid adverse reaction from India
Saudis funded Pakistan to cause trouble in Kashmir. So, it is only undoing the past actions. If India should not take drastic action, then such measures of undoing the harm is needed. Saudis are not doing a favour. They are just recusing themselves of some of their past actions to avoid adverse reaction from India

The mover and shakers in Saudia, their strings are pulled from Washington, we know where these instructions are coming from. From purely investment point of view, it hardly make any sense to invest in a country which might endup in a very nasty war in coming weeks or months. Investors do not invest , let alone huge sums in highly violate regions and in times of uncertainty. This Saudi investment do not make sense at all, but only to boast moral of India, which is getting a beating of narrative all across the globe.

As for India reaction, no one care about its reaction, its a third world country.
The mover and shakers in Saudia, their strings are pulled from Washington, we know where these instructions are coming from. From purely investment point of view, it hardly make any sense to invest in a country which might endup in a very nasty war in coming weeks or months. Investors do not invest , let alone huge sums in highly violate regions and in times of uncertainty. This Saudi investment do not make sense at all, but only to boast moral of India, which is getting a beating of narrative all across the globe.

As for India reaction, no one care about its reaction, its a third world country.
You are forgetting that Saudis have forced USA to get energy independent. This shows that KSA is not working on behalf of USA. The investment was never business oriented but was a political one. And I have given you the reason.

India may be 3rd world country but is a big country and is powerful. Merely because the per capita income is low doesn't make India worthless.
You are forgetting that Saudis have forced USA to get energy independent. This shows that KSA is not working on behalf of USA. The investment was never business oriented but was a political one. And I have given you the reason.

India may be 3rd world country but is a big country and is powerful. Merely because the per capita income is low doesn't make India worthless.

Saudis have forced nothing on America, its America own prerogative to look for its own resouces and other alternative energy sources like rest of the world, specially Europe is doing. If Saudis have guts, let them trade their oil in other currency then US dollar.

There is no political reason, its only American hand behind this. Logic would say not to invest into Hindu version of ISIS which is running the show in India as we speak.

India is a third world country hence there is no reaction expected from her. You just have to look at bigger picture of geopolitics to understand the situation.
Today's IK speech in AJK assembly was a warning, gloves are off now.

What I would like to see is intellectuals in Muslim world, specially in GCC, start to question their own governments stance. Saudi government not only stays quiet but their actions are telling the real intentions and allegiance , and by investing billions in India right bang in the middle of these extreme hostilities are highly provocative measures against Pakistan. With the same money Saudi invested in India, the next day Mukesh Ambani went on to say that his group will pour the money into Indian occupied Kashmir. Is it the Saudi money used to consolidate the Indian control over disputed territory which Pakistanis consider their own lands?
I agree with you I meet with arabs ever day here in spain I try to convince them just help the Kashmiris morally. They don’t need your money and weapons. They just need your support on United nation and diplomatically.. some of them promise me and some of them don’t have any idea..I hope world will awak up before it’s to late this is what ik said today.. I know ik he always try to convince his opponents verbally then he use stick in last resort.. ik is heading towards last method. First he is convincing people of world.. he is building the base very smartly.. I know next move will be very dangerous and world will take its effect for centuries.. ik is leader who is history maker
Saudis have forced nothing on America, its America own prerogative to look for its own resouces and other alternative energy sources like rest of the world, specially Europe is doing. If Saudis have guts, let them trade their oil in other currency then US dollar.

There is no political reason, its only American hand behind this. Logic would say not to invest into Hindu version of ISIS which is running the show in India as we speak.

India is a third world country hence there is no reaction expected from her. You just have to look at bigger picture of geopolitics to understand the situation.
USA was not having this energy independence before 2010. USA was compelled to get it by KSA. USA even has promised to leave Middle east by 2025. Do these show that USA is not really the boss?

Arabs agreed to sell oil in dollars in 1974 in return for USA helping Arabs take down USSR and spread Islam by supplying weapons. As of now, it has been over 45 years and the world has started to accept universality of USA dollars. Changing it suddenly would not be warranted as every country will be affected. Also, dollar helps Arabs by being able to sanction Iran by pressuring USA. Since USA has achieved energy independence, Arabs lose nothing by selling in dollars but gain in terms of sanctioning Iran.

India is not weak country and has huge military heft. India is located near oil supply route and is situated in the most geostrategic location. India also has 20 crore muslims and that adds heft while negotiating with muslim countries.

Saudis are not investing in India. They are making political payment to India in return for India holding 20 crore muslims. Why do you think India should not expel the muslims using heavy force if India gets nothing? If expelled, what will happen to Pakistan or middle east when refugees flow? Unlike the civil war scenario many on PDF say, reality is that it will be like Myanmar cracking down on Rohingya. Civil war is within civilisation. This will be a civilisational war. Firepower difference will ensure that muslims are not capable of doing anything but fleeing.

Saudis are simply paying "rent" to India for keeping 20 crore muslims despite the muslims having allegiance to Ummah rather than India and being potential security threat. There is no investment or goodwill. Saudis still support Pakistan but India will not tolerate if its rent is not paid and hence Saudis are left with no choice.
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USA was not having this energy independence before 2010. USA was compelled to get it by KSA. USA even has promised to leave Middle east by 2025. Do these show that USA is not really the boss?

Arabs agreed to sell oil in dollars in 1974 in return for USA helping Arabs take down USSR and spread Islam by supplying weapons. As of now, it has been over 45 years and the world has started to accept universality of USA dollars. Changing it suddenly would not be warranted as every country will be affected. Also, dollar helps Arabs by being able to sanction Iran by pressuring USA. Since USA has achieved energy independence, Arabs lose nothing by selling in dollars but gain in terms of sanctioning Iran.

India is not weak country and has huge military heft. India is located near oil supply route and is situated in the most geostrategic location. India also has 20 crore muslims and that adds heft while negotiating with muslim countries.

Saudis are not investing in India. They are making political payment to India in return for India holding 20 crore muslims. Why do you think India should not expel the muslims using heavy force if India gets nothing? If expelled, what will happen to Pakistan or middle east when refugees flow? Unlike the civil war scenario many on PDF say, reality is that it will be like Myanmar cracking down on Rohingya. Civil war is within civilisation. This will be a civilisational war. Firepower difference will ensure that muslims are not capable of doing anything but fleeing.

Saudis are simply paying "rent" to India for keeping 20 crore muslims despite the muslims having allegiance to Ummah rather than India and being potential security threat. There is no investment or goodwill. Saudis still support Pakistan but India will not tolerate if its rent is not paid and hence Saudis are left with no choice.

It was a pact between US and Saudia to sell oil only in US dollar so of course America will be among the customer of Saudi oil. You print the paper money and buy oil, the only price you pay is ink and paper. You are very naïve.

As for India, which oil route you are sitting on? Most of oil head towards west from the gulf, you are nowhere near that path. Infact Pakistan sits on the choking point , a lot closer.

Let India try to expel 20 million Muslims. If Indian establishment has gone bonkers and wants to offer India on platter to ISI, be our guest. Its the price India cannot pay even if it wants to. You want to become another Syria , be our guest. Nothing will please us more. you will forget about Kashmir, the type of insurgencies and armed movements that will be unleashed on India with 20 Million peoples pushed against the wall, not counting other ethnicities and minorities which will take full advantage of the situation.

whatever is happening, needs to be looked into from geopolitics. PMIK has flatly refused to be part of any conflict with Iran, while he was on American soil. Lots of establishments are pissed off with Pakistan due to this stand and hence you see they are acting as they are on Kashmir issue.
It was a pact between US and Saudia to sell oil only in US dollar so of course America will be among the customer of Saudi oil. You print the paper money and buy oil, the only price you pay is ink and paper. You are very naïve.
As I said, USA was compelled to be energy independent. So, USA and Canada together form energy independent block with no net imports. So, USA doesn't buy Arab oil. USA only exchanges oil by importing some and offsetting with exports due to requirement for different grades of oil for refineries. So, USA is not allowed to buy net oil from dollar anymore. So, the petrodollar deal has collapsed as of now.

As for India, which oil route you are sitting on? Most of oil head towards west from the gulf, you are nowhere near that path. Infact Pakistan sits on the choking point , a lot closer.
India is next doors and has massive reach in IOR. Indian peninsula means that Indian navy has reaches far below and hence it can decisively control oil shipment.

Let India try to expel 20 million Muslims. If Indian establishment has gone bonkers and wants to offer India on platter to ISI, be our guest. Its the price India cannot pay even if it wants to. You want to become another Syria , be our guest. Nothing will please us more. you will forget about Kashmir, the type of insurgencies and armed movements that will be unleashed on India with 20 Million peoples pushed against the wall, not counting other ethnicities and minorities which will take full advantage of the situation.
We are going soft on Kashmir. We can expel the Kashmiris to Pakistan in matter of 1 week. Guerilla warfare requires support from local population and by cutting the local population down, guerilla warfare can be cut down. As Mao said "Guerillas are like fish in the water. By removing the water, fish will perish". Expelling 20 million muslims will be foolish. Expelling 20 million can make rest 180 million to rebel and force India to expel them too. It makes no sense to expel part of the muslims while sparing the rest. Either entire 200 million must be expelled or none must be expelled.

Insurgency can happen only if there is logistical base for it. Insurgents/Guerillas need supplies like food, ammunition etc and that can happen only if local population is supportive. Syria is 95% muslims and hence is a muslim vs muslim fight where some muslims support one faction while some other muslims support another faction. If muslims vs dharmics happen, it will be civilisational war. India is 83% dharmic. Every dharmic who sees a muslim, be it woman, children or men will immediately attack. Imagine 110 crore people with equipments like planes, tanks, helicopters etc fighting 20 crore with small arms and swords. So, how will it be Syria? It will be Myanmar. India can expel 200 million muslims in 1 month with the amount of railway and road capacity India has. There won't even be time for insurgency.

Once India expels, how will Pakistan handle that many refugees? How will Pakistan feed them and shelter them? How will middle east handle the refugees? India has to be paid the rent to keep the muslims. This is what is being paid as investment.
As I said, USA was compelled to be energy independent. So, USA and Canada together form energy independent block with no net imports. So, USA doesn't buy Arab oil. USA only exchanges oil by importing some and offsetting with exports due to requirement for different grades of oil for refineries. So, USA is not allowed to buy net oil from dollar anymore. So, the petrodollar deal has collapsed as of now.

Come back to me when oil start to sell other then in US dollar. Petro dollar is still kicking and alive.

India is next doors and has massive reach in IOR. Indian peninsula means that Indian navy has reaches far below and hence it can decisively control oil shipment.

You are not next door, Pakistan is. You need some geography lessons. India can do jack. Gulf is out of India sphere, never was or will be.

We are going soft on Kashmir. We can expel the Kashmiris to Pakistan in matter of 1 week. Guerilla warfare requires support from local population and by cutting the local population down, guerilla warfare can be cut down. As Mao said "Guerillas are like fish in the water. By removing the water, fish will perish". Expelling 20 million muslims will be foolish. Expelling 20 million can make rest 180 million to rebel and force India to expel them too. It makes no sense to expel part of the muslims while sparing the rest. Either entire 200 million must be expelled or none must be expelled.

Insurgency can happen only if there is logistical base for it. Insurgents/Guerillas need supplies like food, ammunition etc and that can happen only if local population is supportive. Syria is 95% muslims and hence is a muslim vs muslim fight where some muslims support one faction while some other muslims support another faction. If muslims vs dharmics happen, it will be civilisational war. India is 83% dharmic. Every dharmic who sees a muslim, be it woman, children or men will immediately attack. Imagine 110 crore people with equipments like planes, tanks, helicopters etc fighting 20 crore with small arms and swords. So, how will it be Syria? It will be Myanmar. India can expel 200 million muslims in 1 month with the amount of railway and road capacity India has. There won't even be time for insurgency.

Once India expels, how will Pakistan handle that many refugees? How will Pakistan feed them and shelter them? How will middle east handle the refugees? India has to be paid the rent to keep the muslims. This is what is being paid as investment.


You are living in some fantasy lalla land.

Let me war game this for you.

You have committed nearly a million of your armed forces , and boxed them in Kashmir in order to control few million kashmiris. How are you proposing to take on 200 million Muslims? You don't even have the forces to achieve that, let alone economic muscle when your economy is going down the barrel. Any attempt will cause massive rebellion, armed struggle , in the heartland of India, your cities will become battle ground. With law and order situation going kapoot, the investment and economic activity will disappear in thin air. America and western civilization, which have been pampering you to be a bulwark against Chinese expansion, will lose interests in you and that will be the final nail in your coffin as you totally depend on their support. Not to say that Pakistan and China will have a field day in India. Nothing will please us more if Indian establishment and deep state go this path.

As I said, whatever is happening is due to Pakistani stand over Iran.

India has become American Taliban. What I mean, that Pakistan has always been blamed to be the sponsor of Taliban. Now Pakistan is mediating between America and Taliban. On the other hand, America is propping India against Pakistan and recently Trump offered to mediate between Pakistan and India. In nutshell, India is America's Taliban.
USA was not having this energy independence before 2010. USA was compelled to get it by KSA. USA even has promised to leave Middle east by 2025. Do these show that USA is not really the boss?

Arabs agreed to sell oil in dollars in 1974 in return for USA helping Arabs take down USSR and spread Islam by supplying weapons. As of now, it has been over 45 years and the world has started to accept universality of USA dollars. Changing it suddenly would not be warranted as every country will be affected. Also, dollar helps Arabs by being able to sanction Iran by pressuring USA. Since USA has achieved energy independence, Arabs lose nothing by selling in dollars but gain in terms of sanctioning Iran.

India is not weak country and has huge military heft. India is located near oil supply route and is situated in the most geostrategic location. India also has 20 crore muslims and that adds heft while negotiating with muslim countries.

Saudis are not investing in India. They are making political payment to India in return for India holding 20 crore muslims. Why do you think India should not expel the muslims using heavy force if India gets nothing? If expelled, what will happen to Pakistan or middle east when refugees flow? Unlike the civil war scenario many on PDF say, reality is that it will be like Myanmar cracking down on Rohingya. Civil war is within civilisation. This will be a civilisational war. Firepower difference will ensure that muslims are not capable of doing anything but fleeing.

Saudis are simply paying "rent" to India for keeping 20 crore muslims despite the muslims having allegiance to Ummah rather than India and being potential security threat. There is no investment or goodwill. Saudis still support Pakistan but India will not tolerate if its rent is not paid and hence Saudis are left with no choice.

Sorry mate...Few parts of your post about Indian who are Muslims and their relation with Saudi Arab is not good taste..

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