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india's increasing unemployment rate

Tamil Nadu's power problem is not because of lack of power,but beacuse of bad management of its electricity board.Its practcally bankrupt because the politicians are unwilling to hike power tariffs,So they can't buy power from private sector and can't set up new power plants to increase the production.Some one need to kick these corrupt politicians out.

Andhra is also facing same problem... we do have installed capacity 17k MW but currently 12K is available...
Andhra is also facing same problem... we do have installed capacity 17k MW but currently 12K is available...

I heard Central govt is providing a bail out package for them.If that works out things could settle down for a while.Private sector power are taking a beating over this.They are drowing in debts and unwilling to go ahead with new projects.Some one should learn from Gujrat on how to run power sector.
ribbish post, try to counter the arguement rather then countering the poster

Pakistan has issues with talibans but doesnt india have issues with Maoists :lol:
I know u would have been more than happy if this article was true and unbiased but the fact remains that India is already on it's way ahead.Maybe bad and weak governance(although far better than GoP)has taken it's toll in the recent years but that is mainly because over the last many years due to fair and transparent elections no party has been able to take the majority and the negatives of a coalition Govt is very well known.Secondly always write the name of your country with a capital P!!lastly India does not only have Maoist problem but in the recent past India has had several other internal problems such as the Naxalites,the separatist groups in NE like ULFA,PLA of Manipur,and the groups in the Garo and Khasi hill areas ,Pakistan sponsored terrorism in J&K which affects not only J&K but the whole of India.But whats surprising is that these groups and their agenda has miserably failed to gain any popular support and have either died out or are dying out.In Pakistan there are sections of people who actually endorse the Taliban,whereas,in India there are regular news from the NE that how Garo and Khasi terrorists have been lynched by a mob comprising of people of their own ethnicity,how the separatist groups of the NE are now forced to take refuge in Burma(Myanmar),the problem of the Maosits exist because the Supreme court of India has barred the GOI from using force against it's own citizens and hence only the CRPF is stationed in these disturbed areas and they are doing their job well and despite all these problems India is rising. . but even the Pakistani Army is afraid to confront the Taliban http://www.rediff.co.in/news/2006/mar/10pspec.htm!!:woot:One could actually go to tourists spots in India (as I had recently been to Ranchi and other place around it) which are so called Maoist dens and have a good time drinking and making merry,I don't think that an average Pakistani would be very willing to visit SWAT valley??Whatever u guys know about the Maoist insurgency in India are either overstated and exaggerated or are wrongly informed!!
Where does it say in the article 'unemployment rate increasing' ? :what:

U Evil Yindooo:devil:....don't u know Pakistanis have all rights to change the titles of all India bashing threads to score some bonus Brownie Points on this forum....:lol:
so jobless rate hit hard is not equal to unemployment rate increase?:woot:

Unemployment? Really? Try & find how difficult it is get labour for any work & we will soon see what this nonsense is all about. In Karnataka anyways, the only unemployed are those not interested to work. Specific fields requiring specialised skills may be feeling some pinch but not the blue collared workers nor the average while collar worker.
so how this is bothering our neighboring country???
Whats the point in discussing this???
@Indian-foxhound Mate u see u will have to understand that their(I mean Pakistanis)population is full of people like u know who!!These kind of news articles do not bother them in any way but actually gives them peace and soothes their burning @ssholes !!So the self proclaimed coloumnists of Pakistans who are not gaddars unlike Najam Sethi and Hasan Nissar comes up with fancy delusional tales like the one starting this thread to calm down the raging population.This video explains a lot:
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may be in your area or city.. what about the other?

i frequently change from Chennai to Trichy, and in Chennai only 2 hours, but in Trichy its 8-10 hours. so power problem is there but it caused by mismanagement not by lack of production here. 2006 TN is power suppressed state later now its in this condition after Lootress-DMK allies spoil the state in each and every field.

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