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India’s covert nuke plant to ‘assert regional leadership’


Jan 10, 2011
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AMBITIOUS PLAN: A satellite image shows the Indian Rare Metals Plant (IRMP) near Mysore in the southern Indian state of Karnataka in this handout provided by IHS. (Reuters)

NEW DELHI: India is expanding a covert uranium enrichment plant that could potentially support the development of thermonuclear weapons, a defense research group said on Friday, raising the stakes in an arms race with China and Pakistan.
The revelation highlights a lack of nuclear safeguards on India under new Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while sanctions-bound Iran faces minute scrutiny in talks with world powers over its own nuclear program.
New units at the Indian Rare Metals Plant would boost India’s ability to produce weapons-grade uranium to twice the amount needed for its planned nuclear-powered submarine fleet, IHS Jane’s said.
The facility, located near Mysore in southern India, could be operational by mid-2015, the research group said, basing its findings on analysis of satellite imagery and public statements by Indian officials.
“Taking into account all the enriched uranium likely to be needed by the Indian nuclear submarine fleet, there is likely to be a significant excess,” Matthew Clements, editor of IHS Jane’s Intelligence Review, told Reuters.
“One potential use of this would be for the development of thermonuclear weapons.”
No comment was available from the Indian government press office or the foreign ministry. Pakistan reacted with consternation, with a senior aide to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif saying the news underscored India’s “established hegemony.”
“This is something that India has been trying to develop for a long time,” said Tariq Azeem. “We don’t want any nuclear race. That doesn’t bode well for either country.”
Unlike Iran, India is not a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. New Delhi tested its first nuclear weapon in 1974, provoking international sanctions that barred it from importing nuclear technology and materials.
It conducted tests again in 1998 that drew a quick response from Pakistan, triggering an arms race between the neighbors, who have fought three wars since independence in 1947.
A civil nuclear cooperation deal with the United States, sealed in 2008, gave India access to know-how and fuel in return for a pledge — so far unfulfilled — to bring in US firms to expand India’s nuclear power generation capacity.
The pact exempts military facilities and stockpiles of nuclear fuel from scrutiny by the International Atomic Energy Agency, a United Nations watchdog. The Mysore plant is not subject to IAEA safeguards. The IAEA declined to comment.
The exemption, granted by the administration of President George W. Bush, faced opposition from China and Pakistan, India’s regional rivals, and European nations who said it would undermine efforts to control the spread of nuclear weapons.
Based on its analysis of commercial satellite images, IHS Jane’s has identified what appears to be a new uranium hexafluoride plant that would increase the uranium enrichment capacity of the Mysore facility.
The plant would be able to produce a surplus of around 160 kilos a year of uranium enriched to 90 percent purity, IHS Jane’s reckons. That is roughly double the needs of the nuclear submarine fleet that India is developing to supplement its land-based missile arsenal, and enough to make five atomic bombs.
By blending the uranium with its existing stock of plutonium, India could develop thermonuclear weapons that have a more complex detonation process and greater force than simpler weapons.
“Whether or not India uses the plant mainly for fuel for reactors and naval vessels as is sometimes surmised, it adds to India’s already far greater advantage over Pakistan in terms of nuclear weapons production potential,” said Mark Fitzpatrick, director of the non-proliferation program at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS).
“It also brings India closer to matching China, which is how most Indians would probably see it.”
The IHS findings have been corroborated by other analysts, with the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) writing this week that the Mysore facility could signify India’s intent to move towards thermonuclear weapons.
India is estimated by SIPRI to hold 90 to 110 nuclear weapons in its arsenal.
The IHS assessment revealed incremental progress at Mysore since the Washington-based Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS), in a report last December, identified the construction of a new gas centrifuge plant.
India’s new Arihant class of submarine is assessed to have an 80-megawatt onboard reactor that contains around 65 kg of uranium. One submarine is operational, a second is being built and a third is planned, according to ISIS.
Modi, leader of the nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, has sought to assert New Delhi’s regional leadership in his first weeks in office while seeking to engage with major powers such as the United States and China.
But, although he invited Pakistan’s Sharif to his inauguration, Modi has made clear that any rapprochement would require a halt to occasional military clashes on the de facto frontier of the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir.
Before Modi’s landslide general election victory last month, sources close to his party had suggested India might abandon its ‘no first use’ nuclear doctrine, which committed it to refrain from any pre-emptive strike.
Modi later denied any planned shift and vowed to uphold ‘no first use’, a signature policy of India’s last BJP Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who ordered the 1998 nuclear tests.

India’s covert nuke plant to ‘assert regional leadership’ | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.
Yet, Jane's wont report that India is peaceful and wont pose a threat like Iran. Also, Jane's fails to mention that China has been aiding Pakistan and NK with Nuke Tech. Double standards.....right?
India cannot have regional 'hegemony' since its encircled by two nuclear armed enemies which are allied to each other.

India can build as many nukes as it wants, it no longer makes a difference. If they piss us off a bit too much, we'll arm Bangladesh with nukes.

Any further attempts to proliferate nuclear technology by Pakistan will be seen poorly by the international community.
India cannot have regional 'hegemony' since its encircled by two nuclear armed enemies which are allied to each other.

India can build as many nukes as it wants, it no longer makes a difference. If they piss us off a bit too much, we'll arm Bangladesh with nukes.

Arming BD with nukes??.That was funny.
That was too easy when you type that in keyboard.But we know how to handle even BD leadership will reject if
someone offered them nukes.
India not increases their nukes but we develop more advanced tech like it for
Thermonukes and we also increases its precision for missiles.
India cannot have regional 'hegemony' since its encircled by two nuclear armed enemies which are allied to each other.

India can build as many nukes as it wants, it no longer makes a difference. If they piss us off a bit too much, we'll arm Bangladesh with nukes.

I wish you have that much of guts after facing international humiliation in AQ khan case.
India cannot have regional 'hegemony' since its encircled by two nuclear armed enemies which are allied to each other.

India can build as many nukes as it wants, it no longer makes a difference. If they piss us off a bit too much, we'll arm Bangladesh with nukes.

Even afghanistan and vietnam wont mind nukes as well.

And good for bangladesh, they might succeed in getting the formal apologies for all inhumane atrocities commited to them by west pakistan.
India cannot have regional 'hegemony' since its encircled by two nuclear armed enemies which are allied to each other.

India can build as many nukes as it wants, it no longer makes a difference. If they piss us off a bit too much, we'll arm Bangladesh with nukes.
Thats funny, regardless of your "allies", the fact remains that within South Asia, India has most of the control. Be it on Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh.
Also, the enmity with China is exaggerated, China has billions of investment in India and much more on the way, almost impossible that they would risk losing that.
And arming a country that is encircled by us is very unrealistic.
Arming BD with nukes??.That was funny.
That was too easy when you type that in keyboard.But we know how to handle even BD leadership will reject if
someone offered them nukes.
India not increases their nukes but we develop more advanced tech like it for
Thermonukes and we also increases its precision for missiles.
There is no way Pakistan can arm Bangladesh, we almost completely encircle them. They have a minor border with Myanmar but a few weeks ago they were on the brink of war.
Indian officials have trashed the report published by a military intelligence think tank based in the United States, which, citing satellite imagery alleged that New Delhi was covertly expanding its nuclear weapons programme.

The report is “mischievously timed,” ahead of a meeting on Monday of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) in Buenos Aires, and is intended to divert focus from the real culprits of proliferation, said an official source, who did not wish to be named. “It is interesting that such reports questioning India’s nuclear credentials are planted at regular intervals,” he observed.

The Hinducarried a news report based on the findings published by the IHS Jane’s group that satellite imagery had revealed extension of the Mysore nuclear centrifuge plant, which could “substantially” expand India’s nuclear submarine fleet and support development of thermonuclear weapons.

“We take strong objections to references that the Indian nuclear weapons programme has a covert dimension,” the source said. “India is a declared nuclear weapon state and is not subject to any legal and political obligations to restrict production.”

The official rejected the perceived references in the report that India was pursuing “runaway” expansion of its atomic arsenal. He cited New Delhi’s willingness to negotiate the Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT), intended to impose a worldwide ban on nuclear material for atomic weapons, as an expression of India’s nuclear restraint.

However, the source clarified that New Delhi “would not accept a ban on the production of enriched uranium that is used for the propulsion of nuclear submarines”.

Defence officials toldThe Hindu, on conditions of anonymity, that India’s indigenously designed nuclear submarine Arihant has concluded “harbour trials” and final preparations are underway for an imminent commencement of “sea trials,” ahead of formal induction of the platform into the naval fleet. The nuclear submarine - which has a long undersea endurance - is central to India’s “second strike” capability, and its induction in the navy’s stables would complete the triad of nuclear delivery systems.

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), that steers India’s weapons development programme is developing a string of submarine launched ballistic missiles including the K-4 which has a 2,000 kilometer range

Indian officials trash U.S. think-tank report - The Hindu
Even afghanistan and vietnam wont mind nukes as well.

And good for bangladesh, they might succeed in getting the formal apologies for all inhumane atrocities commited to them by west pakistan.

Great, More Muslim nuclear powers - Do nuclearize your former Muslim masters ;)

@VCheng l Having Bangladesh host nukes along the same lines the NATO does would encircle India in a radioactive cage. We should also have a contingency to have similar agreements with other Muslim states like Maldives which are in a close proximity to India.

That is if India doesn't quit its little hegemon aspirations. We will not allow India especially the one ruled by fanatic hindutvas to project power at wil. Diversifying the nuclear axis will fix their delusions, just like what US did through E.European countries.
Great, More Muslim nuclear powers - Do nuclearize your former Muslim masters ;)

@VCheng l Having Bangladesh host nukes along the same lines the NATO does would encircle India in a radioactive cage. We should also have a contingency to have similar agreements with other Muslim states like Maldives which are in a close proximity to India.

That is if India doesn't quit its little hegemon aspirations. We will not allow India especially the one ruled by fanatic hindutvas to project power at wil. Diversifying the nuclear axis will fix their delusions, just like what US did through E.European countries.

I am pretty sure Pakistan alone covers much of India by its nuclear deterrence already (as does China). Diversification is good, but in this case, probably not needed because of the potential for other complications.
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