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India’s “Dams Fever” - A potent threat to regional peace

India's programme to build dams on the Jhelum, Chenab and Sindh rivers is a clear violation of the Indus Water Treaty (IWT). About 92 percent of Pakistan is dependent on the Indus River system, and more than half the population is employed in agriculture. Pakistan has absolute rights on these rivers, as their flow is towards Pakistan and the IWT permits the country's authority over them. On the other hand, India has created controversies with Nepal on the water treaties of Kosi, Gandak and Mahakali. International law has proved inadequate in defending the equal use of water supplies between these countries.

Hey , actually we are building those dams for Kashmires, don't you want to see them being supplied 24*7 power.

Are you guys going over 20% limit? Source for your claim?

My friend worked there as operation engineer.
Making a mountain out of a molehill.. thats' what this thread is all about... Pakistanis have been crying because they themselves have not been able to do anything worthwhile on the rivers...they even went to international court,,,and lost..and their Government uses this propaganda to channelize support against India.

Instead of asking their leaders "why have you not built any good dams? and why is Pakistan wasting 80% of its water flowing Indus river? "..... Pakistanis rant allover the internet about India making Dams....
The most important factor in water scarcity is suppression by an upstream nation to limit the access of water to a downstream nation; for example water-stressed Pakistan presently claims that India is illegally diverting river water to itself, via an upstream dam. On the other hand, India has planned for a diversion of the Ganges. Bangladesh warns that any such feat will undermine the livelihoods of millions of vulnerable farmers. South Asia is likely to be the most affected region in the future by the scarcity of water. In 2009, the International Water Management Institute called for a blue revolution as the only way to move forward. Any major upstream alteration to a river system, or increase in use of shared groundwater, should be negotiated and not imposed.
You mean now India is going to steal wind and Sun light from Pakistan too

great, we need to draft policy to counter pakistan in courts if we steal wind and sun from them :P
Thanks to lungi lobby Kalabagh dam is still in lungi mode. But Neelam dam 969mw will be completed by 2016. Dasu dam 4360mw work already started and loan approved by WB.

Plus other medium sizes dams underconstrution.

Bhasha 4500mw is also on track along with Bunji 7100mw. But these will be completed by 2025.
I would have appreciated if you had given mentioned these in which stages these project are percentage wise.
Making a mountain out of a molehill.. thats' what this thread is all about... Pakistanis have been crying because they themselves have not been able to do anything worthwhile on the rivers...they even went to international court,,,and lost..and their Government uses this propaganda to channelize support against India.

Instead of asking their leaders "why have you not built any good dams? and why is Pakistan wasting 80% of its water flowing Indus river? "..... Pakistanis rant allover the internet about India making Dams....

It does not matter what we do with our water, even if 80% is wasted in Pakistani ocean.
It does not matter what we do with our water, even if 80% is wasted in Pakistani ocean.
Why crib then ? You also surely can make a dam, your politicians choose not to
Indian Farmers are committing suicide, we need water
Pakistan water reservoirs are replenished in its own territory by some of the biggest glaciers outside arctic(GB,Pak) and monsoon season in North Pak(much of it get wasted in sea because of poor management) thats why I think water issue is sometimes blown out of proportion by right wing. Secondly as shahbaz sharif implied all location in Indian Kashmir are run of the river dam moreover changing direction of such natural resources is considered crime against humanity and human civilization whether it effect Pak or not.

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