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India's oil move in Vietnam serious provocation


Aug 28, 2011
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Beijing: Chinese Foreign Ministry on Friday refused to join issue with India over its assertion to go ahead with oil exploration cooperation with Vietnam in the South China Sea despite Beijing's objections, but an influential official daily said the move constituted "serious political provocation" and should be "resolutely stopped".
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Jiang Yu declined to react to External Affairs Ministry's assertion on Thursday that India's cooperation with Hanoi for oil exploration is in accordance with the international law and is set to grow.
Following China's objections to ONGC's oil exploration projects in two Vietnamese blocks in South China Sea, to which Beijing lays claim, India had brushed off China's objections.

Asked her reaction, Jiang said she has already given an elaborate response on Thursday and declined to add further to her comments that China has indisputable sovereignty over South China Sea and its islands and Beijing is opposed to any country engaged in oil and gas exploration there.
However, China appears to be seriously exercised over this issue as the state-run Global Times, in a hard hitting editorial, said Vietnam's efforts to rope in foreign companies does not simply concern exploration but also a "serious political provocation".
"Both Vietnam and the companies are clear about this but fake innocence. But as opposition and pressure increases, their venturous action is less likely to succeed," it said.
"As for ONGC (which has been given contract by Vietnam), China should resolutely stop it from pursuing this course of action. Reasoning many used first, but if India is persistent in this, China should try every means possible to stop this cooperation from happening," it said.
The editorial said India's ambition is growing along with its rapid economic growth and some Indians even regard its intervention in the South China Sea as being able to counter China's presence in the Indian Ocean.
It said the joint exploration between India and Vietnam may be seen as an Indian test of China's will as "India is seeking influence akin to the US in the region".
"China and relevant countries should digest the conflicts within the South China Sea, but when other countries step in, China should oppose them with all involved having to share the blame and resulting losses," it said.
"Chinese society has already been indignant about India's intervention in the Dalai (Tibetan spiritual leader, Dalai Lama) problem. India should bear in mind that its actions in the South China Sea will push China to the limit. China cherishes the Sino-Indian friendship, but this does not mean China values it above all else," it said.
"Nevertheless, China also should remain calm and not take rash actions. China's strategic environment is complicated, which should held it to keep it mature. Whoever has a problem with, this will find that China is determined but not vengeful," it said.
these chinse... ...thts unbelievable tht they claim whole south china sea as their territory....wht abt the other countries in south china sea......what can u expect from them these Chinese who make slave their own people..thn why would they consider abt other country...... And wht more funny is that China is involved in so many projects goin in kashmir(***) despite india's protest...
now they sayin stay out of south china sea....first get ur *** out of kashmir then talk.....two mouth chinese....:taz:
It's not wise to provocate the Chinese like this. Especially not in the current circumstances, where India lacks miles and miles behind China.
these chinse... ...thts unbelievable tht they claim whole south china sea as their territory....wht abt the other countries in south china sea......what can u expect from them these Chinese who make slave their own people..thn why would they consider abt other country...... And wht more funny is that China is involved in so many projects goin in kashmir(***) despite india's protest...
now they sayin stay out of south china sea....first get ur *** out of kashmir then talk.....two mouth chinese....:taz:

Go ahead and delete the rant in from there....We have enough of trolling history in the forum as well as slavery history in our country....
It's not wise to provocate the Chinese like this. Especially not in the current circumstances, where India lacks miles and miles behind China.

Indians want to display their new-found muscle. They are eager to add something to be proud of to their dismal record of getting kicked by the Chinese. Of course, india's big daddy is around so why not. I say let them do what they want to do, we don't have to wait for long to see the consequence of it, it is in the making.
let's have a open confrontation on it..

nothing for india to loose...

if india back-off , china will loose veitnam forever , and indian navy will get more funds , GoI will look at the trade ties with china which has huge trade-deficit against india..

if china back-off , indian position will increase in the reason..
This is a decsion taken by India & Vietnam.

I cannot understand why others are getting ants in their pants.

Of course, it has to be india + Vietnam or india + Philippines + USA, do you really think that the Chinse don't know that?
This is a decsion taken by India & Vietnam.

I cannot understand why others are getting ants in their pants.

the other's dream of been a superpower at the south sea has shatered so the ripples going under their feet..
This is a decsion taken by India & Vietnam.

I cannot understand why others are getting ants in their pants.

Exactly, after all, China is not deploying its forces in the middle east or europe as uncle sam has done. Did the indians ever consider those deployments by india's big daddy as warmongering?
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