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India's BVR Capability

Yes and No, you can shoot down enemy aircraft from the missiles effective range but downing a fighter on the other side will be a diplomatic defeat in the international front.

Off course it is possible---. That is why---the LOC or boundary line does not mean much---.
So they can come close to our borders and when our Jet will try to engage

Off course it is possible---. That is why---the LOC or boundary line does not mean much---.
Then what if they someday came close to our border and when our CAP team engage with them ( just like they did on 26 Feb on atleast 3 different locations), they would shoot a BVR missile and run away causing a lose of our Jet?
Yes , but Indians will never accept that they lost their aircraft as they were not ready to accept their Mig 21 being shot down by Paf .
So they can come close to our borders and when our Jet will try to engage

Then what if they someday came close to our border and when our CAP team engage with them ( just like they did on 26 Feb on atleast 3 different locations), they would shoot a BVR missile and run away causing a lose of our Jet?
Then SOW's or LGB's wont care about casualties, or brigade HQ's.
Yes and No, you can shoot down enemy aircraft from the missiles effective range but downing a fighter on the other side will be a diplomatic defeat in the international front.
What if they made a claim that PAF tried to violate our Air space so we shot it and it went over the border?
So they can come close to our borders and when our Jet will try to engage

Then what if they someday came close to our border and when our CAP team engage with them ( just like they did on 26 Feb on atleast 3 different locations), they would shoot a BVR missile and run away causing a lose of our Jet?


That is why I wrote multiple times---the enemy should have been taken out the first night---.

The enemy should be informed that any large number of aircraft flying towards or close to the border within a certain number of miles would be considered a threat under hostile proclamation time-
What if they made a claim that PAF tried to violate our Air space so we shot it and it went over the border?
Hmm, yes similar to the atlantique incident. But there must be concrete proof that the aircraft did infact violate the airspace.
So they can come close to our borders and when our Jet will try to engage

Then what if they someday came close to our border and when our CAP team engage with them ( just like they did on 26 Feb on atleast 3 different locations), they would shoot a BVR missile and run away causing a lose of our Jet?

Not as simple as that. The jets have several defense mechanisms, and the aggressors have certain issues to overcome.

The aggressing jets require a good network of radar coverage in enemy territory for their BVR missiles to lock on, and track during launch.
Consider opponent's airspace as a great mesh of obstacles that your radar network coverage has to overcome to identify a jet, identify if it's friendly or hostile, identify what kind of a jet it is, and to identify exact co ordinates and positioning along with vector for the software to calculate vector and trajectory of firing missile: then to maximize chances of hitting, the jet needs to keep track on the target, although many although not all have their own tracking systems mostly using infrared, their chances to actually hit after launch, and left to self track, are low, like 60% or so.

Furthermore, the jets being targeted have systems which notify the pilot when he is being locked on, and also when a missile is inbound for his jet. At this point, jets can use jamming weapons and ECM warfare, it can also perform high G turns to evade the missile, if all else seems to be failing, the jets can release flairs to divert the missiles target by exploiting its infrared tracking mechanism.

This is why communication networks, AWACS, and such systems are extremely important in Air engagements.
What if they made a claim that PAF tried to violate our Air space so we shot it and it went over the border?
Sats of multiple countries record everything. "chawls" don't work anymore.

Their side will sing their rhetoric, your will quietly send abdooz's into "clean waters" and put multiple squadrons on defcon2.
So they can come close to our borders and when our Jet will try to engage

Then what if they someday came close to our border and when our CAP team engage with them ( just like they did on 26 Feb on atleast 3 different locations), they would shoot a BVR missile and run away causing a lose of our Jet?
The general rule of engagement is to take down an aircraft if its cross the border in usch a way that its debris also get within the India's border ...

So only if they want diplmatic pressure they will do that but if such a case arises our aircraft will already be ready for such a mischief if they are flying within a range of BVR engagement ... Unless intend to fight both of the countries will avoid bringing fighter aircraft within 100 kms range
Is it possible for Indain Air Force to shoot down Pakistan Fighter Jet while remaining inside its own Borders?

@MastanKhan @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Imran Khan @MilSpec

Yes ... it is possible, PAF/PA/PN should remain alert. Remember, Indians try to heal scars of Kargil by shooting an un-armed PN (Atlantic).
You can expect low blow by the cowards at any time. It is in their DNA when they can't face strong ones, they revenge from weaken ones (the Chanakya Philosophy).
Yes , but Indians will never accept that they lost their aircraft as they were not ready to accept their Mig 21 being shot down by Paf .
Indian can rant all their want. The whole MIg-21 Bison aircraft debris and capture of pilot cannot be deny while IAF all can show are just few pieces of AIM-120 missile debris.

The rest of the world are no idiots. Indian can live in their self delusion but the rest of the world will not follow.
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