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India's caste system goes back 2,000 years, genetic study finds

Sattva guna is superior to the Rajas guna which in turn is superior to the tamas guna.

The lawyer makes more money than the policeman who in turn makes more money than the bum on the street.

A brahmin is supposed to be sattva guna , the sudhra tamas guna according to own admission a brahmin is superior to a sudhra
A brahmin is supposed to be sattva guna , the sudhra tamas guna according to own admission a brahmin is superior to a sudhra

Brahmins were decided by their knowledge, not by birth until rigid caste system came.
Another thing for yourself to correct, no punjabi of kashmiri ancestary presents himself as a "kashmiri" living in punjab, no it is not the case. We are punjabis whose caste happens to be kashmiri, we are punjabis because we speak punjabi, we live punjabi and we die punjabi. That is also what i found from your previous posts when I was not the member, I think your are quite young and also have a rather posh family background so you lack the true mentality of punjabis of kashmiri caste. Do you think nawaz sharif is the leader of punjab without any reason, no it is not the case it is because he is punjabi for all other punjabis. Imran khan will always be a failure in punjab because he does not identify with the soil of punjab and hence punjabis will never ever bring him to power in punjab. I know this reality because I am one of those punjabi joes who know everything about our mentality and culture.

One thing, Sharif are not ethnically Kashmiris. They moved to Kashmir from Punjab. And even though Imran Khan is Punjabi-Pathan of mianwali with mother tongue being Punjabi. He got 7-8 million votes in Punjab compared to Nawaz 14-15 million. But that doesnt mean half the seats. So there is a chance next time he may become PM.
Brahmins were decided by their knowledge, not by birth until rigid caste system came.

with or without the rigid caste system the Brahmins were considered "superior" to the other 3 caste as they possessed sattva guna, where as the sudhras were inferior to the rest as they were tamas guna

Which is inter linked to "varna" color, sattva is white, raja is red and tamas is black . Brahmins are white Aryans and the Dravidians the dark Shudras
Vedic Civilization started in north west subcontinent, there is one mistake Indians make. They try to combine history of centuries as if only years passed. Its a historical fact that when Aryan Brahmins moved from Pakistani region centuries later they started writing badly about inhabitant of their original homeland.

Almost all the religious books of the Hindus, particularly the Dharma Shastras regarded Sakas and Yavanas, the inhabitants of Pakistan in those days, as M'leechas (impure). The Atharva-veda regarded Pakistan as outlandish.

"The inroads of those foreigners blotted out the memory of the memory of the Aryan immigration from the North-West (i.e. Pakistan) which is not traceable either in the popular puranic literature or in the oral traditions of the people. To the east of Sutlej (i.e. India) the Aryans were usually safe from foreign invasions and free to work out their own way of life undisturbed. They proceeded to do so and thus to create Hinduism with its inseparable institution of caste (Oxford History of India, by VA Smith, 3rd edition, edited by Percival Spear). "

And how Indus Valley was considered impure centuries later by descendants of aryans.

It is noteworthy that according to the Bandayana Dharma Shastra the Indus Valley was considered impure and outside the limits of Aryandom proper. Any one who went there had to perform sacrifices of purification on return. (Tribes in Ancient India, by BC Law)

Here is another mention of impure people of indus :cheesy:

The Brhat-Samhita mentions Vokkana country as situated in the western region of Indian subcontinent (Pakistan). In chapter XVI, V.35, Varaha Mihira includes the Vokkana among those belonging to Rahu, together with barbarians, evil-doers and the like (Roruka: was it Moenjodaro? by Pranavitana, Studies in asian History: Proceedings of the Asian History Congress held at New Delhi in 1961).

Here is another mention of original homeland of Aryans.

While the Aryans by now expanded far into India their old home in the Punjab and the north-west was practically forgotten. Later Vedic literature mentions it rarely and then usually with disparagement and contempt, as an impure land where the Vedic sacrifices are not performed (The Wonder that was India, by AL Basham).

Both Buddhism and Jainism flourished in Sind and it had revolted against the superiority of Brahmins. They ignored their Gods and denied the Vedas (Sindhi Culture, by UT Thakur).

Brahmins were decided by their knowledge, not by birth until rigid caste system came.

Thats why even now Brahmins on average will have less ASI genes compared to local population of India? :cheesy:
Another thing for yourself to correct, no punjabi of kashmiri ancestary presents himself as a "kashmiri" living in punjab, no it is not the case. We are punjabis whose caste happens to be kashmiri, we are punjabis because we speak punjabi, we live punjabi and we die punjabi. That is also what i found from your previous posts when I was not the member, I think your are quite young and also have a rather posh family background so you lack the true mentality of punjabis of kashmiri caste. Do you think nawaz sharif is the leader of punjab without any reason, no it is not the case it is because he is punjabi for all other punjabis. Imran khan will always be a failure in punjab because he does not identify with the soil of punjab and hence punjabis will never ever bring him to power in punjab. I know this reality because I am one of those punjabi joes who know everything about our mentality and culture.

No...I don't belong to a posh background by any stretch of the imagination - I'm from the Middle Class !

If you were to read some of my other posts you'd know how much I identify with Punjab & Punjabis & that I have nothing but pride when I identify myself as a Punjabi !
with or without the rigid caste system the Brahmins were considered "superior" to the other 3 caste as they possessed sattva guna, where as the sudhras were inferior to the rest as they were tamas guna

Which is inter linked to "varna" color, sattva is white, raja is red and tamas is black . Brahmins are white Aryans and the Dravidians the dark Shudras

Have you ever seen Brahmins in your entire life. :rofl::rofl:

Thats why even now Brahmins on average will have less ASI genes compared to local population of India? :cheesy:

That means they intermarried with each other. ;)
Have you ever seen Brahmins in your entire life. :rofl::rofl:

That means they intermarried with each other. ;)

No thats mean they married with local woman thinking they will keep their blood line pure. There are many village idiots even now who believe woman have no genetic share in children. When in fact its 50/50. Thats why they can trace their ancestry back to north west subcontinent.
The most backwards system in the universe bar none. It's not as existent in Pakistan though, right?
A brahmin is supposed to be sattva guna , the sudhra tamas guna according to own admission a brahmin is superior to a sudhra

Sattva means pure.

Sattva guna indicates a nature that is divine, pure, and spiritual. A sattvic leads a chaste life, eats moderately, using precise language and speaking only the truth. A sattvic speaks compliments and avoids vulgar or insulting language, is never jealous, and is unaffected by greed and selfishness.

Tamas means darkness.

Tamas guna indicates a nature that is lazy, ignorant and destructive.

Rajas means energy.

Rajas guna indicates a nature that is energetic, passionate, evolving and with zest for life.

Every Human has these three guna's in varying degree. A person in whom the Sattva guna is predominant is called a Brahmin. A person in whom the Tamas guna is dominant is called a shudra.

So yes ......a Brahmin then becomes superior to a Sudhra.

An educated, soft spoken, cultured, honest and charitable person is always superior to a person who is a liar, greedy, lazy, and who has criminal tendencies.

The three primary gods of Hinduism is also linked to the three gunas. Brahma is sattvic, Vishnu is Rajas and Shiva is lord of Tamas. Hence the word 'Brahmin' from the sattvic nature of Brahma.
The most backwards system in the universe bar none. It's not as existent in Pakistan though, right?

No it doesnt exist in Pakistan now. But there are tribe caste or what ever you wish to call it like gujjars, jats, arain and others. Not the same as Hindu caste system.
One thing, Sharif are not ethnically Kashmiris. They moved to Kashmir from Punjab. And even though Imran Khan is Punjabi-Pathan of mianwali with mother tongue being Punjabi. He got 7-8 million votes in Punjab compared to Nawaz 14-15 million. But that doesnt mean half the seats. So there is a chance next time he may become PM.

As long as he keeps presenting himself as some kind of superman type "pashtun" nationalist , he is not going to get any power in punjab. He is a person with the highest sense of inferiority complex among modern punjabis. He is ashamed of his real punjabi/saraiki background and always underplay this reality. He is successfully selling his 600 years old pashtun ancestry to KP people and making them a fool quite easily. Now this is guy whose father´s niazi family are saraiki speaking since last 500 years and his mother´s barki family are pure punjabi speaking since last 600 years. Still he is more interested in presenting himself as some kind of superman type of pashtuns which he is not by any definition of ethnicity anywhere in the world.
As long as he keeps presenting himself as champion of pashtuns this and pashtuns that rhetoric , he is not going to get any power in punjab. He is a person with the highest sense of inferiority complex among modern punjabis. He is ashamed of his real punjabi/saraiki background and always underplay this reality. He is successfully selling his 600 years old pashtun ancestry to KP people and making them a fool quite easily. Now this is guy whose father´s niazi family are saraiki speaking since last 500 years and his mother´s barki family are pure punjabi speaking since last 600 years. Still he is more interested in presenting himself as some kind of superman type of pashtuns which he is not by any definition of ethnicity anywhere in the world.

I agree completely with you about Imran Khan. But he is Pakistani nationalist not pashtun nationalist, infact for pashtun nationalists he is just punjabi slave. Though he is proud of his pathan heritage but then at the same time we know in Pakistan one cant be proud of being Punjabi. Its like in west, any proud white is automatically assumed to be racist group member.
The three primary gods of Hinduism is also linked to the three gunas. Brahma is sattvic, Vishnu is Rajas and Shiva is lord of Tamas. Hence the word 'Brahmin' from the sattvic nature of Brahma.

your argument is full of fallacies , examples from your last paragraph

1 ) Brahmin is one who knows Brahman and not having the "nature of Brahma" as you concoct

Brahman janati iti brahmanah: on who knows brahman, or realizes brahman is really brahman or becomes brahman or is not different than brahman

2) Brahma - creation is raja guna (passion) not sattva

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