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India’s non-military strategic methods explored to wrest back Azad Kashmir & GB


Feb 7, 2013
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United Kingdom
Have to give props to them for the vivid imagination like they will convince people of Azad kashmir who live abroad that they should join india:lol: GB must not integrate into Pakistani society. it is already integrated into Pakistani society!

there are some real gems mind you!

India’s non-military strategic methods explored to wrest back Azad Kashmir & Gilgit
Organised by Law and Society Alliance titled “India's Non-Military Options to Liberate Pak-Occupied Kashmir” on May 29 the participants were Lt. General (R) Ata Hasnain; Dr. Manish, at Gujarat Central University; and Siddharth Zarabi (a senior journalist).

NEW DELHI: A set of non-military strategic methods to wrest back Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan (GB) was explored at a recent webinar attended by a former General and academicians

Organised by Law and Society Alliance titled “India's Non-Military Options to Liberate Pak-Occupied Kashmir” on May 29 the participants were Lt. General (R) Ata Hasnain; Dr. Manish, at Gujarat Central University; and Siddharth Zarabi (a senior journalist).

Gen Hasnain elaborated on the current situation across the LoC and the LAC. Stating that GB has indeed been a fascinating topic for India, he argued that despite the tremendous political consensus of the 1994 resolution, Delhi failed in taking the advantage.

The reason behind India’s moves over GB to date has been lack of strategic culture among Indians. Arguing about the need of developing a long-term strategy amid geopolitical developments taking place in the Covid era, he said, “nothing works overnight. GB is not something that is like to be taken as a low lying issue, rather it is a challenge! A lot of things are changing and panning out during the pandemic and Ladakh is currently going through a rapid development phase. The action of Chinese is to send us and the world a message. It also reflects the fact that actually Pak is too worried.”

The post Covid period is going to witness non-traditional ways of dispute resolution. Due to economic losses, the ways of warfare are definitely going to be non-military.

Gen Hasnain explained the concepts and practical aspects of the ‘Hybrid War’ and Grey War’. He explained that the concept of hybrid war is defined by resorting to deniability, yet using sponsorship. Hybrid is a combination of different aspects of war. It can be a combination of military, economic, cyber, information warfare, and so on and so forth - which Pakistan has been resorting to for more than three decades.

A new concept has emerged called ‘Grey War’ - it is a method in which one finds political and psychological domain dominant. India has started to engage in such warfare very recently - just a few months back.

Information warfare was the focal point of the webinar, which was echoed by every speaker.

Gen Hasnain explained the strength of social media on the strategic front and argued that social media can not be efficient until we do not have a fixed strategy and plan. Unfortunately, we haven’t resorted to it.

The generational integration is going to take place in GB and India must ensure that GB should not integrate into Pakistani society. “We also must explore the Shia connect. We have a Shia connect with Turtuk, Kargil, and 25 million Shias across India. We need to integrate the Shia identity from Lucknow to Kargil. Social media shall indeed be a part of it. Looking at the diaspora, they have a huge GB, Mirpuri, and Azad Kashmir diaspora. We must look for exclusive meetings with those diasporas whenever our leaders visit foreign countries.”

Dr. Manish echoed the views and stated that India apparently lacks strategic culture. He further said, “we are victims of our own history. We should think about developing a strategic culture amongst the youth of this country. India has very rightful claims over Azad Kashmir based on the Instrument of Accession and resolutions passed by the Parliament. The new paradigm has developed because of the addition of the Chinese factor to the issue. There significant developments. By formally revising our claims over Azad Kashmir and Aksai Chin, India has rightly moved in the right direction.”

He quoted that instruments of coercive powers include military aid, propaganda, maritime intercepts, cyber ops, economic sanctions, supporting political oppositions, intelligence operations, etc are instruments. They have the potential to loosen the power of the state and lead to turmoil.

“Two major things that are important in our scenario. Firstly, India should invent most of the cyber tech power and energise and enlarge this domain. The content should be news, ideas, debate, social networking, entertainment, etc. Secondly, it should lend support to adversaries. We can do so by providing non- military and military aid to them. Pro-democracy opposition movements are suddenly increasing that are too intense. Most of the news literature and the research in the past century show that there have been well laid planned and massive efforts to raise pro-democracy movements. Such efforts tend to change the economy for a prolonged period. We should resort to such movements.”

Zarabi focussed on strategies to combat the disinformation campaign regarding GB, Azad Kashmir, and Jammu and Kashmir. He said that the challenge India faces in explaining its point of view to the world. The decision of 370 abrogation was an entirely internal matter of India. “But we were surprised to see the intensity of the global backlash - which was very coordinated and organised. The issues pertaining to Kashmir have been internationalised in Pakistan and indirectly supported by Chineses sponsored global media.”

For the last 30 years or more, Pakistan’s engagement with global media has been done at the level of Foreign Ministry, economic level, strategic level, with a focus on reportage lobby on global issues. We have not chosen to take the issue in an explicit way to take Pakistan to an international level. Pakistan has acted otherwise. Pak has an edge over global media in the misinformation campaign over Kashmir and surrounding areas. “I was surprised by the lack of knowledge and misinformation that senior journalists from the West had on Kashmir as a result of misinformation.”

Zarabi mentioned three points on non-military action on Azad Kashmir and CoK. “Firstly, as the GoI and all of us realised in 2019, that post 5 Aug, there was a barrage of misinformation and ignorance all over the world. Quality information needs to be uploaded over the web, detailed write-ups need to come up, if required- paid advertisements, knowledge-sharing events across knowledge capitals of the world, TV documentaries are a couple of things that are need of the hour. Secondly, supplementing the efforts of disinformation by diplomatic entities is required. Messages should be sent that Azad Kashmir and Cok should be brought in front of the world. Thirdly, a 24*7 researched-based streaming platform should be set up by Prasar Bharati that could work on tackling disinformation on Jammu and Kashmir issue and Punjab- Khalistan issue. The DD should work on the plan of 2016 - to create a 24*7 internet streaming portal by MIB and MEA.“

He concluded by arguing that the primary focus of India in non-military ways should be to work on winning information warfare.
So basically to cut through the bullshit:

India has decided to embark on what they call a "Grey War"

1. Information Warfare (Pumping out as much fake news as possible)
2. Divide Sunni and Shia Kashmiris and pit them against each other
3. Internationalize Kashmir (Pakistan has been doing this for decades)
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Have to give props to them for the vivid imagination like they will convince people of Azad kashmir who live abroad that they should join india:lol: GB must not integrate into Pakistani society. it is already integrated into Pakistani society!

there are some real gems mind you!

India’s non-military strategic methods explored to wrest back Azad Kashmir & Gilgit
Organised by Law and Society Alliance titled “India's Non-Military Options to Liberate Pak-Occupied Kashmir” on May 29 the participants were Lt. General (R) Ata Hasnain; Dr. Manish, at Gujarat Central University; and Siddharth Zarabi (a senior journalist).

NEW DELHI: A set of non-military strategic methods to wrest back Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan (GB) was explored at a recent webinar attended by a former General and academicians

Organised by Law and Society Alliance titled “India's Non-Military Options to Liberate Pak-Occupied Kashmir” on May 29 the participants were Lt. General (R) Ata Hasnain; Dr. Manish, at Gujarat Central University; and Siddharth Zarabi (a senior journalist).

Gen Hasnain elaborated on the current situation across the LoC and the LAC. Stating that GB has indeed been a fascinating topic for India, he argued that despite the tremendous political consensus of the 1994 resolution, Delhi failed in taking the advantage.

The reason behind India’s moves over GB to date has been lack of strategic culture among Indians. Arguing about the need of developing a long-term strategy amid geopolitical developments taking place in the Covid era, he said, “nothing works overnight. GB is not something that is like to be taken as a low lying issue, rather it is a challenge! A lot of things are changing and panning out during the pandemic and Ladakh is currently going through a rapid development phase. The action of Chinese is to send us and the world a message. It also reflects the fact that actually Pak is too worried.”

The post Covid period is going to witness non-traditional ways of dispute resolution. Due to economic losses, the ways of warfare are definitely going to be non-military.

Gen Hasnain explained the concepts and practical aspects of the ‘Hybrid War’ and Grey War’. He explained that the concept of hybrid war is defined by resorting to deniability, yet using sponsorship. Hybrid is a combination of different aspects of war. It can be a combination of military, economic, cyber, information warfare, and so on and so forth - which Pakistan has been resorting to for more than three decades.

A new concept has emerged called ‘Grey War’ - it is a method in which one finds political and psychological domain dominant. India has started to engage in such warfare very recently - just a few months back.

Information warfare was the focal point of the webinar, which was echoed by every speaker.

Gen Hasnain explained the strength of social media on the strategic front and argued that social media can not be efficient until we do not have a fixed strategy and plan. Unfortunately, we haven’t resorted to it.

The generational integration is going to take place in GB and India must ensure that GB should not integrate into Pakistani society. “We also must explore the Shia connect. We have a Shia connect with Turtuk, Kargil, and 25 million Shias across India. We need to integrate the Shia identity from Lucknow to Kargil. Social media shall indeed be a part of it. Looking at the diaspora, they have a huge GB, Mirpuri, and Azad Kashmir diaspora. We must look for exclusive meetings with those diasporas whenever our leaders visit foreign countries.”

Dr. Manish echoed the views and stated that India apparently lacks strategic culture. He further said, “we are victims of our own history. We should think about developing a strategic culture amongst the youth of this country. India has very rightful claims over Azad Kashmir based on the Instrument of Accession and resolutions passed by the Parliament. The new paradigm has developed because of the addition of the Chinese factor to the issue. There significant developments. By formally revising our claims over Azad Kashmir and Aksai Chin, India has rightly moved in the right direction.”

He quoted that instruments of coercive powers include military aid, propaganda, maritime intercepts, cyber ops, economic sanctions, supporting political oppositions, intelligence operations, etc are instruments. They have the potential to loosen the power of the state and lead to turmoil.

“Two major things that are important in our scenario. Firstly, India should invent most of the cyber tech power and energise and enlarge this domain. The content should be news, ideas, debate, social networking, entertainment, etc. Secondly, it should lend support to adversaries. We can do so by providing non- military and military aid to them. Pro-democracy opposition movements are suddenly increasing that are too intense. Most of the news literature and the research in the past century show that there have been well laid planned and massive efforts to raise pro-democracy movements. Such efforts tend to change the economy for a prolonged period. We should resort to such movements.”

Zarabi focussed on strategies to combat the disinformation campaign regarding GB, Azad Kashmir, and Jammu and Kashmir. He said that the challenge India faces in explaining its point of view to the world. The decision of 370 abrogation was an entirely internal matter of India. “But we were surprised to see the intensity of the global backlash - which was very coordinated and organised. The issues pertaining to Kashmir have been internationalised in Pakistan and indirectly supported by Chineses sponsored global media.”

For the last 30 years or more, Pakistan’s engagement with global media has been done at the level of Foreign Ministry, economic level, strategic level, with a focus on reportage lobby on global issues. We have not chosen to take the issue in an explicit way to take Pakistan to an international level. Pakistan has acted otherwise. Pak has an edge over global media in the misinformation campaign over Kashmir and surrounding areas. “I was surprised by the lack of knowledge and misinformation that senior journalists from the West had on Kashmir as a result of misinformation.”

Zarabi mentioned three points on non-military action on Azad Kashmir and CoK. “Firstly, as the GoI and all of us realised in 2019, that post 5 Aug, there was a barrage of misinformation and ignorance all over the world. Quality information needs to be uploaded over the web, detailed write-ups need to come up, if required- paid advertisements, knowledge-sharing events across knowledge capitals of the world, TV documentaries are a couple of things that are need of the hour. Secondly, supplementing the efforts of disinformation by diplomatic entities is required. Messages should be sent that Azad Kashmir and Cok should be brought in front of the world. Thirdly, a 24*7 researched-based streaming platform should be set up by Prasar Bharati that could work on tackling disinformation on Jammu and Kashmir issue and Punjab- Khalistan issue. The DD should work on the plan of 2016 - to create a 24*7 internet streaming portal by MIB and MEA.“

He concluded by arguing that the primary focus of India in non-military ways should be to work on winning information warfare.
Problem is they have been left behind in developing their Information Warfare strategy. Lucky enough we had few sane voices in our country who started pushing on this more than half a decade ago.
Most of the work on Media Affairs was limited to Electronic Media & print Media, which was handled by a Naval Admiral at a certain organization, i can;t recall his name now (@Bratva , do you remember the name of this guy who used to handle the Media ? )... 2013 things took a little turn when RS came to power, all lot of work was done on developing InfoWar strategy, defining SOPs etc....If you look at last 6-7 yrs you will see how independent social media groups have emerged, all working proactively (or as Russians called it Active Measures) & independently to bust up everything thrown at them, PDF being one of them. (exclude ISPR trolls from the list, no disrespect to them, but they have turned into a joke lately. SOmeone needs to bring them back on line)
I was thinking is this post darth vedick ajit doval's famous strategy for Pakistan? must be because his was Balochistan and KP which has flopped so now Azad Kashmir and GB! after that fails Punjab and Sindh?
I was thinking is this post darth vedick ajit doval's famous strategy for Pakistan? must be because his was Balochistan and KP which has flopped so now Azad Kashmir and GB! after that fails Punjab and Sindh?

I find it very intriguing and auspicious that India is now looking at non-military methods to take back Kashmir as military option appears to have backfired amidst Kashmiri resistance that played into the hands of Pakistan.

Excellent development for Pakistan

I don't know which is better, India dumping MMRCA for a batch of cheap Tejas or India abandoning military option in Kashmir for this fake "Grey War"
So basically to cut through the bullshit:

India has decided to embark on what they say is a "Grey War"

1. Information Warfare (Pumping out as much fake news as possible)
2. Divide Sunni and Shia Kashmiris and pit them against each other
3. Internationalize Kashmir (Pakistan has been doing this for decades)
I was watching Swami's & Gaurav's interview from the other day, things they highlighted

1. Info War ( as you mentioned)
2. Reigniting Sectarian violence (as you mentioned)
3. Internationalize Balochistan, Kashmir (G.B / AJK ) , Pushtoon, Sindhi issue (yep they are pushing Sindhis too now)
4. Jeopardize Pakistan relation with China, since terrorism from Pakistan is a problem for chinese in Southern region (My theory is ISKP, Uzbeks, Tajiks with assistance from NDS, will be used for terrorism in China - Xinjiang, and pin it on Pakistan)

5. Approach Scholars, Students, Dissidents in Europe to highlight issues of Balochistan, Kashmir, Pushtoons, Sindhis. They will be rallied, trained & funded for Infowar.

(@Horus FYI)
Problem is they have been left behind in developing their Information Warfare strategy. Lucky enough we had few sane voices in our country who started pushing on this more than half a decade ago.
Most of the work on Media Affairs was limited to Electronic Media & print Media, which was handled by a Naval Admiral at a certain organization, i can;t recall his name now (@Bratva , do you remember the name of this guy who used to handle the Media ? )... 2013 things took a little turn when RS came to power, all lot of work was done on developing InfoWar strategy, defining SOPs etc....If you look at last 6-7 yrs you will see how independent social media groups have emerged, all working proactively (or as Russians called it Active Measures) & independently to bust up everything thrown at them, PDF being one of them. (exclude ISPR trolls from the list, no disrespect to them, but they have turned into a joke lately. SOmeone needs to bring them back on line)
I think their bjp media cell has muddied the waters so badly with their brand of insults, swearing and threats. Then fake profiling recently like using pictures of Muslim women as one example. When people from Algeria know indians and their kartoot. Then the world knows their kartoot.

I find it very intriguing and auspicious that India is now looking at non-military methods to take back Kashmir as military option appears to have backfired amidst Kashmiri resistance that played into the hands of Pakistan.

Excellent development for Pakistan
We should up our efforts too. Because they casually discuss and plan a to z but tend to forget their own vulnerabilities that exist! with the situation right now that halo that was placed on their head is gone.
Have to give props to them for the vivid imagination like they will convince people of Azad kashmir who live abroad that they should join india:lol: GB must not integrate into Pakistani society. it is already integrated into Pakistani society!

there are some real gems mind you!

India’s non-military strategic methods explored to wrest back Azad Kashmir & Gilgit
Organised by Law and Society Alliance titled “India's Non-Military Options to Liberate Pak-Occupied Kashmir” on May 29 the participants were Lt. General (R) Ata Hasnain; Dr. Manish, at Gujarat Central University; and Siddharth Zarabi (a senior journalist).

NEW DELHI: A set of non-military strategic methods to wrest back Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan (GB) was explored at a recent webinar attended by a former General and academicians

Organised by Law and Society Alliance titled “India's Non-Military Options to Liberate Pak-Occupied Kashmir” on May 29 the participants were Lt. General (R) Ata Hasnain; Dr. Manish, at Gujarat Central University; and Siddharth Zarabi (a senior journalist).

Gen Hasnain elaborated on the current situation across the LoC and the LAC. Stating that GB has indeed been a fascinating topic for India, he argued that despite the tremendous political consensus of the 1994 resolution, Delhi failed in taking the advantage.

The reason behind India’s moves over GB to date has been lack of strategic culture among Indians. Arguing about the need of developing a long-term strategy amid geopolitical developments taking place in the Covid era, he said, “nothing works overnight. GB is not something that is like to be taken as a low lying issue, rather it is a challenge! A lot of things are changing and panning out during the pandemic and Ladakh is currently going through a rapid development phase. The action of Chinese is to send us and the world a message. It also reflects the fact that actually Pak is too worried.”

The post Covid period is going to witness non-traditional ways of dispute resolution. Due to economic losses, the ways of warfare are definitely going to be non-military.

Gen Hasnain explained the concepts and practical aspects of the ‘Hybrid War’ and Grey War’. He explained that the concept of hybrid war is defined by resorting to deniability, yet using sponsorship. Hybrid is a combination of different aspects of war. It can be a combination of military, economic, cyber, information warfare, and so on and so forth - which Pakistan has been resorting to for more than three decades.

A new concept has emerged called ‘Grey War’ - it is a method in which one finds political and psychological domain dominant. India has started to engage in such warfare very recently - just a few months back.

Information warfare was the focal point of the webinar, which was echoed by every speaker.

Gen Hasnain explained the strength of social media on the strategic front and argued that social media can not be efficient until we do not have a fixed strategy and plan. Unfortunately, we haven’t resorted to it.

The generational integration is going to take place in GB and India must ensure that GB should not integrate into Pakistani society. “We also must explore the Shia connect. We have a Shia connect with Turtuk, Kargil, and 25 million Shias across India. We need to integrate the Shia identity from Lucknow to Kargil. Social media shall indeed be a part of it. Looking at the diaspora, they have a huge GB, Mirpuri, and Azad Kashmir diaspora. We must look for exclusive meetings with those diasporas whenever our leaders visit foreign countries.”

Dr. Manish echoed the views and stated that India apparently lacks strategic culture. He further said, “we are victims of our own history. We should think about developing a strategic culture amongst the youth of this country. India has very rightful claims over Azad Kashmir based on the Instrument of Accession and resolutions passed by the Parliament. The new paradigm has developed because of the addition of the Chinese factor to the issue. There significant developments. By formally revising our claims over Azad Kashmir and Aksai Chin, India has rightly moved in the right direction.”

He quoted that instruments of coercive powers include military aid, propaganda, maritime intercepts, cyber ops, economic sanctions, supporting political oppositions, intelligence operations, etc are instruments. They have the potential to loosen the power of the state and lead to turmoil.

“Two major things that are important in our scenario. Firstly, India should invent most of the cyber tech power and energise and enlarge this domain. The content should be news, ideas, debate, social networking, entertainment, etc. Secondly, it should lend support to adversaries. We can do so by providing non- military and military aid to them. Pro-democracy opposition movements are suddenly increasing that are too intense. Most of the news literature and the research in the past century show that there have been well laid planned and massive efforts to raise pro-democracy movements. Such efforts tend to change the economy for a prolonged period. We should resort to such movements.”

Zarabi focussed on strategies to combat the disinformation campaign regarding GB, Azad Kashmir, and Jammu and Kashmir. He said that the challenge India faces in explaining its point of view to the world. The decision of 370 abrogation was an entirely internal matter of India. “But we were surprised to see the intensity of the global backlash - which was very coordinated and organised. The issues pertaining to Kashmir have been internationalised in Pakistan and indirectly supported by Chineses sponsored global media.”

For the last 30 years or more, Pakistan’s engagement with global media has been done at the level of Foreign Ministry, economic level, strategic level, with a focus on reportage lobby on global issues. We have not chosen to take the issue in an explicit way to take Pakistan to an international level. Pakistan has acted otherwise. Pak has an edge over global media in the misinformation campaign over Kashmir and surrounding areas. “I was surprised by the lack of knowledge and misinformation that senior journalists from the West had on Kashmir as a result of misinformation.”

Zarabi mentioned three points on non-military action on Azad Kashmir and CoK. “Firstly, as the GoI and all of us realised in 2019, that post 5 Aug, there was a barrage of misinformation and ignorance all over the world. Quality information needs to be uploaded over the web, detailed write-ups need to come up, if required- paid advertisements, knowledge-sharing events across knowledge capitals of the world, TV documentaries are a couple of things that are need of the hour. Secondly, supplementing the efforts of disinformation by diplomatic entities is required. Messages should be sent that Azad Kashmir and Cok should be brought in front of the world. Thirdly, a 24*7 researched-based streaming platform should be set up by Prasar Bharati that could work on tackling disinformation on Jammu and Kashmir issue and Punjab- Khalistan issue. The DD should work on the plan of 2016 - to create a 24*7 internet streaming portal by MIB and MEA.“

He concluded by arguing that the primary focus of India in non-military ways should be to work on winning information warfare.

nonsense .
I was thinking is this post darth vedick ajit doval's famous strategy for Pakistan? must be because his was Balochistan and KP which has flopped so now Azad Kashmir and GB! after that fails Punjab and Sindh?
They have been working in all sections for a while now or may be for a very long time. Problem I see in coming years is opening of a combined front against us.
Look at this:
Why hold a webinar why not do it? Oh talk is the indian thing to do
I was watching Swami's & Gaurav's interview from the other day, things they highlighted

1. Info War ( as you mentioned)
2. Reigniting Sectarian violence (as you mentioned)
3. Internationalize Balochistan, Kashmir (G.B / AJK ) , Pushtoon, Sindhi issue (yep they are pushing Sindhis too now)
4. Jeopardize Pakistan relation with China, since terrorism from Pakistan is a problem for chinese in Southern region (My theory is ISKP, Uzbeks, Tajiks with assistance from NDS, will be used for terrorism in China - Xinjiang, and pin it on Pakistan)

5. Approach Scholars, Students, Dissidents in Europe to highlight issues of Balochistan, Kashmir, Pushtoons, Sindhis. They will be rallied, trained & funded for Infowar.

(@Horus FYI)

I think internationalizing Kashmir will backfire for India because for the last few decades, Pakistan has been the only one to bring up Kashmir on international stage. Whenever people in international community bring up Kashmir, they always use our narrative because our narrative is the one the world has heard. We have credibility on the subject because we have engaged on Kashmir as the only voice to make it known to the world as an international issue. If India tries to jump in now, there will be a lot of questions about why suddenly changing now. Pakistan has been saying Kashmir is an international issue for decades, we were on the international stage from the start. India has been saying that Kashmir is a bilateral issue for last few decades, so why are they suddenly trying to flip and change their strategy to internationalize it? Because India's strategy hasn't worked and they know it. Pakistan has played it brilliantly and outgunned them, Indian Army is no match for Kashmiri resistance backed by Pakistan even after 3 wars so military option is toast. Now India has to resort to a diplomatic strategy but it will be an even bigger failure because Pakistan was the one who has been doing Kashmir diplomacy all these decades, we know the game better than India because we know what levers to pull after decades of discussing it with all our allies. India has never discussed Kashmir with any country so they will have a long way to go.

I find it hard to believe India will have any kind of success dividing Pakistan and China because India is the biggest threat to both. India using Afghanistan to piss off China is a strategy that is too stupid for even the Afghans to follow. Afghans need Chinese investment to rebuild desperately, they know Indians can never bring the kind of infrastructure China can. So Afghanistan alienating China is a strategy too dumb to happen. Maybe India will try to stir up some unrest in Xinjiang but I don't see any way they could pin it on Pakistan since something like that would have India's fingerprints all over it and China is a lot more likely to believe Pakistan's word than India's word since Pakistan has been quiet and towed China's stance on Xinjiang while India openly criticizes it. Why would China believe anything India says? China and Pakistan have vested interest in each other for CPEC so India stirring up trouble and then pinning blame for unrest in Xinjiang on Pakistan will probably fool more gullible Indians than either Chinese or Pakistanis neither of whom would fall for it. Easy solution to this would be to allow Chinese soldiers into Pakistan or Pakistani soldiers into China to work together and flush out Indian backed separatists.

India will also probably try to internationalize Balochistan but there are enough holes in their logic to make it a non-issue. Any serious attempt by India to argue Balochistan should be made independent will be mocked with laughter by the international community.
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Why hold a webinar why not do it? Oh talk is the indian thing to do
you don't understand, they have a Team on ground for handling affairs in person, they want a team on Info War. Let me give you an example.

1. BLA bombs F.C patrol vehicle, 6 men get martyred including Major Nadeem.
2. Indians, dissidents, Affiliated terrorist groups justify the attack by running smear campaign against the deceased Military Officer. I was monitoring the situation very closely so i know the reach of this propaganda. From Indian journalists to Pakistan dissidents, Terrorists to Pro terrorists, all very running malicious propaganda that Major sb was somehow an evil person running death squad & drug trafficking.

3.Outcome of all this? You get to manipulate the foreign media, community
4. You use all that propaganda to raise the issue at U.N level. I do not want to give any names since they all are being monitored but we know they are working with UN Human Right work groups
Sindhi issue (yep they are pushing Sindhis too now)
most people don't know about
Approach Scholars, Students, Dissidents in Europe
One or two years back they managed to lure few people from Kashmir and GB who are residing in West [UK and I think Germany] and financed them heavily to initiate something similar to low intensity violent movement but their contacts in Pakistan were neutralized by local authorities
most people don't know about

One or two years back they managed to lure few people from Kashmir and GB who are residing in West [UK and I think Germany] and financed them heavily to initiate something similar to low intensity violent movement but their contacts in Pakistan were neutralized by local authorities
Post edited...We don't wana take any names, all of them are under watch from G-B to Karachi....
you don't understand, they have a Team on ground for handling affairs in person, they want a team on Info War. Let me give you an example.

1. BLA bombs F.C patrol vehicle, 6 men get martyred including Major Nadeem.
2. Indians, dissidents, Affiliated terrorist groups justify the attack by running smear campaign against the deceased Military Officer. I was monitoring the situation very closely so i know the reach of this propaganda. From Indian journalists to Pakistan dissidents, Terrorists to Pro terrorists, all very running malicious propaganda that Major sb was somehow an evil person running death squad & drug trafficking.

3.Outcome of all this? You get to manipulate the foreign media, community
4. You use all that propaganda to raise the issue at U.N level. I do not want to give any names since they all are being monitored but we know they are working with UN Human Right work groups
You gove indians too much credit

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