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Indian women arrested in night club

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How many Sri Lankan refugees are illegally living in India because of the Sri Lankan civil war ?
Indians working illegally in SriLanka , SriLankans involved in gold smuggling in India .

South Asian Union is becoming a reality ..... :lol:
hurts me? LOL I've seen some of your posts on this rubbish forum, and I have to say, I'm sorry that you were BORN PETTY. If stuff like this gets you excited on a weekday afternoon, I'm not sure what to make of you as a human being. It is clear that you're one of those typical petty Lankans who vies for attention every step of the way I'm afraid. Thank God most of your countrymen aren't as scummy and lowly.

This forum is perfect for the likes of you. Carry on …

so this Rubbish forum is Asia's largest and one of the world's largest if not THE most largest with 55000+. People from across the world participate here.And what u have if this is rubbish?
An indian defence forum with just 6000+ members? or bharat rakshak where they compare their teja with F22s:rofl:
so this Rubbish forum is Asia's largest and one of the world's largest if not THE most largest with 55000+. People from across the world participate here.And what u have if this is rubbish?
An indian defence forum with just 6000+ members? or bharat rakshak where they compare their teja with F22s:rofl:

They're all rubbish, but this one takes the cake. Take you as an example - pathetic quality right there.
Are you dense?

p.s: don't answer that. It was a rhetorical question.
Now u know why i said yr not a gentleman either......U people seem to not knowing what ur saying......Her yr asking me a question on the first place then in the end u write PS dont answer it:lol:

if u dont want someone to reply who post a question for him either rhetorical or not.
Now u know why i said yr not a gentleman either......U people seem to not knowing what ur saying......Her yr asking me a question on the first place then in the end u write PS dont answer it:lol:

if u dont want someone to reply who post a question for him either rhetorical or not.

case in point. you're as dense as they come. LMAO

great 'cause ignorance is bliss!
LOL maybe in yr world this is called ignorance not in real world...this forum and members more from ''yr world'' then ours speaks for itself.........

Bye Bye kiddo.
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