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india's climb up the Value Chain

We dont import from India.. Thats a no no even it is a Japanese brand.

The deficit will even grow further as out export grows.. we need cheap source of raw materials which Indian cheap agri labor produces. :)
FYI, probably BD is the only country in Asia whose export grew 10% this year..

85 % total export of bangladesh is none other than textiles and cotton is the back bone of textile industry in which 49% cotton imported from india.Thanks to India

More than half of Indian manufactured products in the industrial sector sucks big time and they are only able to sell by having a cheaper price and massive kick backs...indian motors..suck..indian steel..sucks..indian made compressor..sucks..indian engines..suck..indian vehicles..suck..indian trucks..suck!

So you have used all of his.
Thanks for buying indian products.
85 % total export of bangladesh is none other than textiles and cotton is the back bone of textile industry in which 49% cotton imported from india.Thanks to India


30 - 40% of total Bangladesh imports by value are Indian finished goods. That means the small margins they make from RMG exports are used almost entirely in supporting Indian labour and expertise for manufactured goods.

It is a basic result from the disparity in skill provision of the two labour forces:


You must also know the person you are talking to is envious of Indian FDI, thinks FDI is more of a curse than benefit (to excuse and even positively explain B'desh terrible performance in this regard) and thinks Thailand and Vietnam economies are failures because of their FDI-driven models.

Basically a person that is obviously frustrated at Bangladesh economy and thus has to live in denial.
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