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Indians To Deploy Apaches on Pakistan Border

The newspaper states Hillary offered apology to the counterpart in the Pakistani government
"Mrs. Clinton said that in a telephone call on Tuesday morning to Pakistan’s foreign minister, Hina Rabbani Khar, they had agreed that both sides made mistakes that led to the fatal airstrikes."

Let Pakistan kill 40 American soldiers sitting in barrack using its military helicopters and say the same that "MISTAKES ON BOTH SIDES lead to fetal airstrike", and publish it in Pakistani news paper and imagine Pakistan has apologized to America. As per your own justifying, it would work. No?

I know you want to feel done with it already but there has not been a sorry, and if you think Hillary said so then know victim state or and its people do not think that, and America has not been forgiven.
Let Pakistan kill 40 American soldiers sitting in barrack using its military helicopters and say the same that "MISTAKES ON BOTH SIDES lead to fetal airstrike", and publish it in Pakistani news paper and imagine Pakistan has apologized to America. As per your own justifying, it would work. No?

I know you want to feel apologized already but there has not been a sorry, and if you think Hillary said so then know victim state or and its people do not think that, and America has not been forgiven.

If the apology was not good why open the supply line to Afghanistan ?
If the apology was not good why open the supply line to Afghanistan ?
So Pakistan could achieve a bigger successes is Afghanistan.

Pakistan has given ~100,000 lives to reach here, many were victims of terrorism including the ones that lost life to American airstrike. If your question is after success, has Pakistan forgiven terrorists for killing its people then amswer is no, and has Pakistan forgiven America for killing its soldiers then answer is the same.

Pakistan is a much smaller country as compared to America. It doesn't mean America can squeeze our forgivness out because it wanted to be forgiven using flimsy approaches.

Hope you feel heard and understood.
If the apology was not good why open the supply line to Afghanistan ?
Strange, a significant number of American think tanks believe lack of Pakistani support to US in Afghanistan is reason of defeat of American forces.

So in a game of chess to take out the queen you can sacrifice few pawns. So thats what we did.
IAF’s New Apache Helicopter Makes Emergency Landing In Punjab

maybe reason:The dust cover of the engine Exhaust Port was not removed, the engine lacked oxygen and the power was insufficient.
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JUST see video and pictures,It's too obvious.
On Chinese military forums, everyone who sees this picture immediately finds out the reason.
I am asking because that's just too stupid. They are bright red for a reason.
Haha typical PDF...

another High IQ PDF CCP bot ... as they say high iq they r this is how they prove it lol
Arent you the same folks who shot their own chopper?
Arent you the same country who submerged one of the most advanced submarine with open hatch?
Really Pakistanis and Fake Flag Pakistanis are u ppl really this stupid?

These are coverings losely plucked in, the exhaust blow out warm air from engine with the force to throw a man meters away when apache starts its engines, typical PDF posters haha
Really Pakistanis and Fake Flag Pakistanis are u ppl really this stupid?

These are coverings losely plucked in, the exhaust blow out warm air from engine with the force to throw a man meters away when apache starts its engines, typical PDF posters haha
I agree to some part of it but you guys have reputation of making similar blunder in past so suspect is always a stupid mistake when it comes to Indian armed forces
See How Indian Air Force's Most Advanced Apache AH64E Changing The Paradigm By Landing
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