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Indians are out to divide the nation and instigate internecine feud


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Former Indian Army Chief also joined the Indian media’s propaganda war

Friday April 03 2009 15:04:09 PM BDT

By Shah Ahmad Reza

The Indians have failed again to prove their sincere friendly attitude towards Bangladesh. After the so-called BDR mutiny and killing of the Army Officers it was expected that the Indians would stand by the people of Bangladesh and help to find out and punish the criminals. As the closest neibour it was India’s responsibility too. On the other hand the Indians’ response has been disappointing and alarming.

Instead of even thinking to cooperate, the Indian media in fact started a propaganda war against Bangladesh. The role of the Indian government has also been dubious. The think tanks of India too joined hands with the country’s media. Among others even a former Army Chief has also come to stand in the anti-Bangladesh long cue. The war was first launched by the Indian media. In the name of disseminating news and information regarding the so-called mutiny the Indian media came up with some peculiar but damaging and politically motivated theories. From the very beginning they started to hint their fingers at the Islamist and nationalist forces of Bangladesh. Not only that they also mentioned the names of the Bangladesh Jamaat-E-Islami and Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP).

The daily Anandabazar of Kolkata (26th February) even `invented’ leaders and workers of BNP and Jamaat in the front line of a procession which was brought out in support of the so-called mutineers! That was the beginning. Subsequently each and every newspaper and TV channel of India tried to establish that no one else but the BNP and Jamaat had brought about the so-called mutiny and killed the Army Officers! According to the Indian media the purpose was to hinder and foil the government’s effort to bring the war criminals of 1971 to justice. The second aim, they said, was to destabilize and `overthrow’ the Awami League government. The Indian media even propagated about a `civil war’ which BNP and Jamaat wanted to instigate and initiate. In their last theory the Indian media talked about a `Great Game’ to destabilize and weaken India.

What the `Great Game’ really was has been explained by a former Army Chief of India, General (Retd.) Shankar Roy Chowdhury. In an interview published in the Indian daily Asian Age on 24th March, the retired General has said, ``… the war in Bangladesh between India and Pakistan never really ended on December 16, 1971, but continued thereafter as a "Great Game" between the protagonists to retain Bangladesh within their respective spheres of influence.

Round one went to India with the military victory in East Pakistan in 1971, the creation of Bangladesh and the installation of Sheikh Mujib as its founding Prime Minister. He was accepted as India’s protégé, but his assassination within three years … was viewed in some quarters as a substantial defeat of India’s policies and, by implication, a victory for the "other side". Round two, therefore, went to Pakistan…” After explaining about the `Great Game’ between India and Pakistan, General (Retd.) Roy Chowdhury said, ``Since there is now an Awami League government in office, the sepoy mutiny sounds like the opening bell for the next round of the "Great Game", to destabilize the government and replace the India-friendly government of Ms Hasina and the Awami League with a Pakistan-friendly one of Begum Khaleda Zia and the BNP.” The former Indian Army Chief has also cautioned about the probable role of India and said, ``New Delhi will certainly not want that to happen in a country which previous non-Awami League governments had turned into a sanctuary and base of operations for jihadi terrorists groups like Harkat-ul-Jihad Islami Bangladesh (HuJI-B) and anti-India separatist groups from our Northeast.”

The other two theories of the Indian media should also be mentioned here. In the first one the Indian media tried to establish that in order to `come back’ to power again the BNP and Jamaat wanted to instigate and initiate a `civil war’ through the so-called mutiny. This theory has been supported by the country’s think tanks also. In an article, `The Great Bangla Conspiracy’, published in the South Asian Analysis (13th March) Bhaskar Roy has opined that `had the BDR mutiny been successful it would have brought the BNP rightists and Jamaat-e-Islami Islamists coalition back to power.’ According to Bhaskar Roy the mutiny was a `meticulously planned conspiracy’ and it had a `much larger game plan’.

But although well written the Indian think tank’s theory could not gain any support in Bangladesh and the information Bhaskar Roy mentioned did not strengthen their claims. In stead it appeared that in the course of events the Indian government had to achieve many things. For example, in the wake of the so-called mutiny none else but the Foreign Minister Pronab Mukherjee had received an `explicit request’ from Dhaka and he instantly assured that India was `ready’ to come to the `rescue’ of Sheikh Hasina! India acted also very rapidly- the `Parachute Regiment’ of the Indian Army was brought overnight to West Bengal from Agra and the Air Force was kept on `high alert’ in Kolkata and Guahati of Assam (The Telegraph, Kolkata, 28 February).

These information regarding the Indian government’s activities and preparations to come to `rescue’ Sheikh Hasina have been seen as very significant. And it has been correctly alleged that some particular foreign power wanted to destroy the BDR first to make the border a free zone. In the second phase they wanted to bring the Bangladesh Army in the streets. They thought that after seeing their officers’ killing the Army would surely react and try to topple the government. Had the Army really overthrown the AL government and snatched the power the Indian Army would have come to `rescue’ Sheikh Hasina and a war would have been inevitable. And as the `superior’ power India would have won that war, it was assumed..

Here comes the basic question regarding the so-called involvement of the BNP and Jamaat-E-Islami. Could the patriotic and responsible parties like the BNP and Jamaat depend on any such perilous and precarious events and planning which would have paved the way for Indian intervention? It is obvious that had the Indians really come to `rescue’ Sheikh Hasina and her government the `conspiracy’ to `return to power’ would have surely failed. This would have rather destroyed both BNP and Jamaat. Then why would the parties go for such a dangerous `conspiracy’ to invite the Indian invasion? Secondly, why the parties would encourage the killing of the Army Officers? In fact as they adore the Army as their own children they can not even think to harm the Army in any way. It should be mentioned that it was President Ziaur Rahman who had saved the Army from destruction by the Rakkhi Bahini of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and rejuvenated the Army. The Army was flourished hugely during the four-party alliance government of BNP-Jamaat. So the question of harming the Army by the BNP and Jamaat can not even be imagined.

Here another theory of the Indians should be considered. The question is, are the parties like BNP and Jamaat at all in a position to weaken India in any way? Obviously not, will be the answer. There are other reasons also. At least 270 Maoist, Naxalites and militant organizations have been working and struggling in India with various aims including the independence of the North-Eastern India. So India does not `need’ the BNP and Jamaat to weaken or destabilize the country! But yet the Indian media have been aiming their weapons at the most popular and patriotic parties of the country. They have even `invented’ the `hands’ of the BNP and Jamaat leaders behind the so-called mutiny and the killing of the Army Officers! The Analysts think that the purpose of the propaganda by the Indian media and their supporters like General Shankar Roy Chowdhury is to divide the Bangladeshi nation and encourage internecine feud in Bangladesh. They also want to obstruct the investigation. For, the findings might expose the real roles of India which would not be pleasant for the Indian media.

loads of crap

We won you independence you ignorant hypocrite . Be thankful for it.
If we wanted to capture bangladesh , we could have easily done it in 1971.

Do i have to teach you your own history??
loads of crap

We won you independence you ignorant hypocrite . Be thankful for it.
If we wanted to capture bangladesh , we could have easily done it in 1971.

Do i have to teach you your own history??

Please dont get agitated. Some BD members have thier mandate set at being Anti-India. Just ignore these kind of posts, because they are useless and not worth replying. Not all BD people are like them.
loads of crap

We won you independence you ignorant hypocrite . Be thankful for it.
If we wanted to capture bangladesh , we could have easily done it in 1971.

Do i have to teach you your own history??

India did not do anything but advanced its own interest. They saw opportunity of dividing their enemy and took it.

We know our own history better than arrogant trolls.

But back to the topic, Indian general wish to make Bangladesh part of Indian great game further implicate Indian subversive design.
India did not do anything but advanced its own interest. They saw opportunity of dividing their enemy and took it.

We know our own history better than arrogant trolls.

But back to the topic, Indian general wish to make Bangladesh part of Indian great game further implicate Indian subversive design.

Listen, no one can ride anyone's back unless it is bent.

No nation however close or far it may be physically can intervene in the affairs of another unless the victim provides holes to pick thru. Our history validates this.

Instead of lamenting on what someone else ' wants or intended' to do, why dont you focus on your self ?
Listen, no one can ride anyone's back unless it is bent.

No nation however close or far it may be physically can intervene in the affairs of another unless the victim provides holes to pick thru. Our history validates this.

Instead of lamenting on what someone else ' wants or intended' to do, why dont you focus on your self ?

Good that you admit Indian subversive design and interference in Bangladesh. But it our prerogative to decide how, when and where to focus or do things and NOT by Indian dictate, period.
Good that you admit Indian subversive design and interference in Bangladesh. But it our prerogative to decide how, when and where to focus or do things and NOT by Indian dictate, period.

Huh ??

Where is India " dictating" what you have to do ??
But back to the topic, Indian general wish to make Bangladesh part of Indian great game further implicate Indian subversive design.

What makes you think Bangladesh is so important to India, that we need to play a "great" game? If it were so, we would kept all your territory after defeating Pakistan in 1971. We gave you a country of your own. Your country generates revenue by trading with India and with all the grants from India. .
Now introspect and dont follow Pakistan's lines. We have grown tired of them.
Good that you admit Indian subversive design and interference in Bangladesh. But it our prerogative to decide how, when and where to focus or do things and NOT by Indian dictate, period.

And how will you exercise the prerogative, through ballot right?

OK :lol: jamat lost :lol:
Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
Ministry of Libaration War Affairs
Brief History of the creation of Ministry of Liberation War Affairs

Bangladesh achieved her independence through great liberation war in the year 1971 and this is the best achievement in the history of the nation during the last thousands of years. We have achieved our Independence through a nine month long gallantry fight and the highest sacrifice of countless brave freedom fighters, which resulted into our long dreamed Red-green National Flag.

Millions of people had been brutally slaughtered in a terrific genocide, innumerable were tortured mercilessly, thousands of martyrs embraced martyrdom and thousands of women were molested by the Pakistan Army during the war of independence. Thus we got our freedom at the cost of tears, blood and sweat of the millions and highest sacrifice of our beloved ones. Freedom fighters are the proud sons of the nation. We are not only grateful to the freedom fighters but also indebted to them. We owe in particular to Major ZIA who took the risk and steer the liberation war by declaring the Independence of the People's Republic of Bangladesh from the Chittagong Radio Station at Kalurghat in the month of March.

In our liberation war the participants were general people including farmers, labourers, students and members of the uniform services. They fought against the oppression of the Pakistani rulers and Pakistan Army to achieve an independent land of our people. The freedom fighters did not hesitate to sacrifice their lives for independence of Bangladesh. Thus the whole nation is indebted to the countless shaheed (martyrs), disabled freedom fighters and millions of oppressed mass. People of all classes fought with the same goal for the independence of our motherland Bangladesh. In turn, we have also some responsibilities and duties to uphold the dignities of the freedom fighters and the sons of the martyrs.

We all know the history of the country after independence. We could hardly do anything remarkable for the freedom fighters or for preservation of liberation war memories for the last three decades. It is very painful that we could not evaluate the freedom fighters in real sense for the last 30 years and we have failed to do much for the benefit of the freedom fighters. We should do something so that our future generation can know about the liberation war and the real history of our independence. Actually we could not undertake a systematic plan in this regard for want of concerted efforts and effective government steps. But after 30 years, the present government, realizing the real importance of the liberation war and sacrifice made by the freedom fighters felt the necessity for creation of a separate Ministry for looking after the overall welfare of the freedom fighters, preservation of historical records of liberation war and also for preservation of liberation War memories. As per commitment of the present government made before election the Ministry of Liberation war Affairs was established on 23rd October 2001 after great and cordial efforts of the Hon'ble Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia. Freedom fighters got the greatest importance for the first time ever in the history of Bangladesh and they felt proud of themselves for such a generous act of the present Government.
But back to the topic, Indian general wish to make Bangladesh part of Indian great game further implicate Indian subversive design.

Let me quote from the story here :
"After explaining about the `Great Game’ between India and Pakistan, General (Retd.) Roy Chowdhury said, ``Since there is now an Awami League government in office, the sepoy mutiny sounds like the opening bell for the next round of the "Great Game", to destabilize the government and replace the India-friendly government of Ms Hasina and the Awami League with a Pakistan-friendly one of Begum Khaleda Zia and the BNP."

To put in layman's language, he is saying that India and Pakistan have used BD as a proxy cushion. Just like Soviet and Pakistan did to Afghanistan. Its what militry calls as "Strategic Depth".

As per BD members here, AL is a Indian cohort. And Mr.Roy agrees with that claim. As per him, the BDR mutiny was used by pakistan to get AL dislodged. The reason we would not like that, is because we suspected the previous government of aiding Anti-India terrorist activities.

Coming to the next wave :

These information regarding the Indian government’s activities and preparations to come to `rescue’ Sheikh Hasina have been seen as very significant. And it has been correctly alleged that some particular foreign power wanted to destroy the BDR first to make the border a free zone. In the second phase they wanted to bring the Bangladesh Army in the streets. They thought that after seeing their officers’ killing the Army would surely react and try to topple the government. Had the Army really overthrown the AL government and snatched the power the Indian Army would have come to `rescue’ Sheikh Hasina and a war would have been inevitable. And as the `superior’ power India would have won that war, it was assumed..

First, What exactly do you mean by making border a free zone? No civilized country in the world has a "Open" border. This includes Nepal.

Second, your army has overthrown Democratic government in the past. You don't need any melodrama to repeat it!

Third, we suspected a mutiny in your armed forces to overthrow AL. Indian's offered to to help BD if needed.

India condemns BDR mutiny, stands by neighbour - Economy and Politics - livemint.com

Fourth, we had moved ONLY the para brigade on to counter fallouts from the coup. This is a standard move done by any army when it sees trouble spouting at its border. Just Google if you are not sure.

The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | International | Wary of coup, India moves paras
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What makes you think Bangladesh is so important to India, that we need to play a "great" game? If it were so, we would kept all your territory after defeating Pakistan in 1971. We gave you a country of your own. Your country generates revenue by trading with India and with all the grants from India. .
Now introspect and dont follow Pakistan's lines. We have grown tired of them.

That should be question to your general who revealed the indian great game plan.

But to give one example how important Bangladesh is to india – Bangladesh $10 billion (official and unofficial) annual import from india feeds more than 25 million Indians who lives less than $1 a day. That is staggering 16% of 400 million of indians lives below poverty level are supported by Bangladesh import. So you can see why indian generals and govt are motivated in their "great game" scheme?

That is not to say Bangladesh does not have poor people. We just earn our living from different sources other than india.
Let me quote from the story here :
"After explaining about the `Great Game’ between India and Pakistan, General (Retd.) Roy Chowdhury said, ``Since there is now an Awami League government in office, the sepoy mutiny sounds like the opening bell for the next round of the "Great Game", to destabilize the government and replace the India-friendly government of Ms Hasina and the Awami League with a Pakistan-friendly one of Begum Khaleda Zia and the BNP."

To put in layman's language, he is saying that India and Pakistan have used BD as a proxy cushion. Just like Soviet and Pakistan did to Afghanistan. Its what militry calls as "Strategic Depth".

As per BD members here, AL is a Indian cohort. And Mr.Roy agrees with that claim. As per him, the BDR mutiny was used by pakistan to get AL dislodged. The reason we would not like that, is because we suspected the previous government of aiding Anti-India terrorist activities.

Coming to the next wave :

These information regarding the Indian government’s activities and preparations to come to `rescue’ Sheikh Hasina have been seen as very significant. And it has been correctly alleged that some particular foreign power wanted to destroy the BDR first to make the border a free zone. In the second phase they wanted to bring the Bangladesh Army in the streets. They thought that after seeing their officers’ killing the Army would surely react and try to topple the government. Had the Army really overthrown the AL government and snatched the power the Indian Army would have come to `rescue’ Sheikh Hasina and a war would have been inevitable. And as the `superior’ power India would have won that war, it was assumed..

First, What exactly do you mean by making border a free zone? No civilized country in the world has a "Open" border. This includes Nepal.

Second, your army has overthrown Democratic government in the past. You don't need any melodrama to repeat it!

Third, we suspected a mutiny in your armed forces to overthrow AL. Indian's offered to to help BD if needed.

Jv1VvTW8bKA[/media] - BDR Mutiny - India's reaction - It's their internal matter

India condemns BDR mutiny, stands by neighbour - Economy and Politics - livemint.com

Fourth, we had moved ONLY the para brigade on to counter fallouts from the coup. This is a standard move done by any army when it sees trouble spouting at its border. Just Google if you are not sure.

The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | International | Wary of coup, India moves paras

This type of indian arguments has been answered and refuted many times over in the following thread. So I would not waste time but directing you there to find your answer.

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