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india didn't do it alone they took help from bangladeshis despite have a numerical advantage over PA.
Now they are crying to israel for help despite numerical advantage over PA :enjoy:
The overwhelming support - be it armaments, logistics, planning, training, intelligence, international diplomacy, naval movements etc. - came from the USSR. The Soviet generals were stationed in Delhi and were intricately involved in all phases of the final expedition. Even Manekshaw admitted that he had a handful of tanks operational in May - how come WW2 style formations and ops were put into the theater by November??? It was in fact Pak vs the proxies of the USSR. Needless to say, for that investment, Pak paid her back in full with interests!!!! IMO this fact needs to be borne in Pak minds all the time!!!
I agree. Indians need to advance further in doklum into the closest Chinese city.
Now the chinese have stoop to this level. first it was leave Dokalam or see what we will do and now it is advance into a chinese city and see what we will do.
Its time for China to declare that Salahuddin Owaisi is not a terrorist and put pressure on India.
The overwhelming support - be it armaments, logistics, planning, training, intelligence, international diplomacy, naval movements etc. - came from the USSR. The Soviet generals were stationed in Delhi and were intricately involved in all phases of the final expedition. Even Manekshaw admitted that he had a handful of tanks operational in May - how come WW2 style formations and ops were put into the theater by November??? It was in fact Pak vs the proxies of the USSR. Needless to say, for that investment, Pak paid her back in full with interests!!!! IMO this fact needs to be borne in Pak minds all the time!!!

Could you give a citation for that "Even Manekshaw admitted..." part? A half credible one?

In fact it was India that had cause to be worried, because Pakistan had powerful friends - namely, the US of A. The "blood telegram", Nixon's messages etc are well known, and part of US diplomatic corp's history.

It was India that prevailed against all odds and cut into two that brazen liar of nations.
Whom were these mard-e-momins surrendering to:


Whom where they standing in front of, heads bowed in shameful and abject surrender:


I'll tell you: The mighty Indian army's eastern command. Sorry if it hurts your ego, but that's the truth. We cut you in two, and two you remain. Eat that.
They are taught selective lessons. Perhaps this will appear in the lesson about false indian propaganda.
Yea, like most Pakistanis, @Mugwop has been taught that in 1971 they fought and lost to "Bangladesh" - which did not even exist back then, until India gave it an existence and a name.

It hurts their collective ego, that infidel India tore them asunder, and so they remain today. But history cannot lie - there are ample pictures and videos of their mard-e-momins shamelessly surrendering their belts to the Indian army's Eastern command.

Note that - not even to the Indian army or to India; but just to our eastern command. That's how low they fell, despite all their boasts about "One Pakistani equals ten kaffirs" and so on.

Isn't it funny, how @Mugwop and other Pakistanis today still desperately say any idiocy to maintain the fiction that they didn't lose to India? What is it she says on this thread? O yea, they lost to "Bangladesh", not to India.

The instrument of surrender was signed in the name of Jagjit Singh Arora, CO of the Indian army's eastern command. But oh no, they didn't surrender to India. Of course not. LOL.



@waz @Zaki @The Eagle @WebMaster @WAJsal Please look at this Indian troll he is derailing all threads, please ban this troll thanks.
That piece of land had been in chinese control for decades, Indian Army had been maintaining a line of fortifications about 7km long opposite that area for decades now. I think Chinese built the road in question in 2003 and were upgrading it now, but according to what I have heard had no troop formation or even any fixed/permanent installations/bunkers against the Indian bunker line.
What has occurred is that Indian Army has advanced 5/6 km ahead and have occupied a ridgline which now cuts off this as well as two other Chinese roads. What Indian planners were thinking is beyond me.. But I'll enjoy the show :-)

So its a case of Bhutan mistake for asking India to defend land which it doesnt own AND India to intention to stop China getting vital land?

In that case India should back down from this and let Bhutan/China deal with this.
The overwhelming support - be it armaments, logistics, planning, training, intelligence, international diplomacy, naval movements etc. - came from the USSR.

Pure BS. USSR was responsible only for tracking & responding to the naval movements of USSR.

And talking about logistics, what exactly was MV Venus Challenger doing near Karachi ?

Even Manekshaw admitted that he had a handful of tanks operational in May

And he did ask for time, till November to prepare for the war.

The Soviet generals were stationed in Delhi and were intricately involved in all phases of the final expedition

Manekshaw did also say to the PM that he wouldn't have a 'soviet telling him what to do' & 'the lady' agreed to it. If you forgot about that.
ya, in 1962 it took 3 years before we finally strike. you bet this time it will take less than 3 months.

you call this a threat? no wonder you indians have a low IQ far below human average. You are horribly weak both intelligently and physically evidenced by International math and sports Olymlics. Maybe that is the reason you people got colonized for over 1000 years, a human-record miserable experience even making jew's sufferings looks like nothing.

Really need to show the world that india is really the aggressor
India is not a democracy and it's an embarrassment for the free world that India calls itself a democracy. Please use other terms such as castocracy to describe Indian political system.

As for the actual stand off, China has done nothing. In my view, if China is not evicting Indian troops now, why would they evict Indian troops if India repeat the same thing in other conflict areas? It's time for India to push Chinese troops out of all the dispute areas. The world is waiting the India to claim the Superpower status.
If chinese solders are already in disputed area then China need not to launch so many warning to India.....India is ok with current status...and you got the disputed land....go home now

Nehru brave :pop: modi not
Present india stronger than 1962 india yet more afraid.
if you think we are afraid....then we will remain afraid like this....find out what your new master can do about it
Really need to show the world that india is really the aggressor
Ask the Chinese propaganda Dept to work hard,India is saying they are not in Indian land .still you not able to tell or find support
So its a case of Bhutan mistake for asking India to defend land which it doesnt own AND India to intention to stop China getting vital land?

In that case India should back down from this and let Bhutan/China deal with this.

The whole border between China and Bhutan (as well as India) is un-demarcated so having disputes is not extra-ordinary. Also Bhutan had no control over this territory, it was in control of China for decades. Indian defensive positions opposite that whole border are a testament to this.

Isn't this what Indians blamed Pakistan of doing in case of Kargil in 1999? moving into an area in dispute but held for decades by India.

Thing is moving your army formations in an area which is held by the another country is akin to asking for war. Also you have put Chinese in a very tight position, they cannot negotiate officially as this will set a very bad precedent that some one can forcefully change position on the ground in a disputed area and than formalise it through negotiations. And they also cannot let it linger on for long to become a status quo as this again will be setting a bad precedent.

Indian planners had a number of options militarily and politically to try before taking such a brash action. I have no doubt in my mind that if it lingers on, this will result in border skirmishes not necessarily in same area (remember 'reverse kargil'? :-))
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