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India's Mars Mission:- Some Amazing Pics

Can you please give a little explanation abt it bro...?

This is a Radio-Frequency Anechoic chamber. These are used when you need to measure antenna radiation or emission patterns - very common for space exploration devices - and as such need to prevent interference from any reflected radio waves. That's why it is called anechoic (no echo).
Super Awesome pics...... ISRO make the world prowd :cheers:

Very impressive facilities, best of luck to India. I truly wish you guys succeed, where even Russia failed on numerous occasions. This will definitely put a cork in those racist westerners! :tup:

One added benefit of you guys succeeding would be that our government will finally start allocating some money to cash-starved SUPARCO. What a shame, although we started at the same time, we have been left decades behind. No worries, there is no time like today to start.

Thankz for ur wishes dude.... we get very few from you guyz....and best wishes for your SUPARCO too
Can you imagine how awesome it will be if the first person on Mars is from the subcontinent? :woot:

And thanks for all the good wishes

Mission Objectives

One of the main objectives of the first Indian mission to Mars is to develop the technologies required for design, planning, management and operations of an interplanetary mission.

Following are the major objectives of the mission:

A. Technological Objectives:

Design and realisation of a Mars orbiter with a capability to survive and perform Earth bound manoeuvres, cruise phase of 300 days, Mars orbit insertion / capture, and on-orbit phase around Mars.

Deep space communication, navigation, mission planning and management.

Incorporate autonomous features to handle contingency situations.

B. Scientific Objectives:

Exploration of Mars surface features, morphology, mineralogy and Martian atmosphere by indigenous scientific instruments.
India's Mars mission satellite mated with rocket, launch date revised

CHENNAI: The Indian Space Research Organization completed integration of its Mars mission satellite on Sunday with the rocket while the heat shield is expected to be closed in couple of days, an official said.

"The 1,340 kg satellite was mated with the rocket today (Sunday). The heat shield will be closed in two or three days after tests. Everything is progressing normally on the rocket and the satellite side," an Isro official, who did not want to be identified, told IANS.

On Saturday Isro chairman K Radhakrishnan told IANS that the Rs 450 crore Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) will be delayed by a week as out of of the two ships — Nalanda and Yamuna — carrying rocket tracking systems, only the latter has reached Fiji.

The Nalanda is expected to reach there October 21. From there, both the ships have to travel to their respective locations to track the rocket, Isro officials told IANS.

The ships have terminals to track the rocket, which has a coasting period of around 20 minutes beyond the visibility of existing ground stations.

The Malgalyaan mission was originally slated for October 28 from Isro's rocket launch centre in Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh, around 80km from here.

According to Isro officials, there is no problem as far as the mission is concerned.

Radhakrishnan said as the launch window is between October 28 to November 19, the revised launch date will be decided October 22 after the ship reaches Fiji.

Incidentally October 22 is seems to be a special date for Isro. It is a Tuesday and in Tamil, Mars planet is called Sevvai Graham and Tuesday is also called Sevvai. In Hindi, Mars is called Mangal and Tuesday is Mangalwar.

India's first inter-planetary mission was to the Moon October 22, 2008 at an outlay of around Rs 390 crore.

India's Mars mission satellite mated with rocket, launch date revised - The Times of India
Wait for the camera to start snapping pictures of mars before talking about the amazing pictures. That I where the amazing pictures would show up.
Wait for the camera to start snapping pictures of mars before talking about the amazing pictures. That I where the amazing pictures would show up.


The pictures that we are talking about is of the satellite and launch vehicle not of mars .
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