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Indians confined 19 Filipino women employees in Dubai


Apr 5, 2011
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DUBAI: Three Indians have been accused of confining 19 Filipino hotel workers inside a villa for over a month, not allowing them to go out even during their free time or holidays.

The three men — 41-year-old electrician SS, 61-year-old supervisor KM and 54-year-old cook KA — who were identified with their initials only, were said to have unlawfully locked up the Filipino women from sunset to sunrise daily in the employees' residence in Al Mutainah.

The trio claimed it was only to protect the women from sexual harassment in the area.

The men, who are out on bail, pleaded not guilty and firmly denied the accusations, Gulf News reported.

Prosecution records said the 19 Filipinas worked for the hotel as receptionists, housekeepers, cleaners and maids, the report said.

As soon as the women finished work, the trio would lock them inside the villa and keep them confined until the next morning, according to prosecution records.

The women said a bus would collect them at 7am and bring them back at 8pm when their shift was over.

Prosecutors accused SS, KM and KA of breaching the Filipinas' rights and freedom by locking them up unlawfully for a period of one month.

The trio's lawyer asked the presiding judge to adjourn the case to present his defence when the court reconvenes on November 24.

One of the housekeepers, 30-year-old MN, testified that she had been working for the hotel in Al Muraqqabat for two years.

"I was hired on a 600 dirhams salary. Since I started work, the senior workers told me that it was against the hotel's policy to go out of the residence during free time or after work or on holidays. As soon as we returned to the residence, the defendants would lock the doors and prevent us from going out," MN claimed to prosecutors.

"We were forced to agree because we had no other choice and we were forced also to be obedient to earn a living ... even during officials holidays we remained confined. During the confinement period, nobody treated us badly," she said.
@fast you spend almost as much time as hafizzz on Indian news websites to find negative articles. one must commend your dedication. :)
This is just sad. The problem here is that:

1. Indians are not capable of empathy. They work as slaves in Arab petro-states, and the moment they catch a break, they turn around and enslave even more vulnerable minority groups.
2. Filipinos are just naturally slaves. I don't know if they were like this before Spanish colonization, but that incident (as well as being passed around like a cheap hooker to the Brits, Americans, Japanese) changed their national character permanently and forever.
i can expect that from indians here in dubai, but pinoy can easily be targeted by any one... even the goat face indians...lol " no offence "
@fast you spend almost as much time as hafizzz on Indian news websites to find negative articles. one must commend your dedication. :)

Don't worry. It's very little effort. Don't need to look far. The cesspool called India produces plenty of its own horrors everyday.

For example, here's another daily horror from India.

Pregnant woman gang-raped in front of her husband in Gondia

GONDIA: Four persons were arrested for allegedly raping a 20-year-old pregnant woman in front of her husband at BhimNagar locality on Monday night. The accused also badly thrashed the victim's husband and snatched Rs2,900 cash and mobile phone from the couple.

On the victim's complaint, police nabbed the accused Vicky Suryawanshi (20), who confessed to the crime. During interrogation, he revealed the names of his accomplices - Rushi Chandrikapure (25), Avinash Funde (23) and Nitin Khadse (23) - all residents of Gondia.

Suryawanshi told the police that they saw the young couple at Sanjay Nagar around 11pm and accosted them. The couple said that they were returning home after visiting their relatives in Chhota Gondia.

The accused allowed the victim and her husband to leave but started following them. The accused again stopped the couple near a library where they badly thrashed the victim's husband.

Police said, the accused then took the woman to a building construction site near the library and raped her for four hours till she fell unconscious. The victim told police that she was gang-raped in front of her husband who could not move as he was seriously injured.

After regaining consciousness, the victim approached the city police station about 3am on Tuesday and lodged the complaint. She was taken to the Government Women's Hospital, Gondia, where tests revealed that the she was four months pregnant.
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