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India is militarily engaging a state actor from the soil of a third country over a piece of land its partner country does not even control. Not even the US does that.

China and India are locked yet again in a stand-off of Himalayan proportions. Almost five weeks after Indian troops trespassed and forcibly halted the activities of a Chinese road construction crew on a narrow plateau at the China-Bhutan-India tri-junction area in the Sikkim Himalayas, the two sides appear no closer to resolving their quarrel. The area in question, Doklam, is the subject of a legal dispute between China and Bhutan, is under the effective jurisdiction of China, and holds an important security interest to India.

The restoration of the status quo ante in the Doklam area will be a protracted affair. Unlike previous impasses on their disputed Himalayan frontier earlier this decade, which coincided with a warming phase in ties and were wound down with the exhibition of good sense on both sides, bilateral ties have hit a sour patch. China, as the aggrieved party, bears little interest in unwinding the stand-off on terms other than its own. Worse, there is no agreed definition among the parties of the object of discord at stake – to the point that China does not even view India as the appropriate interlocutor to engage with to unwind the stand-off.

China’s position on, and solution to, the stand-off is blunt and straightforward. The alignment of the China-India boundary in the Sikkim Himalayas sector is mutually defined as per Article 1 (“the line commences at Mount Gipmochi on the Bhutan frontier, and follows the … water-parting”) of the Anglo-Chinese Convention of 1890 relating to Sikkim and Tibet. On numerous occasions, Indian representatives from Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru down have formally accepted this.

This standoff is China telling India to accept changing realities

By interfering in a Chinese road construction project roughly 3km to the north of the plain letter of Article 1, India has violated China’s territorial sovereignty. As a precondition for any dialogue, India must vacate its trespass unconditionally.

To the extent that the area in question is the subject of a dispute due to Bhutan’s belated claim to the area in the 14th round of Sino-Bhutanese boundary talks, this is wholly a matter between Beijing and Thimpu. Until such time, Bhutan – let alone India, which has no locus standi to intervene – must respect China’s effective jurisdiction over the Doklam area.

China, India border dispute bubbles over once more, but no one is quite sure why

For its part, India does not deny the validity of Article 1 of the Anglo-Chinese Convention of 1890. But it says the alignment on the ground is not an established fact. The same article says the “boundary of Sikkim and Tibet [was to] be the crest of the mountain range separating the waters flowing” southwards and northwards. The “line [that] commences at Mount Gimpochi on the Bhutan frontier” violates this principle and should in fact be 6km to the north – making the area of trespass wholly Bhutanese soil. By way of its bilateral Friendship Treaty of 2007 with Bhutan, under which both sides “cooperate closely … on issues relating to their national interests”, India enjoys a basis to intervene in the dispute on Thimpu’s behalf.

According to India, China’s road construction activity in this area constitutes a “significant change of the status quo”. It disturbs India’s security interests as well as violates an “understanding” between Indian and Chinese boundary negotiators in 2012 that the final alignment of the boundary in the tri-junction area would be settled in consultations involving India. China must therefore desist from further road building in this area and India stands ready to mutually ease the stand-off on this basis.

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But India’s troop intervention in Doklam is not without grave political risk. While the security logic of its actions holds merit and the provision in its Friendship Treaty with Bhutan affords a veneer of respectability, New Delhi’s diplomatic communication throughout this episode has been couched in the imprecise political language of status quos and understandings. By contrast, China’s communication has been crisply grounded in the black-and-white language of legal sovereignty.

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India’s troop intervention in Doklam is also at risk of setting a slew of consequential precedents.

For the first time ever, India is militarily engaging a state actor – and one no less than China – from the soil of a third country. For a status quo-ist power, as it sees itself, this is a leap into the unknown.

Second, it is militarily intervening on behalf of a friendly partner country to uphold the latter’s claims of sovereignty to a patch of territory which the partner country does not effectively control. Not even the mighty US military extends defence obligations to disputed territories that its allies do not exercise effective control over – let alone intervene on their behalf. Third, the China-India-Bhutan is not the only unresolved tri-junction along India’s northern frontier. Payback in the same coin could be highly unpalatable for India.


China holding a live-fire military exercise in Tibet amid a standoff with India on the border. Photo: Handout

Having engaged in a high-risk venture, the onus resides on India to devise the conditions of its exit. To this end, it must directly confront the tangled legalities of the situation. New Delhi does not possess legal standing to directly engage China to ease the stand-off in Doklam. That standing is held by Bhutan. Efforts to pre-empt this dilemma via talks will only add to the question of New Delhi’s motivations and purposes.

New Delhi must push Thimpu to take the lead in engaging Beijing and devise a mutually acceptable boundary protocol that acknowledges China’s effective jurisdiction of the area, pending final settlement, in exchange of the restoration of the status quo ante as of June 16, 2017. In parallel, New Delhi must commit to unilaterally vacating the Doklam area while privately holding out for Beijing’s reiteration of the 2012 understanding that the trijunction boundary points will be finalised in consultation with all three parties concerned.

Yet another self-hating "Indian"liberal.

India has not got itself into any mess, this was a pre-planned and ruthlessly executed move and it is the Chinese that find themsleves in a bind. There are red lines that India would not allow the PLA to cross and hence it took pre-emptive action, if the Chinese chose to escalate it so be it.
It's geo-politics. The author seems to be under the impression that any Talks between China & Bhutan would result in anything different to what happened to Tibet.

If India does not learn from history, then we are doomed to fail.

This is probably the few times India is spot on with their moves. It has shown China that there will be consequences for their anti-India moves.

India has called in Chinese bluff and let me assure you that China will think a lot more from now on every move they make vis a vis India.
Nations will only respect you if we show that there are consequences, otherwise, countries like China will walk over you without even giving a second thought to our national interests.
Spot on, China clearly does not respect the rules based system and only accept "might is right", IF China was a reasonable nation with a sincere desire to have a "peaceful rise" then India would have no need to undertake these actions.

India is simply responding to China in the only language they will understand.

The indian intransigence is somehow connected to modi's visits to Washington and Tel Aviv. This time they have managed to convince india to be their sacrificial lamb. I won't be surprised if india's big daddies secretly saying something like "Don't worry, we'll bomb China back to stone age if China dares to touch your(indian) sweet arse". After getting this kind of assurance from his big daddies modi simply lost it, his brain is no longer in its chamber. It's somewhere in a cow shed, mixed with cow dung! What a waste!
LOL, when in doubt- blame the Americans and Jews, what an orginal thought!

Chinese troops will leave themselves after realizing indians have no fight left in them despite all the boasting and bragging.
If the Chinese want a fight, they will get it.

Don't you worry, if China crosses the line they'll learn the same lessons the Pak Army has learnt countless times over the decades.

"think tank analyst", no wonder this place is going to hell.....
We will fire like the below. Do you think China will play low with you like exchanging bullets now? never. Once we strike, it will automatically enter into a butchering mode. You bet hundred of thousands of primitive and malnourished indian creatures will get slaughtered before even seeing the PLA soldiers.

Be patient, even it took US one year's preparation to invade Iraq. But since India is so weak, I think two months is enough for PLA to transporting ammo and equipment. At the same time, avoiding the current raining season and showing the world we already have maximum restraints.

Lastly, free tips to pakistan and bangladesh here. once we attack, it will not be a small cake and india is doomed to break up, it should be your own loss to miss the decades-long opportunity and grab a share.




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WHO ACtually occupied the land 3 months ago?

Was it China or Bhutan? If no one, then who was the last recongised owner of the land?
That piece of land had been in chinese control for decades, Indian Army had been maintaining a line of fortifications about 7km long opposite that area for decades now. I think Chinese built the road in question in 2003 and were upgrading it now, but according to what I have heard had no troop formation or even any fixed/permanent installations/bunkers against the Indian bunker line.
What has occurred is that Indian Army has advanced 5/6 km ahead and have occupied a ridgline which now cuts off this as well as two other Chinese roads. What Indian planners were thinking is beyond me.. But I'll enjoy the show :-)
We will fire like the below. Do you think China will play low with you like exchanging bullets now? never. Once we strike, it will automatically enter into a butchering mode. You bet hundred of thousands of primitive and malnourished indian creatures will get slaughtered before never seeing the PLA soldiers.

Be patient, even it took US one year's preparation to invade Iraq. But since India is so weak, I think two months is enough for PLA to transporting ammo and equipment. At the same time, avoiding the current raining season showing the world we already have maximum restrains.

Lastly, free tips to pakistan and bangladesh here. once we attack, it will not be a small cake and india is doomed to break up, it should be your own loss to miss the decades-long opportunity and grab a share. View attachment 413450
View attachment 413455
View attachment 413453

Lol, you ain't fighting on a flat surface there. You're going to be fighting in deep ravines and valleys so those weapons ain't of any use. In a nutshell, no blitzkrieg manouvres. Having said that and having read about the standoff, I suspect that the Chinese military realises that its supply lines will be in danger if it launches any attacks. At the most, once China starts any military confrontation it will have to launch a few missiles toward Indian positions to save face. That would result in the Indians shooting off a few of their fireworks towards anywhere in China since China would have opened the door...and thereafter, nukes cannot be dispelled. Perhaps a diplomatic solution is the only solution in this case. Pakistan and Bangladesh offcourse would be caught in any cross fire regarding missiles and the world will be watching Indian and Chinese new year celebrations using missiles and nukes in South Asia
Spot on, China clearly does not respect the rules based system and only accept "might is right", IF China was a reasonable nation with a sincere desire to have a "peaceful rise" then India would have no need to undertake these actions.

India is simply responding to China in the only language they will understand.

LOL, when in doubt- blame the Americans and Jews, what an orginal thought!

If the Chinese want a fight, they will get it.

Don't you worry, if China crosses the line they'll learn the same lessons the Pak Army has learnt countless times over the decades.

"think tank analyst", no wonder this place is going to hell.....
They have crossed the line so many times despite indians warnings and boasting.:haha:

What lesson? indians always had a numerical advantage over PA and still couldn't beat them. What will they do against :china: that outnumbers them?

Netanyahu please save me from PA
Trump please save me from :china:


Just like how India vacated west Pakistani areas captured in 1971 ? :lol:
india didn't do it alone they took help from bangladeshis despite have a numerical advantage over PA.
Now they are crying to israel for help despite numerical advantage over PA :enjoy:
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