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India's disappointing government


Apr 8, 2007
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Much less than promised

The economy is powering on, but the Congress-led coalition is squandering an opportunity to improve India

Sep 2nd 2010 | delhi

THE weightlifting auditorium has a leaky roof. The athletes’ village has no kitchen. Stagnant monsoon water, abuzz with dengue-carrying mosquitoes, collects at most of the stadiums being hurriedly built for the Delhi Commonwealth games, which are due to begin on October 3rd. The security arrangements, in terrorism-stricken India, are shot to pieces because of 24-hour processions of workmen at most venues. Manmohan Singh, the prime minister, reiterates the official line that these will be the “best games ever”. That may depend on how you define “best”.

This shambles, for which corruption, feuding ministries, sapping bureaucracy and shoddy workmanship are all to blame, does not matter to many Indians. Athletics is not cricket. And few know much about their country’s image abroad. Yet it is depressing, not least because it mirrors how large parts of India are run.

When Mr Singh’s government, a coalition dominated by the Congress party, came to power in May last year it was considered to be in a strong position to improve matters. Congress had won a general election convincingly, letting it shake off a few of the troublesome partners, including Communist parties, who dogged its outgoing coalition administration. Its main opposition, the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, was deflated by electoral defeat. And Congress’s leaders, Mr Singh and Sonia Gandhi, the party chief, are highly regarded.

The government has at least managed the economy steadily. On August 31st it said that output had grown by 8.8% in the second quarter compared with the same quarter last year. This figure was made especially rosy by the relative gloom of a year earlier. Yet it puts India back in its wished-for realm of 9% growth, and it is based on strong growth in job-creating manufacturing, which increased by 12.4%.

But almost everywhere else the results are disappointing. The government has brought almost none of the economic reform India needs. And it has done no more in other pressing areas, like infrastructure and health care, than its predecessor. It may even have jeopardised one of that government’s biggest achievements, a civil nuclear co-operation deal with America that was expected to lead to big investments in nuclear energy. On August 30th India’s upper house passed a nuclear-liability law that will make suppliers of nuclear fuels and related gear liable for 80 years in the event of any malfunction. That may well deter them.

Worse, the government’s poor management of several crises makes it seem incompetent. These include violent separatist protests in Kashmir, where an 11-year-old boy was killed by police on August 30th, becoming the 65th victim of the year, and a worsening Maoist insurgency in east India, which has cost almost 900 lives this year.

The easy response to this disappointment is to blame unrealistic expectations. Despite hopes bandied about by businessmen, there never was much prospect of this leftist government bringing economic reform to India’s statist financial sector or protected retail industry.

But even when the government has tried bits of reform it has often got stuck. The biggest, an effort to prune the country’s dreadful thicket of indirect taxes into a tidier form, an all-India Goods and Services Tax, has been pushed back by a year, to April 2012. Another, to scrap a petrol subsidy, announced in June to many loud public protests, has been followed by only one rise in petrol prices, which suggests they are not yet free.

The government’s inability to make itself work better is a more basic failing—richly evident in the games’ foul-up—for which Congress, in charge of the Delhi state government, is especially guilty. To address a big weakness of the previous government, road-building, an able minister, Kamal Nath, was appointed. He promised to build an average of 20km a day, but this looks unlikely.

In education, another priority, early progress has slowed. The education minister, Kapil Sibal, has promised an array of improvements, including universal primary education, partly provided for through private schooling. This has been enshrined in law, yet its implementation is bogged down. State governments are against any change that the centre will not fund; and its negotiating skills are poor.

The man at the wheel

A lack of strong leadership underlies that. Mr Singh’s power is limited. From her central Delhi bungalow, at 10 Janpath, Mrs Gandhi controls the government. Ministers also pay more heed to the man expected to be the next prime minister, her 40-year-old son Rahul, than to the current one. Yet on the rare occasions when Mr Singh has decided to put his shoulder to the wheel, it has moved. That explains why the America-India nuclear deal was passed by the previous government, despite much hostility to it.

Why Mr Singh, a formidable economist and liberal, has not tried to do more—especially to calm the crises in Kashmir and the east—is baffling. But his reluctance to act more vigorously explains why he is rated less highly at home than abroad. According to Newsweek he is the world leader “other leaders love”. India Today, by contrast, found that 1% of Indians consider him their first choice for prime minister.

Mr Gandhi, a late-developer, meanwhile shows little interest in the tough business of policy. He is devoted to rebuilding Congress, especially in populous north India; forthcoming state elections, in Bihar in October and West Bengal next year, will be important tests of his progress. This ambition also explains Mr Gandhi’s single recent policy statement. After the government forbade a big mining company, Vedanta, to extract bauxite from a mountain in Orissa sacred to local tribes, he rushed to present himself to them, on August 26th, as their “soldier in Delhi”. Indeed they need one. And the tribal vote, about 8% of the total, would certainly be helpful to Congress.

But it would be more useful for India if Mr Gandhi could get a long-stalled land-acquisition bill through parliament. It would redefine the terms under which the government can acquire land for industry, an urgent need, in a poor, crowded country.

India's disappointing government: Much less than promised | The Economist
Dont worry, some indian jugaar will come handy!
There is no denying the fact that the bane of Indian polity has been Coalition Politics. Beginning mid 90's thanks to the turn Narsimha Rao's govt took the nation came to a point when it could accelerate and improve.

Unfortunately we have never had a single party in power ever since. Hence the snakes & ladders that we see. Aus is seeing this phenomenon for the 1st time when independents become King makers.

Thankfully the essentials are in place so .. we'll muddle along and are a lot better than before.
I am curios, how many political parties are there in India? How relevant are the small parties in the coalition government's decision making?
I am curios, how many political parties are there in India? How relevant are the small parties in the coalition government's decision making?

If count in numbers than there are around 0.1 million parties.

But only 20 parties come in New Delhi Parliament and around 600-700 in the state assembly.

And about their coalition - This is worst thing in our politics. They play and we have to pay for that.
I am curios, how many political parties are there in India? How relevant are the small parties in the coalition government's decision making?

almost every state in India has a regional political party based on the linguistic and cultural affiliations of the state. ...the congress and the BJP are the primary national parties only based on their votebank from around 4 to 5 states each mostly in north India....but in current times that is not sufficient to get a simple majority in the parliament ......so they ally themselves with a few regional parties from east or south India to fill up the required numbers....and naturally for their support the allies would have their own demands in a coalition....for instance the last to last election in 2004 gave the Left front with majorities in only 3 states(60 MPs) the power to veto almost any of the governments crucial decisions on economic progress.....quite messy but its the best there is in democracy this size...;)
I am curios, how many political parties are there in India? How relevant are the small parties in the coalition government's decision making?

A political party is like a personal property or a private company. You can have one too, but there are guidelines from Election Commission of India to recognize a party. The most important thing about Party is that they will have a "Election Symbol" allotted to them, which would uniform through out the state (if it is a state level party) or nation for national level party.

So parties with state or national level "Election Symbols" would be about 40-50. There are about 5 National Parties of which only INC and BJP have some semblance of national appeal, the others are CPI, CPI(M), JD(U), which are limited to 2 or 3 states.

The remaining are regional parties most of which are off-shoots of INC or JD fountain. But they generally have caste, region or linguistic overtones. The current coalition is of about 21 parties (or so). But most of the parties hardly have more than 20 MPs, so forming a government is a combination of pre-election alliances followed by post-election horse-trading. With usually INC or BJP as the core-party. India continues to be a INC dominated, INC won about 210 of 542 seats, but still gives berth to coalition partners in the cabinet, so that government is stable. But it is very likely this government will run for 5 years because INC is personal property of Nehru-Gandhi family who rule it "under their thumb" and that party is filled with "boot-lickers" who would brown-nose the Gandhis with or without reason and if you fall of the line you are out of the party. The remaining partners want to stay in power at any cost given a weak BJP there is no alternative way of forming government.

The opposition is BJP, CPI(M)/LeftFront and bunch of remaining parties form the opposition.

Here is a useful link:

Indian general election, 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Much less than promised

The economy is powering on, but the Congress-led coalition is squandering an opportunity to improve India

Whats a point to make this thread

Where Indian Government disappoint you

I think Munshi uncle not able to find any thing batter that was Anti-Indian so post this non sense

Buddy we are fighting with pureness and hunger . Dnt wary our speed is very high and may be at the end of this decade lets hope for the best
Its like making LeJ chief as head of Pakistan.

How it will be a nightmare for China ? I think any irrational emotional step by him will be a nightmare for India

We have valid reason to make Narendra Modi PM

Gujrat is most developed state in India just because of Modi

So i love to see him PM can your LeJ chief do that ???? :rofl::rofl:
BTW Gujarat is not the most developed state. It ranks 6th.

India wants Narendra Modi at the Centre. It would be the Death of Janas Dear Lej Chief:D :D

No ******* way no narendra modi He is too right wing to be the P.M of India.
Narendra Modi may have done wonders for Gujarat...but his secular credentials have taken an irrevocable hit in the wake of Godhra .....electing him as PM would be a foreign relations disaster( eg U.S denying him a visa) but it is the truth that he would probably show more spine than our current administration.....
Narendra Modi may have done wonders for Gujarat...but his secular credentials have taken an irrevocable hit in the wake of Godhra .....electing him as PM would be a foreign relations disaster( eg U.S denying him a visa) but it is the truth that he would probably show more spine than our current administration.....

It doesn't matter what foreigners think about him. If the people of this country vote for him as their PM then the Americans and company have no option but to deal with him.

The thing in bold above is one reason why I really want him to be the next PM.
It doesn't matter what foreigners think about him. If the people of this country vote for him as their PM then the Americans and company have no option but to deal with him.

The thing in bold above is one reason why I really want him to be the next PM.

Aah ... the good old days...you made me quite nostalgic thinking about Vajpayee and Advani.....iron men of India ..how they presented a blunt face to the entire world during our Pokhran tests in 98......:victory:
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