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Indian UAV Downed in China

If it was still Heron this time, we can say indian Heron UAV crashed once a year. How many Heron does IAF have?
india become a very annoying bug, sooner or later China will have to crash this bug, I just hope it happens sooner such that China can take over entire india for a change, the main benefit is that the world can finally become free of indians' funny fantasty or retarded imagination, that along worth the effects.

Ignorance does not constitute the obstacle, but arrogance does.
No information say shut down. If It was shut down, we will say shut down.

India should stop stripping chinese of their soverignty, and let them have there deserved dignity.
keep living in dream.

How could China take Indian serious if you keep producing such crap?

This is Indian: aggressive every time but alwasys ends as a joke. please send better drone next time ,We know you already ordered some USA shit.
Indian Army Heron drone crashes across Tibet border in the Sikkim sector.
(Gotta love the ‘training mission’ bit in this straightfaced official statement.)

Livefist 12:35 AM - 7 Dec 2017


Some Indian twitter users at above link also mentioned that India lost a unit of Su-30 around the LAC location several months ago.

Another poster wrote: "Why many of our air assets are crashing around LAC? We must probe this matter immediately." ==> "many" indicates more than the merely two air assets, not just the Su-30 and this Heron drone.
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From the Times of India link above (Nov 2014):

"The cost of the Heron UAV is approximately Rs 80 crores, the official said."

"Heron is a medium-altitude unmanned aerial vehicle developed by Malat division of Israel Aerospace industry. It is capable of medium altitude long endurance operations of up to 52 hours' duration. It was acquired by India from Israel."

==> Is the drone locally produced in India under the Israeli licence or India simply imports the full unit?

So HOW much the 80 crore Indian rupees in term of US dollars?

I guess most readers here except the Indian members and perhaps their South Asian neighbours will not understand the Crore unit of amount of money (equals to 10 millions) :-) thus that amount of Rs 80 crores rings nothing at the readers' heads :lol::D

The exchange rate of USD vs INR varies over time but right now is hovering around ~65 Rupees = 1 US Dollar. So overall, 1 crore Rupees = 10 million Rupees = (10 Million / 65) US Dollars = 154,000 US Dollars. Therefore Rs 80 crore is worth of 80 x USD 154,000 = app. 12.3 million US dollars

WHAT is wrong with the figure here?

I wonder how can the Heron UAV cost so much per one unit? The price of 12.3 million US dollars for one unit UAV is quite expensive. Has the nation of India been so rich? Or does the Israeli company succeed to rig its stuff?
Gives China license to do the same and worse.

LOL at the crash though. What a shame. India will also become the number 1 nation in flying drone coffins.

India had taken action to deal the lack of toilet, which was effective.

UAVs of all kinds are much more prone to crashing.

Sure. You just try to hide your embarrassment.
Unfortunately it crash, I just like if this 'specimen' somehow landed safely in one of China airport nearby, just like Iranian did. That will be precious!
Mod please remove this as i happen to set up a duplicate post...

Original title:
Flashpoint, as India asks China to give back drone

India has requested China to return the Indian Army drone operating in north Sikkim, which went down in the Chinese territory on Thursday, even as Beijing accused India of violating its air space and infringing upon its territorial sovereignty.
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I like the title.

Such a humble title.
hahahahaha well India should try to get it back lol. hahahaha

MODs please let the title remain as it is. Shows Indian desperation and non actionable situation.
India asks China to give back drone

India has requested China to return the Indian Army drone operating in north Sikkim, which went down in the Chinese territory on Thursday, even as Beijing accused India of violating its air space and infringing upon its territorial sovereignty.

It must be a Heron UAV. India would not ask for a Quadcoper.
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