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India’s “Dams Fever” - A potent threat to regional peace


About Pakistan's concerns on our dams.
Bhartis do give a damn, after all there is a reason you are here. And keep building dams, only few can be built anyway. And these few are run of river dams. Unfortunatly for hindu banias in lungis, you guys will never have red button to stop water.

Anyway plan to divert water will be long term and will mean war. I doubt South Indians want to see their cities turned in to dust just because some Northi stinky bhaiya though messing with Pak water is right thing. You guys don't depend on Indus because its not your river, but we do.

We are all Indian North South East or West....Nobody is messing with your water....Be happy that we are letting you use our water 2nd hand(Hand me down's) at least.
Water conflict with Nepal? That's something new.
And water conflict with Bangladesh? That's new too! Because it ain't a conflict but just the question of the quantity of Teesta river water to be shared between India and Bangladesh which will be sorted out soon.

We are all Indian North South East or West....Nobody is messing with your water....Be happy that we are letting you use our water 2nd hand(Hand me down's) at least.

Thats all sound well and dandy but i am pretty sure no South Indian is ready for nuclear cloud because Northy bhaiyas lungi got twisted and decided to take our water. So be happy with 20% of share which is to much anyway.
I wish pak posters & authors would stop suffixing their posts / claims with ' Nuclear power'.

How has Pak being nuclear saved Pakistan ? The nation has transitioned form one ' enemy' to another. Unfortunately, Pakistan's Nukes are of no use against it ever present & growing enemy who is playing hell into the nation.
They're always clutching at their nuclear straws with which they think they can blackmail India!

Pakistan's nukes are nothing but a drain on the economy and a white elephant which will never ever be used. At best it's a deterrent of sorts. Nothing much to write home about, really.

How can dams & development endanger peace ?
If we ever think of stopping water flowing into Pakistan (Which we have never done even during the 1965 and '70 wars), then all Pakistan can do is approach the international court of arbitration. Not start a conventional war with India or an all out nuclear war!!

So our Pakistani friends must stop this nuclear blackmail. It's started to get amusing!
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Thats all sound well and dandy but i am pretty sure no South Indian is ready for nuclear cloud because Northy bhaiyas lungi got twisted and decided to take our water. So be happy with 20% of share which is to much anyway.
No ones taking your water!...In fact we are letting you have your fair share..learn to preserve it...and also No one in this world wants a Nuclear cloud....that includes you as well.
No ones taking your water!...In fact we are letting you have your fair share..learn to preserve it...and also No one in this world wants a Nuclear cloud....that includes you as well.

But messing with our water mean all out war because we depend on our rivers. You South Indians need to have your own country other whise lungis twisted Bhaiya will one day make sure even peacefull South Indians are turned in to dust.

Pakistan's nukes are nothing but a drain on the economy and a white elephant which will never ever be used. At best it's a deterrent of sorts. Nothing much to write home about, really.

Thats what it is, detterent so North Bhaiyas don't mess with our water.
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The dams fever of Indian regime has gripped the region with suspicions, trust deficit and hostility as India has a history of water conflicts with Bangladesh and Nepal. Now the construction of controversial dams on rivers flowing into Pakistan has endangered the regional peace as Pakistan is an important regional player and any misunderstanding between the two nuclear capable neighbours can jeopardise the peace and development of the entire region.
first what your point ?
2. water confilcts and drought in india .. any relation ?
3. Regional peace .. that too from pak...allah mailk ...
4. when we had conflic with nepal ?

India resorted to using water as a weapon of war against Pakistan in the very first few months after our independence. Choking Pakistani water was one of the first weapons used by India against a weak, newly-born Pakistani state. It is part of a long list of 'firsts' that India introduced into its relationship with Pakistan. Some of these 'firsts' include the use of non-state actors [started in 1950 by India through lawless Afghan regions to stoke separatism in western Pakistani provinces] and nuclear weapons [1974 nuclear detonations]. In another first, India launched an unprovoked invasion across international borders in 1965 & 71 to seize territory. It was later followed by the occupation of Siachen during 1984. These days, India is busy introducing nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers in Pakistani seas.

In short India has left no stone unturned to transform a simple international dispute with a neighbour over Kashmir into a multifaceted conflict and a running blood feud.

But far from a policy of fair use, India is dotting the Kashmiri landscape with large and small dams that exceed its need and requirement. This massive dam buildup ignores the fact that it is happening on a disputed territory that remains on the UN Security Council agenda awaiting resolution. The Indian dam buildup is like creating a large valve that can be turned off any time to punish Pakistan, or to thirst it to death or surrender.
just one question..
you ever know indus water treaty ? and updated judgements from intrnational court..?
give me link when india used war as weapon in any of war?
alla hall gullah of pak for not kashmiris but for water in kashmir
Thats all sound well and dandy but i am pretty sure no South Indian is ready for nuclear cloud because Northy bhaiyas lungi got twisted and decided to take our water. So be happy with 20% of share which is to much anyway.
I am south Indian, i am ready for your threats of Nuke war, bring it on.If not don't talk BS.Your Nukes dont scare us, we got them too.that over 500+ one simultaneous launch all of them, think what happens to Pakistan? :D

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