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India’s Muslims an excuse. Modi govt also wants to take away Bahujans’(natives) power with CAA & NRC


Jul 12, 2014
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The Narendra Modi government, full of pride over its majority in Parliament, got the Citizenship Amendment Bill 2019 passed while turning a blind eye to the nationwide protests. The amended Citizenship Act is an injustice not only against the Muslim community, but also Dalit, Tribal (Adivasi), Vanvasi, Tamil, Gorkha and atheist.

This has to be one of the world’s greatest discriminatory law based on religion. The citizenship law is against the Indian Constitution and what it means to be an Indian. To better understand its discriminatory feature, the Citizenship Amendment Act has to be seen in tandem with the National Register of Citizen (NRC), because both complement each other and stand against the preamble of the Indian Constitution.

The one who will be really affected by the CAA and the NRC will be India’s Bahujan community — the natives of this land who include Dalits, Tribals, Muslims and other minorities. We are against the CAA because it is the biggest tool thus far to eliminate the political and social power of Bahujans.

Also read: How Azad’s anti-CAA protest turned into a 13 hour stand-off with Delhi Police

Setting India on fire
The Modi government, intoxicated by its power of majority, may have managed to get the bill passed in both Houses of Parliament, but if the members voting there had really been representing all the citizens of India, then the country would not have been on fire like it is today. At the Jamia Millia Islamia University, the police transgressed all limits of autocracy by carrying out the brutal baton charge against hapless students. Then, it tried to completely crush the movement at the Aligarh Muslim University. But today, this movement has spread to university campuses across the country. The northeast is on fire; there are riot-like situations in Uttar Pradesh while tension is high in the rest of the Hindi belt. Reports from Tamil Nadu haven’t come and the reaction from Gorkha population in Uttar Pradesh’s Tarai region and the northeast has failed to make headlines.

The Citizenship Act is a devious ploy to change the soul of the Indian Constitution into that of a Hindu Rashtra while leaving its cover intact. It is an organised crime against humanity. This cruel law has left the entire country burning in the fire of revolt. People must see that this law does not target Muslims alone but everyone who is a native of India.

In India, many tribal people still live a nomadic life without any document or identity certificate. It’s the same with all the landless people who are still dependent on the landlords that they have been working for generations. There are daily wagers, those who roam around in search of work, those who don’t have a permanent residence — from where will they bring the documents? Dalits living in slums are forced to flee their shanties every time there is a heavy downpour — from where will they bring the papers? Tribal people who still don’t have access to electricity — what citizenship proof will they furnish? In one stroke, the brutal Modi regime will term all of them as ‘foreigners’. In reality, Muslims are just an excuse; the real target of this government are the native Bahujans.

Also read: How Kanhaiya, Umar, Hardik, Jignesh, Shehla and Chandrashekhar Azad can still find their way

Another ploy to usurp Bahujan’s rights
Today, tribal people are being expelled from forests because they don’t have papers to show they belong. Until now, they were fighting to save the forests; now they will have to fight a battle to save their citizenship, because tomorrow, they are going to be dispelled from the country.

Several tribes in the northeast are Muslims, who have not been able to avail citizenship for various reasons. For them, the NRC brings only difficulty and crisis. Several tribes working in the tea gardens of Assam never got the status of Scheduled Tribes. Governments come and go, but their situation doesn’t change because no one paid any attention to their woes.

Many tribal communities like Gorkha, Koch Rajbangshi, Bodo, etc. will face hardships because of the CAA and the NRC. They will be a danger of losing their reserved resources. The NRC process will be rigged, mistakes will be introduced in their names and their citizenship will be taken away to deprive them of the reservation benefits.

The Citizenship Act seems to have emboldened those people who want India to be declared a Hindu Rashtra. Hatred is being sown against some religions and those who follow no religion. All this shows the next thing this BJP government wants to do is declare India a Hindu Rashtra, which will certainly push the country towards destruction.

Babasaheb Ambedkar used to say not to consider him as dead after he is gone. “As long as the Constitution is alive, I am alive. Just don’t let the Constitution die.” We will not let Babasaheb die. We will protect the Constitution until our last breath.

We all have to unite to fight this. To save India and protect our Constitution, we will have to come out of our homes.

The author is the founder of Bhim Army. Views are personal.

This article has been translated from Hindi. Read the original here.
As a green-blooded Pakistani with ancestors from Delhi and Lucknow, I was often chided by my distant cross-border relatives.

"Aap kay Pakistan nay kia kerlia, Kia bana liya?"
"Why are you moving from the West to Pakistan?"
"Your country has brought us Indian Muslims shame!"
"Aap kay Mr. Jinnah hi boltey thay ... (sarcasm)"
"What has Pakistan given you?"
"India is one big Sillykaan valley!"

All I have to say is -- you got any sarcastic $hit to say now?

Btw, We often have to send money from pakistan to these realtives in India due to their financial conditions.
As a green-blooded Pakistani with ancestors from Delhi and Lucknow, I was often chided by my distant cross-border relatives.

"Aap kay Pakistan nay kia kerlia, Kia bana liya?"
"Why are you moving from the West to Pakistan?"
"Your country has brought us Indian Muslims shame!"
"Aap kay Mr. Jinnah hi boltey thay ... (sarcasm)"
"What has Pakistan given you?"
"India is one big Sillykaan valley!"

All I have to say is -- you got any sarcastic $hit to say now?

Btw, We often have to send money from pakistan to these realtives in India due to their financial conditions.


Love from Urdu speaking Karachiite and Pakistani :)
North Indian hindus are divided in 3 categories. High castes, OBC and dalits/SC/ST. Technically speaking so called high castes are formed from OBC castes, both have aryan invaders blood. But dalits/tribals are unfortunate natives of the land and now a minority. Its believed 80% of Indian muslims are from Ajlaf class aka native converts. Its another thing that India since 1947 have made even 20% ashraf muslims condition worse then dalits.

Dalits have shifted their votebank towards BJP because RSS claim to represent every hindu. But dominant class in RSS aka high caste hindus also believe in hindutva concept of purity/pollution. So these two can never be allies for long.

"India is one big Sillykaan valley!"

The Result of this will be simple. We have seen the Nazi's do this. They expelled the Jews out. Killed them, Murder them in Gas Chambers.
Same is Happening in India but at a larger scale. What will be the result can be divided into two categories:
1. Migration
2.Internal Insurgency and Freedom Fighting
In case of Migration it would be simple, the Muslims would flee towards Bangladesh and Sri Lanka or even Nepal. Bangladesh will be overwhelmed by them as it faces the migration crises from the Rohingyas of Burma. They will also flee towards Pakistan but the border will result in Casualties and this Scenario is highly unlikely.
Note-: It is still unclear after this what will India do those helpless people. Either Enslave them or Cheap Labor just got even Cheaper.
Internal Insurgencies (Freedom Fighters)
Insurgencies will quickly form. The resistance currently in the form of Protests will soon convert into total thinking change of the people as it will have no effect on the government. People will turn towards the fight. They will do civil disobedience, and well Khalistan Movement but in an overall bigger scale will emerge and well it is quite likely the Heart Broken Sikhs after the Operation Starlight (in which Indian Armed Forces with tanks and elite forces stormed the most sacred places of Sikhism) and resulted in crushing of the Khalistan Movement will revive and to the extent of my prediction Hyderabad Deccan and Kashmir will go too violent to control. The current failures of the declining Indian Economy are not hidden and will result in a more greater down turn and would indeed result in a big loss. Sooner or later Insurgents will rise

Its not that easy at all. For example vast majority of Indian muslims have nowhere to flee. Pakistan is no longer an option hence why they are protesting with Indian flags and Gandhi pictures.

Khaslitan movement was restricted to punjab. Kashmir movement is restricted to valley. But go after 200 million Indian muslims and be ready to burn whole country in process. Indian muslims being scattered all over India will play to their advantage in this case.

Anyway latest news is that Modi is already backtracking on NRC and seem like protests have worked.
Anyway latest news is that Modi is already backtracking on NRC and seem like protests seem to have worked.

NRC is already part of the constitution.

The only thing that any government can do is to delay it.
NRC is already part of the constitution.

The only thing that any government can do is to delay it.
Seeing the promising results of CAA, we Pakistanis want the NRC implemented on fast track basis. Popcorns are out of stock already..:pop:
As a green-blooded Pakistani with ancestors from Delhi and Lucknow, I was often chided by my distant cross-border relatives.

"Aap kay Pakistan nay kia kerlia, Kia bana liya?"
"Why are you moving from the West to Pakistan?"
"Your country has brought us Indian Muslims shame!"
"Aap kay Mr. Jinnah hi boltey thay ... (sarcasm)"
"What has Pakistan given you?"
"India is one big Sillykaan valley!"

All I have to say is -- you got any sarcastic $hit to say now?

Btw, We often have to send money from pakistan to these realtives in India due to their financial conditions.
Met three Indian Muslims last week in my company.. They told me I don't even realize what a gift Allah has given us in the form of a homeland..

It's better we Pakistanis realize it as soon as possible.. and stop hating each other.
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