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India's little known super-weapon "KALI".

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Nice pictures but did you guys actually check out anything on these things? for one they are ONE SHOT devices. TWO they need 12000 litres of oil for cooling there are so many things you guys have forgotten to check.....Sigh! looks like we are back at square one :lol:

They are one shot devices that fire projectiles at the speed of light. You might be thinking it on the lines of a shotgun..fir-load-fire each time...but KALI is like a recoiless machine gun, only difference it projects quick single shots. IMHO that is much better, as it conserves energy and fuel.
At a time when missiles are increasingly becoming relevant in modern warfare and when the threat of a pre-emptive nuclear attack from Pakistan is realistic, Kali-5000 is India's answer to any uninvited incoming missiles and planes. Moreover, the beam can also be used to cripple the enemy satellite and UAVs in no time.

Can any one enlighten me over the highlighted part as to why the threat of a pre-emptive nuclear attack by Pakistan is considered so realistic as per the author?
Can any one enlighten me over the highlighted part as to why the threat of a pre-emptive nuclear attack by Pakistan is considered so realistic as per the author?

Doesnt take einstein to figure out the trigger-happiness that persists in Pakistan. We all know how you were all set to nuke India in Kargil.
Pakistan just never wants to adopt a no-first-use policy. And even worse, we dont even know who controls Pakistan's nukes, is it under the army? or government? Who presses the button?..Add to that, the deep nuclear proliferaion ring headed by the amn who developed the N-bomb for Pak.

The proof of the less-than-perfect nuclear working in Pakistan is self-evident from the fact that Benazir Bhutto didnt know as the prime minister that her country was preparing for a test until US told her, and more recently Nawaz Sharif had absolutely know clue about his country preparing for nuclear strike during Kargil, again it was US that told him.
Doesnt take einstein to figure out the trigger-happiness that persists in Pakistan. We all know how you were all set to nuke India in Kargil.
Pakistan just never wants to adopt a no-first-use policy. And even worse, we dont even know who controls Pakistan's nukes, is it under the army? or government? Who presses the button?..Add to that, the deep nuclear proliferaion ring headed by the amn who developed the N-bomb for Pak.

The proof of the less-than-perfect nuclear working in Pakistan is self-evident from the fact that Benazir Bhutto didnt know as the prime minister that her country was preparing for a test until US told her, and more recently Nawaz Sharif had absolutely know clue about his country preparing for nuclear strike during Kargil, again it was US that told him.
Don't want to reply to your whole rant but we did not have any delivery system for nukes in 1999.We only had few nuclear weapons and our air force was very weak so there was no way to deliver nuclear weapons during Kargil.Who told you Pakistan was thinking about nuking Pakistan in Kargil when we did not even have a proper delivery system?
wow, nice coincident with the names.
Are they going to Install it on LCA?:)

Well. yes. A smaller version of Kali-5000, will be installed on LCA. Its primary aim would be to act as electrostatic shields to protect the aircraft from microwave and EMP attack by the enemy especially from the kind that are generated in a nuclear explosion.

In addition to this, given the kindof energy Kali can generate, we might as well see an LCA equipped with Kali as a Sat-destroyer.

Originally posted by umairp:
wow, nice coincident with the names.

I couldnt agree less.
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Can any one enlighten me over the highlighted part as to why the threat of a pre-emptive nuclear attack by Pakistan is considered so realistic as per the author?

I think that is very simple.
Pakistan cannot compete in terms of conventional weapons so it should go for a nuclear strike if necessary. As far as pre-emptive is concerned, I am not sure. But Pakistan's last defence is its nuclear weapons.
(Although, it’s very unlikely for a country to use such weapons against a neighboring country)
Don't know about Durga, but K.A.L.I is an acronym for Kilo-Ampere Linear Injector

Wait till they get to million range. It will be called MALI -mega ampere linear injector. After that it will be the Giga ampere linear injector aka GALI. The final one will be super ampere linear injector or SALI.

(Sorry, could not resist).
Well. yes. A smaller version of Kali-5000, will be installed on LCA. Its primary aim would be to act as electrostatic shields to protect the aircraft from microwave and EMP attack by the enemy especially from the kind that are generated in a nuclear explosion.

In addition to this, given the kindof energy Kali can generate, we might as well see an LCA equipped with Kali as a Sat-destroyer.

I couldnt agree less.

Cool... EMP shield for Tejas :woot: I never knew that..... thanks for the info man.. :yahoo:

i think an JF-17 would be down in case of an EMP... correct me if im wrong
Durga or Directionally Unrestricted Ray-Gun Array. Though scarce details on this are available, it is said to be an Indian version of the US Star Wars project in which in-coming missiles can be shot down, or burnt down, by laser guns based in space.

A Ray gun ? Would that be a electromagnetic field generator (Electromagnetic pulse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) or a nuclear bomb designed to generate a similar effect ? Electromagnetic bomb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If it is the former, it is something similar to what was in the James Bond movie GoldenEye.

It would be funny being used against India or Pakistan... India bursts EMP weapon over Lahore. But Pakistan remains undamaged because there was a power-cut in Lahore anyway, all computers were already off. (Same thing in reverse for India too)
seriously man whats your problem i think mods were a cut above the rest but they PROVE to be the same ...why are you being so negetive about indian ventures never saw your country doing half of what we are doing and yet again all this enemity crap comes in between :disagree:

AHHHH it seems I have hit a sore point with you....Well let me explain why i treat this with the derision it deserves.

If I had a penny for every claim of a "revolutionary development" from India i would be a millionaire. So far it has been lots of talk (undoubtedly to assuage a inferiority complex ) I mean you could not even build relatively simple things like planes, engines and Tanks and yet we are supposed to believe that you have developed a super weapon that no one else has? Seriously?
Take a hint and stop boasting about what you haven't got and maybe sometimes these claims will be taken seriously.

Oh and by the way it's not negative for me BTW just your ego's I am being realistic.
Well, you see our scientists are not as brilliant as Pakistani scientists, who just think of a missile one day, test it the next day and on the third day the military inducts it.

They have to go through the inconvenience of conceptualizing, planning, executing, testing, modifying, testing some more, adapting, testing yet some more before actually declaring it to be operational.

I hate toddling before being able to sprint, much like you. I agree with you. KALI-5000 should have been able to zap missiles right from the drawing board.

AHHHH I see and all that planning has worked well in the past right? One thing that Pakistani scientists tend not to do is make claims before they have finished a project. BTW do tell how all of that is working on say the Arjun?

One thing it seems Indian scientists are good at doing is LOTS and LOTS of testing and not much else.
See zombie there are certain kind of ppls whom you no matter what your do cannot convince as there whole life revolve aroung denial as this gives them pleasure and peace of mind. So let is go. :enjoy:

Yes we call them Indian fanboys here...:lol:
A Ray gun ? Would that be a electromagnetic field generator (Electromagnetic pulse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) or a nuclear bomb designed to generate a similar effect ? Electromagnetic bomb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If it is the former, it is something similar to what was in the James Bond movie GoldenEye.

It would be funny being used against India or Pakistan... India bursts EMP weapon over Lahore. But Pakistan remains undamaged because there was a power-cut in Lahore anyway, all computers were already off. (Same thing in reverse for India too)

Nothing of that sort, its not an EMP weapon. Its a laser array. That is, it sends high energy beams to burn out satellites/incoming missiles or anything for that matter.

To be honest, Bond movies never had "unbelievable" technologies except a few. Most of what was considered "this-is-impossible" back then, is happening today.
Yeah pretty good effort by our scientists.. But Keysorzoe.. your argument america does not have it.. but india doesnt.. laughable theory.. is taken in the same sense.. :lol:We can do lot of things america didnt do till date.. and they can and have done lot of things we havent done till date. But only thing that differentiate us is the constant need to innovate. Please don't be sarcastic.. in your comments.. and especially since you are a pakistani it sounds like the case of sour grape. So please give specific points on the challengers or defects of the system rather than mere sarcasm. :agree:

Your scientists have not yet announced anything earth shattering AT all, its not sour grapes merely amusement.....For fun afriend go look up the relative budgets of the US and India in the fields of science and military application spending. now tell me how a cut price approach would work?
When it is operational come back and tell me I am wrong otherwise save the wet dreams for your bedroom.
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