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Featured India’s border infra development root cause for tensions: China

Similarly China can say One China or whatever you want, but China does not have power to enforce it (e.g. Taiwan).

Name me one country that has setup diplomatic relationship with China and Taiwan at the same time.
Actually, both China and Taiwan follows "one china" policy, if you create formal relationship with one, the other side will cut you off immediately.

The fact that India doesn't have an embassy in Taipai says that you are wrong.

Also South Asia countries have already declared China's claim on South China sea as illegal and not part of China...What China has done about it? Nothing.

Why should Chinese do anything? The islands were already occupied by Chinese force and expanded, the military equipment were put on.

South Asia countries declared China's claim is illegal, good for them. Chinese is already there.
Being ready doesn't mean much. War isn't a game, China has no obligation to allow India to get ready. And India will never be truly ready. I expect Indian leadership to whine about not being ready after India is defeated again.

you will 'allow' us to get ready? The delusions of the CCP are extremely impressive, bigger than their mouth.
you will 'allow' us to get ready? The delusions of the CCP are extremely impressive, bigger than their mouth.

just like you attacked China in 1962 and then cried "not ready". I expect the same to be done again.

and yes, allowed. India is 5x-10x weaker than China depending on how it is measured. The only thing we are even remotely close in is population. it is to the great luck of India that China has so far been only mildly interested in South Asia except for Pakistan, but now that India insists on drawing attention to itself the time has come to neutralize the threat.
just like you attacked China in 1962 and then cried "not ready". I expect the same to be done again.

and yes, allowed. India is 5x-10x weaker than China depending on how it is measured. The only thing we are even remotely close in is population. it is to the great luck of India that China has so far been only mildly interested in South Asia except for Pakistan, but now that India insists on drawing attention to itself the time has come to neutralize the threat.

We've been 'expecting' for quite a while now and nothing but big talk. And even in 1962, you withdrew from most of your 'conqured areas' ike sissies.
We've been 'expecting' for quite a while now and nothing but big talk. And even in 1962, you withdrew from most of your 'conqured areas' ike sissies.

we took what we wanted: Askai Chin. The very place that India cries about and tries to get back but lost 1000 km2 more instead.

watch as China squeezes India economically even further, Modi is forced to fight a war to distract from India's domestic problems, and the liberation of India is soon at hand.
we took what we wanted: Askai Chin. The very place that India cries about and tries to get back but lost 1000 km2 more instead.

watch as China squeezes India economically even further, Modi is forced to fight a war to distract from India's domestic problems, and the liberation of India is soon at hand.

yeah. Then why are you crying about Arunachal, Sikkim etc.?

And evidence of china squeezinf India economically is India butchering China's top global digital company (Bytedance) and organ-harvesting it. Also that CHinese brands like Xiami selling at 60% discount right now.
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yeah. Then why are you crying about Arunachal, Sikkim etc.?

And evidence of china squeezinf India economically is India butchering China's top global digital company (Bytedance) and organ-harvesting it. Also that CHinese brands like Xiami selling at 60% discount right now.

Prove it.

Meanwhile Indian economy at -20% and dropping and millions are in danger of starvation.
In Pakistani language it is r@ndi rona of a dehati aurat, now please translate this for the masters.
So funny! Indian can't even develop infrastructure on their side but they can build an artifical island in the middle of South China Sea and claim all of SCS as theirs. Total hypocrisy!

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