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India's front-line soldiers will soon be equipped with 72400 SIG716-G2 rifles


Sep 20, 2014
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After a long, long while, the Indian jawan on the line of control knows that modern, high-quality rifles are on the way. The defence minister, Ms Nirmala Sitharaman, has just cleared the purchase of 72,400 rifles for the Indian army, initially for soldiers in difficult conditions, fighting infiltrating terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir.

These are the SIG716-G2 rifles from Sig Sauer and delivery is likely within a year. There can be delays: the contract mentions delivery within a designated period. These will use 7.62 mm ammunition and they may be more effective than the indigenous INSAS rifles that use 5.56 mm ammunition.

The deal was initially for rifles, carbines and light machine-guns, but so far, the rifles have been cleared and the carbines are likely to be okayed very soon. The LMG deal is likely to take more time as rebidding has happened. And buying rifles are not going to hurt the exchequer very much — Rs 700 crore or less is all that it is likely to cost.

Once the carbines also come, the humble jawan, the man right on the front, will have the best possible weapons. Currently, he is having to use the INSAS rifle, good but underpowered slightly and also, the AK-47, still very effective. The SIG716-G2 will be a new generation rifle, lighter and more accurate.
Seems like the bad-guys have new toys. But let's see if they can actually help them.
At my art school in a drawing class, one of struggling students found teacher had such a good drawing pencil as whatever he was willing, pencil was drawing with perfection. He borrowed the pencil from the teacher and went back to his chair to do his drawing assignment, only to find out that "the great pencil" wasn't working in his untrained hands. Then the struggling student thought, there was something special in teacher's chair instead.. and we all had a great laugh.

This art story has some relevance with India's procurement of arms.
The new guns will be used purely for defensive purposes so Pakistanis need not worry. We call them the peaceful guns.
The new guns will be used purely for defensive purposes so Pakistanis need not worry. We call them the peaceful guns.
Same is the case with Nasr tactical Nuclear dipped Missiles. :D
send some bat's and so called non state actors need target practice. and yes we are the biggest sponsor of terrorism.... terrorism in the heart of so called non state actors when they are terrified to be killed... :lol::lol::lol:
The real target practice are the heads of indian soldiers
our BAT teams bring home heads of your veggie indian soldiers to play football with :lol::lol::lol:

aukaat dheek apni :lol::lol::lol:
'Give me back my husband's head': Widow of Indian soldier killed in Kashmir border clash in plea to Pakistani forces who decapitated him - The guardian UK

The new guns will be used purely for defensive purposes so Pakistanis need not worry. We call them the peaceful guns.
Looooool .... we dont care because we hit back. Its not the Kashmiris throwing stones its Pakistan.
These rifles failed Pakistan Army trials.

If those trials were anything like the Indian Army trials, then no rifle on the planet can pass them. When that is the case, it's usually a fault in the way the standards are being set in the GSQR, not a fault of the rifle. That, or someone in a position of power thinks their pocket didn't get heavy enough.

Which gun passed PA trials anyway? I don't think you selected any gun?

The US Army makes do with a direct gas impingement AR-15 (M4A1) in all corners of the world and it works fine. And a couple of third world armies can't be satisfied with a gas piston AR-15/10, which is inherently far more reliable? Yeah I call BS on that.

Besides I've seen SSG(N) personnel with SIG516 PDWs, and Turkish SOFs with full length 516s, which is basically the same gun as 716 (albeit older generation, G1 compared to the G2 we're buying) but in 5.56. Since when did regular infantry started having higher standards for their service rifles than Special forces?

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