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Indian voters show discontent with Gandhi dynasty


May 21, 2006
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Published about 3 hours ago

NEW DELHI: The family that has dominated Indian politics for most of the country's post-colonial history has just been snubbed by voters like never before.

In a campaign led by Rahul Gandhi, the son, grandson, and great-grandson of Indian prime ministers, the Indian National Congress party suffered the most crushing defeat in its 128-year history Friday as the results of India's general election were released.

The next prime minister will be Narendra Modi, who led the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party to a solid victory, in part by seizing on the perception that Rahul Gandhi was little more than a crown prince awaiting his prize.

Voters were furious over Congress' inability to address corruption, unemployment and the sputtering economy.

''We are accepting the people's verdict in all humility,'' Congress party spokesman Shakil Ahmed told The Associated Press. ''Trends of the counting are certainly not in our favor. The trends point out that the country has decided to vote against us.''

The electoral drubbing is a massive comedown for the Gandhi family and a shift in India's tradition-bound society.

The family patriarch was Jawaharlal Nehru, a hero of the struggle for independence from British rule who became India's first prime minister, leading the country from 1947 until his death in 1964.

Nehru's daughter, Indira Gandhi, later took power, followed by her son Rajiv.

Both were killed in political assassinations.

Rajiv's Italian-born widow, Sonia, then took over the Congress party, becoming India's most powerful politician and setting the stage for her son, Rahul, to eventually take up the family mantle.

The family is not related to Mohandas Gandhi, India's independence leader who was also a senior member of Congress.

Rahul Gandhi, the dimpled, 43-year-old family scion, had been presented to voters as a youthful leader who could rejuvenate India's faltering economy, but many saw him as privileged, aloof and out of touch with everyday Indians.

Congress, in power since India's independence for all but 10 years, never even formally declared Gandhi as its candidate for prime minister, political maneuvering aimed at protecting him from being scapegoated if the party, and the family, were to be voted out.

During the punishing election campaign, Modi seized on the charges of nepotism aimed at Congress, at one point telling a crowd of supporters: ''No one can save this mother-son government now.''

In a decade in the Indian parliament, Rahul rarely spoke or raised questions, and failed to spend funds allotted for the development of his constituency.

In recent state elections in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh states, where Gandhi led the Congress party's campaigns, the party fared dismally.

''Rahul is seen as being well-meaning and harmless. But he is devoid of ideas, or a grand vision for what he wants to do for the country,'' said Sumit Chakravartty, a political analyst and editor of Mainstream weekly. ''He's a poor communicator. When he does speak, what emerges is further evidence of his fuzzy thinking.''

Congress has had other problems as well. Political analysts say Congress' decline has been evident for years, particularly as the economy slumped and a succession of corruption scandals came out. But some also consider the party's dependence on one family to be a liability.

''India is the world's largest republican democracy and it's weird to have it ruled by a succession of increasingly inept dynasts,'' said Mukul Kesavan, a historian at the Jamia Millia Islamia university in New Delhi.

''This isn't just bad for the party, it's bad for the country because it leaves India without a functional pan-Indian party of the center,'' Kesavan said. Even in the Amethi constituency, considered a Gandhi stronghold, loyalties were wavering during the campaign.

''People say Modi has done wonders in Gujarat,'' said 33-year-old Ramesh Yadav, referring to the state where Modi has been chief minister for a decade. ''There are no industries here. Rahul made many promises when he won last time, but where are the factories he promised?''

During his campaign, Rahul Gandhi has tried to whip up some fire into his speeches, but the crowds appeared far from impressed.

In many ways, he was overshadowed by his sister, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, a stay-at-home mother who addressed party workers and public rallies with ease and a comfort level that many have compared to that of her grandmother, Indira.

The last time the family faced such a serious challenge was in the 1980s, when then-Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi's government lost the 1989 elections, mainly due to charges that Swedish gun manufacturer Bofors AB paid bribes to supply Howitzer field guns to the Indian army.

Despite the Gandhi family's waning popularity, it is premature to count them out entirely.

The family, which has been likened to India's version of the British monarchy or America's Kennedy dynasty, is a subject of fascination in India.

And the Gandhis' message of lifting the country's impoveri

Congress can't even reach 50 seats :lol: really wondering what hit India this time :rofl:
Indian voters will forget in afew years and re vote these assholes back to power. Pressure should be maintained to ensure that mother and son duo are never ever elected again. If we vote for them again and again, we will look like retards in the world.
Indian voters will forget in afew years and re vote these assholes back to power. Pressure should be maintained to ensure that mother and son duo are never ever elected again. If we vote for them again and again, we will look like retards in the world.

That is naive.

One thing I truly admire about Congress is their chain of authority. Nobody questions the decisions of the leaders, and it is very important to regulate a political party to prevent the chaos which I've seen in a couple of parties lately (AAP for example, or even internal conflicts in BJP). Some may claim it is more like a party of kiss asses, and rightly so, but it comes in very handy to maintain the status quo and ensure discipline among the party members.

As you've rightly pointed out, we are going to elect them back sooner or later. Modi government is going to be no different to what we've already seen (well I so hope I'm wrong!) but political transition is vital to keep the parties in check.
That's actually not true since Rahul and Sonia won their constituencies!

Indian voter has voted against the Congress party not the Gandhis, against the disastrous election campaign and of course the scams of the recent years. That's why the voters punished them and went to the next alternative for them, which is the BJP and which explains why they lost nearly as many seats as the BJP gained, while the other parties remained relative constant.
The voter might not like the way they are the only option in the Congress party, but still supported them, which actually is a problem. The party has to stand up now and demand changes, that includes the Gandhis somehow, but opens up for reforms, otherwise not even propper opposition work will be possible.
That is naive.

One thing I truly admire about Congress is their chain of authority. Nobody questions the decisions of the leaders, and it is very important to regulate a political party to prevent the chaos which I've seen in a couple of parties lately (AAP for example, or even internal conflicts in BJP). Some may claim it is more like a party of kiss asses, and rightly so, but it comes in very handy to maintain the status quo and ensure discipline among the party members.

As you've rightly pointed out, we are going to elect them back sooner or later. Modi government is going to be no different to what we've already seen (well I so hope I'm wrong!) but political transition is vital to keep the parties in check.

The voters showed what we are capable of. Indian politics need to be re booted.

I and others are going to make sure Sonia and Rahul will never, ever get elected again. At least, we will try. AAP f-ked themselves up. When they won Delhi, they should have shown what they are capable off? The very least, they should have written up good bills and show how the other parties wont pass it. But Kerijwal was too drunk with power. BJP as a party is crap. I only voted for Modi. I cannot stand the likes of Advani and others.

Congress is a party of kiss asses. Maintaining status quo is not for India's benefit only for theirs. Not a single Congress member stood up. Not once. MMS is a slave and I lost all respect for him. He should have stood up and told the public the truth but he didn't.

Wow dude. Awesome. I heard good things about Sachin Pilot...not sure though
That is the Modi euphoria talking, we'll see in which direction is he able to steer the nation.
That's actually not true since Rahul and Sonia won their constituencies!

Indian voter has voted against the Congress party not the Gandhis, against the disastrous election campaign and of course the scams of the recent years. That's why the voters punished them and went to the next alternative for them, which is the BJP and which explains why they lost nearly as many seats as the BJP gained, while the other parties remained relative constant.
The voter might not like the way they are the only option in the Congress party, but still supported them, which actually is a problem. The party has to stand up now and demand changes, that includes the Gandhis somehow, but opens up for reforms, otherwise not even propper opposition work will be possible.

Agree. Like someone stated, there will always be clueless voters infatuated with a family who done more harm than good. Amethi's statisitics are dismal but they never vote otherwise. So, let them stay backward while the rest of India progresses.

That is the Modi euphoria talking, we'll see in which direction is he able to steer the nation.

Direction? Are you kidding me? After Congress, we can only go up! The only way we wont move is with opposition that defies logic and anti India. We are keeping watch on the losers. Trust me
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