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On the contrary, Bangladesh government will gladly help us to pass through their territory. They may require a bit of 'persuasion' though! All will be good in the end..

You are right about that wrong about the possible consequence.

We will never treat our smaller neighbors including Pakistan like how China treats hers.

Of course your behaviour with your neighbours is different, after all, China does not train and arm terrorists for dissecting her neighbours. Terrorism in Baluchistan is a good example of indian behaviour.
You are right about that wrong about the possible consequence.

Of course your behaviour with your neighbours is different, after all, China does not train and arm terrorists for dissecting her neighbours. Terrorism in Baluchistan is a good example of indian behaviour.
Fret not dear Bangladeshi brother, it is not that we are going to conquer your lands or murder your kids.

A humble 'request' will be made during wartime which your government will 'readily' accede to, and we shall forever remember your contributions.
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Of course, they can always side with India in such an eventuality and voluntarily offer us passage.

A humble 'request' will be made during wartime which your government will 'readily' accede to, and we shall forever remember your contributions.
Our time to take back what was rightfully ours.

GREATER BENGAL, STARTING FROM CHICKENS NECK.:smitten::smitten::smitten::smitten::smitten::smitten:
Yes, I think something like that will happen or something like that will be attempted by india. In that case you should ponder what might happen to your lap dogs in BD. Of course RSS terrorists will come forward to rescue their lap dogs but so will China to rescue her allies.

@Han Patriot @Chinese Bamboo @Chinese-Dragon @ChineseTiger1986 @beast89

It is time for China to realize that the neutrality is impossible to achieve.

India is siding with Israel, and China chooses to support Palestine. The new bipolar world of the 21th century is coming. India will officially join the Anglo-Zionist camp.

Our time to take back what was rightfully ours.
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GREATER BENGAL, STARTING FROM CHICKENS NECK.:smitten::smitten::smitten::smitten::smitten::smitten:
Seems that my message was well delivered across the border to our eastern friends. Since the day your country was liberated Bangladesh's fate became inextricably linked to that of India's, we will swim or sink together. The sooner you realise this the better, instead of being Chinese lapdogs and cheerleaders.

I see that you are a Sylheti the supposed creme de la creme of Bangladesh. So perhaps you will be the first to understand that the 'Bangals' both Hindu and Mussalman of the North East will always stand as your first obstacle to any devious plans you harbour.

PS: I have a sneaking suspicion that this BIR is a false flagger, i am not entirely sure just a hunch. More i converse with him the clearer it will be.

I have the deepest respects for you Bangladeshis as i have already told numerous times here, not merely because i speak the language and share your culture. You are what Pakistan should have been. The country seems to be in a bit of strife these days, things are ephemeral and we believe in you.
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can some one check it in indian TV
very strange
But Chinese army is already "Home", so no need to move; Indian army please go back, so the war will not start! it is good for both countries and world peace!
Our threats are not fake like our products, take them seriously: China warns India
24, Jul 2017 By @jurnoleast

Adding to its laundry list of threats, China today issued another warning saying that its threats were not fake unlike most of their products and India better take them seriously.


An article in a local newspaper which has been regularly issuing threats was critical at India’s lackadaisical response to China’s warning.

“It seems India doesn’t understand the gravity of the situation. Their army has transgressed and we won’t take it lightly. Our newspapers are ready with more articles and we will be launching them one by one. Ab Dangal Hoga,” wrote Chin Chin Chu, a senior editor at China Daily.

A close door meeting between top Chinese military officials was underway this morning to discuss as to why there no repose even after repeated provocation. Some said that besides the obvious association with everything Chinese being fake,

Given that the Chinese media is at the forefront of the attacks on the Indian army and the call to withdraw troops, India too is contemplating at sending its news reporters to assist the army.

Home Minister Rajnath Singh met prominent faces from the media in the presence of defence experts to chalk out a plan to deal with the Chinese aggression. Sources say that an ‘A-team’ comprising leading prime-time news anchors could just head to the border to assist the army.

“Rajdeep’s boxing skills are well known. Maybe we can have him for hand combats with the enemy. Besides, we have Arnab as back up. Even the Chinese are wary of him. They’d give up their all the land in their possession than risk evoking Arnab’s wrath,” said a defence expert.
I see that you are a Sylheti the supposed creme de la creme of Bangladesh. So perhaps you will be the first to understand that the 'Bangals' both Hindu and Mussalman of the North East will always stand as your first obstacle to any devious plans you harbour.

PS: I have a sneaking suspicion that this BIR is a false flagger, i am not entirely sure just a hunch. More i converse with him the clearer it will be.

I have the deepest respects for you Bangladeshis as i have already told numerous times here, not merely because i speak the language and share your culture. You are what Pakistan should have been. The country seems to be in a bit of strife these days, things are ephemeral and we believe in you.
Definitely a 100% Sylhoti, unlike a dalal ghoti babu join us voluntarily or watch the repetition of 1971 in your cow cola land. Yep, a RAW false flagger, I must confess, you caught me fair and square.
China warns India not to ‘push its luck’ amid border stand-off in Himalayas
Published time: 24 Jul, 2017 09:06 Edited time: 24 Jul, 2017 09:09
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FILE PHOTO: An Indian Army soldier stands in front of a group of People's Liberation Army of China soldiers © Indranil Mukherjee / AFP

China has warned India not to “cling to fantasies” amid a tense border stand-off, which also involves Bhutan, involving disputed territory in the Himalayas. Earlier, China staged live-fire drills in the area while India deployed troops there.
“China’s determination and resolve to safeguard national security and sovereignty is unshakable,”Defense Ministry spokesman Senior Colonel Wu Qian said in a statement on Monday, as cited by AP and local media. His words come ahead of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

“Don’t push your luck and cling to any fantasies,” Wu said.

“The 90-year history of the PLA has proved but one thing: that our military means to secure our country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity has strengthened and our determination has never wavered. It is easier to shake a mountain than to shake the PLA.”


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China and Indian ally Bhutan have been disputing the narrow Doklam plateau at the tri-junction of the three countries’ borders for decades. India says the area is Bhutanese.

Tensions between Beijing and Delhi escalated this June when Chinese teams started building a road on the plateau. Bhutan requested help from India, which sent its troops across the border.

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‘Avoid escalation’: China demands India withdraw troops from disputed Himalayan territory

India also warned China that the road was a “serious security concern” because it would give China access to the Siliguri Corridor, also known as the ‘Chicken’s Neck,’ a narrow stretch of land linking India’s northeastern states to the rest of the country, NDTV reported earlier in July.

Also in July, China staged 11 hours of live-fire drills in Tibet, not far from the disputed territory, Chinese media reported. The exercises involved soldiers armed with rocket launchers, machine guns, and mortars.

In June, to support its claim, China provided historical documents which it says prove the Doklam plateau belongs to Beijing.

“First, in terms of history, Doklam has always been the traditional pasture for border inhabitants living in [China’s] Yadong [county], Xi Zang. China has been exercising jurisdiction over this area,”Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lu Kang said in a statement.

However, those claims are disputed by India, which accuses China of cherry-picking facts to suit its agenda.
Both India and China reportedly bolstered their troops in the area in June, with each side adding about 3,000 soldiers, the Times of India said at that time.

The standoff is the longest between the China and India since 1962, when the two sides fought a brief war over tensions surrounding Tibet and other points along the border in the Sino-Indian War, which China won.
Definitely a 100% Sylhoti, unlike a dalal ghoti babu join us voluntarily or watch the repetition of 1971 in your cow cola land. Yep, a RAW false flagger, I must confess, you caught me fair and square.
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Unfortunately for you, the Bangladeshis i know don't share your views. They consider the fanatics and fundamentalists like you to be the outliers, an impediment towards social harmony and inclusive development. You people have been rejected as outcasts and are being shown the door.

What if i say that i am a Bangal and perhaps a mussalman too would that make you believe what i say. Maybe i should pay you a visit just across the border and 'drill' some sense into you.
Unfortunately for you, the Bangladeshis i know don't share your views. They consider the fanatics and fundamentalists like you to be the outliers, an impediment towards social harmony and inclusive development. You people have been rejected as outcasts and are being shown the door.
What if i say that i am a Bangal and perhaps a mussalman too would that make you believe what i say. Maybe i should pay you a visit just across the border and 'drill' some sense into you.
Welcome anytime, just pole vault like your cattle's. Fundamentalists, do you know the meaning of this term? Are you really a practicing Muslim or an atheist/secularist ?
indian muslims.jpg

Sikkim standoff: Why China is challenging India now
Not only is India militarily not in a position to challenge China now, the direction the BJP is taking the country undermines India’s capabilities as a power and leaves it in no position to deter China’s aggression for years to come.
OPINION Updated: Jul 20, 2017 18:51 IST

Withdrawal of Indian troops from Doklam is a precondition for dialogue. Chinese experts are not mincing words. Victor Gao, a former diplomat and once an interpreter for Deng Xiaoping, has said that any other country in China’s situation of seeing foreign (Indian) soldiers on its territory would send troops to drive them out. He says the longer India keeps troops in Doklam the more likely a military confrontation is.

The reaction in Indian media to the standoff with China is markedly different from what tensions with Pakistan usually provoke. Television channels are not dishing out angry hashtags about Beijing as they usually do about Islamabad’s misdemeanours. The Indian establishment clearly wants to avoid a confrontation. In Delhi’s muted reaction and Beijing’s belligerence there is perhaps a tacit acknowledgment in both capitals that the reason China is being aggressive is because India now is the weakest it has been for years.

China wants to symbolically establish dominance in Asia and it has chosen a moment when the contours of India’s path to decline are fairly well-established, three years into Modi’s rule. This is the lesson that Delhi should take away from this standoff, that not only is India militarily not in a position to challenge China now (short of a nuclear exchange), the direction that the BJP is taking the country undermines India’s capabilities as a power and leaves it in no position to resist China’s belligerence in the years to come. This is the time to starkly assess India’s situation, let go of the positive spin the BJP government puts out, and see India how its adversaries would.

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This may be a counter intuitive argument to make because India certainly has some impressive attributes: a large youthful population, a formidable military machine with nuclear weapons, a sizeable middle class and elite to keep foreign companies interested for years and, like any happening power, it hosts several business and think-tank conferences. China is evidently not daunted by this because some indicators of India’s power make for grim reading.

India’s vulnerabilities are manifest in four areas. The first is in the economy, where India has recently seen a series of self-inflicted wounds. India has had a weak investment climate for years owing to regulatory bottlenecks and because its banks are saddled with bad loans. Demonetisation was needlessly introduced in an already difficult situation and it brought cities to a standstill for weeks on end and compounded an agrarian distress by simply short-circuiting billions of transactions in rural India and disrupting supply chains. Growth slowed to 6.1% in the last quarter, one economist believes it may have permanently damaged the country’s informal sector. After demonetisation came changed rules for cattle slaughter which essentially constitute a form of trade war against Muslim entrepreneurs, Dalits and the meat export industry at large. The subsequent introduction of GST has bred widespread confusion; one businessman simply warns that “small traders will die”.

Alongside the effects of recent decision-making India has a jobs crisis, an education crisis and a skills crisis. PM Modi promised 100 million manufacturing jobs by 2022; around 135,000 materialised in eight sectors in 2015--far shorter of the 12 million that reportedly enter the workforce each year. The government has simply abandoned the goal of training 500 million Indians as part of its Skill India plans. The education sector looks almost irredeemable. A committee appointed by the ministry of human resource development has conceded that “large segments of the education sector…face a serious crisis of credibility in terms of the quality of education which they provide, as well as the worth of the degrees which they confer on students.” There are simply too many bad teachers in government schools, many of whom get their jobs through patronage or corruption. Students are not failed in schools and colleges for political reasons--since parents would be angry if governments provided their children bad education to begin with and then failed them. India thus has millions of youth with college degrees often lacking foundational skills let alone employable ones.

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If challenges in the economy, education and skills weren’t enough there is now an active attack on India’s social cohesion, the one thing that held the country together despite all its problems. BJP rule has seen a spike in hate speech directed at Muslims that has led to their targeting and lynching. The Indian Muslim is being constantly represented as a hate figure with a view to snap the possibility of an associational life between Hindus and Muslims. All this corrodes social life and undermines economic productivity - a divided and fear-ridden country is hardly in a position to pool its energies and talents to tackle present and future challenges.

Several other fissures have come to the surface since 2014. In addition to intensifying Hindu-Muslim strife, there is the North-South divide which we are increasingly seeing because of the NDA’s attempts to impose the Hindi language. There is continuing conflict in Kashmir and great restiveness among different social groups elsewhere: Patels and Dalits in Gujarat, Rajputs in Rajasthan, and farmers in various states, including Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu.

Not only is society beyond polarised by identity politics, the Modi government is also instinctively anti-intellectual and waging a war against knowledge, particularly targeting the liberal arts and social sciences. There is not a single variety of independent intellectual endeavour that is potentially not under threat in India now either by regulation, censorship or physical intimidation - be it a play, film, comedy sketches, documentaries, political discussions in universities or academic publications.

This is a disturbing trend with real implications because the Modi government is letting its antipathy toward liberal intellectuals undermine the transmission of social science knowledge in India - which is indispensable for a society to understand itself and the world. The problem here is two-fold. Progressive intellectuals dominate the social science scene in India, perhaps not in number but in the standing they have in their disciplines. On the contrary, there is no credible right-wing intellectual ecosystem in India--in that one can scarcely find historians or sociologists sympathetic to the BJP who are capable of being published by university presses, the gold standard of academic publishing. Rather than treat progressive intellectuals as a national resource, the BJP government is hell bent on marginalising them, thereby threatening to snuff out forms of knowledge that have developed with some difficulty over the decades. If India is struggling with its quality of education to begin with, it makes little sense to undercut whatever little intellectual capital it has. The Modi government may well note that in the US a few years ago around 58-66 percent of social science professors identified themselves as liberals, only 5-8 percent as conservative. Liberal intellectuals are often critical of America and yet its governments do not interfere in academic life as universities advance knowledge and ultimately America’s cultural power.

The real source of India’s weakness at the moment is that the Modi government is concentrating its energies on achieving political and ideological dominance, rather than addressing the country’s glaring deficits. Politics of polarisation has taken precedence over governmental efforts to facilitate cooperation among citizens that can yield productive outcomes. All regimes in big powers aim to increase power, but they strive for excellence as well (in the hope of compensating for weaknesses). In India we are, for most part, seeing the former without much evidence of support for the latter. The Chinese Communist Party is, on the contrary, unflinching about exercising political control but is pushing the country towards new frontiers. It wants to introduce 100,000 industrial robots every year and plans on having 150 robots in operation for every 10,000 employees by 2020. It is making major investments in artificial intelligence; this year an international conference of AI researchers in the US had to be rescheduled because Chinese delegates could not attend as it clashed with the Chinese New Year. China takes social science seriously too and is making strenuous efforts to get Western academics to teach and undertake research projects in China, through initiatives such as the Thousand Talent and Thousand Foreign Experts programmes.

India, by contrast, is grappling with basic issues of social order, the rule of law - and constrictions on the life of the mind. The military standoff with China is an important opportunity to take a hard look at its own realities and see how they stack up against the priorities of other countries. If the Modi government does not change course now, the gap between India and China will increase in the future and give Beijing more reason to continue bullying India.

(Views expressed are personal. The writer tweets as @SushilAaron)

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