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India's Mars Mission May Soon Receive Clearance From New Dehi


Oct 25, 2010
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New Delhi may soon approve the ambitious Mars mission which is planned for launch in November 2013. The project is in the final stage of approval and studies relating to the mission have been completed by ISRO scientists.

New Delhi may soon approve the ambitious Mars mission which is planned for launch in November 2013. The project is in the final stage of approval and studies relating to the mission have been completed by ISRO scientists.

India's mars orbiter may not be on the same scale as that undertaken by NASA's car-sized rover. The orbiter will be launched from Sriharikota in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh. The project is to cost the ex-chequer US $22.6 million.

The Mars mission will involve carrying out nine scientific experiments. The robot will be launched on a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-XL), which also was used for India's Moon mission, Chandrayaan-1. The orbit will be 500 X 80,000 km around Mars, and the mission will carry nearly 25 kg (55 lb.) of scientific payloads.

The main objective of the mission will be to focus on life, climate, geology, origin, evolution and sustainability of life on the planet. A significant amount of work has been completed and the scientific payloads have been shortlisted and awaiting government approval.

ISRO has achieved some success with its lunar orbiter Chandrayaan-1 which was the first to discover the presence of water molecules on the Moon.

Defence News - India's Mars Mission May Soon Receive Clearance From New Dehi
If you want to be counted as world leader you have to progress in cutting edge science. DO you know the R&D conducted to make these missions possible finds their way inour day to day life. Internet was made for scientists in CERN, now it is essential part of us. The communication technology, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering etc. involved in this project will influence our domestic industries. ISRO works on very stringent budget and way less than what China and US spends, still they are getting good results.

You can't first bring people out of poverty then advance in science. You have to do it in parallel.
Just one year from mission approval to launch seems very ambitious.

Anyways, good luck and godspeed...
I am fine with such projects which generally help make lives better because of genuine scientific research rather than fanciful wastes like manned missions to the Moon.
Go, Go, Go India! yes! this is awesome. more competition, more pressure, more forward momentum! we should all be doing this together. i applaud this initiative, and if they can indeed launch next year..that would be super impressive!

Mars mission will be feather in ISRO's hat and pride for India

we still are a third world country..our HDI is very poor..with very limited resources...we should make every penny count.

this is just show off...waste of money.
If Indians were too busy in removing poverty than working in IT field, we would have been a side lined nation. No country can develop faster than others if their R&D department is too poor.

A single chip developed for processing of signals in this mission, will be designed by keeping various factors like temperature, pressure, other environmental factors like dust and so on....this chip might become a common part in our domestic electronics industries and then to our daily lives.

We won't have to rely on such hghly advanced chips on other countries. China is already developing its own chips to reduce its dependancy.

Look at the bigger picture. Or read more about crossover effect.
If Indians were too busy in removing poverty than working in IT field, we would have been a side lined nation. No country can develop faster than others if their R&D department is too poor.

A single chip developed for processing of signals in this mission, will be designed by keeping various factors like temperature, pressure, other environmental factors like dust and so on....this chip might become a common part in our domestic electronics industries and then to our daily lives.

We won't have to rely on such hghly advanced chips on other countries. China is already developing its own chips to reduce its dependancy.

Look at the bigger picture. Or read more about crossover effect.

how about investing this hundreds of crore in making world class universities.. will generate employment for thousands along with creating brilliant minds...this will have cascading effect which is more fruitful than anything else...it is about getting your priorities right...

our priority should be to make life of our people better than doing experiments which is no good for masses... otherwise enjoy our 9 % growth rate fro 9% of our population.
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