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India's N-sub undermines strategic stability: Pak



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Feb 13, 2009
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Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Wednesday said that the recent launch of a nuclear-powered submarine by India has undermined strategic stability in the region.

"We are opposed to nuclear proliferation as well as an arms race in the region," he said, adding that Pakistan believes the launch of the Indian nuclear-powered submarine will affect strategic stability.

Pakistan has proposed a "strategic restraint regime" to India with the three inter-locking principles of dispute settlement, conventional balance and nuclear and missile restraint, Qureshi said in his address at the Los Angeles World Affairs Congress.

"Our friends should encourage India to sign on to the proposed strategic restraint regime to guarantee strategic stability in our region," he said. Peace and security are inextricably linked and strategic stability in South Asia is critical for sustainable peace, he added.

India launched its first nuclear-powered submarine named Arihant in July. Built with Russian cooperation, the submarine will form the crucial third leg of India's triad of land, air and sea platforms capable of delivering nuclear weapons. India already has warplanes and missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

Pakistan's nuclear capability was developed in self-defence following the Indian nuclear test in 1974, which disrupted the security balance in South Asia, Qureshi said.

"The establishment of deterrence then became important."

Qureshi said Pakistan adheres to a doctrine of credible minimum deterrence as a nuclear weapon state. The country's regional policy is based on promoting dialogue for peaceful settlement of disputes, he said.

Regional cooperation can be strengthened through trade, investment and people-to-people to contacts, he said.

Referring to Pakistan's relations with the US, Qureshi sought Washington's support for curbing terrorism and extremism.

He said the partnership between the two countries should be based on mutual trust and mutual respect "that is not transactional, but is enduring and multi-faceted, spanning trade and economy, defence and security, health and education, science and technology and counter-terrorism and non-proliferation".

The Kerry-Lugar Bill, he said, is a step forward in strengthening the strategic partnership.

"The 1.5 billion dollars annually in non-military assistance for a sustained period of five years should have a positive impact on the lives of the people," he said.

Qureshi said in the long run, the real transformational impetus will come not from aid but greater market access.

He said a free trade agreement, the bilateral investment treaty and early implementation of the Reconstruction Opportunity Zones legislation will have a major impact on Pakistan and the region.

He also welcomed the US offer to help Pakistan in overcoming its energy deficit. This aid should be sustained and involve efforts to diversify Pakistan's energy mix.

Pakistan and the US should continue their strategic dialogue to discuss all issues relating to disarmament and non-proliferation, he said.

India's N-sub undermines strategic stability: Pak: Rediff.com news
Atleast we might make noise once in while but India is the real and only cry baby in the whole world i can back that up real quick if u like ! so just stop blah blahing.
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So what has a nuclear submarine got to do with Pakistan ??? You can be very sure that this submarine wont be used against Pakistan. Unless of course Pakistan is crying on behalf of China ( proxy or surrogate crying). This Submarine is absolutely China centric.It is highly legitimate weapons system for India. It is necessary for deterrence. One intersting fact is that India has taken the production of more than one submarine from the onset, same with the ADS. Threat perceptions and counter measure planning seems to be going interesting changes in India
Another Cry baby, what else can I say

Our outlook is greater than south asia.

You mean you do not like it when we do what Indians been doing for years.
He is clearly saying that we only went nuclear after India threatened us with her nukes and we will get a nuclear sub now that India is threatening us again excellent chess move if i say so my self.:smitten:
Look at it this way, we cry, we bellow, hold our breath and the world takes notice.....So lets keep crying because the world listens to us....."We're the current darling"......

And I dont see how crying is a bad thing.....gives us a two prong advantage.....
1) Playing the victim card gets us sympathy
2) Our enemies get denied their toys......

I think Pakistan is trying to catch up on the game as well.....Lets see where this takes them!!!
Is soe soorat ko ab yaad aya hai when Indian sub is steering waters over a month. Blo0dy Bull $hit. Can somebody tell me some good news please? I am soooo sooooo tired of listening to all these haram-kari and Kanjur-puna every now and then.
The most useful reason to have a nuclear submarine, capable of launching nuclear weapons, is to assure survival of one's nuclear deterrence after a first nuclear strike on one's land based nuclear systems. A nuclear submarine is really a "defensive" weapon to support a nation's Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) capability. Now, Pakistan has to worry about an Indian first strike because it doesn't have a comparable survival capability for it's MAD. So, India's new nuclear weapons capable sub DOES upset the strategic balance between Pakistan and India. That's just a simple fact, not a case of whining.
The most useful reason to have a nuclear submarine, capable of launching nuclear weapons, is to assure survival of one's nuclear deterrence after a first nuclear strike on one's land based nuclear systems. A nuclear submarine is really a "defensive" weapon to support a nation's Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) capability. Now, Pakistan has to worry about an Indian first strike because it doesn't have a comparable survival capability for it's MAD. So, India's new nuclear weapons capable sub DOES upset the strategic balance between Pakistan and India. That's just a simple fact, not a case of whining.

No worries mate, our president can beg for few nukes from USA or Russia or even from India in the name of Survival of Democratic Pakistan.

ndia comprises the size of all 48 EU nations......about 48 countries
india's population is 1.3 times europe's population.

one nuclaer submarine is much less i think....to protect indian race........

probably it needs to ramp from 01 submarine to a fleet of 20 submarine within a decade........

pakistan should learn this...
Well the 2nd strike capability is what India will achieve and it is a huge thing in terms of creating imbalance and giving India the confidence to go nuclear in a conflict, a very dangerous thing because the stalemate we are used to will be broken...the distance between India and Pakistan makes it the most complicated scenario because there will be no time to call off a strike command in error...
do remember that such things were avoided by USA and USSR because they had some time to cross check...in our case the time is near to nothing...

What India can use against China will also be used against Pakistan and despite all what is said about India and China...it is the relationship of India and Pakistan which is poor and on edge...China India conflict is less likely...

Pakistan's immediate logical response would be to create more nuclear weapons and increase the launch sites as well...to ensure survival of first strike...

Clearly this will accelerate a nuclear arms race...so the concerns are genuine...
Look at it this way, we cry, we bellow, hold our breath and the world takes notice.....So lets keep crying because the world listens to us....."We're the current darling"......

And I dont see how crying is a bad thing.....gives us a two prong advantage.....
1) Playing the victim card gets us sympathy
2) Our enemies get denied their toys......

I think Pakistan is trying to catch up on the game as well.....Lets see where this takes them!!!

Crying is not a current darling nor has it ever been nor ever will be ! it is a petty and coward act for a nation so big lol and so call wana be super power! we have never cried nor ever will a big difference get it right dumbo:hitwall: :no:
No worries mate, our president can beg for few nukes from USA or Russia or even from India in the name of Survival of Democratic Pakistan.


Good one :lol:
Crying is not a current darling nor has it ever been nor ever will be ! it is a petty and coward act for a nation so big lol and so call wana be super power! we have never cried nor ever will a big difference get it right dumbo:hitwall: :no:

Well, its not just crying. It's a kind of creating negative opinion in the global arena.

It hurts the image of the targetted country.

And yes, we complain only when harpons are modified or nuclear proliferation occurs or when islamic terrorism is used as a state policy.

We will not complain if you build an indigenous nuclear sub.
Crying is not a current darling nor has it ever been nor ever will be ! it is a petty and coward act for a nation so big lol and so call wana be super power! we have never cried nor ever will a big difference get it right dumbo:hitwall: :no:

Its a diplomatic game that your nation yet has to master......

Live in your ego.....and you lose....

Remember, when we need to, we flex our muscles.... but that's because we have that leverage......
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